255 resultados para harmonic oscillators


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In the present work the structural and spectral characteristics of acetazolamide have been studied by methods of infrared, Raman spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. Electrostatic potential surface, optimized geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities and activities of Raman scattering were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) employing B3LYP with complete relaxation in the potential energy surface using 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. Based on these results, we have discussed the correlation between the vibrational modes and the structure of the dimers of acetazolamide. The calculated vibrational spectra of three dimers of acetazolamide have been compared with observed spectra, and the assignment of observed bands was carried out using potential energy distribution. The observed spectra agree well with the values computed from the OFT. A comparison of observed and calculated vibrational spectra clearly shows the effect of hydrogen bonding. The frequency shifts observed for the different dimers are in accord with the hydrogen bonding in acetazolamide. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses reflect the charge transfer interaction in the individual hydrogen bond units and the stability of different dimers of acetazolamide. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a detailed pulse-phase-resolved spectral analysis of the persistent high-mass X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1 observed with Suzaku during 2008 June. The pulse profiles exhibit both intensity and energy dependence with multiple peaks at low energies and double peaks at higher energies. The source shows some spectral evolution over the duration of the observation and care has been taken to average over data with minimum spectral variability for the analysis. We model the continuum with a phenomenological partial covering high-energy cutoff model and a more physical partial covering thermal Comptonization model (CompTT) excluding the time ranges having variable hardness ratio and intensity dependence. For both the models, we detect a cyclotron resonant scattering feature (CRSF) and its harmonic at similar to 25 keV and similar to 50 keV. Both the CRSF fundamental and harmonics parameters are strongly variable over the pulse phase, with the ratio of the two line energies deviating from the classical value of 2. The continuum parameters also show significant variation over the pulse phase and give us some idea about the changing physical conditions that are seen with the changing viewing angle at different pulse phases and obscuration by the accretion stream at some pulse phases.


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Lithium L-Ascorbate dihydrate (LLA) is a new metal organic nonlinear optical crystal belonging to the saccharide family. Single crystals of LLA were grown from aqueous solution. Solubility of the crystal has a positive temperature coefficient facilitating growth by slow cooling. Rietveld refinement was used to confirm the phase formation. The crystal has prismatic habit with (010), (001) and (10-1) prominent faces. Thermal analysis shows that the crystal is stable up to 102 degrees C. Transmission spectrum of the crystal extends from 302 nm to 1600 nm. Dielectric spectroscopic analysis revealed Cole Cole behaviour and prominent piezoelectric resonance peaks were observed in the range of 100-200 kHz. Second harmonic generation (SHG) conversion efficiency of up to 2.56 times that of a phase matched KDP crystal was achieved when the (010) plate of LLA single crystal was rotated about the +ve c axis, by 9.4 degrees in the clockwise direction. We also observed SHG conical sections which were attributed to noncollinear phase matching. The observation of the third conical section suggests very high birefringence and large nonlinear coefficients. A detailed study of surface laser damage showed that the crystal has high multiple damage thresholds of 9.7 GW cm(-2) and 42 GW cm(-2) at 1064 nm and 532 nm radiation respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dodecagonal (12-sided) space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) schemes are characterized by the complete absence of (6n +/- 1)th-order harmonics (for odd n) in the phase voltages, within the linear modulation range and beyond, including over-modulation. This paper presents a new topology suitable for the realization of such multilevel inverter schemes for induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading two-level inverters with flying-capacitor-inverter fed floating H-bridge cells. Now, any standard IM may be used to get the dodecagonal operation which hitherto was possible only with open-end winding IM. To minimize the current total harmonic distortion (THD), a strategy for synchronous PWM is also proposed. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of obtaining better THD figures, compared to conventional dodecagonal schemes. The topology and the PWM strategy are validated through analysis and subsequently verified experimentally.


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Multilevel inverters with hexagonal and dodecagonal voltage space vector structures have improved harmonic profile compared to two-level inverters. Further improvement in the quality of the waveform is possible using multilevel octadecagonal (18-sided polygon) voltage space vectors. This paper proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel octadecagonal voltage space vectors, by cascading two asymmetric three-level inverters. By the proper selection of dc-link voltages and the resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors, whose tips lie on three concentric octadecagons, are obtained. The advantages of octadecagonal voltage space vector-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques are the complete elimination of fifth, seventh, eleventh, and thirteenth harmonics in phase voltages and the extension of linear modulation range. In this paper, a simple PWM timing calculation method is also proposed. Experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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The nonlinear equations for coupled elastic flapping-twisting motion of a dragonfly in- spired smart flapping wing are used for a flapping wing actuated from the root by a PZT unimorph in the piezofan configuration. Excitation by the piezoelectric harmonic force generates only the flap bending motion, which in turn, induces the elastic twist motion due to interaction between flexural and torsional vibrations modes. An unsteady aerodynamic model is used to obtain the aerodynamic forces. Numerical simulations are performed using a wing whose size is the same as the dragonfly Sympetrum Frequens wing. It is found that the value of average lift reaches to its maximum when the smart flapping wing is excited at a frequency closer to the natural frequency in torsion. Moreover, consideration of the elastic twisting of flapping wing leads to an increase in the lift force. It is also found that the flapping wing generates sufficient lift to support its own weight and carry a small pay- load. Therefore, the piezoelectrically actuated smart flapping wing based on the geometry of Sympetrum Frequens wing and undergoing flapping-twisting motions may be considered as a potential candidate for use in MAV applications.


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Multilevel inverters with hexagonal and dodecagonal voltage space vector structures have improved harmonic profile compared to two level inverters. Further improvement in the quality of the waveform is possible using multilevel octadecagonal (18 sided polygon) voltage space vectors. This paper proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel octadecagonal voltage space vectors, by cascading two asymmetric three level inverters. By proper selection of DC link voltages and the resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors, whose tips lie on three concentric octadecagons, are obtained. The advantages of octadecagonal voltage space vector based PWM techniques are the complete elimination of fifth, seventh, eleventh and thirteenth harmonics in phase voltages and the extension of linear modulation range. In this paper, a simple PWM timing calculation method is also proposed. Matlab simulation results and experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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In this paper, a simple single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter topology consisting of a boost section, a low-voltage single-phase inverter with an inductive filter, and a step-up transformer interfacing the grid is considered. Ideally, this topology will not inject any lower order harmonics into the grid due to high-frequency pulse width modulation operation. However, the nonideal factors in the system such as core saturation-induced distorted magnetizing current of the transformer and the dead time of the inverter, etc., contribute to a significant amount of lower order harmonics in the grid current. A novel design of inverter current control that mitigates lower order harmonics is presented in this paper. An adaptive harmonic compensation technique and its design are proposed for the lower order harmonic compensation. In addition, a proportional-resonant-integral (PRI) controller and its design are also proposed. This controller eliminates the dc component in the control system, which introduces even harmonics in the grid current in the topology considered. The dynamics of the system due to the interaction between the PRI controller and the adaptive compensation scheme is also analyzed. The complete design has been validated with experimental results and good agreement with theoretical analysis of the overall system is observed.


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The following paper presents a Powerline Communication (PLC) Method for grid interfaced inverters, for smart grid application. The PLC method is based on the concept of the composite vector which involves multiple components rotating at different harmonic frequencies. The pulsed information is modulated on the fundamental component of the grid current as a specific repeating sequence of a particular harmonic. The principle of communication is same as that of power flow, thus reducing the complexity. The power flow and information exchange are simultaneously accomplished by the interfacing inverters based on current programmed vector control, thus eliminating the need for dedicated hardware. Simulation results have been shown for inter-inverter communication, both under ideal and distorted conditions, using various harmonic modulating signals.


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Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are necessary in applications which require grid synchronization. Presence of unbalance or harmonics in the grid voltage creates errors in the estimated frequency and angle of a PLL. The error in estimated angle has the effect of distorting the unit vectors generated by the PLL. In this paper, analytical expressions are derived which determine the error in the phase angle estimated by a PLL when there is unbalance and harmonics in the grid voltage. By using the derived expressions, the total harmonic distortion (THD) and the fundamental phase error of the unit vectors can be determined for a given PLL topology and a given level of unbalance and distortion in the grid voltage. The accuracy of the results obtained from the analytical expressions is validated with the simulation and experimental results for synchronous reference frame PLL (SRF-PLL). Based on these expressions, a new tuning method for the SRF-PLL is proposed which quantifies the tradeoff between the unit vector THD and the bandwidth of the SRF-PLL. Using this method, the exact value of the bandwidth of the SRF-PLL can be obtained for a given worst case grid voltage unbalance and distortion to have an acceptable level of unit vector THD. The tuning method for SRF-PLL is also validated experimentally.


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A power filter is necessary to connect the output of a power converter to the grid so as to reduce the harmonic distortion introduced in the line current and voltage by the power converter. Many a times, a transformer is also present before the point of common coupling. Magnetic components often constitute a significant part of the overall weight, size and cost of the grid interface scheme. So, a compact inexpensive design is desirable. A higher-order LCL-filter and a transformer are increasingly being considered for grid interconnection of the power converter. This study proposes a design method based on a three-winding transformer, that generates an integrated structure that behaves as an LCL-filter, with both the filter inductances and the transformer that are merged into a single electromagnetic component. The parameters of the transformer are derived analytically. It is shown that along with a filter capacitor, the transformer parameters provide the filtering action of an LCL-filter. A single-phase full-bridge power converter is operated as a static compensator for performance evaluation of the integrated filter transformer. A resonant integrator-based single-phase phase locked loop and stationary frame AC current controller are employed for grid frequency synchronisation and line current control, respectively.


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Micro- and nano-mechanical resonators have been proposed for a variety of applications ranging from mass sensing to signal processing. Often their actuation and/or detection involve external subsystems that are much larger than the resonator itself. We have designed a simple microcantilever resonator with integrated sensor and actuator, facilitating the integration of large arrays of resonators. This unique design can be manufactured with a low-cost fabrication process, involving just a single step of lithography. The bilayer cantilever of gold and silicon dioxide is used as piezoresistive sensor as well as thermal bimorph actuator. The ac current used for actuation and the dc current used for piezoresistive detection are separated in the frequency-domain using a bias-tee circuit configuration. The resonant response is measured by detecting the second harmonic of the actuation current using a lock-in amplifier.


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The equivalence of triangle-comparison-based pulse width modulation (TCPWM) and space vector based PWM (SVPWM) during linear modulation is well-known. This paper analyses triangle-comparison based PWM techniques (TCPWM) such as sine-triangle PWM (SPWM) and common-mode voltage injection PWM during overmodulation from a space vector point of view. The average voltage vector produced by TCPWM during overmodulation is studied in the stationary (a-b) reference frame. This is compared and contrasted with the average voltage vector corresponding to the well-known standard two-zone algorithm for space vector modulated inverters. It is shown that the two-zone overmodulation algorithm itself can be derived from the variation of average voltage vector with TCPWM. The average voltage vector is further studied in a synchronously revolving (d-q) reference frame. The RMS value of low-order voltage ripple can be estimated, and can be used to compare harmonic distortion due to different PWM methods during overmodulation. The measured values of the total harmonic distortion (THD) in the line currents are presented at various fundamental frequencies. The relative values of measured current THD pertaining to different PWM methods tally with those of analytically evaluated RMS voltage ripple.


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SARAS is a correlation spectrometer purpose designed for precision measurements of the cosmic radio background and faint features in the sky spectrum at long wavelengths that arise from redshifted 21-cm from gas in the reionization epoch. SARAS operates in the octave band 87.5-175 MHz. We present herein the system design arguing for a complex correlation spectrometer concept. The SARAS design concept provides a differential measurement between the antenna temperature and that of an internal reference termination, with measurements in switched system states allowing for cancellation of additive contaminants from a large part of the signal flow path including the digital spectrometer. A switched noise injection scheme provides absolute spectral calibration. Additionally, we argue for an electrically small frequency-independent antenna over an absorber ground. Various critical design features that aid in avoidance of systematics and in providing calibration products for the parametrization of other unavoidable systematics are described and the rationale discussed. The signal flow and processing is analyzed and the response to noise temperatures of the antenna, reference termination and amplifiers is computed. Multi-path propagation arising from internal reflections are considered in the analysis, which includes a harmonic series of internal reflections. We opine that the SARAS design concept is advantageous for precision measurement of the absolute cosmic radio background spectrum; therefore, the design features and analysis methods presented here are expected to serve as a basis for implementations tailored to measurements of a multiplicity of features in the background sky at long wavelengths, which may arise from events in the dark ages and subsequent reionization era.


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Crystals of a new nonlinear optical (NLO) material, viz., L-histidinium 2-nitrobenzoate (LHNB) (1) were grown by slow evaporation of an aqueous solution containing equimolar concentrations of L-histidine and 2-nitrobenzoic acid. The structure of the title compound which crystallizes in the non-centrosymmetric monoclinic space group P2(1) was elucidated using single crystal X-ray intensity data. The UV-Vis-NIR spectrum of 1 reveals its transparent nature while the vibrational spectra confirm the presence of the functional groups in 1. The thermal stability and second harmonic generation (SHG) conversion efficiency of 1 were also investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.