244 resultados para Generalized Functions


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An extended Kalman filter based generalized state estimation approach is presented in this paper for accurately estimating the states of incoming high-speed targets such as ballistic missiles. A key advantage of this nine-state problem formulation is that it is very much generic and can capture spiraling as well as pure ballistic motion of targets without any change of the target model and the tuning parameters. A new nonlinear model predictive zero-effort-miss based guidance algorithm is also presented in this paper, in which both the zero-effort-miss as well as the time-to-go are predicted more accurately by first propagating the nonlinear target model (with estimated states) and zero-effort interceptor model simultaneously. This information is then used for computing the necessary lateral acceleration. Extensive six-degrees-of-freedom simulation experiments, which include noisy seeker measurements, a nonlinear dynamic inversion based autopilot for the interceptor along with appropriate actuator and sensor models and magnitude and rate saturation limits for the fin deflections, show that near-zero miss distance (i.e., hit-to-kill level performance) can be obtained when these two new techniques are applied together. Comparison studies with an augmented proportional navigation based guidance shows that the proposed model predictive guidance leads to a substantial amount of conservation in the control energy as well.


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Establishing functional relationships between multi-domain protein sequences is a non-trivial task. Traditionally, delineating functional assignment and relationships of proteins requires domain assignments as a prerequisite. This process is sensitive to alignment quality and domain definitions. In multi-domain proteins due to multiple reasons, the quality of alignments is poor. We report the correspondence between the classification of proteins represented as full-length gene products and their functions. Our approach differs fundamentally from traditional methods in not performing the classification at the level of domains. Our method is based on an alignment free local matching scores (LMS) computation at the amino-acid sequence level followed by hierarchical clustering. As there are no gold standards for full-length protein sequence classification, we resorted to Gene Ontology and domain-architecture based similarity measures to assess our classification. The final clusters obtained using LMS show high functional and domain architectural similarities. Comparison of the current method with alignment based approaches at both domain and full-length protein showed superiority of the LMS scores. Using this method we have recreated objective relationships among different protein kinase sub-families and also classified immunoglobulin containing proteins where sub-family definitions do not exist currently. This method can be applied to any set of protein sequences and hence will be instrumental in analysis of large numbers of full-length protein sequences.


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We prove end point estimate for Radon transform of radial functions on affine Grasamannian and real hyperbolic space. We also discuss analogs of these results on the sphere.


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We show that as n changes, the characteristic polynomial of the n x n random matrix with i.i.d. complex Gaussian entries can be described recursively through a process analogous to Polya's urn scheme. As a result, we get a random analytic function in the limit, which is given by a mixture of Gaussian analytic functions. This suggests another reason why the zeros of Gaussian analytic functions and the Ginibre ensemble exhibit similar local repulsion, but different global behavior. Our approach gives new explicit formulas for the limiting analytic function.


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In this paper, the governing equations for free vibration of a non-homogeneous rotating Timoshenko beam, having uniform cross-section, is studied using an inverse problem approach, for both cantilever and pinned-free boundary conditions. The bending displacement and the rotation due to bending are assumed to be simple polynomials which satisfy all four boundary conditions. It is found that for certain polynomial variations of the material mass density, elastic modulus and shear modulus, along the length of the beam, the assumed polynomials serve as simple closed form solutions to the coupled second order governing differential equations with variable coefficients. It is found that there are an infinite number of analytical polynomial functions possible for material mass density, shear modulus and elastic modulus distributions, which share the same frequency and mode shape for a particular mode. The derived results are intended to serve as benchmark solutions for testing approximate or numerical methods used for the vibration analysis of rotating non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams.


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Binaural hearing studies show that the auditory system uses the phase-difference information in the auditory stimuli for localization of a sound source. Motivated by this finding, we present a method for demodulation of amplitude-modulated-frequency-modulated (AM-FM) signals using a ignal and its arbitrary phase-shifted version. The demodulation is achieved using two allpass filters, whose impulse responses are related through the fractional Hilbert transform (FrHT). The allpass filters are obtained by cosine-modulation of a zero-phase flat-top prototype halfband lowpass filter. The outputs of the filters are combined to construct an analytic signal (AS) from which the AM and FM are estimated. We show that, under certain assumptions on the signal and the filter structures, the AM and FM can be obtained exactly. The AM-FM calculations are based on the quasi-eigenfunction approximation. We then extend the concept to the demodulation of multicomponent signals using uniform and non-uniform cosine-modulated filterbank (FB) structures consisting of flat bandpass filters, including the uniform cosine-modulated, equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), and constant-Q filterbanks. We validate the theoretical calculations by considering application on synthesized AM-FM signals and compare the performance in presence of noise with three other multiband demodulation techniques, namely, the Teager-energy-based approach, the Gabor's AS approach, and the linear transduction filter approach. We also show demodulation results for real signals.


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The HORMA domain (for Hop1p, Rev7p and MAD2) was discovered in three chromatin-associated proteins in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This domain has also been found in proteins with similar functions in organisms including plants, animals and nematodes. The HORMA domain containing proteins are thought to function as adaptors for meiotic checkpoint protein signaling and in the regulation of meiotic recombination. Surprisingly, new work has disclosed completely unanticipated and diverse functions for the HORMA domain containing proteins. A. M. Villeneuve and colleagues (Schvarzstein et al., 2013) show that meiosis-specific HORMA domain containing proteins plays a vital role in preventing centriole disengagement during Caenorhabditis elegans spermatocyte meiosis. Another recent study reveals that S. cerevisiae Atg13 HORMA domain acts as a phosphorylation-dependent conformational switch in the cellular autophagic process. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scaling behaviour has been observed at mesoscopic level irrespective of crystal structure, type of boundary and operative micro-mechanisms like slip and twinning. The presence of scaling at the meso-scale accompanied with that at the nano-scale clearly demonstrates the intrinsic spanning for different deformation processes and a true universal nature of scaling. The origin of a 1/2 power law in deformation of crystalline materials in terms of misorientation proportional to square root of strain is attributed to importance of interfaces in deformation processes. It is proposed that materials existing in three dimensional Euclidean spaces accommodate plastic deformation by one dimensional dislocations and their interaction with two dimensional interfaces at different length scales. This gives rise to a 1/2 power law scaling in materials. This intrinsic relationship can be incorporated in crystal plasticity models that aim to span different length and time scales to predict the deformation response of crystalline materials accurately.


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The Onsager model for the secondary flow field in a high-speed rotating cylinder is extended to incorporate the difference in mass of the two species in a binary gas mixture. The base flow is an isothermal solid-body rotation in which there is a balance between the radial pressure gradient and the centrifugal force density for each species. Explicit expressions for the radial variation of the pressure, mass/mole fractions, and from these the radial variation of the viscosity, thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficient, are derived, and these are used in the computation of the secondary flow. For the secondary flow, the mass, momentum and energy equations in axisymmetric coordinates are expanded in an asymptotic series in a parameter epsilon = (Delta m/m(av)), where Delta m is the difference in the molecular masses of the two species, and the average molecular mass m(av) is defined as m(av) = (rho(w1)m(1) + rho(w2)m(2))/rho(w), where rho(w1) and rho(w2) are the mass densities of the two species at the wall, and rho(w) = rho(w1) + rho(w2). The equation for the master potential and the boundary conditions are derived correct to O(epsilon(2)). The leading-order equation for the master potential contains a self-adjoint sixth-order operator in the radial direction, which is different from the generalized Onsager model (Pradhan & Kumaran, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 686, 2011, pp. 109-159), since the species mass difference is included in the computation of the density, viscosity and thermal conductivity in the base state. This is solved, subject to boundary conditions, to obtain the leading approximation for the secondary flow, followed by a solution of the diffusion equation for the leading correction to the species mole fractions. The O(epsilon) and O(epsilon(2)) equations contain inhomogeneous terms that depend on the lower-order solutions, and these are solved in a hierarchical manner to obtain the O(epsilon) and O(epsilon(2)) corrections to the master potential. A similar hierarchical procedure is used for the Carrier-Maslen model for the end-cap secondary flow. The results of the Onsager hierarchy, up to O(epsilon(2)), are compared with the results of direct simulation Monte Carlo simulations for a binary hard-sphere gas mixture for secondary flow due to a wall temperature gradient, inflow/outflow of gas along the axis, as well as mass and momentum sources in the flow. There is excellent agreement between the solutions for the secondary flow correct to O(epsilon(2)) and the simulations, to within 15 %, even at a Reynolds number as low as 100, and length/diameter ratio as low as 2, for a low stratification parameter A of 0.707, and when the secondary flow velocity is as high as 0.2 times the maximum base flow velocity, and the ratio 2 Delta m/(m(1) + m(2)) is as high as 0.5. Here, the Reynolds number Re = rho(w)Omega R-2/mu, the stratification parameter A = root m Omega R-2(2)/(2k(B)T), R and Omega are the cylinder radius and angular velocity, m is the molecular mass, rho(w) is the wall density, mu is the viscosity and T is the temperature. The leading-order solutions do capture the qualitative trends, but are not in quantitative agreement.


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Redox imbalance generates multiple cellular damages leading to oxidative stress-mediated pathological conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancer progression. Therefore, maintenance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis is most important that involves well-defined antioxidant machinery. In the present study, we have identified for the first time a component of mammalian protein translocation machinery Magmas to perform a critical ROS regulatory function. Magmas overexpression has been reported in highly metabolically active tissues and cancer cells that are prone to oxidative damage. We found that Magmas regulates cellular ROS levels by controlling its production as well as scavenging. Magmas promotes cellular tolerance toward oxidative stress by enhancing antioxidant enzyme activity, thus preventing induction of apoptosis and damage to cellular components. Magmas enhances the activity of electron transport chain (ETC) complexes, causing reduced ROS production. Our results suggest that J-like domain of Magmas is essential for maintenance of redox balance. The function of Magmas as a ROS sensor was found to be independent of its role in protein import. The unique ROS modulatory role of Magmas is highlighted by its ability to increase cell tolerance to oxidative stress even in yeast model organism. The cytoprotective capability of Magmas against oxidative damage makes it an important candidate for future investigation in therapeutics of oxidative stress-related diseases.


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The GW approximation to the electron self-energy has become a standard method for ab initio calculation of excited-state properties of condensed-matter systems. In many calculations, the G W self-energy operator, E, is taken to be diagonal in the density functional theory (DFT) Kohn-Sham basis within the G0 W0 scheme. However, there are known situations in which this diagonal Go Wo approximation starting from DFT is inadequate. We present two schemes to resolve such problems. The first, which we called sc-COHSEX-PG W, involves construction of an improved mean field using the static limit of GW, known as COHSEX (Coulomb hole and screened exchange), which is significantly simpler to treat than GW W. In this scheme, frequency-dependent self energy E(N), is constructed and taken to be diagonal in the COHSEX orbitals after the system is solved self-consistently within this formalism. The second method is called off diagonal-COHSEX G W (od-COHSEX-PG W). In this method, one does not self-consistently change the mean-field starting point but diagonalizes the COHSEX Hamiltonian within the Kohn-Sham basis to obtain quasiparticle wave functions and uses the resulting orbitals to construct the G W E in the diagonal form. We apply both methods to a molecular system, silane, and to two bulk systems, Si and Ge under pressure. For silane, both methods give good quasiparticle wave functions and energies. Both methods give good band gaps for bulk silicon and maintain good agreement with experiment. Further, the sc-COHSEX-PGW method solves the qualitatively incorrect DFT mean-field starting point (having a band overlap) in bulk Ge under pressure.


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A new generalized model predictive static programming technique is presented for rapidly solving a class of finite-horizon nonlinear optimal control problems with hard terminal constraints. Two key features for its high computational efficiency include one-time backward integration of a small-dimensional weighting matrix dynamics, followed bya static optimization formulation that requires only a static Lagrange multiplier to update the control history. It turns out that under Euler integration and rectangular approximation of finite integrals it is equivalent to the existing model predictive static programming technique. In addition to the benchmark double integrator problem, usefulness of the proposed technique is demonstrated by solving a three-dimensional angle-constrained guidance problem for an air-to-ground missile, which demands that the missile must meet constraints on both azimuth and elevation angles at the impact point in addition to achieving near-zero miss distance, while minimizing the lateral acceleration demand throughout its flight path. Simulation studies include maneuvering ground targets along with a first-order autopilot lag. Comparison studies with classical augmented proportional navigation guidance and modern general explicit guidance lead to the conclusion that the proposed guidance is superior to both and has a larger capture region as well.


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Using the attractor mechanism for extremal solutions in N = 2 gauged supergravity, we construct a c-function that interpolates between the central charges of theories at ultraviolet and infrared conformal fixed points corresponding to anti-de Sitter geometries. The c-function we obtain is couched purely in terms of bulk quantities and connects two different dimensional CFTs at the stable conformal fixed points under the RG flow.


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We present in this paper a new algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for solving Dynamic Single Objective Constrained Optimization (DCOP) problems. We have modified several different parameters of the original particle swarm optimization algorithm by introducing new types of particles for local search and to detect changes in the search space. The algorithm is tested with a known benchmark set and compare with the results with other contemporary works. We demonstrate the convergence properties by using convergence graphs and also the illustrate the changes in the current benchmark problems for more realistic correspondence to practical real world problems.


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Asymptotically-accurate dimensional reduction from three to two dimensions and recovery of 3-D displacement field of non-prestretched dielectric hyperelastic membranes are carried out using the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) with moderate strains and very small ratio of the membrane thickness to its shortest wavelength of the deformation along the plate reference surface chosen as the small parameters for asymptotic expansion. Present work incorporates large deformations (displacements and rotations), material nonlinearity (hyperelasticity), and electrical effects. It begins with 3-D nonlinear electroelastic energy and mathematically splits the analysis into a one-dimensional (1-D) through-the-thickness analysis and a 2-D nonlinear plate analysis. Major contribution of this paper is a comprehensive nonlinear through-the-thickness analysis which provides a 2-D energy asymptotically equivalent of the 3-D energy, a 2-D constitutive relation between the 2-D generalized strain and stress tensors for the plate analysis and a set of recovery relations to express the 3-D displacement field. Analytical expressions are derived for warping functions and stiffness coefficients. This is the first attempt to integrate an analytical work on asymptotically-accurate nonlinear electro-elastic constitutive relation for compressible dielectric hyperelastic model with a generalized finite element analysis of plates to provide 3-D displacement fields using VAM. A unified software package `VAMNLM' (Variational Asymptotic Method applied to Non-Linear Material models) was developed to carry out 1-D non-linear analysis (analytical), 2-D non-linear finite element analysis and 3-D recovery analysis. The applicability of the current theory is demonstrated through an actuation test case, for which distribution of 3-D displacements are provided. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.