279 resultados para Affinity


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Donor-acceptor-donor-structured thiophene derivative-based conducting polymer poly(7,9-dithiophene-2yl-8H-cyclopentaa]acenaphthalene-8-one) was chemically synthesized. This polymer was used to modify both glassy-carbon and carbon-paste electrode, which was used to detect lead(II) ions present in water in the range of 1 mM to 0.1 mu M. Cyclic voltammetry confirms the formation of the co-ordination complex between the soft segment of polymer and the dissolved lead ion. Anodic stripping voltammetry was carried out by the modified electrode to determine the lower limit of detection of dissolved lead(II) species in the solution. Differential adsorptive stripping and impedance measurements were also conducted to find the lowest possible response of the as-synthesized polymer to lead(II) ion in water. The electrochemical performance of the modified electrodes at different pH (4, 7 and 9) environments was carried out by stripping voltammetry, to get optimum sensitivity and stability under these conditions. Finally, interference analysis was carried out to detect the modified electrode's sensitivity towards lead ion affinity in water.


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Bacterial DNA topoisomerase I (topoI) catalyzes relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA. The enzyme alters DNA topology through protein-operated DNA gate, switching between open and closed conformations during its reaction. We describe the mechanism of inhibition of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoI by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that bind with high affinity and inhibit at 10-50 nM concentration. Unlike other inhibitors of topoisomerases, the mAbs inhibited several steps of relaxation reaction, namely DNA binding, cleavage, strand passage, and enzyme-DNA dissociation. The enhanced religation of the cleaved DNA in presence of the mAb indicated closing of the enzyme DNA gate. The formation of enzyme-DNA heterocatenane in the presence of the mAbs as a result of closing the gate could be inferred by the salt resistance of the complex, visualized by atomic force microscopy and confirmed by fluorescence measurements. Locking the enzyme-DNA complex as a closed clamp restricted the movements of the DNA gate, affecting all of the major steps of the relaxation reaction. Enzyme trapped on DNA in closed clamp conformation formed roadblock for the elongating DNA polymerase. The unusual multistep inhibition of mycobacterial topoisomerases may facilitate lead molecule development, and the mAbs would also serve as valuable tools to probe the enzyme mechanism.


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The widely conserved omega subunit encoded by rpoZ is the smallest subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) but is dispensable for bacterial growth. Function of omega is known to be substituted by GroEL in omega-null strain, which thus does not exhibit a discernable phenotype. In this work, we report isolation of omega variants whose expression in vivo leads to a dominant lethal phenotype. Studies show that in contrast to omega, which is largely unstructured, omega mutants display substantial acquisition of secondary structure. By detailed study with one of the mutants, omega(6) bearing N60D substitution, the mechanism of lethality has been deciphered. Biochemical analysis reveals that omega(6) binds to beta ` subunit in vitro with greater affinity than that of omega. The reconstituted RNAP holoenzyme in the presence of omega(6) in vitro is defective in transcription initiation. Formation of a faulty RNAP in the presence of mutant omega results in death of the cell. Furthermore, lethality of omega(6) is relieved in cells expressing the rpoC2112 allele encoding beta ` (2112), a variant beta ` bearing Y457S substitution, immediately adjacent to the beta ` catalytic center. Our results suggest that the enhanced omega(6)-beta ` interaction may perturb the plasticity of the RNAP active center, implicating a role for omega and its flexible state.


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Background & objectives: Pre-clinical toxicology evaluation of biotechnology products is a challenge to the toxicologist. The present investigation is an attempt to evaluate the safety profile of the first indigenously developed recombinant DNA anti-rabies vaccine DRV (100 mu g)] and combination rabies vaccine CRV (100 mu g DRV and 1.25 IU of cell culture-derived inactivated rabies virus vaccine)], which are intended for clinical use by intramuscular route in Rhesus monkeys. Methods: As per the regulatory requirements, the study was designed for acute (single dose - 14 days), sub-chronic (repeat dose - 28 days) and chronic (intended clinical dose - 120 days) toxicity tests using three dose levels, viz. therapeutic, average (2x therapeutic dose) and highest dose (10 x therapeutic dose) exposure in monkeys. The selection of the model i.e. monkey was based on affinity and rapid higher antibody response during the efficacy studies. An attempt was made to evaluate all parameters which included physical, physiological, clinical, haematological and histopathological profiles of all target organs, as well as Tiers I, II, III immunotoxicity parameters. Results: In acute toxicity there was no mortality in spite of exposing the monkeys to 10XDRV. In sub chronic and chronic toxicity studies there were no abnormalities in physical, physiological, neurological, clinical parameters, after administration of test compound in intended and 10 times of clinical dosage schedule of DRV and CRV under the experimental conditions. Clinical chemistry, haematology, organ weights and histopathology studies were essentially unremarkable except the presence of residual DNA in femtogram level at site of injection in animal which received 10X DRV in chronic toxicity study. No Observational Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) of DRV is 1000 ug/dose (10 times of therapeutic dose) if administered on 0, 4, 7, 14, 28th day. Interpretation & conclusions: The information generated by this study not only draws attention to the need for national and international regulatory agencies in formulating guidelines for pre-clinical safety evaluation of biotech products but also facilitates the development of biopharmaceuticals as safe potential therapeutic agents.


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Flaviviral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) initiate replication of the single-stranded RNA genome in the absence of a primer. The template sequence 5'-CU-3' at the 3'-end of the flaviviral genome is highly conserved. Surprisingly, flaviviral RdRps require high concentrations of the second incoming nucleotide GTP to catalyze de novo template-dependent RNA synthesis. We show that GTP stimulates de novo RNA synthesis by RdRp from Japanese encephalitis virus (jRdRp) also. Crystal structures of jRdRp complexed with GTP and ATP provide a basis for specific recognition of GTP. Comparison of the jRdRp(GTP) structure with other viral RdRp-GTP structures shows that GTP binds jRdRp in a novel conformation. Apo-jRdRp structure suggests that the conserved motif F of jRdRp occupies multiple conformations in absence of GTP. Motif F becomes ordered on GTP binding and occludes the nucleotide triphosphate entry tunnel. Mutational analysis of key residues that interact with GTP evinces that the jRdRp(GTP) structure represents a novel pre-initiation state. Also, binding studies show that GTP binding reduces affinity of RdRp for RNA, but the presence of the catalytic Mn2+ ion abolishes this inhibition. Collectively, these observations suggest that the observed pre-initiation state may serve as a check-point to prevent erroneous template-independent RNA synthesis by jRdRp during initiation.


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We demonstrate that etched fiber Bragg gratings (eFBGs) coated with single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphene oxide (GO) are highly sensitive and accurate biochemical sensors. Here, for detecting protein concanavalin A (Con A), mannose-functionalized poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimers (DMs) have been attached to the SWNTs (or GO) coated on the surface modified eFBG. The dendrimers act as multivalent ligands, having specificity to detect lectin Con A. The specificity of the sensor is shown by a much weaker response (factor of similar to 2500 for the SWNT and similar to 2000 for the GO coated eFBG) to detect non specific lectin peanut agglutinin. DM molecules functionalized GO coated eFBG sensors showed excellent specificity to Con A even in the presence of excess amount of an interfering protein bovine serum albumin. The shift in the Bragg wavelength (Delta lambda(B)) with respect to the lambda(B) values of SWNT (or GO)-DM coated eFBG for various concentrations of lectin follows Langmuir type adsorption isotherm, giving an affinity constant of similar to 4 x 10(7) M-1 for SWNTs coated eFBG and similar to 3 x 10(8) M-1 for the GO coated eFBG. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cells of Bacillus subtilis exhibited higher affinity towards hematite than to kaolinite. Bacterial cells were grown and adapted in the presence of hematite and kaolinite. Higher amounts of mineral-specific proteinaceous compounds were secreted in the presence of kaolinite while hematite-grown cells produced higher amounts of exopolysaccharides. Extracellular proteins (EP) exhibited higher adsorption density on kaolinite which was rendered more hydrophobic. Hematite surfaces were rendered more hydrophilic due to increased adsorption of extracellular polysaccharides (ECP). Significant surface chemical changes were produced due to interaction between minerals and extracellular proteins and polysaccharides. Iron oxides such as hematite could be effectively removed from kaolinite clays using selective bioflocculation of hematite after interaction with EP and ECP extracted from mineral-grown cells. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) oligomers (dA(20), d(C(3)TA(2))(3)C-3] or dT(20)) are able to disperse single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in water at pH 7 through non-covalent wrapping on the nanotube surface. At lower pH, an alteration of the DNA secondary structure leads to precipitation of the SWNTs from the dispersion. The structural change of dA(20) takes place from the single-stranded to the A-motif form at pH 3.5 while in case of d(C(3)TA(2))(3)C-3] the change occurs from the single-stranded to the i-motif form at pH 5. Due to this structural change, the DNA is no longer able to bind the nanotube and hence the SWNT precipitates from its well-dispersed state. However, this could be reversed on restoring the pH to 7, where the DNA again relaxes in the single-stranded form. In this way the dispersion and precipitation process could be repeated over and over again. Variable temperature UV-Vis-NIR and CD spectroscopy studies showed that the DNA-SWNT complexes were thermally stable even at similar to 90 degrees C at pH 7. Broadband NIR laser (1064 nm) irradiation also demonstrated the stability of the DNA-SWNT complex against local heating introduced through excitation of the carbon nanotubes. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay confirmed the formation of a stable DNA-SWNT complex at pH 7 and also the generation of DNA secondary structures (A/i-motif) upon acidification. The interactions of ss-DNA with SWNTs cause debundling of the nanotubes from its assembly. Selective affinity of the semiconducting SWNTs towards DNA than the metallic ones enables separation of the two as evident from spectroscopic as well as electrical conductivity studies.


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Pyridoxal kinase (PdxK; EC belongs to the phosphotransferase family of enzymes and catalyzes the conversion of the three active forms of vitamin B-6, pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, to their phosphorylated forms and thereby plays a key role in pyridoxal 5 `-phosphate salvage. In the present study, pyridoxal kinase from Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography and crystallized. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 2.6 angstrom resolution at 100 K. The crystal belonged to the primitive orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unitcell parameters a = 65.11, b = 72.89, c = 107.52 angstrom. The data quality obtained by routine processing was poor owing to the presence of strong diffraction rings caused by a polycrystalline material of an unknown small molecule in all oscillation images. Excluding the reflections close to powder/polycrystalline rings provided data of sufficient quality for structure determination. A preliminary structure solution has been obtained by molecular replacement with the Phaser program in the CCP4 suite using E. coli pyridoxal kinase (PDB entry 2ddm) as the phasing model. Further refinement and analysis of the structure are likely to provide valuable insights into catalysis by pyridoxal kinases.


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Multiple methods currently exist for rapid construction and screening of single-site saturation mutagenesis (SSM) libraries in which every codon or nucleotide in a DNA fragment is individually randomized. Nucleotide sequences of each library member before and after screening or selection can be obtained through deep sequencing. The relative enrichment of each mutant at each position provides information on its contribution to protein activity or ligand-binding under the conditions of the screen. Such saturation scans have been applied to diverse proteins to delineate hot-spot residues, stability determinants, and for comprehensive fitness estimates. The data have been used to design proteins with enhanced stability, activity and altered specificity relative to wild-type, to test computational predictions of binding affinity, and for protein model discrimination. Future improvements in deep sequencing read lengths and accuracy should allow comprehensive studies of epistatic effects, of combinational variation at multiple sites, and identification of spatially proximate residues.


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Systematic investigation on synergetic effects of geometry, length, denticity, and asymmetry of donors was performed through the formation of a series of uncommon Pd-II aggregates by employing the donor in a multicomponent self-assembly of a cis-blocked 90 degrees Pd-II acceptor and a tetratopic donor. Some of these assemblies represent the first examples of these types of structures, and their formation is not anticipated by only taking the geometry of the donor and the acceptor building units into account. Analysis of the crystal packing of the X-ray structure revealed several H bonds between the counteranions (NO3-) and water molecules (OHON). Moreover, H-bonded 3D-networks of water are present in the molecular pockets, which show water-adsorption properties with some variation in water affinity. Interestingly, these complexes exhibit proton conductivity (1.87x10(-5)-6.52x10(-4)Scm(-1)) at 296K and low relative humidity (ca. 46%) with activation energies of 0.29-0.46eV. Moreover, the conductivities further increase with the enhancement of humidity. The ability of these assemblies to exhibit proton-conducting properties under low-humidity conditions makes these materials highly appealing as electrolytes in batteries and in fuel-cell applications.


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This work considers how the properties of hydrogen bonded complexes, X-H center dot center dot center dot Y, are modified by the quantum motion of the shared proton. Using a simple two-diabatic state model Hamiltonian, the analysis of the symmetric case, where the donor (X) and acceptor (Y) have the same proton affinity, is carried out. For quantitative comparisons, a parametrization specific to the O-H center dot center dot center dot O complexes is used. The vibrational energy levels of the one-dimensional ground state adiabatic potential of the model are used to make quantitative comparisons with a vast body of condensed phase data, spanning a donor-acceptor separation (R) range of about 2.4-3.0 angstrom, i.e., from strong to weak hydrogen bonds. The position of the proton (which determines the X-H bond length) and its longitudinal vibrational frequency, along with the isotope effects in both are described quantitatively. An analysis of the secondary geometric isotope effect, using a simple extension of the two-state model, yields an improved agreement of the predicted variation with R of frequency isotope effects. The role of bending modes is also considered: their quantum effects compete with those of the stretching mode for weak to moderate H-bond strengths. In spite of the economy in the parametrization of the model used, it offers key insights into the defining features of H-bonds, and semi-quantitatively captures several trends. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is the primary target of the humoral response during infection/vaccination. Current influenza vaccines typically fail to elicit/boost broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs), thereby limiting their efficacy. Although several bnAbs bind to the conserved stem domain of HA, focusing the immune response to this conserved stem in the presence of the immunodominant, variable head domain of HA is challenging. We report the design of a thermotolerant, disulfide-free, and trimeric HA stem-fragment immunogen which mimics the native, prefusion conformation of HA and binds conformation specific bnAbs with high affinity. The immunogen elicited bnAbs that neutralized highly divergent group 1 (H1 and H5 subtypes) and 2 (H3 subtype) influenza virus strains in vitro. Stem immunogens designed from unmatched, highly drifted influenza strains conferred robust protection against a lethal heterologous A/Puerto Rico/8/34 virus challenge in vivo. Soluble, bacterial expression of such designed immunogens allows for rapid scale-up during pandemic outbreaks.


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Mycobacteria harbor unique proteins that regulate protein lysine acylation in a cAMP-regulated manner. These lysine acyltransferases from Mycobacterium smegmatis (KATms) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (KATmt) show distinctive biochemical properties in terms of cAMP binding affinity to the N-terminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain and allosteric activation of the C-terminal acyltransferase domain. Here we provide evidence for structural features in KATms that account for high affinity cAMP binding and elevated acyltransferase activity in the absence of cAMP. Structure-guided mutational analysis converted KATms from a cAMP-regulated to a cAMP-dependent acyltransferase and identified a unique asparagine residue in the acyltransferase domain of KATms that assists in the enzymatic reaction in the absence of a highly conserved glutamate residue seen in Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferase-like acyltransferases. Thus, we have identified mechanisms by which properties of similar proteins have diverged in two species of mycobacteria by modifications in amino acid sequence, which can dramatically alter the abundance of conformational states adopted by a protein.


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Diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based pi-conjugated copolymers with thiophene have exceptionally high electron mobilities. This paper investigates electronic properties and charge carrier mobilities of selenophene containing analogues. Two new copolymers, with alternating thiophene DPP (TDPP) and selenophene DPP (SeDPP) units, were synthesized. Two side-chains, hexyl (Hex) and triethylene glycol (TEG) were employed, yielding polymers designated as PTDPPSeDPP-Hex and PTDPPSeDPP-TEG. Selenophene systems have smaller band gaps, with concomitant enhancement of the stability of the reduced state. For both polymers, ambipolar mobilities were observed in organic field-effect transistors (OFET). Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) data indicates preferential edge-on orientation of PTDPPSeDPP-TEG, which leads to superior charge transport properties of the TEG substituted polymer, as compared to its Hex analogue. Time-dependent-density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations corroborate the decrease in the optical band gap with the inclusion of selenophene. Ambipolar charge transport is rationalized by exceptionally wide conduction bands. Delta SCF calculations confirm the larger electron affinity, and therefore the greater stability, of the reduced form of the selenophene-containing DPP polymer in presence of chloroform.