326 resultados para one-dimensional theory


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We study the electronic structure of NaCuO2 by analysing experimental core level photoemission and X-ray absorption spectra using a cluster as well as an Anderson impurity Hamiltonian including the band structure of the oxygen sublattice. We show that the X-ray absorption results unambiguously establish a negative value of the charge transfer energy, A. Further, mean-field calculations for the edge-shared one-dimensional CuO2 lattice of NaCuO2 within the multiband Hubbard Hamiltonian show that the origin of the insulating nature lies in the band structure rather than in the correlation effects. LMTO-ASA band structure calculations suggest that NaCuO2 is an insulator with a gap of around 1 eV.


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Time evolution of mean-squared displacement based on molecular dynamics for a variety of adsorbate-zeolite systems is reported. Transition from ballistic to diffusive behavior is observed for all the systems. The transition times are found to be system dependent and show different types of dependence on temperature. Model calculations on a one-dimensional system are carried out which show that the characteristic length and transition times are dependent on the distance between the barriers, their heights, and temperature. In light of these findings, it is shown that it is possible to obtain valuable information about the average potential energy surface sampled under specific external conditions.


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Modeling of wave propagation in hoses, unlike in rigid pipes or waveguides, introduces a coupling between the inside medium, the hose wall, and the outside medium, This alters the axial wave number and thence the corresponding effective speed of sound inside the hose resulting in sound radiation into the outside medium, also called the breakout or shell noise, The existing literature on the subject is such that a hose cannot be integrated into the,whole piping system made up of sections of hoses, pipes, and mufflers to predict the acoustical performance in terms of transmission loss (TL), The present paper seeks to fill this gap, Three one-dimensional coupled wave equations are written to account for the presence of a yielding wall with a finite lumped transverse impedance of the hose material, The resulting wave equation can readily be reduced to a transfer matrix form using an effective wave number for a moving medium in a hose section, Incorporating the effect of fluid loading due to the outside medium also allows prediction of the transverse TL and the breakout noise, Axial TL and transverse TL have been combined into net TL needed by designers, Predictions of the axial as well as transverse TL are shown to compare well with those of a rigorous 3-D analysis using only one-hundredth of the computation time, Finally, results of some parametric studies are reported for engineers involved in the acoustical design of hoses. (C) 1996 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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In this paper, the effect of phosphate anion adsorption on the permeability values of homoionized kaolinite and montmorillonite clays is presented. The homoionized sodium, calcium and hydrogen clays are prepared by repeatedly washing the clays with 2N solutions of corresponding chlorides. Phosphate adsorption was induced by treating homoionized clays with phosphoric acids for different periods varying upto 1000 hrs. The coefficient of permeability of the clays was determined from one dimensional consolidation test results. The decrease in the permeability of kaolinite clays on phosphate adsorption has been explained on the fabric changes. For montmorillonite, both cation exchange and phosphate adsorption causes significant changes which are explained based on variation in the thickness of diffuse double layer.


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Variable cross-sectional area ducts are often used for attenuation at lower frequencies (of the order of firing frequency), whereas concentric tube resonators provide attenuation at relatively higher frequencies. In this paper, analysis of one dimensional control volume approach of conical concentric tube resonators is validated experimentally. The effects of mean flow and taper are investigated. The experimental setup is specially designed to measure the pressure transfer function in the form of Level Difference or Noise Reduction across the test muffler. It is shown that there is a reasonably good agreement between the predicted values of the Noise Reduction and the measured ones for incompressible mean flow as well as stationary medium. (C) 2011 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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Indexing of a decagonal quasicrystal using the scheme utilizing five planar vectors and one perpendicular to them is examined in detail. A method for determining the indices of zone axes that a reciprocal vector would make in a decagonal phase of any periodicity has been proposed. By this method, the location of the zone axes made by any reciprocal vector can be predicted. The orthogonality condition has been simplified for the zone axes containing twofold vectors. The locations of zone axes have also been determined by an alternative method, utilizing spherical trigonometric calculations, which confirm the zone-axis locations given by the indices. The effect of one-dimensional periodicity on the indices and the accuracy of the zone-axis determination is discussed. Rules for the formation of zone axes between several reciprocal vectors and the prediction of all the reciprocal vectors in a zone are evolved.


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The general equation for one-dimensional wave propagation at low flow Mach numbers (M less-than-or-equals, slant0·2) is derived and is solved analytically for conical and exponential shapes. The transfer matrices are derived and shown to be self-consistent. Comparison is also made with the relevant data available in the literature. The transmission loss behaviour of conical and exponential pipes, and mufflers involving these shapes, are studied. Analytical expressions of the same are given for the case of a stationary medium. The mufflers involving conical and exponential pipes are shown to be inferior to simple expansion chambers (of similar dimensions) at higher frequencies from the point of view of noise abatement, as was observed earlier experimentally.


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The aerodynamics of the blast wave produced by laser ablation is studied using the piston analogy. The unsteady one-dimensional gasdynamic equations governing the flow an solved under assumption of self-similarity. The solutions are utilized to obtain analytical expressions for the velocity, density, pressure and temperature distributions. The results predict. all the experimentally observed features of the laser produced blast waves.


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It is observed that the daily mean temperature of the soil is linear with depth and the variation of the temperature is sinusoidal with a period of a day. Based on these observations the one-dimensional heat conduction equation for the soil can be solved which gives the amplitude and phase variation of the temperature wave with depth. Given the temperature data at three levels below the surface, the amplitude and phase variation and hence the surface temperature variation over the day are estimated. The daily mean temperature of the surface is estimated from linear extrapolation of the daily means at the three levels below the surface. Estimated values of soil thermal diffusivity show a subtantial change after sudden and heavy rains.


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Two topical subjects related with the effect of magnetic field on electrical conduction and the metal-insulator transition are discussed. The first topic is an electronic phase transition in graphite, which is interpreted as a manifestation of a nestingtype instability inherent to a one-dimensional narrow Landau sub-band. The second topic is spin-dependent tranport in III-V based diluted magnetic semiconductors; in particular, a large negative magnetoresistance observed in the vicinity of metal-nonmetal transition.


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The symmetrized density-matrix renormalization-group approach is applied within the extended Hubbard-Peierls model (with parameters U/t, V/t, and bond alternation delta) to study the ordering of the lowest one-photon (1(1)B(u)(-)) and two-photon (2(1)A(g)(+)) states in one-dimensional conjugated systems with chain lengths N up to N = 80 sites. Three different types of crossovers are studied, as a function of U/t, delta, and N. The ''U crossover'' emphasizes the larger ionic character of the 2A(g) state compared to the lowest triplet excitation. The ''delta crossover'' shows strong dependence on both N and U/t. the ''N crossover'' illustrates the more localized nature of the 2A(g) excitation relative to the 1B(u) excitation at intermediate correlation strengths.


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We report crystal magnetic susceptibility results of two S = 1/2 one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets, KFeS2 and CsFeS2. Both compounds consist of (FeS4)(n) chains with an average Fe-Fe distance of 2.7 Angstrom. In KFeS2, all intrachain Fe-Fe distances are identical. Its magnetic susceptibility is typical of a regular antiferromagnetic chain with spin-spin exchange parameter J = -440.7 K. In CsFeS2, however, the Fe-Fe distances alternate between 2.61 and 2.82 Angstrom. This is reflected in its magnetic susceptibility, which could be fitted with J = -640 K, and the degree of alternation, alpha = 0.3. These compounds form a unique pair, and allow for a convenient experimental comparison of the magnetic properties of regular versus alternating Heisenberg chains.


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The polynuclear copper(II) complex [{Cu2L(O2CC5H4N)}. C2H5OH](x) (1), where H3L is a 1∶2 Schiff base derived from 1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol and salicylaldehyde, has been prepared and structurally characterized. The structure consists of a one-dimensional zigzag chain in which the binuclear [Cu2L](+) units are covalently linked by isonicotinate ligands to give a syndiotactic arrangement of the copper ions protruding outside the chain. In the basic unit, the copper(II) centres are bridged by an alkoxo and a carboxylato ligand, giving a Cu ... Cu distance of 3.492(3) Angstrom and a Cu-O-Cu angle of 130.9(2)degrees. While one copper centre has a square-planar geometry, the other copper is square-pyramidal with the pyridine nitrogen being the axial ligand. The visible electronic spectrum of 1 shows a broad d-d band at 615 nm. The complex shows a rhombic X-band EPR spectral pattern in the polycrystalline phase at 77 K. Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the temperature range 22 to 295 K demonstrate the antiferromagnetic behaviour of 1. A theoretical fit to the magnetic data is based on a model assuming 1 as an equimolar mixture of copper atoms belonging to an antiferromagnetically coupled one-dimensional Heisenberg chain with the other copper atoms outside the chain behaving like paramagnetic centres.


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The strikingly different charge transport behaviours in nanocomposites of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and conducting polymer polyethylenedioxythiophene-polystyrene-sulfonic-acid (PEDOT-PSS) at low temperatures are explained by probing their conformational properties using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS studies indicate the assembly of elongated PEDOT-PSS globules on the walls of nanotubes, coating them partially, thereby limiting the interaction between the nanotubes in the polymer matrix. This results in a charge transport governed mainly by small polarons in the conducting polymer despite the presence of metallic MWNTs. At T > 4 K, hopping of the charge carriers following one-dimensional variable range hopping is evident which also gives rise to a positive magnetoresistance (MR) with an enhanced localization length (similar to 5 nm) due to the presence of MWNTs. However, at T < 4 K, the observation of an unconventional positive temperature coefficient of resistivity is attributed to small polaron tunnelling. The exceptionally large negative MR observed in this temperature regime is conjectured to be due to the presence of quasi-1D MWNTs that can aid in lowering the tunnelling barrier across the nanotube-polymer boundary resulting in large delocalization.


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A novel zincoborate, Zn(H2O)B2O4.xH(2)O (xapproximate to0.12), I, with open architecture has been synthesized hydrothermally. The 3-dimensional structure is built up of Zn6B12O24 clusters formed by the capping of the polycyclic borate anion, B12O2412-, by Zn3O3 clusters. The open-framework structure of I has one-dimensional 8-membered channels wherein the water molecules reside. Formation of trimeric Zn3O3 clusters as well as the presence of boron in dual coordination, both triangular and tetrahedral, are important structural features of this new zincoborate.