266 resultados para Random telegraph noise (RTN)


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In this paper, we have studied the effect of gate-drain/source overlap (LOV) on the drain channel noise and induced gate current noise (SIg) in 90 nm N-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors using process and device simulations. As the change in overlap affects the gate tunneling leakage current, its effect on shot noise component of SIg has been taken into consideration. It has been shown that “control over LOV” allows us to get better noise performance from the device, i.e., it allows us to reduce noise figure, for a given leakage current constraint. LOV in the range of 0–10 nm is recommended for the 90 nm gate length transistors, in order to get the best performance in radio frequency applications.


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Breakout noise from HVAC ducts is important at low frequencies, and the coupling between the acoustic waves and the structural waves plays a critical role in the prediction of the transverse transmission loss. This paper describes the analytical calculation of breakout noise by incorporating three-dimensional effects along with the acoustical and structural wave coupling phenomena. The first step in the breakout noise prediction is to calculate the inside duct pressure field and the normal duct wall vibration by using the solution of the governing differential equations in terms of Green's function. The resultant equations are rearranged in terms of impedance and mobility, which results in a compact matrix formulation. The Green's function selected for the current problem is the cavity Green's function with modification of wave number in the longitudinal direction in order to incorporate the terminal impedance. The second step is to calculate the radiated sound power from the compliant duct walls by means of an ``equivalent unfolded plate'' model. The transverse transmission loss from the duct walls is calculated using the ratio of the incident power due to surface source inside the duct to the acoustic power radiated from the compliant duct walls. Analytical results are validated with the FE-BE numerical models.


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A reliable method for service life estimation of the structural element is a prerequisite for service life design. A new methodology for durability-based service life estimation of reinforced concrete flexural elements with respect to chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement is proposed. The methodology takes into consideration the fuzzy and random uncertainties associated with the variables involved in service life estimation by using a hybrid method combining the vertex method of fuzzy set theory with Monte Carlo simulation technique. It is also shown how to determine the bounds for characteristic value of failure probability from the resulting fuzzy set for failure probability with minimal computational effort. Using the methodology, the bounds for the characteristic value of failure probability for a reinforced concrete T-beam bridge girder has been determined. The service life of the structural element is determined by comparing the upper bound of characteristic value of failure probability with the target failure probability. The methodology will be useful for durability-based service life design and also for making decisions regarding in-service inspections.


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In this work, we propose an approach for reducing radiated noise from `light' fluid-loaded structures, such as, for example, vibrating structures in air. In this approach, we optimize the structure so as to minimize the dynamic compliance (defined as the input power) of the structure. We show that minimizing the dynamic compliance results in substantial reductions in the radiated sound power from the structure. The main advantage of this approach is that the redesign to minimize the dynamic compliance moves the natural frequencies of the structure away from the driving frequency thereby reducing the vibration levels of the structure, which in turn results in a reduction in the radiated sound power as an indirect benefit. Thus, the need for an acoustic and the associated sensitivity analysis is completely bypassed (although, in this work, we do carry out an acoustic analysis to demonstrate the reduction in sound power levels), making the strategy efficient compared to existing strategies in the literature which try to minimize some measure of noise directly. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approach by means of several examples involving both topology and stiffener optimization, for vibrating beam, plate and shell-type structures.


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Given two independent Poisson point processes Phi((1)), Phi((2)) in R-d, the AB Poisson Boolean model is the graph with the points of Phi((1)) as vertices and with edges between any pair of points for which the intersection of balls of radius 2r centered at these points contains at least one point of Phi((2)). This is a generalization of the AB percolation model on discrete lattices. We show the existence of percolation for all d >= 2 and derive bounds fora critical intensity. We also provide a characterization for this critical intensity when d = 2. To study the connectivity problem, we consider independent Poisson point processes of intensities n and tau n in the unit cube. The AB random geometric graph is defined as above but with balls of radius r. We derive a weak law result for the largest nearest-neighbor distance and almost-sure asymptotic bounds for the connectivity threshold.


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The repeated or closely spaced eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of a matrix are usually very sensitive to a perturbation of the matrix, which makes capturing the behavior of these eigenpairs very difficult. Similar difficulty is encountered in solving the random eigenvalue problem when a matrix with random elements has a set of clustered eigenvalues in its mean. In addition, the methods to solve the random eigenvalue problem often differ in characterizing the problem, which leads to different interpretations of the solution. Thus, the solutions obtained from different methods become mathematically incomparable. These two issues, the difficulty of solving and the non-unique characterization, are addressed here. A different approach is used where instead of tracking a few individual eigenpairs, the corresponding invariant subspace is tracked. The spectral stochastic finite element method is used for analysis, where the polynomial chaos expansion is used to represent the random eigenvalues and eigenvectors. However, the main concept of tracking the invariant subspace remains mostly independent of any such representation. The approach is successfully implemented in response prediction of a system with repeated natural frequencies. It is found that tracking only an invariant subspace could be sufficient to build a modal-based reduced-order model of the system. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The spatial search problem on regular lattice structures in integer number of dimensions d >= 2 has been studied extensively, using both coined and coinless quantum walks. The relativistic Dirac operator has been a crucial ingredient in these studies. Here, we investigate the spatial search problem on fractals of noninteger dimensions. Although the Dirac operator cannot be defined on a fractal, we construct the quantum walk on a fractal using the flip-flop operator that incorporates a Klein-Gordon mode. We find that the scaling behavior of the spatial search is determined by the spectral (and not the fractal) dimension. Our numerical results have been obtained on the well-known Sierpinski gaskets in two and three dimensions.


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Purpose: To optimize the data-collection strategy for diffuse optical tomography and to obtain a set of independent measurements among the total measurements using the model based data-resolution matrix characteristics. Methods: The data-resolution matrix is computed based on the sensitivity matrix and the regularization scheme used in the reconstruction procedure by matching the predicted data with the actual one. The diagonal values of data-resolution matrix show the importance of a particular measurement and the magnitude of off-diagonal entries shows the dependence among measurements. Based on the closeness of diagonal value magnitude to off-diagonal entries, the independent measurements choice is made. The reconstruction results obtained using all measurements were compared to the ones obtained using only independent measurements in both numerical and experimental phantom cases. The traditional singular value analysis was also performed to compare the results obtained using the proposed method. Results: The results indicate that choosing only independent measurements based on data-resolution matrix characteristics for the image reconstruction does not compromise the reconstructed image quality significantly, in turn reduces the data-collection time associated with the procedure. When the same number of measurements (equivalent to independent ones) are chosen at random, the reconstruction results were having poor quality with major boundary artifacts. The number of independent measurements obtained using data-resolution matrix analysis is much higher compared to that obtained using the singular value analysis. Conclusions: The data-resolution matrix analysis is able to provide the high level of optimization needed for effective data-collection in diffuse optical imaging. The analysis itself is independent of noise characteristics in the data, resulting in an universal framework to characterize and optimize a given data-collection strategy. (C) 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4736820]


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Voltage source inverters (VSIs) supply nonsinusoidal voltages to induction motor drives, leading to line current distortion and torque pulsation. Conventional space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques are widely used in VSIs on the account of good waveform quality and high dc bus utilization. In a conventional space vector PWM technique, the switching sequence begins with one zero state and ends with the other zero state in a subcycle. Some novel switching sequences have been proposed, which employ only one zero state but apply one of the two active states twice in a subcycle. One pair of such special switching sequences has recently been shown to reduce the pulsating torque considerably. In this paper, the conventional and special switching sequences are compared experimentally in terms of acoustic noise. In the low-and medium-speed ranges, the special switching sequence is seen to reduce the amplitude of the tonal component of noise at the switching frequency considerably and is also found to result in spread spectrum.


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In 2003, Babin et al. theoretically predicted (J. Appl. Phys. 94:4244, 2003) that fabrication of organic-inorganic hybrid materials would probably be required to implement structures with multiple photonic band gaps. In tune with their prediction, we report synthesis of such an inorganic-organic nanocomposite, comprising Cu4O3-CuO-C thin films that experimentally exhibit the highest (of any known material) number (as many as eleven) of photonic band gaps in the near infrared. On contrary to the report by Wang et al. (Appl. Phys. Lett. 84:1629, 2004) that photonic crystals with multiple stop gaps require highly correlated structural arrangement such as multilayers of variable thicknesses, we demonstrate experimental realization of multiple stop gaps in completely randomized structures comprising inorganic oxide nanocrystals (Cu4O3 and CuO) randomly embedded in a randomly porous carbonaceous matrix. We report one step synthesis of such nanostructured films through the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique using a single source metalorganic precursor, Cu-4(deaH)(dea)(oAc)(5) a <...aEuro parts per thousand(CH3)(2)CO. The films displaying multiple (4/9/11) photonic band gaps with equal transmission losses in the infrared are promising materials to find applications as multiple channel photonic band gap based filter for WDM technology.


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Novel random copolymers containing dithienylcyclopentadienone, thiophene and benzothiadiazole were synthesized and photovoltaic properties of these materials were evaluated. Thermal, structural, optical and electrochemical characterization of the synthesized copolymers was carried out. These thermally stable copolymers are solution processable unlike the homopolymer. The absorption spectra indicated that with the incorporation of alkyl chains in the thiophene moiety, the onset of absorption increases and hence band gap decreases (1.47 eV to 1.41 eV). Bulk heterojunction solar cells were fabricated with the blend of copolymer and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) as the active material and device parameters were extracted. The copolymer consists of alkyl thiophene exhibit higher open circuit voltage than the copolymer consisting of thiophene moiety. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wireless sensor networks can often be viewed in terms of a uniform deployment of a large number of nodes in a region of Euclidean space. Following deployment, the nodes self-organize into a mesh topology with a key aspect being self-localization. Having obtained a mesh topology in a dense, homogeneous deployment, a frequently used approximation is to take the hop distance between nodes to be proportional to the Euclidean distance between them. In this work, we analyze this approximation through two complementary analyses. We assume that the mesh topology is a random geometric graph on the nodes; and that some nodes are designated as anchors with known locations. First, we obtain high probability bounds on the Euclidean distances of all nodes that are h hops away from a fixed anchor node. In the second analysis, we provide a heuristic argument that leads to a direct approximation for the density function of the Euclidean distance between two nodes that are separated by a hop distance h. This approximation is shown, through simulation, to very closely match the true density function. Localization algorithms that draw upon the preceding analyses are then proposed and shown to perform better than some of the well-known algorithms present in the literature. Belief-propagation-based message-passing is then used to further enhance the performance of the proposed localization algorithms. To our knowledge, this is the first usage of message-passing for hop-count-based self-localization.