259 resultados para Ammonia molecule - Inversion spectrum


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Using a realistic nonlinear mathematical model for melanoma dynamics and the technique of optimal dynamic inversion (exact feedback linearization with static optimization), a multimodal automatic drug dosage strategy is proposed in this paper for complete regression of melanoma cancer in humans. The proposed strategy computes different drug dosages and gives a nonlinear state feedback solution for driving the number of cancer cells to zero. However, it is observed that when tumor is regressed to certain value, then there is no need of external drug dosages as immune system and other therapeutic states are able to regress tumor at a sufficiently fast rate which is more than exponential rate. As model has three different drug dosages, after applying dynamic inversion philosophy, drug dosages can be selected in optimized manner without crossing their toxicity limits. The combination of drug dosages is decided by appropriately selecting the control design parameter values based on physical constraints. The process is automated for all possible combinations of the chemotherapy and immunotherapy drug dosages with preferential emphasis of having maximum possible variety of drug inputs at any given point of time. Simulation study with a standard patient model shows that tumor cells are regressed from 2 x 107 to order of 105 cells because of external drug dosages in 36.93 days. After this no external drug dosages are required as immune system and other therapeutic states are able to regress tumor at greater than exponential rate and hence, tumor goes to zero (less than 0.01) in 48.77 days and healthy immune system of the patient is restored. Study with different chemotherapy drug resistance value is also carried out. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To combine the advantages of both stability and optimality-based designs, a single network adaptive critic (SNAC) aided nonlinear dynamic inversion approach is presented in this paper. Here, the gains of a dynamic inversion controller are selected in such a way that the resulting controller behaves very close to a pre-synthesized SNAC controller in the output regulation sense. Because SNAC is based on optimal control theory, it makes the dynamic inversion controller operate nearly optimal. More important, it retains the two major benefits of dynamic inversion, namely (i) a closed-form expression of the controller and (ii) easy scalability to command tracking applications without knowing the reference commands a priori. An extended architecture is also presented in this paper that adapts online to system modeling and inversion errors, as well as reduced control effectiveness, thereby leading to enhanced robustness. The strengths of this hybrid method of applying SNAC to optimize an nonlinear dynamic inversion controller is demonstrated by considering a benchmark problem in robotics, that is, a two-link robotic manipulator system. Copyright (C) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We consider the rates of relaxation of a particle in a harmonic well, subject to Levy noise characterized by its Levy index mu. Using the propagator for this Levy-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (LOUP), we show that the eigenvalue spectrum of the associated Fokker-Planck operator has the form (n + m mu)nu where nu is the force constant characterizing the well, and n, m is an element of N. If mu is irrational, the eigenvalues are all nondegenerate, but rational mu can lead to degeneracy. The maximum degeneracy is shown to be 2. The left eigenfunctions of the fractional Fokker-Planck operator are very simple while the right eigenfunctions may be obtained from the lowest eigenfunction by a combination of two different step-up operators. Further, we find that the acceptable eigenfunctions should have the asymptotic behavior vertical bar x vertical bar(-n1-n2 mu) as vertical bar x vertical bar -> infinity, with n(1) and n(2) being positive integers, though this condition alone is not enough to identify them uniquely. We also assert that the rates of relaxation of LOUP are determined by the eigenvalues of the associated fractional Fokker-Planck operator and do not depend on the initial state if the moments of the initial distribution are all finite. If the initial distribution has fat tails, for which the higher moments diverge, one can have nonspectral relaxation, as pointed out by Toenjes et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 150602 (2013)].


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This paper considers cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms for Cognitive Radios which focus on reducing the number of samples to make a reliable detection. We propose algorithms based on decentralized sequential hypothesis testing in which the Cognitive Radios sequentially collect the observations, make local decisions and send them to the fusion center for further processing to make a final decision on spectrum usage. The reporting channel between the Cognitive Radios and the fusion center is assumed more realistically as a Multiple Access Channel (MAC) with receiver noise. Furthermore the communication for reporting is limited, thereby reducing the communication cost. We start with an algorithm where the fusion center uses an SPRT-like (Sequential Probability Ratio Test) procedure and theoretically analyze its performance. Asymptotically, its performance is close to the optimal centralized test without fusion center noise. We further modify this algorithm to improve its performance at practical operating points. Later we generalize these algorithms to handle uncertainties in SNR and fading. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop the formalism of quantum mechanics on three-dimensional fuzzy space and solve the Schrodinger equation for the free particle, finite and infinite fuzzy wells. We show that all results reduce to the appropriate commutative limits. A high energy cut-off is found for the free particle spectrum, which also results in the modification of the high energy dispersion relation. An ultra-violet/infra-red duality is manifest in the free particle spectrum. The finite well also has an upper bound on the possible energy eigenvalues. The phase shifts due to scattering around the finite fuzzy potential well are calculated.


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This paper investigates the use of adaptive group testing to find a spectrum hole of a specified bandwidth in a given wideband of interest. We propose a group testing-based spectrum hole search algorithm that exploits sparsity in the primary spectral occupancy by testing a group of adjacent subbands in a single test. This is enabled by a simple and easily implementable sub-Nyquist sampling scheme for signal acquisition by the cognitive radios (CRs). The sampling scheme deliberately introduces aliasing during signal acquisition, resulting in a signal that is the sum of signals from adjacent subbands. Energy-based hypothesis tests are used to provide an occupancy decision over the group of subbands, and this forms the basis of the proposed algorithm to find contiguous spectrum holes of a specified bandwidth. We extend this framework to a multistage sensing algorithm that can be employed in a variety of spectrum sensing scenarios, including noncontiguous spectrum hole search. Furthermore, we provide the analytical means to optimize the group tests with respect to the detection thresholds, number of samples, group size, and number of stages to minimize the detection delay under a given error probability constraint. Our analysis allows one to identify the sparsity and SNR regimes where group testing can lead to significantly lower detection delays compared with a conventional bin-by-bin energy detection scheme; the latter is, in fact, a special case of the group test when the group size is set to 1 bin. We validate our analytical results via Monte Carlo simulations.


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A new 1D NMR experiment cited as `Quick G-SERF', which re-introduces selective proton-proton scalar interactions in a pure shift spectrum during real time data acquisition, is reported. The method provides information on multiple proton-proton couplings from a single experiment, analogous to the 2D G-SERF technique, while significantly shortening the experimental time by 1-2 orders of magnitude due to reduced dimension and enhanced sensitivity.


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A simple method employing an optical probe is presented to measure density variations in a hypersonic flow obstructed by a test model in a typical shock tunnel. The probe has a plane light wave trans-illuminating the flow and casting a shadow of a random dot pattern. Local slopes of the distorted wavefront are obtained from shifts of the dots in the pattern. Local shifts in the dots are accurately measured by cross-correlating local shifted shadows with the corresponding unshifted originals. The measured slopes are suitably unwrapped by using a discrete cosine transform based phase unwrapping procedure and also through iterative procedures. The unwrapped phase information is used in an iterative scheme for a full quantitative recovery of density distribution in the shock around the model through refraction tomographic inversion. Hypersonic flow field parameters around a missile shaped body at a free-stream Mach number of 5.8 measured using this technique are compared with the numerically estimated values. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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A neural-network-aided nonlinear dynamic inversion-based hybrid technique of model reference adaptive control flight-control system design is presented in this paper. Here, the gains of the nonlinear dynamic inversion-based flight-control system are dynamically selected in such a manner that the resulting controller mimics a single network, adaptive control, optimal nonlinear controller for state regulation. Traditional model reference adaptive control methods use a linearized reference model, and the presented control design method employs a nonlinear reference model to compute the nonlinear dynamic inversion gains. This innovation of designing the gain elements after synthesizing the single network adaptive controller maintains the advantages that an optimal controller offers, yet it retains a simple closed-form control expression in state feedback form, which can easily be modified for tracking problems without demanding any a priori knowledge of the reference signals. The strength of the technique is demonstrated by considering the longitudinal motion of a nonlinear aircraft system. An extended single network adaptive control/nonlinear dynamic inversion adaptive control design architecture is also presented, which adapts online to three failure conditions, namely, a thrust failure, an elevator failure, and an inaccuracy in the estimation of C-M alpha. Simulation results demonstrate that the presented adaptive flight controller generates a near-optimal response when compared to a traditional nonlinear dynamic inversion controller.


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In subject-independent acoustic-to-articulatory inversion, the articulatory kinematics of a test subject are estimated assuming that the training corpus does not include data from the test subject. The training corpus in subject-independent inversion (SII) is formed with acoustic and articulatory kinematics data and the acoustic mismatch between training and test subjects is then estimated by an acoustic normalization using acoustic data drawn from a large pool of speakers called generic acoustic space (GAS). In this work, we focus on improving the SII performance through better acoustic normalization and adaptation. We propose unsupervised and several supervised ways of clustering GAS for acoustic normalization. We perform an adaptation of acoustic models of GAS using the acoustic data of the training and test subjects in SII. It is found that SII performance significantly improves (similar to 25% relative on average) over the subject-dependent inversion when the acoustic clusters in GAS correspond to phonetic units (or states of 3-state phonetic HMMs) and when the acoustic model built on GAS is adapted to training and test subjects while optimizing the inversion criterion. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Jacalin is among the most thoroughly studied lectins. Its carbohydrate-binding site has also been well characterized. It has been postulated that the lower affinity of beta-galactosides for jacalin compared with beta-galactosides is caused by steric interactions of the substituents in the former with the protein. This issue has been explored energetically and structurally using different appropriate carbohydrate complexes of jacalin. It turns out that the earlier postulation is not correct. The interactions of the substituent with the binding site remain essentially the same irrespective of the anomeric nature of the substitution. This is achieved through a distortion of the sugar ring in beta-galactosides. The difference in energy, and therefore in affinity, is caused by a distortion of the sugar ring in beta-galactosides. The elucidation of this unprecedented distortion of the ligand as a strategy for modulating affinity is of general interest. The crystal structures also provide a rationale for the relative affinities of the different carbohydrate ligands for jacalin.


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We describe inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MttopoI), an essential mycobacterial enzyme, by two related compounds, imipramine and norclomipramine, of which imipramine is clinically used as an antidepressant. These molecules showed growth inhibition of both Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells. The mechanism of action of these two molecules was investigated by analyzing the individual steps of the topoisomerase I (topoI) reaction cycle. The compounds stimulated cleavage, thereby perturbing the cleavage-religation equilibrium. Consequently, these molecules inhibited the growth of the cells overexpressing topoI at a low MIC. Docking of the molecules on the MttopoI model suggested that they bind near the metal binding site of the enzyme. The DNA relaxation activity of the metal binding mutants harboring mutations in the DxDxE motif was differentially affected by the molecules, suggesting that the metal coordinating residues contribute to the interaction of the enzyme with the drug. Taken together, the results highlight the potential of these small molecules, which poison the Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I, as leads for the development of improved molecules to combat mycobacterial infections. Moreover, targeting metal coordination in topoisomerases might be a general strategy to develop new lead molecules.


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The inversion of canopy reflectance models is widely used for the retrieval of vegetation properties from remote sensing. This study evaluates the retrieval of soybean biophysical variables of leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll content, canopy chlorophyll content, and equivalent leaf water thickness from proximal reflectance data integrated broadbands corresponding to moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer, thematic mapper, and linear imaging self scanning sensors through inversion of the canopy radiative transfer model, PROSAIL. Three different inversion approaches namely the look-up table, genetic algorithm, and artificial neural network were used and performances were evaluated. Application of the genetic algorithm for crop parameter retrieval is a new attempt among the variety of optimization problems in remote sensing which have been successfully demonstrated in the present study. Its performance was as good as that of the look-up table approach and the artificial neural network was a poor performer. The general order of estimation accuracy for para-meters irrespective of inversion approaches was leaf area index > canopy chlorophyll content > leaf chlorophyll content > equivalent leaf water thickness. Performance of inversion was comparable for broadband reflectances of all three sensors in the optical region with insignificant differences in estimation accuracy among them.


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An area-efficient, wideband RF frequency synthesizer, which simultaneously generates multiple local oscillator (LO) signals, is designed. It is suitable for parallel wideband RF spectrum sensing in cognitive radios. The frequency synthesizer consists of an injection locked oscillator cascade (ILOC) where all the LO signals are derived from a single reference oscillator. The ILOC is implemented in a 130-nm technology with an active area of . It generates 4 uniformly spaced LO carrier frequencies from 500 MHz to 2 GHz. This design is the first known implementation of a CMOS based ILOC for wide-band RF spectrum sensing applications.


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In this work, the hypothesis testing problem of spectrum sensing in a cognitive radio is formulated as a Goodness-of-fit test against the general class of noise distributions used in most communications-related applications. A simple, general, and powerful spectrum sensing technique based on the number of weighted zero-crossings in the observations is proposed. For the cases of uniform and exponential weights, an expression for computing the near-optimal detection threshold that meets a given false alarm probability constraint is obtained. The proposed detector is shown to be robust to two commonly encountered types of noise uncertainties, namely, the noise model uncertainty, where the PDF of the noise process is not completely known, and the noise parameter uncertainty, where the parameters associated with the noise PDF are either partially or completely unknown. Simulation results validate our analysis, and illustrate the performance benefits of the proposed technique relative to existing methods, especially in the low SNR regime and in the presence of noise uncertainties.