276 resultados para Galaxy evolution


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Aluminum scandium binary alloys represent a promising precipitation-hardening alloy system. However, the hardness of the binary alloys decreases with the rapid coarsening of Al3Sc precipitate during high-temperature aging. In the current study, we report a new approach to compensate for the loss of mechanical properties by combining rapid solidification with very small ternary addition of transition metal Ni. This addition yields dispersion, and at a critical concentration improves the mechanical properties. We explore additions of a maximum of 0.06 at. pct of Nickel to a binary Al-0.14 at. pct Sc alloy, which yield nickel-rich dispersions. We report two kinds of biphasic dispersions containing AlNi2Sc/Al9Ni2 and alpha-Al/Al9Ni2 phase combinations. The maximum improvement in mechanical properties occurs with the addition of 0.045 at. pct Ni with a yield strength of 239 +/- A 7 MPa for an aging treatment at 583 K (310 A degrees C) for 15 hours. DOI: 10.1007/s11661-013-1624-z (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013


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The current study describes the evolution of microstructure and texture in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr-based 7010 aluminum alloy during different modes of hot cross-rolling. Processing of materials involves three different types of cross-rolling. The development of texture in the one-step cross-rolled specimen can be described by a typical beta-fiber having the maximum intensity near Copper (Cu) component. However, for the multi-step cross-rolled specimens, the as-rolled texture is mainly characterized by a strong rotated-Brass (Bs) component and a very weak rotated-cube component. Subsequent heat treatment leads to sharpening of the major texture component (i.e., rotated-Bs). Furthermore, the main texture components in all the specimens appear to be significantly rotated in a complex manner away from their ideal positions because of non-symmetric deformations in the two rolling directions. Detailed microstructural study indicates that dynamic recovery is the dominant restoration mechanism operating during the hot rolling. During subsequent heat treatment, static recovery dominates, while a combination of particle-stimulated nucleation (PSN) and strain-induced grain boundary migration (SIBM) causes partial recrystallization of the grain structure. The aforementioned restoration mechanisms play an important role in the development of texture components. The textural development in the current study could be attributed to the combined effects of (a) cross-rolling and inter-pass annealing that reduce the intensity of Cu component after each successive pass, (b) recrystallization resistance of Bs-oriented grains, (c) stability of Bs texture under cross-rolling, and (d) Zener pinning by Al3Zr dispersoids.


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Active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets carry more than sufficient energy to stave off catastrophic cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the cores of cool-core clusters. However, in order to prevent catastrophic cooling, the ICM must be heated in a near-isotropic fashion and narrow bipolar jets with P-jet = 10(44-45) erg s(-1), typical of radio AGNs at cluster centers, are inefficient in heating the gas in the transverse direction to the jets. We argue that due to existent conditions in cluster cores, the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) will, in addition to accreting gas via radiatively inefficient flows, experience short stochastic episodes of enhanced accretion via thin disks. In general, the orientation of these accretion disks will be misaligned with the spin axis of the black holes (BHs) and the ensuing torques will cause the BH's spin axis (and therefore the jet axis) to slew and rapidly change direction. This model not only explains recent observations showing successive generations of jet-lobes-bubbles in individual cool-core clusters that are offset from each other in the angular direction with respect to the cluster center, but also shows that AGN jets can heat the cluster core nearly isotropically on the gas cooling timescale. Our model does require that the SMBHs at the centers of cool-core clusters be spinning relatively slowly. Torques from individual misaligned disks are ineffective at tilting rapidly spinning BHs by more than a few degrees. Additionally, since SMBHs that host thin accretion disks will manifest as quasars, we predict that roughly 1-2 rich clusters within z < 0.5 should have quasars at their centers.


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Photoassisted electrolysis of water is considered as an effective way of storing solar energy in the form of hydrogen fuel. This overall reaction involves the oxidation of water to oxygen at the anode and the reduction of protons to hydrogen at the cathode. Cobalt-phosphate-based catalyst (Co-Pi) is a potentially useful material for oxygen evolution reaction. In the present study, electrochemical deposition of Co-Pi catalyst is carried out on Au-coated quartz crystal from 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7) containing 0.5 mM Co2+ ion, along with the simultaneous measurement of mass changes at the electrode surface. Cyclic voltammograms and mass variations are recorded during the course of deposition. A current peak is observed at 0.92 V vs Ag/AgCl, 3 M KCl corresponding to oxidation of Co2+ ion. The mass of the electrode starts increasing at this potential, suggesting the deposition of a Co(III)-based insoluble product on the electrode surface. The stability of the catalyst is also studied at several potentials in both buffered and nonbuffered electrolyte by monitoring the real-time mass variations.


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In the current study, the evolution of microstructure and texture has been studied for Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy during sub-transus thermomechanical processing. This part of the work deals with the deformation response of the alloy by rolling in the (alpha + beta) phase field. The (alpha + beta) annealing behavior of the rolled specimen is communicated in part II. Rolled microstructures of the alloys exhibit either kinked or straight alpha colonies depending on their orientations with respect to the principal rolling directions. The Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy shows an improved rolling response compared with the alloy Ti-6Al-4V because of smaller alpha lamellae size, coherency of alpha/beta interfaces, and multiple slip due to orientation factors. Accelerated dynamic globularization for this alloy is similarly caused by the intralamellar transverse boundary formation via multiple slip and strain accumulation at TiB particles. The (0002)(alpha) pole figures of rolled Ti-6Al-4V alloy shows ``TD splitting'' at lower rolling temperatures because of strong initial texture. Substantial beta phase mitigates the effect of starting texture at higher temperature so that ``RD splitting'' characterizes the basal pole figure. Weak starting texture and easy slip transfer for Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy produce simultaneous TD and RD splittings in basal pole figures at all rolling temperatures.


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The first part of this study describes the evolution of microstructure and texture in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy during sub-transus rolling vis-A -vis the control alloy Ti-6Al-4V. In the second part, the static annealing response of the two alloys at self-same conditions is compared and the principal micromechanisms are analyzed. Faster globularization kinetics has been observed in the Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy for equivalent annealing conditions. This is primarily attributed to the alpha colonies, which leads to easy boundary splitting via multiple slip activation in this alloy. The other mechanisms facilitating lamellar to equiaxed morphological transformations, e.g., termination migration and cylinderization, also start early in the boron-modified alloy due to small alpha colony size, small aspect ratio of the alpha lamellae, and the presence of TiB particles in the microstructure. Both the alloys exhibit weakening of basal fiber (ND||aOE (c) 0001 >) and strengthening of prism fiber (RD||aOE (c) aOE(a)) upon annealing. A close proximity between the orientations of fully globularized primary alpha and secondary alpha phases during alpha -> beta -> alpha transformation has accounted for such a texture modification.


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A Cu-Cu multilayer processed by accumulative roll bonding was deformed to large strains and further annealed. The texture of the deformed Cu-Cu multilayer differs from the conventional fcc rolling textures in terms of higher fractions of Bs and RD-rotated cube components, compared with the volume fraction of Cu component. The elongated grain shape significantly affects the deformation characteristics. Characteristic microstructural features of both continuous dynamic recrystallization and discontinuous dynamic recrystallization were observed in the microtexture measurements. X-ray texture measurements of annealing of heavily deformed multilayer demonstrate constrained recrystallization and resulted in a bimodal grain size distribution in the annealed material at higher strains. The presence of cube- and BR-oriented grains in the deformed material confirms the oriented nucleation as the major influence on texture change during recrystallization. Persistence of cube component throughout the deformation is attributed to dynamic recrystallization. Evolution of RD-rotated cube is attributed to the deformation of cube components that evolve from dynamic recrystallization. The relaxation of strain components leads to Bs at larger strains. Further, the Bs component is found to recover rather than recrystallize during deformation. The presence of predominantly Cu and Bs orientations surrounding the interface layer suggests constrained annealing behavior.


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Friction stir processing was carried out on the Al-Mg-Mn alloy to achieve ultrafine grained microstructure. The evolution of microstructure and micro-texture was studied in different regions of the deformed sample, namely nugget zone, thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ) and base metal. The average grain sizes of the nugget zone, TMAZ and base metal are 1.5 mu m +/- 0.5 mu m, 15 mu m +/- 8 mu m, and 80 mu m +/- 10 mu m, respectively. The TMAZ exhibits excessive deformation banding structure and sub-grain formation. The orientation gradient within the sub-grain is dependent on grain size, orientation, and distance from nugget zone. The microstructure was partitioned based on the grain orientation spread and grain size values to separate the recrystallized fraction from the deformed region in order to understand the micromechanism of grain refinement. The texture of both deformed and recrystallized regions are similar in nature. Microstructure and texture analysis suggest that the restoration processes are different in different regions of the processed sample. The transition region between nugget zone and TMAZ exhibits large elongated grains surrounded by fine equiaxed grains of different orientation which indicate the process of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization. Within the nugget zone, similar texture between deformed and recrystallized grain fraction suggests that the restoration mechanism is a continuous process.


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Hot deformation of pearlitic steel was carried out to examine the overall deformation response to microstructural evolution. To understand the mechanisms operative during hot deformation, compression tests were carried out at various temperatures in the range 400(-)600 degrees C and strain rates in the range 0.001-10 s(-1). The flow curves were analyzed to examine the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization. The evolution of microstructure in hot deformed samples is analysed using EBSD.


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In this work, the effect of hybridizing micro-Ti with nano-SiC particulates on the microstructural and the mechanical behaviour of Mg-5.6Ti composite were investigated. Mg materials containing micron-sized Ti particulates hybridized with different amounts of nano-size SiC particulates were synthesized using the disintegrated melt deposition method followed by hot extrusion. The microstructural and mechanical behaviour of the developed Mg hybrid composites were studied in comparison with Mg-5.6Ti. Microstructural characterization revealed grain refinement attributed to the presence of uniformly distributed micro-Ti particles embedded with nano-SiC particulates. Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) analyses of Mg-(5.6Ti + 1.0SiC)(BM) hybrid composite showed relatively more localized recrystallized grains and lesser tensile twin fraction, when compared to Mg-5.6Ti. The evaluation of mechanical properties indicated that the best combination of strength and ductility was observed in the Mg-(5.6Ti + 1.0SiC)(BM) hybrid composites. The superior strength properties of the Mg-(5.6Ti + x-SiC)(BM) hybrid composites when compared to Mg-5.6Ti is attributed to the presence of nano-reinforcements, the uniform distribution of the hybridized particles and the better interfacial bonding between the matrix and the reinforcement particles, achieved by nano-SiC addition.


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We extend our analysis of transverse single spin asymmetry in electroproduction of J/psi to include the effect of the scale evolution of the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions and gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS, and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of charmonium production, using an analytically obtained approximate solution of TMD evolution equations discussed in the literature. We find that there is a reduction in the asymmetry compared with our predictions for the earlier case considered by us, wherein the Q(2) dependence came only from DGLAP evolution of the unpolarized gluon densities and a different parametrization of the TMD Sivers function was used.


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A systematic study of the evolution of the microstructure and crystallographic texture during free end torsion of a single phase magnesium alloy Mg-3Al-0.3Mn (AM30) was carried out. The torsion tests were done at a temperature of 250 degrees C to different strain levels in order to examine the progressive evolution of the microstructure and texture. A detailed microstructural analysis was performed using the electron back-scattered diffraction technique. The observed microstructural features indicated the occurrence of continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization, starting with the formation of subgrains and ending with recrystallized grains with high angle boundaries. Texture and microstructure evolution were analysed by decoupling the effects of imposed shear and of dynamic recrystallization. Microstructure was partitioned to separate the deformed grains from the recovered/recrystallized grains. The texture of the deformed part could be reproduced by viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal simulations. Recovered/recrystallized grains were formed as a result of rotation of these grains so as to reach a low plastic energy state. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the evolution of microstructure and texture during hot rolling of hafnium containing NiTi based shape memory alloy Ni49.4Ti38.6Hf12. The formation of the R-phase has been associated with the precipitation of (Ti,Hf)(2)Ni phase. The crystallographic texture of the parent phase B2 as well as the product phases R and B19' have been determined. It has been found that the variant selection during the B2 -> R phase transformation is quite strong compared to the case of the B2 -> B19' transformation. During deformation, the texture of the austenite phase evolves with strong Goss and Bs components. After transformation to martensitic structure, it gives rise to a 011]parallel to RD fiber. Microstructure and texture studies reveal the occurrence of partial dynamic recrystallization during hot rolling. Large strain heterogeneities that occur surrounding (Ti,Hf)(2)Ni precipitates are relieved through extended dynamic recovery instead of particle stimulated nucleation.


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In this study, we present a new computational approach for studying the effect of melt convection on solidification at the micro-scale level. Models for dendritic and eutectic growth are developed on the basis of the enthalpy technique and incorporate the presence of flow in the domain. Simulation results show the growth and motion of dendrites and evolution of eutectic lamellae and their interaction with melt flow. The present study provides the foundation for development of an efficient generalized micro-scale solidification model, which can potentially be coupled with system-scale models based on the same framework.


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Evolution of texture and concomitant grain refinement during Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) of Ti - 13Nb - 13Zr alloy has been presented. Sub-micron sized equiaxed grains with narrow grain size distribution could be achieved after eight pass at 873 K. A characteristic ECAP texture evolved in alpha phase till four passes while the evolution of characteristic ECAP texture in the beta phase could be observed only beyond the fourth pass. On increasing the deformation up to eight passes, the texture in alpha phase weakens while the beta phase shows an ideal ECAP texture. A weaker texture, low dislocation density and high crystallite size values in alpha phase suggest the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization. The absence of texture evolution in beta phase till four passes can be attributed to local lattice rotations. The characteristic ECAP texture in the eight pass deformed sample is attributed to delayed dynamic recrystallization in the beta phase. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.