226 resultados para American socialist society.


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The transition parameters for the freezing of two one-component liquids into crystalline solids are evaluated by two theoretical approaches. The first system considered is liquid sodium which crystallizes into a body-centered-cubic (bcc) lattice; the second system is the freezing of adhesive hard spheres into a face-centered-cubic (fcc) lattice. Two related theoretical techniques are used in this evaluation: One is based upon a recently developed bifurcation analysis; the other is based upon the theory of freezing developed by Ramakrishnan and Yussouff. For liquid sodium, where experimental information is available, the predictions of the two theories agree well with experiment and each other. The adhesive-hard-sphere system, which displays a triple point and can be used to fit some liquids accurately, shows a temperature dependence of the freezing parameters which is similar to Lennard-Jones systems. At very low temperature, the fractional density change on freezing shows a dramatic increase as a function of temperature indicating the importance of all the contributions due to the triplet direction correlation function. Also, we consider the freezing of a one-component liquid into a simple-cubic (sc) lattice by bifurcation analysis and show that this transition is highly unfavorable, independent of interatomic potential choice. The bifurcation diagrams for the three lattices considered are compared and found to be strikingly different. Finally, a new stability analysis of the bifurcation diagrams is presented.


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The nonminimal coupling of a self-interacting complex scalar field with gravity is studied. For a Robertson-Walker open universe the stable solutions of the scalar-field equations are time dependent. As a result of this, a novel spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs which leads to a varying effective gravitational coupling coefficient. It is found that the coupling coefficient changes sign below a critical ‘‘radius’’ of the Universe implying the appearance of repulsive gravity. The occurrence of the repulsive interaction at an early epoch facilitates singularity avoidance. The model also provides a solution to the horizon problem.


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The degree of B/B alternate cation order is known to heavily influence the magnetic properties of A2BB O6 double perovskites although the nature of such disorder has never been critically studied. Our detailed x-ray absorption fine structure studies in conjunction with synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction experiments on polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 samples with various degrees of disorder reveal that a very high degree of short range order is preserved even in samples with highly reduced long range chemical order. Based on these experimental results and with the help of detailed structural simulations, we are able to model the nature of the disorder in this important class of materials and discuss the consequent implications on its physical properties.


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We report a multilayer film of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)-borate complex and chitosan by using a layer-by-layer approach. PVA is an uncharged polymer, but hydroxyl functional groups of PVA can be crosslinked by using borax as a cross-linking agent. As a result electrostatic charges and intra- and interchain cross-links are introduced in the PVA chain and provide physically cross-linked networks. The PVA-borate was then deposited on a flat Substrate as well as on colloidal particles with chitosan as an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte. Quartz crystal microbalance. scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy were used to follow the growth of thin film oil flat substrate. Analogous experiments were performed on melamine formaldehyde colloidal particles (3-3.5 mu m) to quantify the process for the preparation of hollow rnicrocapsules. Removal of the core in 0.1 N HCI results in hollow microcapsules. Characterization of microcapsules by transmission electron microscopy revealed formation of stable microcapsules. Further, self-assembly of PVA-borate/chitosan was loaded with the anticancer drug doxorubicin, and release rates were determined at different pH Values to highlight the drug delivery potential of this system.


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The kinetic mechanism for the interaction of D-cycloserine with serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC2.1.2.1) from sheep liver was established by measuring changes in the activity, absorbance, and circular dichoism (CD) of the enzyme. The irreversible inhibition of the enzyme was characterized by three detectable steps: an initial rapid step followed by two successive steps with rate constants of 5.4 X s-l and 1.4 X lo4 s-l. The first step was distinguished by a rapid disappearance of the enzyme absorbance peak at 425 nm, a decrease in the enzyme activity to 25% of the uninhibited velocity, and a lowering of the CD intensity at 432 nm to about 65% of the original value. The second step of the interaction was accompanied by a complete loss of enzyme.


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The rates of alkaline hydrolysis of methyl &benzoylpropionate (I), methyl y-benzoylbutyrate (11) and methyll6-benzoylvalerate (In) decrease in the order I > I1 > III. Keto participation is the predominant pathway in the case of y-keto esters. Evidence has also been obtained for keto participation in the case of 6-keto esters, whereas no such evidence is available in the case of r-keto esters studied.


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Ternary metal complexes involving vitamin B6 with formulas [CO",(PN-H)](anCdI [OC)'(bpy)(PN)Cl]C10(.bpHy 0 = 2,2'-bipyridine, PN = neutral pyridoxine, PN-H = anionic pyridoxine) have been prepared for the first time and characterized by means of magnetic and spectroscopic measurements. The crystal structures of the compounds have also been determined. [CO(PN-H)](CcryIsOta,l)lize s in the space group P2,/c with a = 18.900 (3) A, b = 8.764 (1) A, c = 20.041 (2) A,p = 116.05 (l)', and Z = 4 and [Cu(bpy)(PN)C1]C104-H20in the space group Pi with a = 12.136 (5) A, b = 13.283 (4) A,c = 7.195 (2) A, a = 96.91 (Z)', 0 = 91.25 (3)', y = 71.63 (3)', and Z = 2. The structures were solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by least-squares techniques to R values of 0.080 and 0.042 for 3401 and 2094 independent reflections, respectively. Both structures consist of monomeric units. The geometry around Co(II1) is octahedral and around Cu(I1) is distorted square pyramidal. In [CO(PN-H)]t(wCo IoxOy~ge)n~s ,fro m phenolic and 4-(hydroxymethyl) groups of PN-H and two nitrogens from each of two bpy's form the coordination sphere. In [Cu(bpy)(PN)C1]C104.H20o ne PN and one bpy, with the same donor sites, act as bidentate chelates in the basal plane, with a chloride ion occupying the apical position. In both structures PN and PN-H exist in the tautomeric form wherein pyridine N is protonated and phenolic 0 is deprotonated. However, a novel feature of the cobalt compound is that PN-H is anionic due to the deprotonation of the 4-(hydroxymethyl) group. The packing in both structures is governed by hydrogen bonds, and in the copper compound partial stacking of bpy's at a distance of -3.55 also adds to the stability of the system. Infrared, NMR, and ligand field spectroscopic results and magnetic measurements are interpreted in light of the structures.


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The photochemistry and photophysics of organic molecules in organized assemblies are being studied with great interest in order to understand the features controlling the selectivity in the photoreactions brought about by these media.l These studies have paved the way to an intriguing number of possibilities by which photoreactivity can be modified. In this connection, we have investigated the photobehavior of a number of phenyl alkyl ketones and cu,cu-dimethylphenyl alkyl ketones (Scheme I) incorporated in the hydrophobic interior of cyclodextrin cavities.


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The magnetic moment μB of a baryon B with quark content (aab) is written as μB=4ea(1+δB)eħ/2cMB, where ea is the charge of the quark of flavor type a. The experimental values of δB have a simple pattern and have a natural explanation within QCD. Using the ratio method, the QCD sum rules are analyzed and the values of δB are computed. We find good agreement with data (≊10%) for the nucleons and the Σ multiplet while for the cascade the agreement is not as good. In our analysis we have incorporated additional terms in the operator-product expansion as compared to previous authors. We also clarify some points of disagreement between the previous authors. External-field-induced correlations describing the magnetic properties of the vacuum are estimated from the baryon magnetic-moment sum rules themselves as well as by independent spectral representations and the results are contrasted.


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Analytical expressions for the corrections to duality are obtained for nonsingular potentials, and are found to be small numerically. An alternative consistent way of energy smoothing, developed by Strutinsky, is elucidated. This may be of use even when potential models are not valid.


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A recent theoretical model developed by Imparato et al. Phys of the experimentally measured heat and work effects produced by the thermal fluctuations of single micron-sized polystyrene beads in stationary and moving optical traps has proved to be quite successful in rationalizing the observed experimental data. The model, based on the overdamped Brownian dynamics of a particle in a harmonic potential that moves at a constant speed under a time-dependent force, is used to obtain an approximate expression for the distribution of the heat dissipated by the particle at long times. In this paper, we generalize the above model to consider particle dynamics in the presence of colored noise, without passing to the overdamped limit, as a way of modeling experimental situations in which the fluctuations of the medium exhibit long-lived temporal correlations, of the kind characteristic of polymeric solutions, for instance, or of similar viscoelastic fluids. Although we have not been able to find an expression for the heat distribution itself, we do obtain exact expressions for its mean and variance, both for the static and for the moving trap cases. These moments are valid for arbitrary times and they also hold in the inertial regime, but they reduce exactly to the results of Imparato et al. in appropriate limits. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.011118 PACS.


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Syntheses of protein molecules in a cell are carried out by ribosomes.A ribosome can be regarded as a molecular motor which utilizes the input chemical energy to move on a messenger RNA (mRNA) track that also serves as a template for the polymerization of the corresponding protein. The forward movement, however, is characterized by an alternating sequence of translocation and pause. Using a quantitative model, which captures the mechanochemical cycle of an individual ribosome, we derive an exact analytical expression for the distribution of its dwell times at the successive positions on the mRNA track. Inverse of the average dwell time satisfies a Michaelis-Menten-type'' equation and is consistent with the general formula for the average velocity of a molecular motor with an unbranched mechanochemical cycle. Extending this formula appropriately, we also derive the exact force-velocity relation for a ribosome. Often many ribosomes each synthesizes a copy of the same protein. We extend the model of a single ribosome by incorporating steric exclusion of different individuals on the same track. We draw the phase diagram of this model of ribosome traffic in three-dimensional spaces spanned by experimentally controllable parameters. We suggest new experimental tests of our theoretical predictions.


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The magnetic and transport properties of LaCo0.5Ni0.5O3 have been studied. The dc magnetization and the ac susceptibility studies suggest the presence of a magnetic-phase transition from a ferromagnetic (FM) to a spin glass phase at a low temperature. This type of reentrant spin-glass (RSG) behavior attached to a long-range ordered ferromagnet is observed in this system. A magnetoresistance of ~10% is observed at 5 K which is unsaturated up to 11 Tesla suggests the presence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions. It is likely that the competition between such AFM interactions with FM interactions yield an RSG phase.


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The design and two-component [2 + 3] self-assembly of a series of new organometallic molecular prisms (3a-d) are described. Assemblies 3a,b incorporate 4,4',4'-tris[ethynyl-trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)]triphenylamine (1a) containing a Pt-ethynyl functionality as tritopic planar acceptor and organic ``clips'' 2a and 2b, respectively [where 2a = 1,3-bis(3-pyridyl)isophthalic amide; 2b= 1,3-bis(ethynyl-3-pyridyl)benzene]. In a complementary approach all organic tritopic planar donor ligand 2c [2c 4,4',4'-tris(4-pyridylethynyl)triphenylamine] was assembled with all organometallic ``clip'', 1,8-bis[{trans-Pt(PEt3) (2)(NO3)}ethynyl]anthracene (1b), to obtain prism 3c. A organometallic carbon-centered acceptor, 1,1,1- tris[4-{trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)(NO3)}ethynylphenyl]ethane (1c), has been prepared, and its prism derivative (3d) using an organic `clip'' is prepared. Assemblies (3a-d) were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. 3a-d showed fluorescence behavior in solution, and quenching of fluorescence intensity (3a,3c-d) was noticed upon addition of TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), a common constituent of many commercial explosives. A thin film of the assembly 3d made by spin coating of a solution of 3 x 10(-5) M in DMF on it 1 cm(2) quartz plate showed fluorescence response to the vapor of TNT.