219 resultados para Periodic peritonitis


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In the present paper, we present the structure and composition of tropical evergreen and deciduous forests in the Western Ghats monitored under a long-term programme involving Indian Institute of Science, Earthwatch and volunteer investigators from HSBC. Currently, there is limited evidence on the status and dynamics of tropical forests in the context of human disturbance and climate change. Observations made in this study show that the `more disturbed' evergreen and one of the deciduous plots have low species diversity compared to the less-disturbed forests. There are also variations in the size class structure in the more and `less disturbed' forests of all the locations. The variation is particularly noticeable in the DBH size class 10 - 15 cm category. When biomass stock estimates are considered, there was no significant difference between evergreen and deciduous forests. The difference in biomass stocks between `less disturbed' and `more disturbed' forests within a forest type is also low. Thus, the biomass and carbon stock has not been impacted despite the dependence of communities on the forests. Periodic and long-term monitoring of the status and dynamics of the forests is necessary in the context of potential increased human pressure and climate change. There is, therefore, a need to inform the communities of the impact of extraction and its effect on regeneration so as to motivate them to adopt what may be termed as ``adaptive resource management'', so as to sustain the flow of forest products.


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When spatial boundaries are inserted, supersymmetry (SUSY) can be broken. We have shown that in an N = 2 supersymmetric theory, all local boundary conditions allowed by self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian break N = 2 SUSY, while only a few of these boundary conditions preserve N = 1 SUSY. We have also shown that for a subset of the boundary conditions compatible with N = 1 SUSY, there exist fermionic ground states which are localized near the boundary. We also show that only very few nonlocal boundary conditions like periodic boundary conditions preserve full N = 2 supersymmetry, but none of them exhibits edge states.


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The present study deals with the diffusion and phase transition behaviour of paraffin reinforced with carbon nano-additives namely graphene oxide (GO) and surface functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). Bulk disordered systems of paraffin hydrocarbons impregnated with carbon nano-additives have been generated in realistic equilibrium conformations for potential application as latent heat storage systems. Ab initio molecular dynamics(MD) in conjugation with COMPASS forcefield has been implemented using periodic boundary conditions. The proposed scheme allows determination of optimum nano-additive loading for improving thermo-physical properties through analysis of mass, thermal and transport properties; and assists in determination of composite behaviour and related performance from microscopic point of view. It was observed that nanocomposites containing 7.8% surface functionalised SWCNT and 55% GO loading corresponds to best latent heat storage system. The propounded methodology could serve as a by-pass route for economically taxing and iterative experimental procedures required to attain the optimum composition for best performance. The results also hint at the large unexplored potential of ab-initio classical MD techniques for predicting performance of new nanocomposites for potential phase change material applications. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Affine transformations have proven to be very powerful for loop restructuring due to their ability to model a very wide range of transformations. A single multi-dimensional affine function can represent a long and complex sequence of simpler transformations. Existing affine transformation frameworks like the Pluto algorithm, that include a cost function for modern multicore architectures where coarse-grained parallelism and locality are crucial, consider only a sub-space of transformations to avoid a combinatorial explosion in finding the transformations. The ensuing practical tradeoffs lead to the exclusion of certain useful transformations, in particular, transformation compositions involving loop reversals and loop skewing by negative factors. In this paper, we propose an approach to address this limitation by modeling a much larger space of affine transformations in conjunction with the Pluto algorithm's cost function. We perform an experimental evaluation of both, the effect on compilation time, and performance of generated codes. The evaluation shows that our new framework, Pluto+, provides no degradation in performance in any of the Polybench benchmarks. For Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) codes with periodic boundary conditions, it provides a mean speedup of 1.33x over Pluto. We also show that Pluto+ does not increase compile times significantly. Experimental results on Polybench show that Pluto+ increases overall polyhedral source-to-source optimization time only by 15%. In cases where it improves execution time significantly, it increased polyhedral optimization time only by 2.04x.


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Sepsis is a life threatening condition resulting from a high burden of infection. It is a major health care problem and associated with inflammation, organ dysfunction and significant mortality. However, proper understanding and delineating the changes that occur during this complex condition remains a challenge. A comparative study involving intra-peritoneal injection of BALB/c mice with Salmonella Typhimurium (infection), lipopolysaccharide (endotoxic shock) or thioglycollate (sterile peritonitis) was performed. The changes in organs and sera were profiled using immunological assays and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) micro-spectroscopy. There is a rapid rise in inflammatory cytokines accompanied with lowering of temperature, respiratory rate and glucose amounts in mice injected with S. Typhimurium or lipopolysaccharide. FTIR identifies distinct changes in liver and sera: decrease in glycogen and protein/lipid ratio and increase in DNA and cholesteryl esters. These changes were distinct from the pattern observed in mice treated with thioglycollate and the differences in the data obtained between the three models are discussed. The combination of FTIR spectroscopy and other biomarkers will be valuable in monitoring molecular changes during sepsis. GRAPHICS] Intra-peritoneal infection with high dose of Salmonella Typhimurium leads to rapid increase in inflammatory cytokines, e.g. Tnf alpha (A). FTIR analysis of liver (B) and sera (C) identifies several metabolic changes: glycogen, protein/lipid, cholesteryl esters and DNA.


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We study a hyperbolic problem in the framework of periodic homogenization assuming a high contrast between the diffusivity coefficients of the two components M-epsilon and B-epsilon of the heterogeneous medium. There are three regimes depending on the ratio between the size of the period and the amplitude a, of the diffusivity in B-epsilon. For the critical regime alpha(epsilon) similar or equal to epsilon, the limit problem is a strongly coupled system involving both the macroscopic and the microscopic variables. We also include the results in the non critical case.


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We study a hyperbolic problem in the framework of periodic homogenization assuming a high contrast between the diffusivity coefficients of the two components M-epsilon and B-epsilon of the heterogeneous medium. There are three regimes depending on the ratio between the size of the period and the amplitude a, of the diffusivity in B-epsilon. For the critical regime alpha(epsilon) similar or equal to epsilon, the limit problem is a strongly coupled system involving both the macroscopic and the microscopic variables. We also include the results in the non critical case.


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Algorithms for extracting epochs or glottal closure instants (GCIs) from voiced speech typically fall into two categories: i) ones which operate on linear prediction residual (LPR) and ii) those which operate directly on the speech signal. While the former class of algorithms (such as YAGA and DPI) tend to be more accurate, the latter ones (such as ZFR and SEDREAMS) tend to be more noise-robust. In this letter, a temporal measure termed the cumulative impulse strength is proposed for locating the impulses in a quasi-periodic impulse-sequence embedded in noise. Subsequently, it is applied for detecting the GCIs from the inverted integrated LPR using a recursive algorithm. Experiments on two large corpora of speech with simultaneous electroglottographic recordings demonstrate that the proposed method is more robust to additive noise than the state-of-the-art algorithms, despite operating on the LPR.


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Present paper is the first one in the series devoted to the dynamics of traveling waves emerging in the uncompressed, tri-atomic granular crystals. This work is primarily concerned with the dynamics of one-dimensional periodic granular trimer (tri-atomic) chains in the state of acoustic vacuum. Each unit cell consists of three spherical particles of different masses subject to periodic boundary conditions. Hertzian interaction law governs the mutual interaction of these particles. Under the assumption of zero pre-compression, this interaction is modeled as purely nonlinear, which means the absence of linear force component. The dynamics of such chains is governed by the two system parameters that scale the mass ratios between the particles of the unit cell. Such a system supports two different classes of periodic solutions namely the traveling and standing waves. The primary objective of the present study is the numerical analysis of the bifurcation structure of these solutions with emphasis on the dynamics of traveling waves. In fact, understanding of the bifurcation structure of the traveling wave solutions emerging in the unit-cell granular trimer is rather important and can shed light on the more complex nonlinear wave phenomena emerging in semi-infinite trimer chains. (c) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.