277 resultados para Mycobacterium tuberculosis


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Tuberculosis (TB) is a life threatening disease caused due to infection from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). That most of the TB strains have become resistant to various existing drugs, development of effective novel drug candidates to combat this disease is a need of the day. In spite of intensive research world-wide, the success rate of discovering a new anti-TB drug is very poor. Therefore, novel drug discovery methods have to be tried. We have used a rule based computational method that utilizes a vertex index, named `distance exponent index (D-x)' (taken x = -4 here) for predicting anti-TB activity of a series of acid alkyl ester derivatives. The method is meant to identify activity related substructures from a series a compounds and predict activity of a compound on that basis. The high degree of successful prediction in the present study suggests that the said method may be useful in discovering effective anti-TB compound. It is also apparent that substructural approaches may be leveraged for wide purposes in computer-aided drug design.


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Despite highly conserved core catalytic domains, members of the metallophosphoesterase (MPE) superfamily perform diverse and crucial functions ranging from nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism to phospholipid hydrolysis. Unique structural elements outside of the catalytic core called ``cap domains'' are thought to provide specialization to these enzymes; however, no directed study has been performed to substantiate this. The cap domain of Rv0805, an MPE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is located C-terminal to its catalytic domain and is dispensable for the catalytic activity of this enzyme in vitro. We show here that this C-terminal extension (CTE) mediates in vivo localization of the protein to the cell membrane and cell wall as well as modulates expression levels of Rv0805 in mycobacteria. We also demonstrate that Rv0805 interacts with the cell wall of mycobacteria, possibly with the mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex, by virtue of its C terminus, a hitherto unknown property of this MPE. Using a panel of mutant proteins, we identify interactions between active site residues of Rv0805 and the CTE that determine its association with the cell wall. Finally, we show that Rv0805 and a truncated mutant devoid of the CTE produce different phenotypic effects when expressed in mycobacteria. Our study thus provides a detailed dissection of the functions of the cap domain of an MPE and suggests that the repertoire of cellular functions of MPEs cannot be understood without exploring the modulatory effects of these subdomains.


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MsRbpA is an RNA polymerase (RNAP) binding protein from Mycobacterium smegmatis. According to previous studies, MsRbpA rescues rifampicin-induced transcription inhibition upon binding to the RNAP. Others have shown that RbpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtbRbpA) is a transcription activator. In this study, we report that both MsRbpA and MtbRbpA activate transcription as well as rescue rifampicin-induced transcription inhibition. Transcription activation is achieved through the increased formation of closed RNAP-promoter complex as well as enhanced rate of conversion of this complex to a stable transcriptionally competent RNAP promoter complex. When a 16 aa peptide fragment (Asp 58 to Lys 73) was deleted from MsRbpA, the resulting protein showed 1000-fold reduced binding with core RNAP. The deletion results in abolition of transcription activation and rescue of transcription from the inhibitory effect of rifampicin. Through alanine scanning of this essential region of MsRbpA, Gly 67, Val 69, Pro 70 and Pro 72 residues are identified to be important for MsRbpA function. Furthermore, we report here that the protein is indispensable for M. smegmatis, and it appears to help the organism grow in the presence of the antibiotic rifampicin.


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The topological homeostasis of bacterial chromosomes is maintained by the balance between compaction and the topological organization of genomes. Two classes of proteins play major roles in chromosome organization: the nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) and topoisomerases. The NAPs bind DNA to compact the chromosome, whereas topoisomerases catalytically remove or introduce supercoils into the genome. We demonstrate that HU, a major NAP of Mycobacterium tuberculosis specifically stimulates the DNA relaxation ability of mycobacterial topoisomerase I (TopoI) at lower concentrations but interferes at higher concentrations. A direct physical interaction between M. tuberculosis HU (MtHU) and TopoI is necessary for enhancing enzyme activity both in vitro and in vivo. The interaction is between the amino terminal domain of MtHU and the carboxyl terminal domain of TopoI. Binding of MtHU did not affect the two catalytic trans-esterification steps but enhanced the DNA strand passage, requisite for the completion of DNA relaxation, a new mechanism for the regulation of topoisomerase activity. An interaction-deficient mutant of MtHU was compromised in enhancing the strand passage activity. The species-specific physical and functional cooperation between MtHU and TopoI may be the key to achieve the DNA relaxation levels needed to maintain the optimal superhelical density of mycobacterial genomes.


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The understanding of protein-protein interactions is indispensable in comprehending most of the biological processes in a cell. Small-scale experiments as well as large-scale high-throughput techniques over the past few decades have facilitated identification and analysis of protein-protein interactions which form the basis of much of our knowledge on functional and regulatory aspects of proteins. However, such rich catalog of interaction data should be used with caution when establishing protein-protein interactions in silico, as the high-throughput datasets are prone to false positives. Numerous computational means developed to pursue genome-wide studies on protein-protein interactions at times overlook the mechanistic and molecular details, thus questioning the reliability of predicted protein-protein interactions. We review the development, advantages, and shortcomings of varied approaches and demonstrate that by providing a structural viewpoint in terms of shape complementarity and interaction energies at protein-protein interfaces coupled with information on expression and localization of proteins homologous to an interacting pair, it is possible to assess the credibility of predicted interactions in biological context. With a focus on human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, we show that such scrupulous use of details at the molecular level can predict physicochemically viable protein-protein interactions across host and pathogen. Such predicted interactions have the potential to provide molecular basis of probable mechanisms of pathogenesis and hence open up ways to explore their usefulness as targets in the light of drug discovery. (c) 2014 IUBMB Life, 66(11):759-774, 2014


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Redox signaling plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). The majority of HIV redox research relies on measuring redox stress using invasive technologies, which are unreliable and do not provide information about the contributions of subcellular compartments. A major technological leap emerges from the development of genetically encoded redox-sensitive green fluorescent proteins (roGFPs), which provide sensitive and compartment-specific insights into redox homeostasis. Here, we exploited a roGFP-based specific bioprobe of glutathione redox potential (E-GSH; Grx1-roGFP2) and measured subcellular changes in E-GSH during various phases of HIV-1 infection using U1 monocytic cells (latently infected U937 cells with HIV-1). We show that although U937 and U1 cells demonstrate significantly reduced cytosolic and mitochondrial E-GSH (approximately -310 mV), active viral replication induces substantial oxidative stress (E-GSH more than -240 mV). Furthermore, exposure to a physiologically relevant oxidant, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), induces significant deviations in subcellular E-GSH between U937 and U1, which distinctly modulates susceptibility to apoptosis. Using Grx1-roGFP2, we demonstrate that a marginal increase of about similar to 25 mV in E-GSH is sufficient to switch HIV-1 from latency to reactivation, raising the possibility of purging HIV-1 by redox modulators without triggering detrimental changes in cellular physiology. Importantly, we show that bioactive lipids synthesized by clinical drug-resistant isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reactivate HIV-1 through modulation of intracellular E-GSH. Finally, the expression analysis of U1 and patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells demonstrated a major recalibration of cellular redox homeostatic pathways during persistence and active replication of HIV.


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New anti-tubercular agents, imidazo1,2-a]pyridine-2-carboxamide derivatives (5a-q) have been designed and synthesized. The structural considerations of the designed molecules were further supported by the docking study with a long-chain enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (InhA). The chemical structures of the new compounds were characterized by IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, HRMS and elemental analysis. In addition, single crystal X-ray diffraction has also been recorded for compound 5f. Compounds were evaluated in vitro against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, and cytotoxicity against HEK-293T cell line. Amongst the tested compounds 5j, 5l and 5q were emerged as good anti-tubercular agents with low cytotoxicity. The structure-anti TB activity relationship of these derivatives was explained by molecular docking. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis employs various strategies to modulate host immune responses to facilitate its persistence in macrophages. The M. tuberculosis cell wall contains numerous glycoproteins with unknown roles in pathogenesis. Here, by using Concanavalin A and LC-MS analysis, we identified a novel mannosylated glycoprotein phosphoribosyltransferase, encoded by Rv3242c from M. tuberculosis cell walls. Homology modeling, bioinformatic analyses, and an assay of phosphoribosyltransferase activity in Mycobacterium smegmatis expressing recombinant Rv3242c (MsmRv3242c) confirmed the mass spectrometry data. Using Mycobacterium marinum-zebrafish and the surrogate MsmRv3242c infection models, we proved that phosphoribosyltransferase is involved in mycobacterial virulence. Histological and infection assays showed that the M. marinum mimG mutant, an Rv3242c orthologue in a pathogenic M. marinum strain, was strongly attenuated in adult zebrafish and also survived less in macrophages. In contrast, infection with wild type and the complemented Delta mimG: Rv3242c M. marinum strains showed prominent pathological features, such as severe emaciation, skin lesions, hemorrhaging, and more zebrafish death. Similarly, recombinant Msm Rv3242c bacteria showed increased invasion in non-phagocytic epithelial cells and longer intracellular survival in macrophages as compared with wild type and vector control M. smegmatis strains. Further mechanistic studies revealed that the Rv3242c- and mimG-mediated enhancement of intramacrophagic survival was due to inhibition of autophagy, reactive oxygen species, and reduced activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes. Infection with MsmRv3242c also activated the MAPK pathway, NF-kappa B, and inflammatory cytokines. In summary, we show that a novel mycobacterial mannosylated phosphoribosyltransferase acts as a virulence and immunomodulatory factor, suggesting that it may constitute a novel target for antimycobacterial drugs.


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An adenylyl cyclase from Mycobacterium avium, Mal 120, is a functional orthologue of a pseudogene Rv1120c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We report the crystal structure of Mal 120 in a monomeric form and its truncated construct as a dimer. Mal 120 exists as a monomer in solution and crystallized as a monomer in the absence of substrate or inhibitor. An additional alpha-helix present at the N-terminus of the monomeric structure blocks the active site by interacting with the substrate binding residues and occupying the dimer interface region. However, the enzyme has been found to be active in solution, indicating the movement of the helix away from the interface to facilitate the formation of active dimers in conditions favourable for catalysis. Thus, the N-terminal helix of Ma1120 keeps the enzyme in an autoinhibited state when it is not active. Deletion of this helix enabled us to crystallize the molecule as an active homodimer in the presence of a P-site inhibitor 2',5'-dideoxy-3'-ATP, or pyrophosphate along with metal ions. The substrate specifying lysine residue plays a dual role of interacting with the substrate and stabilizing the dimer. The dimerization loop region harbouring the second substrate specifying residue, an aspartate, shows significant differences in conformation and position between the monomeric and dimeric structures. Thus, this study has not only revealed that significant structural transitions are required for the interconversion of the inactive and the active forms of the enzyme, but also provided precise nature of these transitions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Gramicidin S (GS) is a cyclic cationic antimicrobial peptide (CAP) with a wide spectrum of antibiotic activities whose usage has been limited to topical applications owing to its cytotoxic side effects. We have synthesized tetrahydrofuran amino acid (Taa)-containing GS analogues, and we have carried out conformational analysis and explored their structure activity relationships by evaluating their antitubercular, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. Two of these analogues showed impressive as well as selective activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) without toxicity towards mammalian Vero cells or human RBCs, and are promising as potential leads.


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Bacteria can utilize multiple sources of carbon for growth, and for pathogenic bacteria like Mycobacterium tuberculosis, this ability is crucial for survival within the host. In addition, phenotypic changes are seen in mycobacteria grown under different carbon sources. In this study, we use Raman spectroscopy to analyze the biochemical components present in M. smegmatis cells when grown in three differently metabolized carbon sources. Our results show that carotenoid biosynthesis is enhanced when M. smegmatis is grown in glucose compared to glycerol and acetate. We demonstrate that this difference is most likely due to transcriptional upregulation of the carotenoid biosynthesis operon (crt) mediated by higher levels of the stress-responsive sigma factor SigF. Moreover, we find that increased SigF and carotenoid levels correlate with greater resistance of glucose-grown cells to oxidative stress. Thus, we demonstrate the use of Raman spectroscopy in unraveling unknown aspects of mycobacterial physiology and describe a novel effect of carbon source variation on mycobacteria.


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Rv1625c is one of 16 adenylyl cyclases encoded in the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In solution Rv1625c exists predominantly as a monomer, with a small amount of dimer. It has been shown previously that the monomer is active and the dimeric fraction is inactive. Both fractions of wild-type Rv1625c crystallized as head-to-head inactive domain-swapped dimers as opposed to the head-to-tail dimer seen in other functional adenylyl cyclases. About half of the molecule is involved in extensive domain swapping. The strain created by a serine residue located on a hinge loop and the crystallization condition might have led to this unusual domain swapping. The inactivity of the dimeric form of Rv1625c could be explained by the absence of the required catalytic site in the swapped dimer. A single mutant of the enzyme was also generated by changing a phenylalanine predicted to occur at the functional dimer interface to an arginine. This single mutant exists as a dimer in solution but crystallized as a monomer. Analysis of the structure showed that a salt bridge formed between a glutamate residue in the N-terminal segment and the mutated arginine residue hinders dimer formation by pulling the N-terminal region towards the dimer interface. Both structures reported here show a change in the dimerization-arm region which is involved in formation of the functional dimer. It is concluded that the dimerization arm along with other structural elements such as the N-terminal region and certain loops are vital for determining the oligomeric nature of the enzyme, which in turn dictates its activity.


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Discovering new drugs to treat tuberculosis more efficiently and to overcome multidrug resistance is a world health priority. To find novel antitubercular agents several approaches have been used in various institutions worldwide, including target-based approaches against several validated mycobacterial enzymes and phenotypic screens. We screened more than 17,000 compounds from Vichem's Nested Chemical Library(TM) using an integrated strategy involving whole cell-based assays with Corynebacterium glutamicum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and target-based assays with protein kinases PknA, PknB and PknG as well as other targets such as PimA and bacterial topoisomerases simultaneously. With the help of the target-based approach we have found very potent hits inhibiting the selected target enzymes, but good minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against M. tuberculosis were not achieved. Focussing on the whole cell-based approach several potent hits were found which displayed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against M. tuberculosis below 10 mu M and were non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic and the targets of some of the hits were also identified. The most active hits represented various scaffolds. Medicinal chemistry-based lead optimization was performed applying various strategies and, as a consequence, a series of novel potent compounds were synthesized. These efforts resulted in some effective potential antitubercular lead compounds which were confirmed in phenotypic assays. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Protein lysine acetylation is known to regulate multiple aspects of bacterial metabolism. However, its presence in mycobacterial signal transduction and virulence-associated proteins has not been studied. In this study, analysis of mycobacterial proteins from different cellular fractions indicated dynamic and widespread occurrence of lysine acetylation. Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins regulating diverse physiological processes were then selected and expressed in the surrogate host Mycobacterium smegmatis. The purified proteins were analyzed for the presence of lysine acetylation, leading to the identification of 24 acetylated proteins. In addition, novel lysine succinylation and propionylation events were found to co-occur with acetylation on several proteins. Protein-tyrosine phosphatase B (PtpB), a secretory phosphatase that regulates phosphorylation of host proteins and plays a critical role in Mycobacterium infection, is modified by acetylation and succinylation at Lys-224. This residue is situated in a lid region that covers the enzyme's active site. Consequently, acetylation and succinylation negatively regulate the activity of PtpB.


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Introduction Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK), conserved across bacteria to humans, synthesises NTP from NDP and ATP. The eukaryotic homologue, the NDPK, uses ATP to phosphorylate the tubulin-bound GDP to GTP for tubulin polymerisation. The bacterial cytokinetic protein FtsZ, which is the tubulin homologue, also uses GTP for polymerisation. Therefore, we examined whether NDK can interact with FtsZ to convert FtsZ-bound GDP and/or free GDP to GTP to trigger FtsZ polymerisation. Methods Recombinant and native NDK and FtsZ proteins of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis were used as the experimental samples. FtsZ polymersation was monitored using 90 degrees light scattering and FtsZ polymer pelleting assays. The gamma 32P-GTP synthesised by NDK from GDP and gamma 32P-ATP was detected using thin layer chromatography and quantitated using phosphorimager. The FtsZ bound P-32-GTP was quantitated using phosphorimager, after UV-crosslinking, followed by SDS-PAGE. The NDK-FtsZ interaction was determined using Ni2+-NTA-pulldown assay and co-immunoprecipitation of the recombinant and native proteins in vitro and ex vivo, respectively. Results NDK triggered instantaneous polymerisation of GDP-precharged recombinant FtsZ in the presence of ATP, similar to the polymerisation of recombinant FtsZ (not GDP-precharged) upon the direct addition of GTP. Similarly, NDK triggered polymerisation of recombinant FtsZ (not GDP-precharged) in the presence of free GDP and ATP as well. Mutant NDK, partially deficient in GTP synthesis from ATP and GDP, triggered low level of polymerisation of MsFtsZ, but not of MtFtsZ. As characteristic of NDK's NTP substrate non-specificity, it used CTP, TTP, and UTP also to convert GDP to GTP, to trigger FtsZ polymerisation. The NDK of one mycobacterial species could trigger the polymerisation of the FtsZ of another mycobacterial species. Both the recombinant and the native NDK and FtsZ showed interaction with each other in vitro and ex vivo, alluding to the possibility of direct phosphorylation of FtsZ-bound GDP by NDK. Conclusion Irrespective of the bacterial species, NDK interacts with FtsZ in vitro and ex vivo and, through the synthesis of GTP from FtsZ-bound GDP and/or free GDP, and ATP (CTP/TTP/UTP), triggers FtsZ polymerisation. The possible biological context of this novel activity of NDK is presented.