382 resultados para sheet metal forming


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Transition-metal phosphites of cobalt and vanadium, [C4N2H12][Co(HPO3)(2)] (I), [C4N2H14][Co(HPO3)(2)] (II), [Co[C4H8N12)(H2PO3)(2)] (III),[C4N2H14][(VF)-F-III(HPO3)(2)]center dot H2O (IV), and[C3N2H5](2)[V-4(III)(H2O)(3)(HPO3)(4)(HPO4)(3)] (V), have been synthesized and characterized. Organophosphorus esters were employed to stabilize cobalt in tetrahedral coordination and also to prepare the low-dimensional structures, which are otherwise difficult to synthesize. The structures have one- (I, II, IV), two- (III) and three-dimensionally (V) extended networks built up by the linking of metal polyhedra and phosphite units. Another vanadyl phosphite, [C2N2H10][((VO)-O-IV)(3)(H2O) (HPO3)(4)]center dot H2O,([15]) was also prepared and investigated extensively by ESR, magnetic susceptibility, and other studies. All the compounds in the present study exhibit antiferromagnetic interactions. Well-established magnetic models have been used to fit the experimental data. The compounds havealso been characterized in detail by using UV/Vis spectroscopic studies.


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Five-coordinate, neutral transition metal complexes of newly designed pyridine-2-ethyl-(3-carboxyhdeneamino)-3-(2-phenyl)-1,2-dihydroquinazoli n-4(3H)-one (L) were synthesized and characterized The structure of ligand is confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies The compounds were evaluated for the anti-inflammatory activity by carrageenan-induced rat paw edema model while their analgesic activity was determined by acetic acid-induced writhing test in mice wherein the transition metal complexes were found to be more active than the free ligand (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS All rights reserved.


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Integrating low dielectric permittivity (low-k) polymers to metals is an exacting fundamental challenge because poor bonding between low-polarizability moieties and metals precludes good interfacial adhesion. Conventional adhesion-enhancing methods such as using intermediary layers are unsuitable for engineering polymer/metal interfaces for many applications because of the collateral increase in dielectric permittivity. Here, we demonstrate a completely new approach without surface treatments or intermediary layers to obtain an excellent interfacial fracture toughness of > 13 J/m(2) in a model system comprising copper. and a cross-linked polycarbosilane with k similar to 2.7 obtained by curing a cyclolinear polycarbosilane in air.Our results suggest that interfacial oxygen catalyzed molecularring-opening and anchoring of the opened ring moieties of the polymer to copper is the main toughening mechanism. This novel approach of realizing adherent low-k polymer/metal structures without intermediary layers by activating metal-anchoring polymer moieties at the interface could be adapted for applications such as device wiring and packaging, and laminates and composites.


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A theory of the insulator-metal transition in transition-metal compounds is developed in terms of the collapse of the effective energy gap which is a function of the thermally excited electron-hole pairs. This dependence is shown to arise from the hole-lattice interaction. The reaction of the lattice is found to be equivalent to generating an internal positive pressure (strain). Estimates show that the observed typical behaviour of the conductivity jump and the change of volume at the transition temperature can be explained by the present theory.


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ALTHOUGH titanium is determined colorimetrically in aqueous sulphuric acid medium in presence of excess of hydrogen peroxide, the nature of the colour-forming species is not known definitely. Schwarz1 suggested that the colour was due to the peroxo-disulphato titanate anion [O 2Ti(SO4)2]2-. On the other hand, Jahr2 and later Gastinger3 considered that the colour of the compound was due to the peroxy titanyl cation [TiO2 aq.] 2+, and suggested the following equilibrium in solution: Schaeppi and Treadwell4 attributed the colour bo O2TiSO4 or [O2Ti(SO4)2]2-, whereas Babko and Volkova5 represented the coloured complex ion as [Ti(H 2O2)]4+. Mori, Shibata, Kyuno and Ito 6 regarded the coloured species as [TiO2 aq.]2+ or [Ti(OH)2 (H2O)(H2O2)] 2+, assuming the co-ordination number of titanium to be four. Thus, a variety of constitutions has been proposed to explain the colour-forming species of the titanium complex, based on the investigations carried out in dilute sulphuric acid medium, but the complex has not been isolated so far.


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A detailed investigation of the hydrolysis of nickel in the lower concentration range has been made. The results have been analysed on the basis of 'Core + links' theory and on the assumption of the formation of one predominant complex. Evidence is obtained for the formation of Ni2 (OH)62- and its stability constant is calculated to be 1038.78


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Expressions for the phase change Φ suffered by microwaves when transmitted through an artificial dielectric composed of metallic discs arranged in a three-dimensional array have been derived with different approaches as follows (i) molecular theory, (ii) electromagnetic theory and (iii) transmission line theory. The phase change depends on the distance t that the wave traverses inside the dielectric and also the spacing d between centre to centre of any two adjacent discs in the three principal directions. Molecular theory indicates Φ as an increasing function of t, whereas, the other two theories indicate Φ as an oscillatory function of t. The transmission line theory also exhibits Φ to be real or imaginary depending on t. Experimental values of Φ as a function of t have been obtained with the help of a microwave (3·2 cms wavelength) interferometer for two dielectrics having d as 1·91 cms and 2·22 cms respectively.


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Describes a simple triggered vacuum gap developed for initiating electric arcs in vacuum which uses the property that the voltage required to breakdown a gap in vacuum in the presence of a solid insulating material is considerably less than the voltage required in the absence of such material. In this triggered vacuum gap a solid insulating material is used in the angular space between the main cathode and the concentric trigger electrode forming the auxiliary gap. Different materials like epoxy resin, Teflon (PTFE) and mica have been used. The trigger voltage was found to vary in the range 560-1840 V. The results with epoxy and Teflon were unsatisfactory because the trigger voltages showed wide scatter and the auxiliary gap was soon bridged by metal particles eroded from the electrodes. Though the trigger voltages required with mica were relatively high, consistent triggering could be obtained for a large number of trials before the auxiliary gap was bridged. This was probably due to better thermal stability of mica as compared with either epoxy or Teflon.


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In attempting to determine the nature of the enzyme system mediating the conversion of catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone, in Tecoma leaves, further purification of the enzyme was undertaken. The crude enzyme from Tecoma leaves was processed further by protamine sulfate precipitation, positive adsorption on tricalcium phosphate gel, and elution and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex. This procedure yielded a 120-fold purified enzyme which stoichiometrically converted catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone. The purity of the enzyme system was assessed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The approximate molecular weight of the enzyme was assessed as 200,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The enzyme functioned optimally at pH 7.1 and at 35 °C. The Km for catechol was determined as 4 × 10−4 Image . The enzyme did not oxidize o-dihydric phenols other than catechol and it did not exhibit any activity toward monohydric and trihydric phenols and flavonoids. Copper-chelating agents did not inhibit the enzyme activity. Copper could not be detected in the purified enzyme preparations. The purified enzyme was not affected by extensive dialysis against copper-complexing agents. It did not show any peroxidase activity and it was not inhibited by catalase. Hydrogen peroxide formation could not be detected during the catalytic reaction. The enzymatic conversion of catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone by the purified Tecoma leaf enzyme was suppressed by such reducing agents as GSH and cysteamine. The purified enzyme was not sensitive to carbon monoxide. It was not inhibited by thiol inhibitors. The Tecoma leaf was found to be localized in the soluble fraction of the cell. Treatment of the purified enzyme with acid, alkali, and urea led to the progressive denaturation of the enzyme.


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Bacillus subtilis BacB is an oxidase that is involved in the production of the antibiotic bacilysin. This protein contains two double-stranded beta-helix (cupin) domains fused in a compact arrangement. BacB crystallizes in three crystal forms under similar crystallization conditions. An interesting observation was that a slight perturbation of the crystallization droplet resulted in the nucleation of a different crystal form. An X-ray absorption scan of BacB suggested the presence of cobalt and iron in the crystal. Here, a comparative analysis of the different crystal forms of BacB is presented in an effort to identify the basis for the different lattices. It is noted that metal ions mediating interactions across the asymmetric unit dominate the different packing arrangements. Furthermore, a normalized B-factor analysis of all the crystal structures suggests that the solvent-exposed metal ions decrease the flexibility of a loop segment, perhaps influencing the choice of crystal form. The residues coordinating the surface metal ion are similar in the triclinic and monoclinic crystal forms. The coordinating ligands for the corresponding metal ion in the tetragonal crystal form are different, leading to a tighter packing arrangement. Although BacB is a monomer in solution, a dimer of BacB serves as a template on which higher order symmetrical arrangements are formed. The different crystal forms of BacB thus provide experimental evidence for metal-ion-mediated lattice formation and crystal packing.


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The present study was designed to improve the bioavailability of forskolin by the influence of precorneal residence time and dissolution characteristics. Nanosizing is an advanced approach to overcome the issue of poor aqueous solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Forskolin nanocrystals have been successfully manufactured and stabilized by poloxamer 407. These nanocrystals have been characterized in terms of particle size by scanning electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. By formulating Noveon AA-1 polycarbophil/poloxamer 407 platforms, at specific concentrations, it was possible to obtain a pH and thermoreversible gel with a pH(gel)/T-gel close to eye pH/temperature. The addition of forskolin nanocrystals did not alter the gelation properties of Noveon AA-1 polycarbophil/poloxamer 407 and nanocrystal properties of forskolin. The formulation was stable over a period of 6 months at room temperature. In vitro release experiments indicated that the optimized platform was able to prolong and control forskolin release for more than 5 h. The in vivo studies on dexamethasone-induced glaucomatous rabbits indicated that the intraocular pressure lowering efficacy for nanosuspension/hydrogel systems was 31% and lasted for 12 h, which is significantly better than the effect of traditional eye suspension (18%, 4-6 h). Hence, our investigations successfully prove that the pH and thermoreversible polymeric in situ gel-forming nanosuspension with ability of controlled drug release exhibits a greater potential for glaucoma therapy.