376 resultados para Chemical preparation


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Conditions for the preparation of stoichiometric barium zirconyl oxalate heptahydrate (BZO) have been standardized. The thermal decomposition of BZO has been investigated employing TG, DTG and DTA techniques and chemical and gas analysis. The decomposition proceeds through four steps and is not affected much by the surrounding gas atmosphere. Both dehydration and oxalate decomposition take place in two steps. The formation of a transient intermediate containing both oxalate and carbonate groups is inferred. The decomposition of oxalate groups results in a carbonate of composition Ba2Zr2O5CO3, which decomposes between 600 and 800° and yields barium zirconate. Chemical analysis, IR spectra and X-ray powder diffraction data support the identity of the intermediate as a separate entity.Die Bedingungen für die Herstellung von stöchiometrischem Barium-zirconyl-oxalat Heptahydrat (BZO) wurden standardisiert. Die thermische Zersetzung von BZO wurde unter Einsatz der TG-, DTG- und DTA, sowie der chemischen und Gasanalyse untersucht. Die Zersetzung verläuft über vier Stufen und wird von der umgebenden Gasathmosphäre nicht besonders beeinflusst. Sowohl die Dehydratisierung als auch die Oxalatzersetzung erfolgt in zwei Stufen. Die Bildung einer intermediären Übergangsverbindung mit sowohl Oxalat- als auch Carbonatgruppen wirken hierbei mit. Die Zersetzung der Oxalatgruppen ergibt ein Carbonat der Zusammensetzung Ba2Zr2O5CO3, das zwischen 600 und 800° zersetzt wird und Bariumzirconat ergibt. Die Angaben der chemischen Analyse, der IR-Spekren und der Röntgen-Pulver-Diffraktion unterstützen die Identität der Intermediärverbindung als eine separate Einheit.On a standardisé les conditions de préparation de l'oxalate heptahydraté de zirconyle et de baryum (BZO) stoechiométrique. On a étudié la décomposition thermique de BZO par TG, TGD et ATD ainsi que par analyses chimiques et analyses des gaz. La décomposition a lieu en quatre étapes et n'est pas trop influencée par l'atmosphère ambiante. La déshydratation et la décomposition de l'oxalate ont lieu en deux étapes. Il se forme un composé intermédiaire de transition contenant à la fois les groupes oxalate et carbonate. La décomposition des groupes oxalate fournit un carbonate de composition Ba2Zr2O5CO3 qui se décompose entre 600 et 800° pour fournir du zirconate de baryum. L'analyse chimique, les spectres IR et la diffraction des rayons X sur poudre, apportent les preuves de l'existence d'un composé intermédiaire comme entité séparée.


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Chemical shifts, ΔE, of the X-ray K-absorption edge in several compounds, complexes of copper including its superconducting oxides possessing formal oxidation states +1 and +2 have been measured. It has been shown that the chemical shift is primarily governed by the effective ionic charge on the absorbing ion and the nature of the atoms in the first coordination shell around the absorbing ion. The relation between the chemical shift, ΔE , and the effective charge q on the absorbing ion is found to be ΔE=Aq+Bq2+Cq3+Dq4 (A, B, C and D are constants). The effects of electronegativity, atomic number, oxidation state, crystal structure, the valence d-orbital electrons, etc. on the X-ray absorption chemical shift have been discussed. ©1990 The Physical Society of Japan


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In an attempt to toughen the epoxy resin matrix for fiber-reinforced composite applications, a chemical modification procedure of a commercially available bisphenol-A-based epoxy resin using reactive liquid rubber HTBN [hydroxy-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)] and TDI (tolylene diisocyanate) is described. The progress of the reaction and the structural changes during modification process are studied using IR spectroscopy, viscosity data, and chemical analysis (epoxy value determination). The studies support the proposition that TDI acts as a coupling agent between the epoxy and HTBN, forming a urethane linkage with the former and an oxazolidone ring with the latter. The chemical reactions that possibly take place during the modification are discussed.


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Transition metal sulfite hydrazine hydrates, MSO3·xN2H4·yH2O whereM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Zn have been prepared and characterized by chemical analysis, infrared spectra, thermoanalytical and combustion studies. The colours,x andy parameters of the complexes varied depending upon the preparation conditions. Thermal decomposition characteristics differ from metal to metal yielding metal oxides at relatively low temperatures.Mittels chemischer Analyse, IR-Spektren, thermoanalytischen und Verbrennungsstudien wurden die Hydrazinhydrate der hergestellten Übergangsmetallsulfite MSO3·xN2H4·yH2O mitM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni und Zn beschrieben. Farbe sowie die Parameterx undy der Komplexe hängen von den Herstellungsbedingungen ab. Die thermische Zersetzung, bei der bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen Metalloxide entstehen, ist von Metall zu Metall verschieden.


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Stereospecific synthesis of 4-formylcarane (2) has been achieved through hydroboration-carbonylation of DELTA-3-carene. Both the reactions are optimised using sodium borohydride. The method is utilised for the synthesis of sandatrile (3), a novel perfumery chemical.


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The chemical potential of oxygen corresponding to the iron-rutile-ilmenite (IRI) and iron-ilmenite-ulvospinel (IIU) equilibria has been measured employing solid-state galvanic cells,$$Pt, Fe + TiO_2 + FeTiO_3 //(Y_2 O_3 ) ZrO_2 //Fe + FeO, Pt$$ and $${\text{Pt, Fe + FeTiO}}_{\text{3}} {\text{ + Fe}}_{\text{2}} {\text{TiO}}_{\text{4}} {\text{//(Y}}_{\text{2}} {\text{0}}_{\text{3}} {\text{) ZrO}}_{\text{2}} {\text{//Fe + FeO, Pt}}$$ in the temperature range of 875 to 1275 K and 900 to 1373 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. The electromotive force (emf) of both the cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature over the entire range of measurement. The chemical potential of oxygen for IRI equilibrium is represented by Δμo2(IRI) = -550,724 - 29.445T + 20.374T InT(±210) J mol−1 (875 <-T<- 1184 K) = -620,260 + 369.593T - 27.716T lnT(±210) J mol−1 (1184 <-T<- 1275 K) and that for IIU equilibrium by Δμo2(IIU) = -501,800 - 49.035T + 20.374T lnT(±210) J mol−1 (900 <-T<- 1184 K) = -571,336 + 350.003T− 27.716T lnT(=−210) J mol-1 (1184 <-T<- 1373 K) The standard Gibbs energy changes for IRI and IIU equilibria have been deduced from the measured oxygen potentials. Since ilmenite contains small amounts of Ti³+ ions, a correction for the activity of FeTiO3 has been incorporated by assuming ideal mixing on each cation sublattice in the FeTiO3-Ti2O3 system. Similarly, the ulvospinel contains some Fe³+ ions and a correction for the activity of Fe2TiO4 has been included by modeling the Fe2TiO4-Fe3O4 system. The third-law analysis of the results obtained for IRI equilibrium gives ΔH 298 0 = -575 (±1.0) kJ mol-1 and for IIU equilibrium yields ΔH 298 0 = -523.7 (±0.7) kJ mol−1}. The present results suggest that Fe2+ and Ti4+ cations mix almost ideally on the octahedral site of spinel lattice in Fe2TiO4, giving rise to a configurational contribution of 2R In 2 (11.5256 J mol-1 K-1) to the entropy of Fe2TiO4.


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Diglycidyl ether–bisphenol-A-based epoxies toughened with various levels (0–12%) of chemically reacted liquid rubber, hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) (HTBN) were studied for some of the mechanical and thermal properties. Although the ultimate tensile strength showed a continuous decrease with increasing rubber content, the toughness as measured by the area under the stress-vs.-strain curve and flexural strength reach a maximum around an optimum rubber concentration of 3% before decreasing. Tensile modulus was found to increase for concentrations below 6%. The glass transition temperature Tg as measured by DTA showed no variation for the toughened formulations. The TGA showed no variations in the pattern of decomposition. The weight losses for the toughened epoxies at elevated temperatures compare well with that of the neat epoxy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of a dual phase morphology with the spherical rubber particles precipitating out in the cured resin with diameter varying between 0.33 and 6.3 μm. In contrast, a physically blended rubber–epoxy showed much less effect towards toughening with the precipitated rubber particles of much bigger diameter (0.6–21.3 μm).


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In an attempt to toughen the epoxy resin matrix for fiber-reinforced composite applications, a chemical modification procedure of a commercially available bisphenol-A-based epoxy resin using reactive liquid rubber HTBN [hydroxy-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)] and TDI (tolylene diisocyanate) is described. The progress of the reaction and the structural changes during modification process are studied using IR spectroscopy, viscosity data, and chemical analysis (epoxy value determination). The studies support the proposition that TDI acts as a coupling agent between the epoxy and HTBN, forming a urethane linkage with the former and an oxazolidone ring with the latter. The chemical reactions that possibly take place during the modification are discussed.


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Phase-pure, crystalline lanthanide chromates LnCrO4 (V), where Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Yb, Lu and Y, have been prepared by the controlled combustion of the corresponding lanthanide biscitrato chromium (III) complexes at comparatively low temperatures. Formation of chromates (V) was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, infrared and electronic spectroscopy. Phase purity of the materials has also been confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.


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Cutting of Y2O3-doped TZP rods by a low-speed diamond saw introduces an unidentified, metastable phase X (x-ZrO2) coexisting with the tetragonal (t-ZrO2) and the monoclinic (m-ZrO2) phases initially present in the sample. Further mechanical deformation of the cut surface by indentation or polishing sustains the x-ZrO2. Chemical etching removes the x-ZrO2 and increases the m-ZrO2content.


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The preparation of five different copper(I) complexes [CuSC(=NPh)(OAr)}L(n)]m (1-5) formed by the insertion of PhNCS into the Cu-OAr bond and the crystal structure analyses of three of them have been carried out. A monomeric species 1 (OAr = 2,6-dimethylphenoxide) is formed in the presence of excess PPh3 (n = 2, m = 1) and crystallizes as triclinic crystals with a = 12.419(4) angstrom, b = 13.298(7) angstrom, c = 15.936(3) angstrom, alpha = 67.09(3)-degrees, beta = 81.63(2)-degrees, gamma = 66.54(3)-degrees, V = 2224(2) angstrom3, and Z = 2. The structure was refined by the least-squares method to final R and R(w) values of 0.038 and 0.044, respectively, for 7186 unique reflections. Copper(I) 2,5-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenoxide results in the formation of a dimeric species 2 in the presence of P(OMe)3 (n = 1, m = 2), where the coordination around Cu is trigonal. Crystals of 2 were found to be orthorhombic with a = 15.691(2) angstrom, b = 18.216(3) angstrom, c = 39.198(5) angstrom, v = 11204(3) angstrom3, and Z = 8. Least-squares refinement gave final residuals of R = 0.05 and R(w) = 0.057 with 6866 unique reflections. A tetrameric species 3 results when PPh3 is replaced by P(OMe)3 in the coordination sphere of copper(I) 2,6-dimethylphenoxide. It crystallizes in the space group P1BAR with a = 11.681 (1) angstrom, b = 13.373(2) angstrom, c = 20.127(1) angstrom, a = 88.55(l)-degrees, beta = 89.65(l)-degrees, gamma = 69.28(1)-degrees, V = 2940(l) angstrom3, and Z = 2. Least-squares refinement of the structure gave final values of 0.043 and 0.05 for R and R(w) respectively using 12214 unique reflections. In addition, a dimeric species 4 is formed when 1 equiv of PPh3 is added to the copper(I) 4-methylphenoxide, while with an excess of PPh3 a monomeric species 5 is isolated. Some interconversions among these complexes are also reported.


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Organic molecules such as glucose or lactose mediate the synthesis and stabilize alpha-nickel hydroxide in a simple precipitation reaction, while, in the absence of these additives, beta-nickel hydroxide is formed. The additives are not incorporated in the product phase.