270 resultados para Rectangular patch


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The components of EHV/UHV lines and substations can produce significant corona. To limit the consequent Radio Interference and Audible Noise on these systems, suitable corona control rings are employed. The shapes of these rings could vary from circular to rectangular with smooth bends. Many manufacturers seem to adopt trial and error method for arriving at the final design. As such neither the present testing standard nor the final design adopted consider the practical scenario like corona produced by deposition of dirt, bird droppings, etc. The present work aims to make a first step in addressing this practically important problem. This requires an accurate evaluation of the electric field and a reliable method for the evaluation of corona inception. Based on a thorough survey of pertinent literature, the critical avalanche criteria as applicable to large electrodes, has been adopted. Taking the rain drop on the surface as the biggest protrusion, conducting protrusions modeled as semi-ellipsoid is considered as representative for deposition of dust or the boundary of bird droppings etc. Through examples of 4 00 kV and 765 kV class toroidal corona rings, the proposed method is demonstrated. This work is believed to be useful to corona ring manufacturers for EHV/UHV systems.


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In this paper, we address a physics-based closed-form analytical model of flexural phonon-dependent diffusive thermal conductivity (kappa) of suspended rectangular single layer graphene sheet. A quadratic dependence of the out-of-plane phonon frequency, generally called flexural phonons, on the phonon wave vector has been taken into account to analyze the behavior of kappa at lower temperatures. Such a dependence has further been used for the determination of second-order three-phonon Umklapp and isotopic scatterings. We find that these behaviors in our model are best explained through the upper limit of Debye cut-off frequency in the second-order three-phonon Umklapp scattering of the long phonon waves that actually remove the thermal conductivity singularity by contributing a constant scattering rate at low frequencies and note that the out-of-plane Gruneisen parameter for these modes need not be too high. Using this, we clearly demonstrate that. follows a T-1.5 and T-2 law at lower and higher temperatures in the absence of isotopes, respectively. However in their presence, the behavior of kappa sharply deviates from the T-2 law at higher temperatures. The present geometry-dependent model of kappa is found to possess an excellent match with various experimental data over a wide range of temperatures which can be put forward for efficient electro-thermal analyses of encased/supported graphene.


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In this paper we look for nonuniform rotating beams that are isospectral to a given uniform nonrotating beam. A rotating nonuniform beam is isospectral to the given uniform nonrotating beam if both the beams have the same spectral properties, i.e., both the beams have the same set of natural frequencies under a given boundary condition. The Barcilon-Gottlieb type transformation is proposed that converts the governing equation of a rotating beam to that of a uniform nonrotating beam. We show that there exist rotating beams isospectral to a given uniform nonrotating beam under some special conditions. The boundary conditions we consider are clamped-free and hinged-free with an elastic hinge spring. An upper bound on the rotation speed for which isospectral beams exist is proposed. The mass and stiffness distributions for these nonuniform rotating beams which are isospectral to the given uniform nonrotating beam are obtained. We use these mass and stiffness distributions in a finite element analysis to show that the obtained beams are isospectral to the given uniform nonrotating beam. A numerical example of a beam having a rectangular cross section is presented to show the application of our analysis. DOI: 10.1115/1.4006460]


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Single-layer graphene (SLG), the 3.4 angstrom thick two-dimensional sheet of sp(2) carbon atoms, was first prepared in 2004 by mechanical exfoliation of graphite crystals using the scotch tape technique. Since then, SLG has been prepared by other physical methods such as laser irradiation or ultrasonication of graphite in liquid media. Chemical methods of synthesis of SLG are more commonly used; the most popular involves preparation of single-layer graphene oxide followed by reduction with a stable reagent, often assisted by microwave heating. This method yields single-layer reduced graphene oxide. Other methods for preparing SLG include chemical vapour deposition over surfaces of transition metals such as Ni and Cu. Large-area SLG has also been prepared by epitaxial growth over SIC. Few-layer graphene (FLG) is prepared by several methods; arc discharge of graphite in hydrogen atmosphere being the most convenient. Several other methods for preparing FLG include exfoliation of graphite oxide by rapid heating, ultrasonication or laser irradiation of graphite in liquid media, reduction of few-layer graphene oxide, alkali metal intercalation followed by exfoliation. Graphene nanoribbons, which are rectangular strips of graphene, are best prepared by the unzipping of carbon nanotubes by chemical oxidation or laser irradiation. Many graphene analogues of inorganic materials such as MoS2, MoSe2 and BN have been prepared by mechanical exfoliation, ultrasonication and by chemical methods involving high-temperature or hydrothermal reactions and intercalation of alkali metals followed by exfoliation. Scrolls of graphene are prepared by potassium intercalation in graphite or by microwave irradiation of graphite immersed in liquid nitrogen.


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Two-dimensional (2D) sheets are currently in the spotlight of nanotechnology owing to high-performance device fabrication possibilities. Building a free-standing quantum sheet with controlled morphology is challenging when large planar geometry and ultranarrow thickness are simultaneously concerned. Coalescence of nanowires into large single-crystalline sheet is a promising approach leading to large, molecularly thick 2D sheets with controlled planar morphology. Here we report on a bottom-up approach to fabricate high-quality ultrathin 2D single crystalline sheets with well-defined rectangular morphology via collective coalescence of PbS nanowires. The ultrathin sheets are strictly rectangular with 1.8 nm thickness, 200-250 nm width, and 3-20 mu m length. The sheets show high electrical conductivity at room and cryogenic temperatures upon device fabrication. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that a single row of delocalized orbitals of a nanowire is gradually converted into several parallel conduction channels upon sheet formation, which enable superior in-plane carrier conduction.


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Western Blot analysis is an analytical technique used in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics and other Molecular Biology studies to separate proteins by electrophoresis. The procedure results in images containing nearly rectangular-shaped blots. In this paper, we address the problem of quantitation of the blots using automated image processing techniques. We formulate a special active contour (or snake) called Oblong, which locks on to rectangular shaped objects. Oblongs depend on five free parameters, which is also the minimum number of parameters required for a unique characterization. Unlike many snake formulations, Oblongs do not require explicit gradient computations and therefore the optimization is carried out fast. The performance of Oblongs is assessed on synthesized data and Western Blot Analysis images.


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In this paper, we present a fast learning neural network classifier for human action recognition. The proposed classifier is a fully complex-valued neural network with a single hidden layer. The neurons in the hidden layer employ the fully complex-valued hyperbolic secant as an activation function. The parameters of the hidden layer are chosen randomly and the output weights are estimated analytically as a minimum norm least square solution to a set of linear equations. The fast leaning fully complex-valued neural classifier is used for recognizing human actions accurately. Optical flow-based features extracted from the video sequences are utilized to recognize 10 different human actions. The feature vectors are computationally simple first order statistics of the optical flow vectors, obtained from coarse to fine rectangular patches centered around the object. The results indicate the superior performance of the complex-valued neural classifier for action recognition. The superior performance of the complex neural network for action recognition stems from the fact that motion, by nature, consists of two components, one along each of the axes.


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Ionic polymer metal composites (IPMC) are a new class of smart materials that have attractive characteristics such as muscle like softness, low voltage and power consumption, and good performance in aqueous environments. Thus, IPMC’s provide promising application for biomimetic fish like propulsion systems. In this paper, we design and analyze IPMC underwater propulsor inspired from swimming of Labriform fishes. Different fish species in nature are source of inspiration for different biomimetic flapping IPMC fin design. Here, three fish species with high performance flapping pectoral fin locomotion is chosen and performance analysis of each fin design is done to discover the better configurations for engineering applications. In order to describe the behavior of an active IPMC fin actuator in water, a complex hydrodynamic function is used and structural model of the IPMC fin is obtained by modifying the classical dynamic equation for a slender beam. A quasi-steady blade element model that accounts for unsteady phenomena such as added mass effects, dynamic stall, and the cumulative Wagner effect is used to estimate the hydrodynamic performance of the flapping rectangular shape fin. Dynamic characteristics of IPMC actuated flapping fins having the same size as the actual fins of three different fish species, Gomphosus varius, Scarus frenatus and Sthethojulis trilineata, are analyzed with numerical simulations. Finally, a comparative study is performed to analyze the performance of three different biomimetic IPMC flapping pectoral fins.


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This paper presents a unified framework using the unit cube for measurement, representation and usage of the range of motion (ROM) of body joints with multiple degrees of freedom (d.o.f) to be used for digital human models (DHM). Traditional goniometry needs skill and kn owledge; it is intrusive and has limited applicability for multi-d.o.f. joints. Measurements using motion capture systems often involve complicated mathematics which itself need validation. In this paper we use change of orientation as the measure of rotation; this definition does not require the identification of any fixed axis of rotation. A two-d.o.f. joint ROM can be represented as a Gaussian map. Spherical polygon representation of ROM, though popular, remains inaccurate, vulnerable due to singularities on parametric sphere and difficult to use for point classification. The unit cube representation overcomes these difficulties. In the work presented here, electromagnetic trackers have been effectively used for measuring the relative orientation of a body segment of interest with respect to another body segment. The orientation is then mapped on a surface gridded cube. As the body segment is moved, the grid cells visited are identified and visualized. Using the visual display as a feedback, the subject is instructed to cover as many grid cells as he can. In this way we get a connected patch of contiguous grid cells. The boundary of this patch represents the active ROM of the concerned joint. The tracker data is converted into the motion of a direction aligned with the axis of the segment and a rotation about this axis later on. The direction identifies the grid cells on the cube and rotation about the axis is represented as a range and visualized using color codes. Thus the present methodology provides a simple, intuitive and accura te determination and representation of up to 3 d.o.f. joints. Basic results are presented for the shoulder. The measurement scheme to be used for wrist and neck, and approach for estimation of the statistical distribution of ROM for a given population are also discussed.


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In this paper, we address a physics based closed form model for the energy band gap (E-g) and the transport electron effective mass in relaxed and strained 100] and 110] oriented rectangular Silicon Nanowire (SiNW). Our proposed analytical model along 100] and 110] directions are based on the k.p formalism of the conduction band energy dispersion relation through an appropriate rotation of the Hamiltonian of the electrons in the bulk crystal along 001] direction followed by the inclusion of a 4 x 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian for the description of the valance band structure. Using this, we demonstrate the variation in Eg and the transport electron effective mass as function of the cross-sectional dimensions in a relaxed 100] and 110] oriented SiNW. The behaviour of these two parameters in 100] oriented SiNW has further been studied with the inclusion of a uniaxial strain along the transport direction and a biaxial strain, which is assumed to be decomposed from a hydrostatic deformation along 001] with the former one. In addition, the energy band gap and the effective mass of a strained 110] oriented SiNW has also been formulated. Using this, we compare our analytical model with that of the extracted data using the nearest neighbour empirical tight binding sp(3)d(5)s* method based simulations and has been found to agree well over a wide range of device dimensions and applied strain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we seek to find non-rotating beams with continuous mass and flexural stiffness distributions, that are isospectral to a given uniform rotating beam. The Barcilon-Gottlieb transformation is used to convert the fourth order governing equation of a non-rotating beam, to a canonical fourth order eigenvalue problem. If the coefficients in this canonical equation match with the coefficients of the uniform rotating beam equation, then the non-rotating beam is isospectral to the given rotating beam. The conditions on matching the coefficients leads to a pair of coupled differential equations. We solve these coupled differential equations for a particular case, and thereby obtain a class of non-rotating beams that are isospectral to a uniform rotating beam. However, to obtain isospectral beams, the transformation must leave the boundary conditions invariant. We show that the clamped end boundary condition is always invariant, and for the free end boundary condition to be invariant, we impose certain conditions on the beam characteristics. We also verify numerically that the frequencies of the non-rotating beam obtained using the finite element method (FEM) are the exact frequencies of the uniform rotating beam. Finally, the example of beams having a rectangular cross-section is presented to show the application of our analysis. Since experimental determination of rotating beam frequencies is a difficult task, experiments can be easily conducted on these rectangular non-rotating beams, to calculate the frequencies of the rotating beam. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the evaluation of the component-laminate load-carrying capacity, i.e., to calculate the loads that cause the failure of the individual layers and the component-laminate as a whole in four-bar mechanism. The component-laminate load-carrying capacity is evaluated using the Tsai-Wu-Hahn failure criterion for various lay-ups. The reserve factor of each ply in the component-laminate is calculated by using the maximum resultant force and the maximum resultant moment occurring at different time steps at the joints of the mechanism. Here, all component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber reinforced laminates and have thin rectangular cross-sections. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. We restrict ourselves to linear materials with small strains within each elastic body (strip-like beam). Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically non-linear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and non-linear 1-D analyses along the three beam reference curves. For the thin rectangular cross-sections considered here, the 2-D cross-sectional nonlinearity is also overwhelming. This can be perceived from the fact that such sections constitute a limiting case between thin-walled open and closed sections, thus inviting the non-linear phenomena observed in both. The strong elastic couplings of anisotropic composite laminates complicate the model further. However, a powerful mathematical tool called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) not only enables such a dimensional reduction, but also provides asymptotically correct analytical solutions to the non-linear cross-sectional analysis. Such closed-form solutions are used here in conjunction with numerical techniques for the rest of the problem to predict more quickly and accurately than would otherwise be possible. Local 3-D stress, strain and displacement fields for representative sections in the component-bars are recovered, based on the stress resultants from the 1-D global beam analysis. A numerical example is presented which illustrates the failure of each component-laminate and the mechanism as a whole.


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This paper presents the thermal vibration analysis of single-layer graphene sheet embedded in polymer elastic medium, using the plate theory and nonlocal continuum mechanics for small scale effects. The graphene is modeled based on continuum plate theory and axial stress caused by the thermal effects is also considered. Nonlocal governing equation of motion for this graphene sheet system is derived from the principle of virtual displacements. The closed form solution for thermal-vibration frequencies of a simply supported rectangular nanoplate has been obtained by using the Navier's method of solution. Numerical results obtained by the present theory are compared with available solutions in the literature and the molecular dynamics results. The influences of the small scale coefficient, the room or low temperature, the high temperature, the half wave number and the aspect ratio of nanoplate on the natural frequencies are considered and discussed in detail. The thermal vibration analysis of single- and double-layer graphene sheets are considered for the analysis. The mode shapes of the respective graphene system are also captured in this work. The present analysis results can be used for the design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the thermal vibration properties of the graphene.


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In this paper, the stiffness and mass per unit length distributions of a rotating beam, which is isospectral to a given uniform axially loaded nonrotating beam, are determined analytically. The Barcilon-Gottlieb transformation is extended so that it transforms the governing equation of a rotating beam into the governing equation of a uniform, axially loaded nonrotating beam. Analysis is limited to a certain class of Euler-Bernoulli cantilever beams, where the product between the stiffness and the cube of mass per unit length is a constant. The derived mass and stiffness distributions of the rotating beam are used in a finite element analysis to confirm the frequency equivalence of the given and derived beams. Examples of physically realizable beams that have a rectangular cross section are shown as a practical application of the analysis.


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Carbonaceous nickel oxide powder samples have been synthesized from an adducted nickel beta-ketoester complex used as a ``single source precursor'' through a solution-based microwave-assisted chemical route. Comprehensive analysis of the resulting powder material has been carried out using various characterization techniques. These analysis reveal that, depending on the solvent used, either NiO/C or Ni/NiO/C composites are formed, wherein Ni and/or NiO nanocrystals are enveloped in amorphous carbon. As the components emerge from the same molecular source, the composites are homogeneous on a fine scale, making them promising electrode materials for supercapacitors. Electrochemical capacitive behavior of these oxide composites is studied in a three-electrode configuration. With a specific capacitance of 113 F g(-1), Ni/NiO/C is superior to NiO/C as capacitor electrode material, in 0.1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte. This is confirmed by impedance measurements, which show that charge-transfer resistance and equivalent series resistance are lower in Ni/NiO/C than in NiO/C, presumably because of the presence of metallic nickel in the former. The cyclic voltammograms are nearly rectangular and the electrodes display excellent cyclability in different electrolytes: Na2SO4, KOH and Ca(NO3)(2)center dot 4H(2)O. Specific capacitance as high as 143 F g(-1), is measured in Ca(NO3)(2)center dot 4H(2)O electrolyte.