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The theory, design, and performance of a solid electrolyte twin thermocell for the direct determination of the partial molar entropy of oxygen in a single-phase or multiphase mixture are described. The difference between the Seebeck coefficients of the concentric thermocells is directly related to the difference in the partial molar entropy of oxygen in the electrodes of each thermocell. The measured potentials are sensitive to small deviations from equilibrium at the electrodes. Small electric disturbances caused by simultaneous potential measurements or oxygen fluxes caused by large oxygen potential gradients between the electrodes also disturb the thermoelectric potential. An accuracy of ±0.5 calth K−1 mol−1 has been obtained by this method for the entropies of formation of NiO and NiAl2O4. This “entropy meter” may be used for the measurement of the entropies of formation of simple or complex oxides with significant residual contributions which cannot be detected by heat-capacity measurements.


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The activity of Cr20~ in Cr20~-A12Oa solid solution has been determined in the temperature range 800~176 from electromotive force measurements on the solid oxide galvanic cell Pt,Cr + Cr2OJY~O~-ThO2/Cr + Cr~A12-xO~,Pt The activities of Cr203 and A120~ in the solid solution show both positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law. The heat and entropy of mixing of the solid Solution obtained from the temperature dependence of the emf can be expressed as AH = XCr203XA1203 [31,700Xcrzo3 -}- 37,470XA1203] J mole -I hS = -- 1.8R [Xcr2o3 In Xcr2o3 + XA12o3 In XAaos]The entropy of mixing is 10% lower than that predicted by the Temkin model.The large positive heat of mixing in the Cr2Os-A12Oa solid solution, however, suggests that this apparent: entropy discrepancy originates with the clustering of positive ions on the cation sublattice. The asymmetric miscibility gap exhibited in the CrzOa-A12Oa system below 900~ is consistent with the thermodynamic data trends recorded at the more elevated temperatures.


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Conductivity measurements as a function of temperature and partial pressures of SOs, SO2, and O2, and transference experiments indicate that the transport number of Na + ions is unity in Na2SO4-I. A concentration cell based on this electrolyte Pt, O2' + SO2' + SOs'/Na2SO4-I/SOa" + SO~" + O~", Pt produces emf's that are in agreement with those calculated from the Nernst equation when equilibrium is assumed between the gas species at the electrodes. The cell can be used for monitoring the SO#SOs pollution in air, and in combination with an oxygen probe can be used for the determination of SO=/SOs concentrations in coal combustion reactors, for the evaluation of the partial pressure of $2 in coal gasification systems, and for emission control in nonferrous smelters using sulfide ores. The probe is similar to that developed recently by Gauthier et aL (4, 5) using K=SO4 as the electrolyte, but can operate at higher pressures of SO3. Because of the greater polarizing power of the Na+ ion compared to the K + ion, Na2S207 is less stable and can be formed only at a considerably higher pressure of S03 than that required for K~20~.


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Solid solutions of Fe304-FeV204 and Fe304-FeCr204 were prepared and equilibrated with Pt under controlled streams of CO/CO, gas mixtures at 1673 K. The concentration of Fe in Pt was used to determine the activity of Fe304 in the solid solutions. The activity of the second component was calculated by Gibbshhem integration. From these data, the Gibbs energy of mixing was derived for both systems. The experimental results and theoretical values which are determined from calculated cation distribution compare favorably in the case of vanadite solid solutions but not in the case of chromite solid solutions. The difference is attributed to a heat term arising from lattice distortion due to cation size difference. The positive heat of mixing will give rise to a miscibility gap in the system Fe304-FeCr204 at lower temperatures.


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The open circuit potentials of the galvanic cell,Pt (or Au)¦(Ar + H2S + H2)primeparCaS + ZrO2(CaO)par (Ar + H2S+ H2)Prime£t (or Au) has been measured in the temperature range 1000 to 1660 K and PH2S:PH 2 ratios from 1.73×10–5 to 2.65×10–1. The solid electrolyte consists of a dispersion of calcium sulphide in a matrix of calcia-stabilized zirconia. The surface of the electrolyte is coated with a thin layer of calcium sulphide to prevent the formation of water vapour by reaction of hydrogen sulphide with calcium oxide or zirconia present in the electrolyte. The use of a lsquopoint electrodersquo with a catalytically active tip was necessary to obtain steady emfs. At low temperatures and high sulphur potentials the emfs agreed with the Nernst equation. Deviations were observed at high temperatures and low sulphur potentials, probably due to the onset of significant electronic conduction in the oxide matrix of the electrolyte. The values of oxygen and sulphur potentials at which the electronic conductivity is equal to ionic conductivity in the two-phase electrolyte have been evaluated from the emf response of the cell. The sulphide-oxide electrolyte is unsuitable for sulphur potential measurements in atmospheres with high oxygen potentials, where oxidation of calcium sulphide may be expected.


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The tie-lines delineating equilibria between CoO-NiO and Co-Ni solid solutions in the ternary Co-Ni-O system at 1373 K have been determined by electron microprobe andedax point count analysis of the oxide phase equilibrated with the alloy. The oxygen potentials corresponding to the tie-line compositions have been measured using a solid oxide galvanic cell with calcia-stabilized zirconia electrolyte and Ni + NiO reference electrode. Activities in the metallic and oxide solid solution have been derived using a new Gibbs-Duhem integration technique. Both phases exhibit small positive deviations from ideality; the values ofG E/X 1 X 2 are 2640 J mol−1 for the metallic phase and 2870 J mol−1 for the oxide solid solution.


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The emf of the cell, Pt, Ar + O2 + SO2 + SO3/Na2SO4-I/Fe2O2 + Fe2(SO4)3, Pt, has been measured in the temperature range 800 to 1000 K, using a gas mixture of known input composition as the reference electrode. The equilibrium composition of the reference gas at the measuring temperatures was computed using the thermodynamic data on the gaseous species reported in the literature. A mixture of ferric oxide and sulfate was kept in a closed system to ensure establishment of equilibrium partial pressure at the electrode. The cell was designed to avoid physical contact between Fe2(SO4)3 and Na2SO4 electrolyte. Uncertainties arising from the formation of sulfate solid solution were thus eliminated. The Gibbs’ energy of formation of ferric sulfate calculated from the emf is discussed in comparison with data reported in the literature. There is no evidence for the formation of oxysulfates in the Fe-S-0 system. Based on the results obtained in the present study for Fe2(SO4)3 and literature data for other phases, chemical potential diagrams have been constructed for the Fe-S-O system at 900 and 1100 K.


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Measurements on the solid state cell, View the MathML source using single crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte and CaSO4 as an auxiliary electrode, indicate that the EMF is in agreement with that predicted by the Nernst equation when equilibrium is assumed in the gas phase near the electrodes. The cell can be used to measure the View the MathML source content of gases at temperatures near 1200 K, where approximately 2 h ate required to obtain a steady EMF, without the use of catalysts to improve the kinetics of exchange reaction in the auxiliary electrode. For most applications, the cell EMF will be affected by the presence of water vapour in the gas phase. The cell is well suited for thermodynamic measurements on sulfates, pyrosulfates and their solid and liquid solutions.


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Gibbs energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 have been measured in the temperature range from 700 to 1100 K using Al2O3-dispersed CaF2 solid electrolyte and Ni+NiF2 as the reference electrode. The dispersed solid electrolyte has higher conductivity than pure CaF2 thus permitting accurate measurements at lower temperatures. However, to prevent reaction between Al2O3 in the solid electrolyte and NiF2 (or CoF2) at the electrode, the dispersed solid electrolyte was coated with pure CaF2, thus creating a composite structure. The free energies of formation of CoF2 and MnF2 are (± 1700) J mol−1; {fx37-1} The third law analysis gives the enthalpy of formation of solid CoF2 as ΔH° (298·15 K) = −672·69 (± 0·1) kJ mol−1, which compares with a value of −671·5 (± 4) kJ mol−1 given in Janaf tables. For solid MnF2, ΔH°(298·15 K) = − 854·97 (± 0·13) kJ mol−1, which is significantly different from a value of −803·3 kJ mol−1 given in the compilation by Barinet al.


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The Gibbs' energy offormation of the intermetallic compound URh3has been measured in the temperature range 980 to 1320 K using an oxide solid state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the solid electrolyte and a mixture of manganese and manganese oxide as the reference electrode. The cell can be represented as Pt, Mn + MnO I (Y203)Th02 I Rh + URh3 + U02 + x' Rh, Pt The reversible emf of the cell was a linear function of temperature E = 15.60 +0.0237 T (±0.8) mY. Using auxiliary thermodynamic data for MnO and U02+ x the Gibbs' energy of formation of URh3 from component metals has been computed. The results can be expressed by the equation L'.G?< URh3 > = -316240 + 13.22 T (± 3000) J mol-1. The "third-law" enthalpy of formation of URh3at 298 K is -293.2 (± 4) kJ mol-1, significantly more negative than the value of -181.5 kJ mol-1 calculated using Miedema's model.


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The tie-lines delineating equilibria between CoF2-NiF2 and Co-Ni solid solutions in the ternary Co-Ni-F system at 1373 K have been determined by electron microprobe and EDAX point count analysis of the equilibrated phases. Activities in the fluoride solid solution have been derived from the knowledge of activitycomposition relation in the metallic solid solution and tie-line data,using a modified form of the Gibbs-Duhem integration. The fluorine potentials corresponding to the tie-line compositions have been calculated.The excess Gibbs' energy of mixing for the fluoride solid solution derived from the present data can be represented by the expression


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New compos~tiong radient solid electrolytes are developed which have application in high temperature solid state galvanic sensors and provide a new tool for thermodynamic measurements. The electrolyte consists oi a solid solution between two ionic conductors with a common mobile ion and spatial variation in composition of otber coxup nents. Incorporation of the composite electrolyte in sensors permits the use oi dissimilar gas electrodes. It is demonsuated, both experimentall y and theoretically, that the composition gradient of the relativeiy immobile species does not give rise to a diffusion potential.The emi of a cell is determined by the activity of the mobile species at the two eiectrodes. The thermodynamic properties of solid solutions can be measured using the gradient solid electrolyte. The experimental stuay is based on model systems A?(COj)x(S04)l-x (A=Na,K),where S \.aria across the electrolyte. The functionally gradient solid electrolytes used for activity measurements consist of pure carbonate at one ena and the solid solution under stuav at the other. The identical vaiues of activity, obtained h m t hree different modes of operation of the ceil. indicate unit transport number for the ddi metal ion in the graciient electrolyte. Tlle activities in the solid solutions exhibit moderate positive deviations from Raoult 's law.


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The distribution of zinc cation between crystallographically nonequivalent positions in ZnFe204 has been determined by anomalous X-ray scattering near the Zn K absorption edge. Measured intensity ratio with two energies close to the edge can be quantitatively explained only by assigning all zinc cations to the tetrahedral position in the approximately cubic close packed array of oxygen ions. A similar conclusion has also been reached for ZnxFe3-x04 solid solutions with x = 0.73, 0.54 and 0.35 employing the improved X-ray method. This is consistent with the EXAFS results which indicate an almost unchanged environmental structure around zinc cation in these solid solutions.


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The oxygen potentials of four rare-earth metal – oxygen (RE–O: RE=Gd, Dy, Tb, Er) solid solutions have been measured by equilibration with yttrium – oxygen (Y–O) and titanium – oxygen (Ti–O) solid solutions. Rare-earth metal, yttrium and titanium samples were immersed in calcium-saturated CaCl2 melt at temperatures between 1093 and 1233 K. Homogeneous oxygen potential was established in the metallic samples through the fused salt, which contains some dissolved CaO. The metallic samples were analyzed for oxygen after quenching. The oxygen potentials of RE–O solid solutions were determined using either Y–O or Ti–O solid solution as the reference. This method enabled reliable measurement of extremely low oxygen potentials at high temperature (circa pO2=10−48 atm at 1173 K). It was found that the oxygen affinity of the metals decreases in the order: Y>Er>Dy>Tb>Gd>Ti. Values for the standard Gibbs energy of solution of oxygen in RE metals obtained in this study, permit assessment of the extent of deoxidation that can be achieved with various purification techniques. It may be possible to achieve an oxygen level of 10 mass ppm using an electrochemical deoxidation method.