245 resultados para efficiency measurement


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Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) grown on substrates are potential electron sources in field emission applications. Several studies have reported the use of CNTs in field emission devices, including field emission displays, X-ray tube, electron microscopes, cathode-ray lamps, etc. Also, in recent years, conventional cold field emission cathodes have been realized in micro-fabricated arrays for medical X-ray imaging. CNTbased field emission cathode devices have potential applications in a variety of industrial and medical applications, including cancer treatment. Field emission performance of a single isolated CNT is found to be remarkable, but the situation becomes complex when an array of CNTs is used. At the same time, use of arrays of CNTs is practical and economical. Indeed, such arrays on cathode substrates can be grown easily and their collective dynamics can be utilized in a statistical sense such that the average emission intensity is high enough and the collective dynamics lead to longer emission life. The authors in their previous publications had proposed a novel approach to obtain stabilized field emission current from a stacked CNT array of pointed height distribution. A mesoscopic modeling technique was employed, which took into account electro-mechanical forces in the CNTs, as well as transport of conduction electron coupled with electron phonon induced heat generation from the CNT tips. The reported analysis of pointed arrangements of the array showed that the current density distribution was greatly localized in the middle of the array, the scatter due to electrodynamic force field was minimized, and the temperature transients were much smaller compared to those in an array with random height distribution. In the present paper we develop a method to compute the emission efficiency of the CNT array in terms of the amount of electrons hitting the anode surface using trajectory calculations. Effects of secondary electron emission and parasitic capacitive nonlinearity on the current-voltage signals are accounted. Field emission efficiency of a stacked CNT array with various pointed height distributions are compared to that of arrays with random and uniform height distributions. Effect of this parasitic nonlinearity on the emission switch-on voltage is estimated by model based simulation and Monte Carlo method.


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The nanoindentation technique can be employed in shape memory alloys (SMAs) to discern the transformation temperatures as well as to characterize their mechanical behavior. In this paper, we use it with simultaneous measurements of the mechanical and the electrical contact resistances (ECR) at room temperature to probe two SMAs: austenite (RTA) and martensite (RTM). Two different types of indenter tips - Berkovich and spherical - are employed to examine the SMAs' indentation responses as a function of the representative strain, epsilon(R). In Berkovich indentation, because of the sharp nature of the tip, and in consequence the high levels of strain imposed, discerning the two SMAs on the basis of the indentation response alone is difficult. In the case of the spherical tip, epsilon(R) is systematically varied and its effect on the depth recovery ratio, eta(d), is examined. Results indicate that RTA has higher eta(d) than RTM, but the difference decreases with increasing epsilon(R) such that eta(d) values for both the alloys would be similar in the fully plastic regime. The experimental trends in eta(d) vs. epsilon(R) for both the alloys could be described well with a eta(d) proportional to (epsilon(R))(-1) type equation, which is developed on the basis of a phenomenological model. This fit, in turn, directs us to the maximum epsilon(R), below which plasticity underneath the indenter would not mask the differences in the two SMAs. It was demonstrated that the ECR measurements complement the mechanical measurements in demarcating the reverse transformation from martensite to austenite during unloading of RTA, wherein a marked increase in the voltage was noted. A correlation between recovery due to reverse transformation during unloading and increase in voltage (and hence the electrical resistance) was found. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single receive antenna selection (AS) is a popular method for obtaining diversity benefits without the additional costs of multiple radio receiver chains. Since only one antenna receives at any time, the transmitter sends a pilot multiple times to enable the receiver to estimate the channel gains of its N antennas to the transmitter and select an antenna. In time-varying channels, the channel estimates of different antennas are outdated to different extents. We analyze the symbol error probability (SEP) in time-varying channels of the N-pilot and (N+1)-pilot AS training schemes. In the former, the transmitter sends one pilot for each receive antenna. In the latter, the transmitter sends one additional pilot that helps sample the channel fading process of the selected antenna twice. We present several new results about the SEP, optimal energy allocation across pilots and data, and optimal selection rule in time-varying channels for the two schemes. We show that due to the unique nature of AS, the (N+1)-pilot scheme, despite its longer training duration, is much more energy-efficient than the conventional N-pilot scheme. An extension to a practical scenario where all data symbols of a packet are received by the same antenna is also investigated.


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SARAS is a correlation spectrometer purpose designed for precision measurements of the cosmic radio background and faint features in the sky spectrum at long wavelengths that arise from redshifted 21-cm from gas in the reionization epoch. SARAS operates in the octave band 87.5-175 MHz. We present herein the system design arguing for a complex correlation spectrometer concept. The SARAS design concept provides a differential measurement between the antenna temperature and that of an internal reference termination, with measurements in switched system states allowing for cancellation of additive contaminants from a large part of the signal flow path including the digital spectrometer. A switched noise injection scheme provides absolute spectral calibration. Additionally, we argue for an electrically small frequency-independent antenna over an absorber ground. Various critical design features that aid in avoidance of systematics and in providing calibration products for the parametrization of other unavoidable systematics are described and the rationale discussed. The signal flow and processing is analyzed and the response to noise temperatures of the antenna, reference termination and amplifiers is computed. Multi-path propagation arising from internal reflections are considered in the analysis, which includes a harmonic series of internal reflections. We opine that the SARAS design concept is advantageous for precision measurement of the absolute cosmic radio background spectrum; therefore, the design features and analysis methods presented here are expected to serve as a basis for implementations tailored to measurements of a multiplicity of features in the background sky at long wavelengths, which may arise from events in the dark ages and subsequent reionization era.


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In systems biology, questions concerning the molecular and cellular makeup of an organism are of utmost importance, especially when trying to understand how unreliable components-like genetic circuits, biochemical cascades, and ion channels, among others-enable reliable and adaptive behaviour. The repertoire and speed of biological computations are limited by thermodynamic or metabolic constraints: an example can be found in neurons, where fluctuations in biophysical states limit the information they can encode-with almost 20-60% of the total energy allocated for the brain used for signalling purposes, either via action potentials or by synaptic transmission. Here, we consider the imperatives for neurons to optimise computational and metabolic efficiency, wherein benefits and costs trade-off against each other in the context of self-organised and adaptive behaviour. In particular, we try to link information theoretic (variational) and thermodynamic (Helmholtz) free-energy formulations of neuronal processing and show how they are related in a fundamental way through a complexity minimisation lemma.


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Efficient photon detection in gaseous photomultipliers require maximum photoelectron yield from the photocathode surface and also detection of them. In this work we have investigated the parameters that affect the photoelectron yield from the photocathode surface and methods to improve them thus ensuring high detection efficiency of the gaseous photomultiplier. The parameters studied are the electric field at the photocathode surface, surface properties of photocathode and pressure of gas mixture inside the gaseous photomultiplier. It was observed that optimized electric field at the photocathode ensures high detection efficiency. Lower pressure of filled gas increases the photoelectron yield from the photocathode surface but reduces the focusing probability of electrons inside the electron multiplier. Also evacuation for longer duration before gas filling increases the photoelectron yield.


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The rather low scattering or extinction efficiency of small nanoparticles, metallic and otherwise, is significantly enhanced when they are adsorbed on a larger core particle. But the photoabsorption by particles with varying surface area fractions on a larger core particle is found to be limited by saturation. It is found that the core-shell particle can have a lower absorption efficiency than a dielectric core with its surface partially nucleated with absorbing particles-an ``incomplete nanoshell'' particle. We have both numerically and experimentally studied the optical efficiencies of titania (TiO2) nucleated in various degrees on silica (SiO2) nanospheres. We show that optimal surface nucleation over cores of appropriate sizes and optical properties will have a direct impact on the applications exploiting the absorption and scattering properties of such composite particles.


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Identifying the determinants of neuronal energy consumption and their relationship to information coding is critical to understanding neuronal function and evolution. Three of the main determinants are cell size, ion channel density, and stimulus statistics. Here we investigate their impact on neuronal energy consumption and information coding by comparing single-compartment spiking neuron models of different sizes with different densities of stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels and different statistics of synaptic inputs. The largest compartments have the highest information rates but the lowest energy efficiency for a given voltage-gated ion channel density, and the highest signaling efficiency (bits spike(-1)) for a given firing rate. For a given cell size, our models revealed that the ion channel density that maximizes energy efficiency is lower than that maximizing information rate. Low rates of small synaptic inputs improve energy efficiency but the highest information rates occur with higher rates and larger inputs. These relationships produce a Law of Diminishing Returns that penalizes costly excess information coding capacity, promoting the reduction of cell size, channel density, and input stimuli to the minimum possible, suggesting that the trade-off between energy and information has influenced all aspects of neuronal anatomy and physiology.


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An analysis of the energy budget for the general case of a body translating in a stationary fluid under the action of an external force is used to define a power loss coefficient. This universal definition of power loss coefficient gives a measure of the energy lost in the wake of the translating body and, in general, is applicable to a variety of flow configurations including active drag reduction, self-propulsion and thrust generation. The utility of the power loss coefficient is demonstrated on a model bluff body flow problem concerning a two-dimensional elliptical cylinder in a uniform cross-flow. The upper and lower boundaries of the elliptic cylinder undergo continuous motion due to a prescribed reflectionally symmetric constant tangential surface velocity. It is shown that a decrease in drag resulting from an increase in the strength of tangential surface velocity leads to an initial reduction and eventual rise in the power loss coefficient. A maximum in energetic efficiency is attained for a drag reducing tangential surface velocity which minimizes the power loss coefficient. The effect of the tangential surface velocity on drag reduction and self-propulsion of both bluff and streamlined bodies is explored through a variation in the thickness ratio (ratio of the minor and major axes) of the elliptical cylinders.


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Polycrystalline tin sulfide thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique. The films grown at substrate temperature of 300 degrees C had an orthorhombic crystal structure with strong preferred orientation along (111) plane. Electrical resistivity of the deposited films was about 32.5 Omega cm with a direct optical band gap of 1.33 eV. Carrier concentration and mobility of charge carriers estimated from the Hall measurement were found to be 6.24 x 10(15) cm(-3) and 30.7 cm(2)V(-1) s(-1) respectively. Heterojunction solar cells were fabricated in superstrate configuration using thermally evaporated SnS as an absorber layer and CdS, In: CdS as window layer. The resistivity of pure CdS thin film of a thickness of 320 nm was about 1-2 Omega cm and was reduced to 40 x 10(-3) Omega cm upon indium doping. The fabricated solar cells were characterized using solar simulator. The solar cells with indium doped CdS window layer showed improved performance as compared to pure CdS window layer. The best device had a conversion efficiency of 0.4% and a fill factor of 33.5%. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Measurement of temperature and pressure exerted on the leeward surface of a blunt cone specimen has been demonstrated in the present work in a hypersonic wind tunnel using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. The experiments were conducted on a 30 degrees apex-angle blunt cone with 51 mm base diameter at wind flow speeds of Mach 6.5 and 8.35 in a 300 mm hypersonic wind tunnel of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. A special pressure insensitive temperature sensor probe along with the conventional bare FBG sensors was used for explicit temperature and aerodynamic pressure measurement respectively on the leeward surface of the specimen. computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the flow field around the blunt cone specimen has also been carried out to obtain the temperature and pressure at conditions analogous to experiments. The results obtained from FBG sensors and the CFD simulations are found to be in good agreement with each other.


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In a wireless receiver, a down-converted RF signal undergoes a transient phase shift, when the gain state is changed to adjust for varying conditions in transmission and propagation. A method is developed, in which such phase shifts are detected asynchronously, and their undesirable effects on the bit error rate are corrected. The method was developed for and used in, the system-level characterization and calibration of a 65-nm CMOS UHF receiver. The phase-shifts associated with specific gain-state transitions were measured within a test framework, and used in the baseband signal processing blocks to compensate for errors, whenever the receiver anticipated a gain-state transition.


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The presence of software bloat in large flexible software systems can hurt energy efficiency. However, identifying and mitigating bloat is fairly effort intensive. To enable such efforts to be directed where there is a substantial potential for energy savings, we investigate the impact of bloat on power consumption under different situations. We conduct the first systematic experimental study of the joint power-performance implications of bloat across a range of hardware and software configurations on modern server platforms. The study employs controlled experiments to expose different effects of a common type of Java runtime bloat, excess temporary objects, in the context of the SPECPower_ssj2008 workload. We introduce the notion of equi-performance power reduction to characterize the impact, in addition to peak power comparisons. The results show a wide variation in energy savings from bloat reduction across these configurations. Energy efficiency benefits at peak performance tend to be most pronounced when bloat affects a performance bottleneck and non-bloated resources have low energy-proportionality. Equi-performance power savings are highest when bloated resources have a high degree of energy proportionality. We develop an analytical model that establishes a general relation between resource pressure caused by bloat and its energy efficiency impact under different conditions of resource bottlenecks and energy proportionality. Applying the model to different "what-if" scenarios, we predict the impact of bloat reduction and corroborate these predictions with empirical observations. Our work shows that the prevalent software-only view of bloat is inadequate for assessing its power-performance impact and instead provides a full systems approach for reasoning about its implications.


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Measurement of in-plane motion with high resolution and large bandwidth enables model-identification and real-time control of motion-stages. This paper presents an optical beam deflection based system for measurement of in-plane motion of both macro- and micro-scale motion stages. A curved reflector is integrated with the motion stage to achieve sensitivity to in-plane translational motion along two axes. Under optimal settings, the measurement system is shown to theoretically achieve sub-angstrom measurement resolution over a bandwidth in excess of 1 kHz and negligible cross-sensitivity to linear motion. Subsequently, the proposed technique is experimentally demonstrated by measuring the in-plane motion of a piezo flexure stage and a scanning probe microcantilever. For the former case, reflective spherical balls of different radii are employed to measure the in-plane motion and the measured sensitivities are shown to agree with theoretical values, on average, to within 8.3%. For the latter case, a prototype polydimethylsiloxane micro-reflector is integrated with the microcantilever. The measured in-plane motion of the microcantilever probe is used to identify nonlinearities and the transient dynamics of the piezo-stage upon which the probe is mounted. These are subsequently compensated by means of feedback control. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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As System-on-Chip (SoC) designs migrate to 28nm process node and beyond, the electromagnetic (EM) co-interactions of the Chip-Package-Printed Circuit Board (PCB) becomes critical and require accurate and efficient characterization and verification. In this paper a fast, scalable, and parallelized boundary element based integral EM solutions to Maxwell equations is presented. The accuracy of the full-wave formulation, for complete EM characterization, has been validated on both canonical structures and real-world 3-D system (viz. Chip + Package + PCB). Good correlation between numerical simulation and measurement has been achieved. A few examples of the applicability of the formulation to high speed digital and analog serial interfaces on a 45nm SoC are also presented.