212 resultados para SEQUENCE DIVERSITY


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-helices are amongst the most common secondary structural elements seen in membrane proteins and are packed in the form of helix bundles. These -helices encounter varying external environments (hydrophobic, hydrophilic) that may influence the sequence preferences at their N and C-termini. The role of the external environment in stabilization of the helix termini in membrane proteins is still unknown. Here we analyze -helices in a high-resolution dataset of integral -helical membrane proteins and establish that their sequence and conformational preferences differ from those in globular proteins. We specifically examine these preferences at the N and C-termini in helices initiating/terminating inside the membrane core as well as in linkers connecting these transmembrane helices. We find that the sequence preferences and structural motifs at capping (Ncap and Ccap) and near-helical (N' and C') positions are influenced by a combination of features including the membrane environment and the innate helix initiation and termination property of residues forming structural motifs. We also find that a large number of helix termini which do not form any particular capping motif are stabilized by formation of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions contributed from the neighboring helices in the membrane protein. We further validate the sequence preferences obtained from our analysis with data from an ultradeep sequencing study that identifies evolutionarily conserved amino acids in the rat neurotensin receptor. The results from our analysis provide insights for the secondary structure prediction, modeling and design of membrane proteins. Proteins 2014; 82:3420-3436. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The Western Ghats of India is among the top 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world. About 43% of the reported 117 bat species in India are found in this region, but few quantitative studies of bat echolocation calls and diversity have been carried out here thus far. A quantitative study of bat diversity was therefore conducted using standard techniques, including mist-netting, acoustical and roost surveys in the wet evergreen forests of Kudremukh National Park in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. A total of 106 bats were caught over 108 sampling nights, representing 17 species, 3 belonging to Megachiroptera and 14 to Microchiroptera. Acoustical and roost surveys added three more species, two from Microchiroptera and one from Megachiroptera. Of these 20 species, 4 belonged to the family Pteropodidae, 10 to Vespertilionidae, 3 to Rhinolophidae, 2 to Megadermatidae and 1 to Hipposideridae. We recorded the echolocation calls of 13 of the 16 microchiropteran species, of which the calls of 4 species (Pipistrellus coromandra, Pipistrellus affinis, Pipistrellus ceylonicus and Harpiocephalus harpia) have been recorded for the first time. Discriminant function analyses of the calls of 11 species provided 91.7% correct classification of individuals to their respective species, indicating that the echolocation calls could be used successfully for non-invasive acoustic surveys and monitoring of bat species in the future.


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NrichD ( ext-link-type=''uri'' xlink:href=''http://proline.biochem.iisc.ernet.in/NRICHD/'' xlink:type=''simple''>http://proline.biochem.iisc.ernet.in/NRICHD/)< /named-content> is a database of computationally designed protein-like sequences, augmented into natural sequence databases that can perform hops in protein sequence space to assist in the detection of remote relationships. Establishing protein relationships in the absence of structural evidence or natural `intermediately related sequences' is a challenging task. Recently, we have demonstrated that the computational design of artificial intermediary sequences/linkers is an effective approach to fill naturally occurring voids in protein sequence space. Through a large-scale assessment we have demonstrated that such sequences can be plugged into commonly employed search databases to improve the performance of routinely used sequence search methods in detecting remote relationships. Since it is anticipated that such data sets will be employed to establish protein relationships, two databases that have already captured these relationships at the structural and functional domain level, namely, the SCOP database and the Pfam database, have been `enriched' with these artificial intermediary sequences. NrichD database currently contains 3 611 010 artificial sequences that have been generated between 27 882 pairs of families from 374 SCOP folds. The data sets are freely available for download. Additional features include the design of artificial sequences between any two protein families of interest to the user.


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Ser/Thr and Tyr protein kinases orchestrate many signalling pathways and hence loss in this balance leads to many disease phenotypes. Due to their high abundance, diversity and importance, efforts have been made in the past to classify kinases and annotate their functions at both gross and fine levels. These kinases are conventionally classified into subfamilies based on the sequences of catalytic domains. Usually the domain architecture of a full-length kinase is consistent with the subfamily classification made based on the sequence of kinase domain. Important contributions of modular domains to the overall function of the kinase are well known. Recently occurrence of two kinds of outlier kinases-''Hybrid'' and ``Rogue'' has been reported. These show considerable deviations in their domain architectures from the typical domain architecture known for the classical kinase subfamilies. This article provides an overview of the different subfamilies of human kinases and the role of non-kinase domains in functions and diseases. Importantly this article provides analysis of hybrid and rogue kinases encoded in the human genome and highlights their conservation in closely related primate species. These kinases are examples of elegant rewiring to bring about subtle functional differences compared to canonical variants.


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In this paper, we present novel precoding methods for multiuser Rayleigh fading multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems when channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter (CSIT) but not at the receiver (CSIR). Such a scenario is relevant, for example, in time-division duplex (TDD) MIMO communications, where, due to channel reciprocity, CSIT can be directly acquired by sending a training sequence from the receiver to the transmitter(s). We propose three transmit precoding schemes that convert the fading MIMO channel into a fixed-gain additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel while satisfying an average power constraint. We also extend one of the precoding schemes to the multiuser Rayleigh fading multiple-access channel (MAC), broadcast channel (BC), and interference channel (IC). The proposed schemes convert the fading MIMO channel into fixed-gain parallel AWGN channels in all three cases. Hence, they achieve an infinite diversity order, which is in sharp contrast to schemes based on perfect CSIR and no CSIT, which, at best, achieve a finite diversity order. Further, we show that a polynomial diversity order is retained, even in the presence of channel estimation errors at the transmitter. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the bit error rate (BER) performance obtainable from the proposed precoding scheme compared with existing transmit precoding schemes.


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Seasonal epidemics caused by influenza A (H1 and H3 subtypes) and B viruses are a major global health threat. The traditional, trivalent influenza vaccines have limited efficacy because of rapid antigenic evolution of the circulating viruses. This antigenic variability mediates viral escape from the host immune responses, necessitating annual vaccine updates. Influenza vaccines elicit a protective antibody response, primarily targeting the viral surface glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA). However, the predominant humoral response is against the hypervariable head domain of HA, thereby restricting the breadth of protection. In contrast, the conserved, subdominant stem domain of HA is a potential ``universal'' vaccine candidate. We designed an HA stem-fragment immunogen from the 1968 pandemic H3N2 strain (A/Hong Kong/1/68) guided by a comprehensive H3 HA sequence conservation analysis. The biophysical properties of the designed immunogen were further improved by C-terminal fusion of a trimerization motif, ``isoleucine-zipper'', or ``foldon''. These immunogens elicited cross-reactive, antiviral antibodies and conferred partial protection against a lethal, homologous HK68 virus challenge in vivo. Furthermore, bacterial expression of these immunogens is economical and facilitates rapid scale-up.


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The multiple short introns in Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes with degenerate cis sequences and atypically positioned polypyrimidine tracts make an interesting model to investigate canonical and alternative roles for conserved splicing factors. Here we report functions and interactions of the S. pombe slu7(+) (spslu7(+)) gene product, known from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human in vitro reactions to assemble into spliceosomes after the first catalytic reaction and to dictate 3' splice site choice during the second reaction. By using a missense mutant of this essential S. pombe factor, we detected a range of global splicing derangements that were validated in assays for the splicing status of diverse candidate introns. We ascribe widespread, intron-specific SpSlu7 functions and have deduced several features, including the branch nucleotide-to-3' splice site distance, intron length, and the impact of its A/U content at the 5' end on the intron's dependence on SpSlu7. The data imply dynamic substrate-splicing factor relationships in multiintron transcripts. Interestingly, the unexpected early splicing arrest in spslu7-2 revealed a role before catalysis. We detected a salt-stable association with U5 snRNP and observed genetic interactions with spprp1(+), a homolog of human U5-102k factor. These observations together point to an altered recruitment and dependence on SpSlu7, suggesting its role in facilitating transitions that promote catalysis, and highlight the diversity in spliceosome assembly.


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In India, the low prevalence of HIV-associated dementia (HAD) in the Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype C infection is quite paradoxical given the high-rate of macrophage infiltration into the brain. Whether the direct viral burden in individual brain compartments could be associated with the variability of the neurologic manifestations is controversial. To understand this paradox, we examined the proviral DNA load in nine different brain regions and three different peripheral tissues derived from ten human subjects at autopsy. Using a highly sensitive TaqMan probe-based real-time PCR, we determined the proviral load in multiple samples processed in parallel from each site. Unlike previously published reports, the present analysis identified uniform proviral distribution among the brain compartments examined without preferential accumulation of the DNA in any one of them. The overall viral DNA burden in the brain tissues was very low, approximately 1 viral integration per 1000 cells or less. In a subset of the tissue samples tested, the HIV DNA mostly existed in a free unintegrated form. The V3-V5 envelope sequences, demonstrated a brain-specific compartmentalization in four of the ten subjects and a phylogenetic overlap between the neural and non-neural compartments in three other subjects. The envelope sequences phylogenetically belonged to subtype C and the majority of them were R5 tropic. To the best of our knowledge, the present study represents the first analysis of the proviral burden in subtype C postmortem human brain tissues. Future studies should determine the presence of the viral antigens, the viral transcripts, and the proviral DNA, in parallel, in different brain compartments to shed more light on the significance of the viral burden on neurologic consequences of HIV infection.


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In this letter, we quantify the transmit diversity order of the SM system operating in a closed-loop scenario. Specifically, the SM system relying on Euclidean distance based antenna subset selection (EDAS) is considered and the achievable diversity gain is evaluated. Furthermore, the resultant trade-off between the achievable diversity gain and switching gain is studied. Simulation results confirm our theoretical results. Specifically, at a symbol error rate of about 10(-4) the signal-to-noise ratio gain achieved by EDAS is about 7 dB in case of 16-QAM and about 5 dB in case of 64-QAM.


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Lipocalins constitute a superfamily of extracellular proteins that are found in all three kingdoms of life. Although very divergent in their sequences and functions, they show remarkable similarity in 3-D structures. Lipocalins bind and transport small hydrophobic molecules. Earlier sequence-based phylogenetic studies of lipocalins highlighted that they have a long evolutionary history. However the molecular and structural basis of their functional diversity is not completely understood. The main objective of the present study is to understand functional diversity of the lipocalins using a structure-based phylogenetic approach. The present study with 39 protein domains from the lipocalin superfamily suggests that the clusters of lipocalins obtained by structure-based phylogeny correspond well with the functional diversity. The detailed analysis on each of the clusters and sub-clusters reveals that the 39 lipocalin domains cluster based on their mode of ligand binding though the clustering was performed on the basis of gross domain structure. The outliers in the phylogenetic tree are often from single member families. Also structure-based phylogenetic approach has provided pointers to assign putative function for the domains of unknown function in lipocalin family. The approach employed in the present study can be used in the future for the functional identification of new lipocalin proteins and may be extended to other protein families where members show poor sequence similarity but high structural similarity.


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Background: Candida auris is a multidrug resistant, emerging agent of fungemia in humans. Its actual global distribution remains obscure as the current commercial methods of clinical diagnosis misidentify it as C. haemulonii. Here we report the first draft genome of C. auris to explore the genomic basis of virulence and unique differences that could be employed for differential diagnosis. Results: More than 99.5 % of the C. auris genomic reads did not align to the current whole (or draft) genome sequences of Candida albicans, Candida lusitaniae, Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae; thereby indicating its divergence from the active Candida clade. The genome spans around 12.49 Mb with 8527 predicted genes. Functional annotation revealed that among the sequenced Candida species, it is closest to the hemiascomycete species Clavispora lusitaniae. Comparison with the well-studied species Candida albicans showed that it shares significant virulence attributes with other pathogenic Candida species such as oligopeptide transporters, mannosyl transfersases, secreted proteases and genes involved in biofilm formation. We also identified a plethora of transporters belonging to the ABC and major facilitator superfamily along with known MDR transcription factors which explained its high tolerance to antifungal drugs. Conclusions: Our study emphasizes an urgent need for accurate fungal screening methods such as PCR and electrophoretic karyotyping to ensure proper management of fungemia. Our work highlights the potential genetic mechanisms involved in virulence and pathogenicity of an important emerging human pathogen namely C. auris. Owing to its diversity at the genomic scale; we expect the genome sequence to be a useful resource to map species specific differences that will help develop accurate diagnostic markers and better drug targets.


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The Asian elephant Elephas maximus and the African elephant Loxodonta africana that diverged 5-7 million years ago exhibit differences in their physiology, behaviour and morphology. A comparative genomics approach would be useful and necessary for evolutionary and functional genetic studies of elephants. We performed sequencing of E. maximus and map to L. africana at similar to 15X coverage. Through comparative sequence analyses, we have identified Asian elephant specific homozygous, non-synonymous single nucleotide variants (SNVs) that map to 1514 protein coding genes, many of which are involved in olfaction. We also present the first report of a high-coverage transcriptome sequence in E. maximus from peripheral blood lymphocytes. We have identified 103 novel protein coding transcripts and 66-long non-coding (lnc)RNAs. We also report the presence of 181 protein domains unique to elephants when compared to other Afrotheria species. Each of these findings can be further investigated to gain a better understanding of functional differences unique to elephant species, as well as those unique to elephantids in comparison with other mammals. This work therefore provides a valuable resource to explore the immense research potential of comparative analyses of transcriptome and genome sequences in the Asian elephant.


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A new procedure for the identification of regular secondary structures using a C-alpha trace has identified 659 pi-helices in 3582 protein chains, solved at high resolution. Taking advantage of this significantly expanded database of pi-helices, we have analysed the functional and structural roles of helices and determined the position-wise amino acid propensity within and around them. These helices range from 5 to 18 residues in length with the average twist and rise being 85.2 +/- 7.2 and 1.28 +/- 0.31 angstrom, respectively. A total of 546 (similar to 83%) out of 659 pi-helices occur in conjunction with alpha-helices, with 101 pi-helices being interspersed between two alpha-helices. The majority of interspersed pi-helices were found to be conserved across a large number of structures within a protein family and produce a significant bend in the overall helical segment as well as local distortions in the neighbouring a-helices. The presence of a pi-helical fragment leads to appropriate orientation of the constituent residues, so as to facilitate favourable interactions and also help in proper folding of the protein chain. In addition to intra helical 6 -> 1 N H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds, pi-helices are also stabilized by several other non-bonded interactions. pi-Helices show distinct positional residue preferences, which are different from those of a-helices.