200 resultados para Pregnancy Proteins


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Many bacterial transcription factors do not behave as per the textbook operon model. We draw on whole genome work, as well as reported diversity across different bacteria, to argue that transcription factors may have evolved from nucleoid-associated proteins. This view would explain a large amount of recent data gleaned from high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatic analyses.


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Heterodimeric proteins with homologous subunits of same fold are involved in various biological processes. The objective of this study is to understand the evolution of structural and functional features of such heterodimers. Using a non-redundant dataset of 70 such heterodimers of known 3D structure and an independent dataset of 173 heterodimers from yeast, we note that the mean sequence identity between interacting homologous subunits is only 23-24% suggesting that, generally, highly diverged paralogues assemble to form such a heterodimer. We also note that the functional roles of interacting subunits/domains are generally quite different. This suggests that, though the interacting subunits/domains are homologous, the high evolutionary divergence characterize their high functional divergence which contributes to a gross function for the heterodimer considered as a whole. The inverse relationship between sequence identity and RMSD of interacting homologues in heterodimers is not followed. We also addressed the question of formation of homodimers of the subunits of heterodimers by generating models of fictitious homodimers on the basis of the 3D structures of the heterodimers. Interaction energies associated with these homodimers suggests that, in overwhelming majority of the cases, such homodimers are unlikely to be stable. Majority of the homologues of heterodimers of known structures form heterodimers (51.8%) and a small proportion (14.6%) form homodimers. Comparison of 3D structures of heterodimers with homologous homodimers suggests that interfacial nature of residues is not well conserved. In over 90% of the cases we note that the interacting subunits of heterodimers are co-localized in the cell. Proteins 2015; 83:1766-1786. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Identifying the structures of membrane bound proteins is critical to understanding their function in healthy and diseased states. We introduce a surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy technique which can determine the conformation of membrane-bound proteins, at low micromolar concentrations, and also in the presence of a substantial membrane-free fraction. Unlike conventional surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, our approach does not require immobilization of molecules, as it uses spontaneous binding of proteins to lipid bilayer-encapsulated Ag nanoparticles. We apply this technique to probe membrane-attached oligomers of Amyloid-beta(40) (A beta(40)), whose conformation is keenly sought in the context of Alzheimer's disease. Isotope-shifts in the Raman spectra help us obtain secondary structure information at the level of individual residues. Our results show the presence of a beta-turn, flanked by two beta-sheet regions. We use solid-state NMR data to confirm the presence of the beta-sheets in these regions. In the membrane-attached oligomer, we find a strongly contrasting and near-orthogonal orientation of the backbone H-bonds compared to what is found in the mature, less-toxic A beta fibrils. Significantly, this allows a ``porin'' like beta-barrel structure, providing a structural basis for proposed mechanisms of A beta oligomer toxicity.


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A new approach for rapid resonance assignments in proteins based on amino acid selective unlabeling is presented. The method involves choosing a set of multiple amino acid types for selective unlabeling and identifying specific tripeptides surrounding the labeled residues from specific 2D NMR spectra in a combinatorial manner. The methodology directly yields sequence specific assignments, without requiring a contiguously stretch of amino acid residues to be linked, and is applicable to deuterated proteins. We show that a 2D N-15,H-1]HSQC spectrum with two 2D spectra can result in approximate to 50% assignments. The methodology was applied to two proteins: an intrinsically disordered protein (12kDa) and the 29kDa (268 residue) -subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthase, which presents a challenging case with spectral overlaps and missing peaks. The method can augment existing approaches and will be useful for applications such as identifying active-site residues involved in ligand binding, phosphorylation, or protein-protein interactions, even prior to complete resonance assignments.


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Hitherto, electron transfer (ET) between redox proteins has been deemed to occur via donor-acceptor binding, and diffusible reactive species are considered as deleterious side-products in such systems. Herein, ET from cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR, an animal membrane flavoprotein) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP, a plant hemoprotein) to cytochrome c (Cyt c, a soluble animal hemoprotein) was probed under diverse conditions, using standard assays. ET in the CPR-Cyt c system was critically inhibited by cyanide and sub-equivalent levels of polar one-electron cyclers like copper ions, vitamin C/Trolox and superoxide dismutase. In the presence of lipids, inhibition was also afforded by amphipathic molecules vitamin E, palmitoyl-vitamin C and the membrane hemoprotein, cytochrome b(5). Such nonspecific inhibition (by diverse agents in both aqueous and lipid phases) indicated that electron transfer/relay was effected by small diffusible agents, whose lifetimes are shortened by the diverse radical scavengers. When CPR was retained in a dialysis membrane and Cyt c presented outside in free solution, ET was still observed. Further, HRP (taken at nM levels) catalyzed oxidation of a phenolic substrate was significantly inhibited upon the incorporation of sub-nM levels of Cyt c. The findings imply that CPR-Cyt c or HRP-Cyt c binding is not crucial for ET. Further, fundamental quantitative arguments (based on diffusion/collision) challenge the erstwhile protein-protein binding-assisted ET hypothesis. It is proven beyond reasonable doubt that mobile and diffusible electron carriers (ions and radicals) serve as ``redox-relay agents'' in the biological ET models/setup studied.