216 resultados para Cold atmospheric plasma


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Cryosorption pump is the only possible device to pump helium, hydrogen and its isotopes in fusion environment, such as high magnetic field and high plasma temperatures. Activated carbons are known to be the most suitable adsorbent in the development of cryosorption pumps. For this purpose, the data of adsorption characteristics of activated carbons in the temperature range 4.5 K to 77 K are needed, but are not available in the literature. For obtaining the above data, a commercial micro pore analyzer operating at 77 K has been integrated with a two stage GM cryocooler, which enables the cooling of the sample temperature down to 4.5 K. A heat switch mounted between the second stage cold head and the sample chamber helps to raise the sample chamber temperature to 77 K without affecting the performance of the cryocooler. The detailed description of this system is presented elsewhere. This paper presents the results of experimental studies of adsorption isotherms measured on different types of activated carbons in the form of granules, globules, flake knitted and non-woven types in the temperature range 4.5 K to 10 K using Helium gas as the adsorbate. The above results are analyzed to obtain the pore size distributions and surface areas of the activated carbons. The effect of adhesive used for bonding the activated carbons to the panels is also studied. These results will be useful to arrive at the right choice of activated carbon to be used for the development of cryosorption pumps.


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We hereby report the development of non-polar epi-GaN films of usable quality, on an m-plane sapphire. Generally, it is difficult to obtain high-quality nonpolar material due to the planar anisotropic nature of the growth mode. However, we could achieve good quality epi-GaN films by involving controlled steps of nitridation. GaN epilayers were grown on m-plane (10-10) sapphire substrates using plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The films grown on the nitridated surface resulted in a nonpolar (10-10) orientation while without nitridation caused a semipolar (11-22) orientation. Room temperature photoluminescence study showed that nonpolar GaN films have higher value of compressive strain as compared to semipolar GaN films, which was further confirmed by room temperature Raman spectroscopy. The room temperature UV photodetection of both films was investigated by measuring the I-V characteristics under UV light illumination. UV photodetectors fabricated on nonpolar GaN showed better characteristics, including higher external quantum efficiency, compared to photodetectors fabricated on semipolar GaN. X-ray rocking curves confirmed better crystallinity of semipolar as compared to nonpolar GaN which resulted in faster transit response of the device. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A systematic study of Gold catalyzed growth of Ge nanoneedles by PECVD at low temperatures (<400 degrees C) is presented. Morphology, growth rate and aspect ratio of the needles are studied as a function of power, gas flow rate and chamber pressure. Nanoneedles were grown at pre-defined positions with catalytic particles obtained by e-Beam Lithography and lift off. This opens up the possibility of using Ge Nano needles in photovoltaic, nanoelectronics and nanosensor device applications.


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We show that the upper bound for the central magnetic field of a super-Chandrasekhar white dwarf calculated by Nityananda and Konar Phys. Rev. D 89, 103017 (2014)] and in the concerned comment, by the same authors, against our work U. Das and B. Mukhopadhyay, Phys. Rev. D 86, 042001 (2012)] is erroneous. This in turn strengthens the argument in favor of the stability of the recently proposed magnetized super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs. We also point out several other numerical errors in their work. Overall we conclude that the arguments put forth by Nityananda and Konar are misleading.


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Cool cluster cores are in global thermal equilibrium but are locally thermally unstable. We study a non-linear phenomenological model for the evolution of density perturbations in the intracluster medium (ICM) due to local thermal instability and gravity. We have analysed and extended a model for the evolution of an overdense blob in the ICM. We find two regimes in which the overdense blobs can cool to thermally stable low temperatures. One for large t(cool)/t(ff) (t(cool) is the cooling time and t(ff) is the free-fall time), where a large initial overdensity is required for thermal runaway to occur; this is the regime which was previously analysed in detail. We discover a second regime for t(cool)/t(ff) less than or similar to 1 (in agreement with Cartesian simulations of local thermal instability in an external gravitational field), where runaway cooling happens for arbitrarily small amplitudes. Numerical simulations have shown that cold gas condenses out more easily in a spherical geometry. We extend the analysis to include geometrical compression in weakly stratified atmospheres such as the ICM. With a single parameter, analogous to the mixing length, we are able to reproduce the results from numerical simulations; namely, small density perturbations lead to the condensation of extended cold filaments only if t(cool)/t(ff) less than or similar to 10.


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This paper deals with dynamic recrystallization (DRX), static recrystallization, and grain growth phenomena of pure magnesium after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) by route A and B-C at 523 K (250 A degrees C) followed by 80 pct cold rolling. The ECAP-deformed and the subsequently rolled samples were annealed at 373 K and 773 K (100 A degrees C and 500 A degrees C). The associated changes in the microstructure and texture were studied using electron back-scattered diffraction. ECAP produced an average grain size of 12 to 18 A mu m with B and C-2 fiber textures. Subsequent rolling led to an average grain size 8 to 10 A mu m with basal texture fiber parallel to ND. There was no noticeable increase in the average grain size on annealing at 373 K (100 A degrees C). However, significant increase in the average grain size occurred at 773 K (500 A degrees C). The occurrence of different DRX mechanisms was detected: discontinuous dynamic recrystallization was attributed to basal slip activity and continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization to prismatic/pyramidal slip systems. Only continuous static recrystallization could be observed on annealing.


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The objective of the present work is to study the effect of electrical process Parameters (duty cycle and frequency) on morphological, structural, and in-vitro corrosion characteristics of oxide films formed on zirconium by plasma electrolytic oxidation in an electrolyte system consisting of 5 g/L of trisodium orthophosphate. The oxide films fabricated on zirconium by systematically varying the duty cycle and frequency are characterized for its phase composition, surface morphology, chemical composition, roughness, wettability, surface energy, scratch resistance, corrosion resistance, apatite forming ability and osteoblast cell adhesion. X-ray diffraction pattern of all the oxide films showed the predominance of m-ZrO2 phase. Dense and uniform films with thickness varying from 9 to 15 mu m and roughness in the range of 0.62 to 1.03 mu m are formed. Porosity of oxide films is found to be increased with an increase infrequency. The water contact angle results demonstrated that the oxide films exhibited similar hydrophilicity to zirconium substrate. All oxide films showed improved corrosion resistance, as indicated by far lower corrosion current density and passive corrosion potential compared to the zirconium substrate in simulated body fluid environment, and among the four different combinations of duty cycle and frequency employed in the present study, the oxide film formed at 95% duty cycle and 50 Hz frequency (HDLF film) showed superior pitting corrosion resistance, which can be attributed to its pore free morpholOgy. Scratch test results showed that the HDLF oxide film adhered firmly to the substrate by developing a notable scratch resistance at 19.5 +/- 1.2.N. Besides the best corrosion resistance and scratch retistance, the HDLF film also showed good apatite forming ability and osteo sarcoma cell adhesion on its surface. The HDLF oxide film on zirconium with superior surface characteristics is believed to be useful for various types of implants in the dental and orthopedic fields. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tradeoffs are examined between mitigating black carbon (BC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) for limiting peak global mean warming, using the following set of methods. A two-box climate model is used to simulate temperatures of the atmosphere and ocean for different rates of mitigation. Mitigation rates for BC and CO2 are characterized by respective timescales for e-folding reduction in emissions intensity of gross global product. There are respective emissions models that force the box model. Lastly there is a simple economics model, with cost of mitigation varying inversely with emission intensity. Constant mitigation timescale corresponds to mitigation at a constant annual rate, for example an e-folding timescale of 40 years corresponds to 2.5% reduction each year. Discounted present cost depends only on respective mitigation timescale and respective mitigation cost at present levels of emission intensity. Least-cost mitigation is posed as choosing respective e-folding timescales, to minimize total mitigation cost under a temperature constraint (e.g. within 2 degrees C above preindustrial). Peak warming is more sensitive to mitigation timescale for CO2 than for BC. Therefore rapid mitigation of CO2 emission intensity is essential to limiting peak warming, but simultaneous mitigation of BC can reduce total mitigation expenditure. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mechanisms of densification and creep were examined during spark plasma sintering (SPS) of alumina doped with a low and high level of zirconia or yttria, over a temperature range of 1173-1573 K and stresses between 25 and 100 MPa. Large additions of yttria led clearly to in situ reactions during SPS and the formation of a yttrium-aluminum garnet phase. Dopants generally lead to a reduction in the densification rate, with substantial reductions noted in samples with similar to 5.5 vol% second phase. In contrast to a stress exponent of n similar to 1 for pure alumina, the doped aluminas displayed n similar to 2 corresponding to an interface-controlled diffusion process. The higher activation energies in the composites are consistent with previous data on creep and changes in the interfacial energies. The results reveal a compensation effect, such that an increase in the activation energy is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the pre-exponential term for diffusion.


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This paper reports the dynamic compression behavior of ultrafine grained (Hf, Zr)B-2-SiC composites, sintered using reactive spark plasma sintering at 1600 degrees C for 10 min. Dynamic strength of similar to 2.3 GPa has been measured using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) tests in a reproducible manner at strain rates of 800-1300 s(-1). A comparison with competing boride based armor ceramics, in reference to the spectrum of properties evaluated, establishes the potential of (Hf, Zr)B-2-SiC composites for armor applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Experiments were conducted at laboratory level to treat the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) present in raw and dry biodiesel exhaust utilizing a combination of electric discharge plasma and bauxite residue, i. e., red mud, an industrial waste byproduct from the aluminum industry. In this paper, the adsorption and a possible catalytic property of bauxite residue are discussed. Nonthermal plasma was generated using dielectric barrier discharges initiated by ac/repetitive pulse energization. The effect of corona electrodes on the plasma generation was qualitatively studied through NOx cleaning. The plasma reactor and adsorbent reactors were connected in cascade while treating the exhaust. The diesel generator, running on biodiesel fuel, was electrically loaded to study the effectiveness of the cascade system in cleaning the exhaust. Interestingly, under the laboratory conditions studied, plasma-bauxite residue combination has shown good synergistic properties and enhanced the NOx removal up to about 90%. With proper scaling up, the suggested cascade system may become an economically feasible option to treat the exhaust in larger installations. The results were discussed emphasizing the role of bauxite residue as an adsorbent and as a room temperature catalyst.


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Although HA is highly biocompatible, one of the major disadvantages of HA include the lack of antibacterial property. In an earlier study, we demonstrated the potential role of magnetic field stimulation on bactericidal property in vitro. Following this, it was hypothesized that antibacterial property can be realized if bacteria are grown on magnetic biocomposites in vitro. In addressing this issue, this study demonstrates the development of HA-Fe3O4-based magnetic substrate with multifunctional properties. For this purpose, HA-xFe(3)O(4) (x: 10, 20 and 40wt%) powder compositions were sintered using uniquely designed spark plasma sintering conditions (three stage sintering with final holding temperature of 1050 degrees C for 5min). A saturation magnetization of 24emu/g is measured with HA-40%Fe3O4. Importantly, all the HA-Fe3O4 composites demonstrated bactericidal property by rupturing the membrane of Escherichia coli bacteria, while supporting cell growth of metabolically active human fetal osteoblast cells over 8d culture. A systematic decrease in bacterial viability with Fe3O4 addition is consistent with a commensurate increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS).


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The concentration of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) in engines which use biodiesel as fuel is higher compared to conventional diesel engine exhaust. In this paper, an attempt has been made to treat this exhaust using a combination of High frequency AC (HFAC) plasma and an industrial waste, Red Mud which shows proclivity towards Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) adsorption. The high frequency AC source in combination with the proposed compact double dielectric plasma reactors is relatively more efficient in converting Nitric Oxide (NO) to NO2. It has been shown that the plasma treated gas enhances the activity of red mud as an adsorbent/catalyst and about 60-72% NOx removal efficiency was observed at a specific energy of 250 J/L. The advantage in this method is the cost effectiveness and abundant availability of the waste red mud in the industry. Further, power estimation studies were carried out using Manley's equation for the two reactors employed in the experiment and a close agreement between experimental and predicted powers was observed. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Microwave plasma driven chemical vapour deposition was used to synthesize graphene nanosheets from a mixture of acetylene and hydrogen gas molecules. In this plasma, acetylene decomposes to carbon atoms that form nanostructures in the outlet plasma stream and get deposited on the substrate. The GNS consists of a few layers of graphene aligned vertically to the substrate. Graphene layers have been confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectral studies were conducted to observe the defective nature of the sample. The growth of nanosheets in a vertical direction is assumed to be due to the effect of electric field and from the difference in the deposition rate in the axial and parallel directions. These vertical graphene sheets are attractive for various applications in energy storage and sensors.