435 resultados para sulfur-containing molecules


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The reaction of cadmium sulfate in the presence of polyazaheterocyclic organic molecules gave rise to a variety of new cadmium sulfate phases in water containing solvothermal reaction. The compounds have two- (I) and three-dimensionally (II-VI) extended structures. All the compounds have structures built up by the connectivity involving the cadmium octahedra and the sulfate tetrahedra in which the heterocyclic organic molecules act as the ligand. The linkages between the Cd2+ and (SO4)2- ions form one- (II), two- (I, III, and IV), and three- (V and VI) dimensionally extended cadmium sulfate phases. The connectivity between Cd2+ ion and the heterocyclic ligand also gives rise to one- and two-dimensional structures. The inter-connectivity between the two units gives rise to the observed structures. The presence of Cd-O-Cd chains and Cd-O-Cd layers in some of the structures is noteworthy. The adsorption/desorption studies suggest that the cadmium sulfate phases adsorb/desorb anionic dyes selectively in the presence of water/ethanol, respectively. The photocatalytic degradation studies on cationic dyes under UV-irradiation indicate modest activity. The cyanosilylation of imines using the present compounds as heterogeneous catalyst indicate good catalytic behavior. The various properties exhibited by the cadmium sulfate phases suggest that these compounds are versatile. All the compounds were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, infrared (IR) and UV-visible studies.


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Anhydrobiotic organisms undergo periods of acute dehydration during their life cycle. It is of interest to understand how the biomembrane remains intact through such stress. A disaccharide, trehalose, which is metabolised during anhydrobiosis is found to prevent disruption of model membrane systems. Molecular modelling techniques are used to investigate the possible mode of interaction of trehalose with a model monolayer. The objective is to maximise hydrogen bonding between the two systems. A phospholipid matrix consisting of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) is chosen to represent the monolayer. The crystal structure of DMPC reveals that there are two distinct conformers designated as A and B. An expansion of the monolayer, coplanar with its surface, results in the trehalose molecule being accommodated in a pocket formed by four B conformers. One glucose ring of the sugar rests on the hydrophobic patch provided by the choline methyls of an A conformer. Five hydrogen bonds are formed involving the phosphate oxygens of three of the surrounding B conformers. The model will be discussed with reference to relevant experimental data on the interaction.


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The interaction of the protein atoms with the surrounding water oxygen atoms has been computed for 392 protein chains from 369 protein structures belonging to 90% non-homologous high resolution (<= 1.5 angstrom) protein Structures with a crystallographic R-factor <= 20%. The percentage composition of the polar atoms is found to be 36.3%. An average of 82.55% of water oxygen atoms are found to be in the primary hydration shell and 15.12% in the secondary hydration shell. The average Percentage of interactions of water oxygen atoms with the polar atoms of the main chain and side chain are 54% and 46%. respectively. The interaction of the acidic residues, aspartate and glutamate, with the water oxygen atoms is more when compared to that of the other residues.


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Pyrophosphate prototypes such as methyl triphosphate and methyl diphosphate molecules in their different protonation states have been investigated at high levels of quantum chemical calculations. The optimized geometries, the thermochemistry of the hydrolysis and the molecular orbitals contributing to the high energy of these compounds have been analyzed. These investigations provide insights into the ``high energy'' character of ATP molecule. Further, the dependence of vibrational frequencies on the number of phosphate groups and the charged states has also been presented. These results can aid the interpretation of spectra obtained by experiments on complexes containing pyrophosphate prototypes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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L-Lysine D-glutamate crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1) with a = 4.902, b = 30.719, c = 9.679 A, beta = 90 degrees and Z = 4. The crystals of L-lysine D-aspartate monohydrate belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with a = 5.458, b = 7.152, c = 36.022 A and Z = 4. The structures were solved by the direct methods and refined to R values of 0.125 and 0.040 respectively for 1412 and 1503 observed reflections. The glutamate complex is highly pseudosymmetric. The lysine molecules in it assume a conformation with the side chain staggered between the alpha-amino and the alpha-carboxylate groups. The interactions of the side chain amino groups of lysine in the two complexes are such that they form infinite sequences containing alternating amino and carboxylate groups. The molecular aggregation in the glutamate complex is very similar to that observed in L-arginine D-aspartate and L-arginine D-glutamate trihydrate, with the formation of double layers consisting of both types of molecules. In contrast to the situation in the other three LD complexes, the unlike molecules in L-lysine D-aspartate monohydrate aggregate into alternating layers as in the case of most LL complexes. The arrangement of molecules in the lysine layer is nearly the same as in L-lysine L-aspartate, with head-to-tail sequences as the central feature. The arrangement of aspartate ions in the layers containing them is, however, somewhat unusual. Thus the comparison between the LL and the LD complexes analyzed so far indicates that the reversal of chirality of one of the components in a complex leads to profound changes in molecular aggregation, but these changes could be of more than one type.


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The fluorescent probe dansyl cadaverine has been shown to bind strongly to mixed bile salt-phospholipid micelles containing unsaturation in the fatty acyl chains. Incorporation of cholesterol into the mixed micelles reduces the number of molecules of bound dansyl cadaverine without altering the binding affinity. These results suggest a tighter packing of the hydrocarbon matrix of the micelles in the presence of cholesterol.


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Four model dipeptides containing a Z-dehydrophenylalanine residue (ΔZPhe) at the C-terminal, Boc-X-ΔZ Phe-NHMe (X = Ala (1), Gly (2), Pro (3), and Val (4)), have been synthesised and their solution conformations investigated by 270 MHz 1H n.m.r. and i.r. spectroscopy. N.m.r. studies on these peptides clearly show the presence of intramolecularly hydrogen bonded structures in CHCl3 solutions while such structures appear to be absent in the corresponding saturated peptides. This conclusion is also supported by i.r. studies. Studies of the nuclear Overhauser effect provided evidence for the occurrence of a significant population of β-turn structures in solvents like CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO. The observed NOES are consistent with a major contribution from Type II β-turn structure in CDCl3, while in (CD3)2SO solutions there is evidence of a partially extended structure also.


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The binding characteristics of the antibiotics to nuclei and their effect on the permeability of nuclear membrane with respect to histones and ribonucleic acids have been investigated. The binding constant for chromomycin A3 was found to be 1.4 × 104M?1 and number of binding sites was equal to 3.48 ± 1.08 × 1012 molecules/nuclei. The antibiotic chromomycin A3 enhanced the uptake of lysine-rich histone, actinomycin D decreased the uptake and ethidium bromide had no effect. Chromomycin A3 also enhanced the release of acid insoluble fraction containing RNA from the nuclei, actinomycin D and ethidium bromide inhibited the release of acid insoluble fraction containing RNA. The relevance of this finding to the role of nuclear envelope in understanding the mechanism of action of the antibiotic has been discussed.


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a-Aminoisobutyric acid (Aib), * a nonprotein amino acid first described synthetically, I has been found in diverse sources, ranging from peptides of microbial origin2s3 to the Murchison mete~r i te.E~a rly studies of the chemistry of Aib were directed towards the synthesis of model peptides containing this "sterically hindered" amino There have been several reports on the synthesis of Aib containing analogs of biologically active peptides.


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The conformational analysis of a protected homodipeptide of 1-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid (Acc5) has been carried out. 1H-nmr studies establish a ?-turn conformation for Boc-Acc5-Acc5-NHMe in chloroform and dimethylsulfoxide solutions involving the methylamide NH in an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Supportive evidence for the formation of an intramolecular hydrogen bond is obtained from ir studies. X-ray diffraction studies reveal a type III ?-turn conformation in the solid state stabilized by a 4 ? 1 hydrogen bond between the Boc CO and methylamide NH groups. The ?,? values for both Acc5 residues are close to those expected for an ideal 310-helical conformation (?? ± 60°, ?? ±30°).


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Conformational energy calculations on the model system N-acetyl- 1 -aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid N'methylamide (Ac-Acc6-NHMe), using an average geometry derived from 13 crystallographic observations, establish that the Acc6 residue is constrained to adopt conformations in the helical regions of In contrast, the a,a-dialkylated residue with linear hydrocarbon side chains, a,a-di-n-propylglycine favors fully extended backbone structures (6 1= $ = 180'). The crystal structures of two model peptides, Boc-(Acc6),-OMe (type 111 @-turn at -Acc6(1)-Acc6(2)-) and Boc-Pro-Acc6-Ala-OMe (type I1 P-turn at -Pro-Acc6-), establish that Acc6 residues can occupy either position of type 111 P-turns and the i + 2 position of type I1 @-turns. The stereochemical rigidity of these peptides is demonstrated in solution by NMR studies, which establish the presence of one intramolecular hydrogen bond in each peptide in CDCI, and (CDJ2S0. Nuclear Overhauser effects permit characterization of the @-turn conformations in solution and establish their similarity to the solid-state structures. The implications for the use of Acc6 residues in conformational design are considered.


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Two isomeric, acyclic tetrapeptides containing a Z-dehydrophenylalanine residue (Δz-Phe) at position 2 or 3, Boc-Leu-Ala-Δz-Phe-Leu-OMe (1) and Boc-Leu-Δz-Phe-Ala-Leu-OMe (2), have been synthesized and their solution conformations investigated by 270MHz 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy. In peptide 1 the Leu(4) NH group appears to be partially shielded from solvent, while in peptide 2 both Ala(3) and Leu(4) NH groups show limited solvent accessibility. Extensive difference nuclear Overhauser effect (n.O.e.) studies establish the occurrence of several diagnostic inter-residue n.O.e.s (CαjH ⇆ Ni+1H and NiH ⇆ Ni+1H) between backbone protons. The simultaneous observation of “mutually exclusive” n.O.e.s suggests the presence of multiple solution conformations for both peptides. In peptide 1 the n.O.e. data are consistent with a dynamic equilibrium between an -Ala-Δz-Phe- Type II β-turn structure and a second species with Δz-Phe adopting a partially extended conformation with Ψ values of ± 100° to ± 150°. In peptide 2 the results are compatible with an equilibrium between a highly folded consecutive β-turn structure for the -Leu-Δz-Phe-Ala- segment and an almost completely extended conformation.


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The resistivities of zinc borate glasses containing Fe2O3, V2O5, and Fe2O3 + V2O5 have been measured as a function of composition and temperature. The values of resistivity and activation energy decrease as the transition metal oxide content is increased. The conductivities of the glasses containing Fe2O3 + V2O5 are more than the sum of those of the glasses containing only Fe2O3 or V2O5 (i.e. the activation energies are less than the sum of those in the glasses containing only Fe2O3 or V2O5). The results are discussed in terms of existing theories.


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The conformational properties of the protected seven-residue C-terminal fragment the lipopeptaibol antibiotic Trichogin A IV (Boc-Gly-Gly-Leu-Aib-Gly-Ile-Leu-OMe) has been examined in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO by 1H-nmr. Evidence for a multiple β-turn conformation [type I′ at Gly(1)-Gly(2), type II at Leu(3)-Aib(4), and a type I′ at Aib(4)-Gly(5)] suggests that Leu(3) has preferred an extended or semiextended conformation over a helical conformation in CDCl3. This structure is thus in contrast to earlier observations of seven-residue peptides containing a single central Aib preferring helical conformations in both solution and crystalline slates. A structural transition to a frayed right-handed helix is absented in (CD3)2SO. These results suggest that nonhelical conformations may be important in Gly-rich peptides containing Aib. Further, the presence of amino acids with contradictory influences on backbone conformational freedom can lead to well-defined conformational transitions even in small peptides