223 resultados para SPOT-SIZE CONVERTER


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In the present paper, thermo-mechanical response of B2-NiAl nanowire along the < 100 >, < 110 >, and < 111 > orientations has been studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Nanowire with cross-sectional dimensions of similar to 20x20 angstrom(2), similar to 25x25 angstrom(2), and similar to 30x30 angstrom(2) and temperature range of 10 K-900 K has been considered. A Combined effect of size, orientation, and temperature on the stress-strain behavior under uniaxial tensile loading has been presented. It has been observed that < 111 > oriented NiAl nanowire that is energetically most stable gives highest yield stress which further reduces with < 110 > and < 100 > orientations. A remarkable ductile brittle transition (DBT) with an increase in temperature has also been reported for all the orientations considered in the present study. The DBT observed for the nanowire has also been compared with the reported DBT of bulk B2-NiAl obtained from experiments. Alternate technique has also been proposed to increase the toughness of a given material especially at lower temperature regions, i.e. below DBT.


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In this paper, we revisit the combinatorial error model of Mazumdar et al. that models errors in high-density magnetic recording caused by lack of knowledge of grain boundaries in the recording medium. We present new upper bounds on the cardinality/rate of binary block codes that correct errors within this model. All our bounds, except for one, are obtained using combinatorial arguments based on hypergraph fractional coverings. The exception is a bound derived via an information-theoretic argument. Our bounds significantly improve upon existing bounds from the prior literature.


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Digestive ripening, a postsynthetic treatment of colloidal nanoparticles, is a versatile method to produce monodisperse nanoparticles and to prepare various bimetallic nanostructures. The mechanism of this process is largely unknown. Herein, we present a systematic study conducted using Au nanoparticles prepared by a solvated metal atom dispersion method to probe the mechanistic aspects of digestive ripening. In our study, experimental conditions such as concentration of capping agent, reaction time, and temperature, were found to influence the course of the digestive ripening process. Here it is shown that, during digestive ripening under reflux, nanoparticles within an optimum size window are conserved, and surface etching facilitated mass transfer resulted in monodisperse nanoparticles. Overall, digestive ripening can be considered as a kinetically controlled thermodynamic process.


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The nature of the signal due to light beam induced current (LBIC) at the remote contacts is verified as a lateral photovoltage for non-uniformly illuminated planar p-n junction devices; simulation and experimental results are presented. The limitations imposed by the ohmic contacts are successfully overcome by the introduction of capacitively coupled remote contacts, which yield similar results without any significant loss in the estimated material and device parameters. It is observed that the LBIC measurements introduce artefacts such as shift in peak position with increasing laser power. Simulation of LBIC signal as a function of characteristic length L-c of photo-generated carriers and for different beam diameters has resulted in the observed peak shifts, thus attributed to the finite size of the beam. Further, the idea of capacitively coupled contacts has been extended to contactless measurements using pressure contacts with an oxidized aluminium electrodes. This technique avoids the contagious sample processing steps, which may introduce unintentional defects and contaminants into the material and devices under observation. Thus, we present here, the remote contact LBIC as a practically non-destructive tool in the evaluation of device parameters and welcome its use during fabrication steps. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Using numerical diagonalization we study the crossover among different random matrix ensembles (Poissonian, Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) and Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE)) realized in two different microscopic models. The specific diagnostic tool used to study the crossovers is the level spacing distribution. The first model is a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting hard-core bosons (or equivalently spin 1/2 objects) and the other a higher dimensional model of non-interacting particles with disorder and spin-orbit coupling. We find that the perturbation causing the crossover among the different ensembles scales to zero with system size as a power law with an exponent that depends on the ensembles between which the crossover takes place. This exponent is independent of microscopic details of the perturbation. We also find that the crossover from the Poissonian ensemble to the other three is dominated by the Poissonian to GOE crossover which introduces level repulsion while the crossover from GOE to GUE or GOE to GSE associated with symmetry breaking introduces a subdominant contribution. We also conjecture that the exponent is dependent on whether the system contains interactions among the elementary degrees of freedom or not and is independent of the dimensionality of the system.


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Size effect in ferroelectrics has been extensively investigated in the past with the general consensus that the long-range ferroelectric ordering gradually disappears with decreasing crystallite size, eventually leading to the paraelectric state. In this paper, we show that the compositions exhibiting giant tetragonality (c/a similar to 1.18) of the ferroelectric alloy system BiFeO3-PbTiO3 transform from a pure tetragonal phase to a state comprising tetragonal and rhombohedral phases as the average crystallite size is reduced from similar to 10 to similar to 1 mu m. It is argued that the increased surface energy in the smaller sized crystallites creates an equivalent compressive stress that drives the system towards tetragonal-rhombohedral criticality.


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Fine powders comprising nanocrystallites of Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 (BCZT) were synthesized via oxalate precursor method, which facilitated to obtain homogenous and large grain sized ceramics at a lower sintering temperature. The compacted powders were sintered at various temperatures in the range of 1200 degrees C-1500 degrees C for an optimized duration of 10 h. Interestingly the one that was sintered at 1450 degrees C/10 h exhibited well resolved Morphotrophic Phase Boundary. The average grain size associated with this sample was 30 mu m accompanied by higher domain density mostly with 90 degrees twinning. These were believed to have significant contribution towards obtaining large strain of about 0.2% and piezoelectric coefficient as high as 563 pC/N. The maximum force that was generated by BCZT ceramic (having 30 mu m grain size) was found to be 161 MPa, which is much higher than that of known actuator materials such as PZT (40MPa) and NKN-5-LT (7 MPa). (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with average sizes of 14, 9 and 6 nm were synthesised by the chemical co-precipitation technique. Average particle sizes were varied by changing the chitosan surfactant to precursor molar ratio in the reaction mixture. Transmission electron microscopy images revealed a faceted and irregular morphology for the as-synthesised nanoparticles. Magnetic measurements revealed a ferromagnetic nature for the 14 and 9 nm particles and a superparamagnetic nature for the 6 nm particles. An increase in saturation magnetisation with increasing particle size was noted. Relaxivity measurements were carried out to determine T-2 value as a function of particle size using nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. The relaxivity coefficient increased with decrease in particle size and decrease in the saturation magnetisation value. The observed trend in the change of relaxivity value with particle size was attributed to the faceted nature of as-synthesised nanoparticles. Faceted morphology results in the creation of high gradient of magnetic field in the regions adjacent to the facet edges increasing the relaxivity value. The effect of edges in increasing the relaxivity value increases with decrease in the particle size because of an increase in the total number of edges per particle dispersion.


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The present study combines field and satellite observations to investigate how hydrographical transformations influence phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal during the peak Southwest Monsoon/Summer Monsoon (July-August). The intrusion of the Summer Monsoon Current (SMC) into the Bay of Bengal and associated changes in sea surface chemistry, traceable eastward up to 90 degrees E along 8 degrees N, seems to influence biology of the region significantly. Both in situ and satellite (MODIS) data revealed low surface chlorophyll except in the area influenced by the SMC During the study period, two well-developed cydonic eddies (north) and an anti-cyclonic eddy (south), closely linked to the main eastward flow of the SMC, were sampled. Considering the capping effect of the low-saline surface water that is characteristic of the Bay of Bengal, the impact of the cyclonic eddy, estimated in terms of enhanced nutrients and chlorophyll, was mostly restricted to the subsurface waters (below 20 m depth). Conversely, the anti-cyclonic eddy aided by the SMC was characterized by considerably higher nutrient concentration and chlorophyll in the upper water column (upper 60 m), which was contrary to the general characteristic of such eddies. Albeit smaller phytoplankton predominated the southern Bay of Bengal (60-95% of the total chlorophyll), the contribution of large phytoplankton was double in the regions influenced by the SMC and associated eddies. Multivariate analysis revealed the extent to which SMC-associated eddies spatially influence phytoplankton community structure. The study presents the first direct quantification of the size structure of phytoplankton from the southern Bay of Bengal and demonstrates that the SMC-associated hydrographical ramifications significantly increase the phytoplankton biomass contributed by larger phytoplankton and thereby influence the vertical opal and organic carbon flux in the region. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report here the investigations on the size dependent variation of magnetic properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles. Nickel ferrite nanoparticles of different sizes (14 to 22 nm) were prepared by the sol-gel route at different annealing temperatures. They are characterized by TGA-DTA, XRD, SEM, TEM and Raman spectroscopy techniques for the confirmation of the temperature of phase formation, thermal stability, crystallinity, morphology and structural status of the nickel ferrite nanoparticles. The magnetization studies revealed that the saturation magnetization (M-s), retentivity (M-r) increase, while coercivity (H-c) and anisotropy (K-eff) decrease as the particle size increases. The observed value of M-s is found to be relatively higher for a particle size of 22 nm. In addition, we have estimated the magnetic domain size using magnetic data and correlated to the average particle size. The calculated magnetic domain size is closely matching with the particle size estimated from XRD. Impedance spectroscopy was employed to study the samples in an equivalent circuit to understand their transport phenomena. It shows that nickel ferrite nanoparticles exhibit a non-Debye behavior with increasing particle size due to the influence of increasing disorders, surface effects, grain size and grain boundaries, etc. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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A simple colorimetric detection of melamine was studied using 15 nm (AuNPs-I), 30 nm (AuNPs-II), and 40 nm (AuNPs-III) citrate-capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). The AuNPs aggregated in aqueous solution in the presence of melamine, showing a visual color change from red to blue. This color change led to a shift in the absorption peak from 527 nm, 526 nm, and 525 nm to 638 nm, 626 nm, and 680 nm for AuNPs-I, AuNPs-II, and AuNPs-III, respectively. For all the three AuNPs, linearity was observed between the melamine concentration in aqueous solution and the absorbance ratios, A(638/527), A(626/525), and A(680/526), respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) for melamine for the AuNPs-II was found to be 2.37 x 10(-8) M (correlation coefficient R-2 = 0.9745), which showed better sensitivity as compared to the LOD of the AuNPs-I and AuNPs-III, which were 3.3 x 10(-8) M and 8.9 x 10(-8) M, respectively. The synthesis of AuNPs-II also involved a lower HAuCl4 concentration compared with the other two types of AuNPs, which may reduce the process cost. The AuNPs-II was selected to analyze melamine in pre-treated milk samples, and the recovery percentage was in the range of 91-106%. Thus, the efficient detection of melamine was possible using AuNPs-II for the on-site detection without the aid of expensive instruments.


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The selective formation of a single isomer of a 3+2] self-assembled organic cage from a reaction mixture of an unsymmetrical aldehyde and a flexible amine is discussed. The experimental and theoretical findings suggest that in such a process, the geometric features of the aldehyde play a key role.


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The exceptional solution processing potential of graphene oxide (GO) is always one of its main advantages over graphene in terms of its industrial relevance in coatings, electronics, and energy storage. However, the presence of a variety of functional groups on the basal plane and edges of GO makes understanding suspension behavior in aqueous and organic solvents, a major challenge. Acoustic spectroscopy can also measure zeta potential to provide unique insight into flocculating, meta-stable, and stable suspensions of GO in deionized water and a variety of organic solvents (including ethanol, ethylene glycol, and mineral oil). As expected, a match between solvent polarity and the polar functional groups on the GO surface favors stable colloidal suspensions accompanied by a smaller aggregate size tending toward disperse individual flakes of GO. This work is significant since it describes the characteristics of GO in solution and its ability to act as a precursor for graphene-based materials.


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Nanoscale materials show different properties compared to bulk materials. Due to the size dependent properties the nanoscale materials have potential applications in industry. In this paper the size dependent magnetic properties of Nd0.7Ca0.3MnO3 nanomanganite have been investigated. Nd0.7Ca0.3MnO3 nanoparticles were prepared by low temperature sol-gel method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and EDAX techniques were used to understand the structure, grain size and composition. Nanoparticles prepared were of the sizes 15 nm, 19 nm and 25 nm respectively. SQUID magnetometer was used to study the magnetic behavior of the nanoparticles. Field cooled (FC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) magnetization of all the nanosamples with respect to temperature was studied and compared. We have observed drastic changes in magnetic properties of 15 nm particles compared to the other nanoparticles. The `charge order peak' was seen to have disappeared in 15 nm particles while it was present in the other nanoparticles. All the nano particles exhibit superparamagnetism whose blocking temperature decreases as a function of decreasing particle size. The possible reasons for the influence of the particle size on the magnetic properties are discussed.


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We seldom mistake a closer object as being larger, even though its retinal image is bigger. One underlying mechanism could be to calculate the size of the retinal image relative to that of another nearby object. Here we set out to investigate whether single neurons in the monkey inferotemporal cortex (IT) are sensitive to the relative size of parts in a display. Each neuron was tested on shapes containing two parts that could be conjoined or spatially separated. Each shape was presented in four versions created by combining the two parts at each of two possible sizes. In this design, neurons sensitive to the absolute size of parts would show the greatest response modulation when both parts are scaled up, whereas neurons encoding relative size would show similar responses. Our main findings are that 1) IT neurons responded similarly to all four versions of a shape, but tuning tended to be more consistent between versions with proportionately scaled parts; 2) in a subpopulation of cells, we observed interactions that resulted in similar responses to proportionately scaled parts; 3) these interactions developed together with sensitivity to absolute size for objects with conjoined parts but developed slightly later for objects with spatially separate parts. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that there is a subpopulation of neurons in IT that encodes the relative size of parts in a display, forming a potential neural substrate for size constancy.