224 resultados para atmospheric deep convection


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The effect of natural convection on the oscillatory flow in an open-ended pipe driven by a timewise sinusoidally varying pressure at one end and subjected to an ambient-to-cryogenic temperature difference across the ends, is numerically studied. Conjugate effects arising out of the interaction of oscillatory flow with heat conduction in the pipe wall are taken into account by considering a finite thickness wall with an insulated exterior surface. Two cases, namely, one with natural convection acting downwards and the other, with natural convection acting upwards, are considered. The full set of compressible flow equations with axissymmetry are solved using a pressure correction algorithm. Parametric studies are conducted with frequencies in the range 5-15 Hz for an end-to-end temperature difference of 200 and 50 K. Results are obtained for the variation of velocity, temperature. Nusselt number and the phase relationship between mass flow rate and temperature. It is found that the Rayleigh number has a minimal effect on the time averaged Nusselt number and phase angle. However, it does influence the local variation of velocity and Nusselt number over one cycle. The natural convection and pressure amplitude have influence on the energy flow through the gas and solid. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A terrestrial biosphere model with dynamic vegetation capability, Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS2), coupled to the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM2) is used to investigate the multiple climate-forest equilibrium states of the climate system. A 1000-year control simulation and another 1000-year land cover change simulation that consisted of global deforestation for 100 years followed by re-growth of forests for the subsequent 900 years were performed. After several centuries of interactive climate-vegetation dynamics, the land cover change simulation converged to essentially the same climate state as the control simulation. However, the climate system takes about a millennium to reach the control forest state. In the absence of deep ocean feedbacks in our model, the millennial time scale for converging to the original climate state is dictated by long time scales of the vegetation dynamics in the northern high latitudes. Our idealized modeling study suggests that the equilibrium state reached after complete global deforestation followed by re-growth of forests is unlikely to be distinguishable from the control climate. The real world, however, could have multiple climate-forest states since our modeling study is unlikely to have represented all the essential ecological processes (e. g. altered fire regimes, seed sources and seedling establishment dynamics) for the reestablishment of major biomes.


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Atmospheric chemistry is a branch of atmospheric science where major focus is the composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Knowledge of atmospheric composition is essential due to its interaction with (solar and terrestrial) radiation and interactions of atmospheric species (gaseous and particulate matter) with living organisms. Since atmospheric chemistry covers a vast range of topics, in this article the focus is on the chemistry of atmospheric aerosols with special emphasis on the Indian region. I present a review of the current state of knowledge of aerosol chemistry in India and propose future directions.


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The present paper discusses the flow visualization for turbulent free convection in a tank of water with the bottom surface being a smooth or a grooved surface and the top of the water surface exposed to ambient. The grooved surface is of parallel 90 degrees V-grooves with groove height of 10 mm and groove width of 20 mm. The experiment is carried out with aspect ratio (AR) of 2.9 and Rayleigh number (Ra) in the range, 1.3 x 10(7) - 4 x 10(7). Here AR is the aspect ratio (= width of fluid layer/height of fluid layer). Heat flux at the bottom surface is from electrical heating. From the pH-dye visualization, interesting flow structures are observed and these structures are analyzed with the help of plumes dynamics and temperature variations with time. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study presents development of a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model to predict unsteady, two-dimensional temperature, moisture and velocity distributions inside a novel, biomass-fired, natural convection-type agricultural dryer. Results show that in initial stages of drying, when material surface is wet and moisture is easily available, moisture removal rate from surface depends upon the condition of drying air. Subsequently, material surface becomes dry and moisture removal rate is driven by diffusion of moisture from inside to the material surface. An optimum 9-tray configuration is found to be more efficient than for the same mass of material and volume of dryer. A new configuration of dryer, mainly to explore its potential to increasing uniformity in drying across all trays, is also analyzed. This configuration involves diverting a portion of hot air before it enters over the first tray and is supplied directly at an intermediate location in the dryer. Uniformity in drying across trays has increased for the kind of material simulated.


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We have demonstrated a simple, scalable and inexpensive method based on microwave plasma for synthesizing 5 to 10 g/h of nanomaterials. Luminescent nano silicon particles were synthesized by homogenous nucleation of silicon vapour produced by the radial injection of silicon tetrachloride vapour and nano titanium nitride was synthesized by using liquid titanium tetrachloride as the precursor. The synthesized nano silicon and titanium nitride powders were characterized by XRD, XPS, TEM, SEM and BET. The characterization techniques indicated that the synthesized powders were indeed crystalline nanomaterials.


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Study of laminar boundary layer in mixed convection from vertical plates is carried out. The surface temperature along the vertical plate is assumed to vary arbitrarily with vertical distance. Perturbation technique is used to solve the governing boundary layer equations. The differentials of the wall temperature are used as perturbation elements, which are functions of vertical distance, to obtain universal functions. The universal functions are valid for any type of vertical wall temperature variation. Heat transfer rates and fluid velocity inside the boundary layer can be expressed and calculated using these universal functions. Heat transfer rates are obtained for the special cases of power-law variation of the wall temperature. The effect of the governing parameter (Gr(y)/Re-y(2)) and the power index of the power-law wall temperature variation on heat transfer rates is studied. For the purpose of validation, the mixed convection results obtained by the present technique pertaining to the special cases of isothermal vertical wall are compared with those obtained by similarity analysis reported in literature, and the agreement is found to be good. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three-dimensional numerical study of natural convection in a vertical channel with flush-mounted discrete heaters on opposite conductive substrate walls is carried out in the present work. Detailed flow and heat transfer characteristics are presented for various Grashof numbers. The heat transfer effects on one wall by the presence of heaters on its opposite wall is examined. It is found that heat transfer rates on one wall are increased by the presence of heaters on its opposite wall. The thermal boundary layers on the opposite walls complement each other for enhanced heat transfer. The effects of spacing between the heated walls, spacings between heaters and substrate conductivity on flow and heat transfer are examined. Existence of optimum spacings between the heated walls for maximum heat transfer and mass flow are observed. It is found that the heat transfer and fluid flow do not follow the same optimum spacings. Mass flow rate reaches maximum value at a wall spacing greater than the spacing for maximum heat transfer. This is because the interaction of thermal boundary layers on individual walls ceases at a lower spacing before the velocity boundary layers separate each other. It is found that increased spacings between heaters reduce individual heater temperatures provided the heaters close to exit on both substrates avail sufficient substrate potions on the exit side. Insufficient substrate portions between the exit heaters and the exit cause abnormal local temperature rise in the exit heaters which are the hottest ones among all the heaters. Optimal heater spacings exist for minimum hottest heater temperature rise. Correlations are presented for dimensionless mass flow rate, temperature maximum, and average Nusselt number.


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The failure of atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) forced by prescribed SST to simulate and predict the interannual variability of Indian/Asian monsoon has been widely attributed to their inability to reproduce the actual sea surface temperature (SST)-rainfall relationship in the warm Indo-Pacific oceans. This assessment is based on a comparison of the observed and simulated correlation between the rainfall and local SST. However, the observed SSTconvection/rainfall relationship is nonlinear and for this a linear measure such as the correlation is not an appropriate measure. We show that the SST-rainfall relationship simulated by atmospheric and coupled general circulation models in IPCC AR4 is nonlinear, as observed, and realistic over the tropical West Pacific (WPO) and the Indian Ocean (IO). The SST-rainfall pattern simulated by the coupled versions of these models is rather similar to that from the corresponding atmospheric one, except for a shift of the entire pattern to colder/warmer SSTs when there is a cold/warm bias in the coupled version.


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Laminar natural convection between two coaxial vertical rectangular cylinders is numerically studied in this work. The outer cylinder is connected with vertical rectangular inlet and outlet pipes. The inner cylinder dissipates volumetric heat. The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics between the cylinders are analyzed in detail for various Grashof numbers. The heat transfer rates on the individual faces of the inner cylinder are reported. The bottom face of the inner cylinder is found to associate with much higher heat rates than those of the other faces. The average Nusselt number on bottom face is more than 2.5 times of the Nusselt number averaged on all the faces. At a given elevation, local Nusselt number on the inner cylinder faces increases towards cylinder edges. The effect of thermal condition of the walls of outer cylinder, inlet and outlet on the natural convection is analyzed. The thermal condition shows strong qualitative and quantitative impact on the fluid flow and heat transfer. The variation of induced flow rate, dimensionless maximum temperature and average Nusselt numbers with Grashof number is studied. Correlations for dimensionless buoyancy-induced mass flow rate and temperature maximum are presented. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aerosol forcing remains a dominant uncertainty in climate studies. The impact of aerosol direct radiative forcing on Indian monsoon is extremely complex and is strongly dependent on the model, aerosol distribution and characteristics specified in the model, modelling strategy employed as well as on spatial and temporal scales. The present study investigates (i) the aerosol direct radiative forcing impact on mean Indian summer monsoon when a combination of quasi-realistic mean annual cycles of scattering and absorbing aerosols derived from an aerosol transport model constrained with satellite observed Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) is prescribed, (ii) the dominant feedback mechanism behind the simulated impact of all-aerosol direct radiative forcing on monsoon and (iii) the relative impacts of absorbing and scattering aerosols on mean Indian summer monsoon. We have used CAM3, an atmospheric GCM (AGCM) that has a comprehensive treatment of the aerosol-radiation interaction. This AGCM has been used to perform climate simulations with three different representations of aerosol direct radiative forcing due to the total, scattering aerosols and black carbon aerosols. We have also conducted experiments without any aerosol forcing. Aerosol direct impact due to scattering aerosols causes significant reduction in summer monsoon precipitation over India with a tendency for southward shift of Tropical Convergence Zones (TCZs) over the Indian region. Aerosol forcing reduces surface solar absorption over the primary rainbelt region of India and reduces the surface and lower tropospheric temperatures. Concurrent warming of the lower atmosphere over the warm oceanic region in the south reduces the land-ocean temperature contrast and weakens the monsoon overturning circulation and the advection of moisture into the landmass. This increases atmospheric convective stability, and decreases convection, clouds, precipitation and associated latent heat release. Our analysis reveals a defining negative moisture-advection feedback that acts as an internal damping mechanism spinning down the regional hydrological cycle and leading to significant circulation changes in response to external radiative forcing perturbations. When total aerosol loading (both absorbing and scattering aerosols) is prescribed, dust and black carbon aerosols are found to cause significant atmospheric heating over the monsoon region but the aerosol-induced weakening of meridional lower tropospheric temperature gradient (leading to weaker summer monsoon rainfall) more than offsets the increase in summer-time rainfall resulting from the atmospheric heating effect of absorbing aerosols, leading to a net decrease of summer monsoon rainfall. Further, we have carried out climate simulations with globally constant AODs and also with the constant AODs over the extended Indian region replaced by realistic AODs. Regional aerosol radiative forcing perturbations over the Indian region is found to have impact not only over the region of loading but over remote tropical regions as well. This warrants the need to prescribe realistic aerosol properties in strategic regions such as India in order to accurately assess the aerosol impact.


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Recent studies show that fast climate response on time scales of less than a month can have important implications for long-term climate change. In this study, we investigate climate response on the time scale of days to weeks to a step-function quadrupling of atmospheric CO2 and contrast this with the response to a 4% increase in solar irradiance. Our simulations show that significant climate effects occur within days of a stepwise increase in both atmospheric CO2 content and solar irradiance. Over ocean, increased atmospheric CO2 warms the lower troposphere more than the surface, increasing atmospheric stability, moistening the boundary layer, and suppressing evaporation and precipitation. In contrast, over ocean, increased solar irradiance warms the lower troposphere to a much lesser extent, causing a much smaller change in evaporation and precipitation. Over land, both increased CO2 and increased solar irradiance cause rapid surface warming that tends to increase both evaporation and precipitation. However, the physiological effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on plant stomata reduces plant transpiration, drying the boundary layer and decreasing precipitation. This effect does not occur with increased solar irradiance. Therefore, differences in climatic effects from CO2 versus solar forcing are manifested within days after the forcing is imposed.


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This paper is a review prepared for the second Marseille Colloquium on the mechanics of turbulence, held in 2011, 50 years after the first. The review covers recent developments in our understanding of the large-scale dynamics of cumulus cloud flows and of the atmospheric boundary layer in the low-wind convective regime that is often encountered in the tropics. It has recently been shown that a variety of cumulus cloud forms and life cycles can be experimentally realized in the laboratory, with the transient diabatic plume taken as the flow model for a cumulus cloud. The plume is subjected to diabatic heating scaled to be dynamically similar to heat release from phase changes in clouds. The experiments are complemented by exact numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations for plumes with scaled off-source heating. The results show that the Taylor entrainment coefficient first increases with heating, reaches a positive maximum and then drops rapidly to zero or even negative values. This reduction in entrainment is a consequence of structural changes in the flow, smoothing out the convoluted boundaries in the non-diabatic plume, including the tongues engulfing the ambient flow. This is accompanied by a greater degree of mixedness in the core flow because of lower dilution by the ambient fluid. The cloud forms generated depend strongly on the history of the diabatic heating profile in the vertical direction. The striking effects of heating on the flow are attributable to the operation of the baroclinic torque due to the temperature field. The mean baroclinic torque is shown to peak around a quasi-cylindrical sheet situated midway between the axis of the flow and the edges. This torque is shear-enhancing and folds down the engulfment tongues. The increase in mixedness can be traced to an explosive growth in the enstrophy, triggered by a strong fluctuating baroclinic torque that acts as a source, especially at the higher wave numbers, thus enhancing the mixedness. In convective boundary layers field measurements show that, under conditions prevailing in the tropics, the eddy fluxes of momentum and energy do not follow the Monin-Obukhov similarity. Instead, the eddy momentum flux is found to be linear in the wind speed at low winds; and the eddy heat flux is, to a first approximation, governed by free convection laws, with wind acting as a small perturbation on a regime of free convection. A new boundary layer code, based on heat flux scaling rather than wall-stress scaling, shows promising improvements in predictive skills of a general circulation model.


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Laminar natural convection in a series of thermally interacting cavities is numerically studied. Each cavity consists of a conducting bottom wall with a surface mounted heater. The side walls of the cavities are isothermally cooled. Each cavity thermally interacts with its adjacent cavities through the conducting walls. Flow and heat transfer characteristics are studied in detail for various Rayleigh numbers. The convection characteristics in multiple cavities are compared with those in single independent cavity. The thermal interaction between the cavities results in lower temperatures compared with those in independent cavities. While heat is rejected into the adjacent upper cavity through some portion of the conducting wall, heat is received from the adjacent cavity through the remaining portion of the wall. The influence of substrate conductivity on heat exchange between adjacent cavities are examined. Substrate conductivity shows strong effect on temperature distribution. When cooling at both vertical sides is changed to one side cooling, the heat transfer characteristics are changed drastically and many interesting flow features are observed. Effects of cavity aspect ratio is studied and higher heat transfer rates are observed at higher aspect ratios. Correlations for dimensionless temperature maximum and average Nusselt number are presented in terms of Rayleigh number.


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Laminar forced convection of nanofluids in a vertical channel with symmetrically mounted rib heaters on surfaces of opposite walls is numerically studied. The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics are examined for various Reynolds numbers and nanoparticles volume fractions of water-Al2O3 nanofluid. The flow exhibits various structures with varying Reynolds number. Even though the geometry and heating is symmetric with respect to a channel vertical mid-plane, asymmetric flow and heat transfer are found for Reynolds number greater than a critical value. Introduction of nanofluids in the base fluid delays the flow solution bifurcation point, and the critical Reynolds number increases with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction. A skin friction coefficient along the solid-fluid interfaces increases and decreases sharply along the bottom and top faces of the heaters, respectively, due to sudden acceleration and deceleration of the fluid at the respective faces. The skin friction coefficient, as well as Nusselt numbers in the channel, increase with increasing volume fraction of nanoparticles.