262 resultados para Gamma distribution


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Michael additions of alpha-substituted nitrophosphonates to various nitroolefins are shown to proceed with high diastereo- and enantioselectivity when catalyzed by a quinine-derived thiourea-tertiary amine bifunctional catalyst and generate alpha,gamma-diaminophosphonic acid precursors with contiguous quaternary and tertiary stereocenters.


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The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is a crucial mechanism of angular momentum transport in a variety of astrophysical accretion disks. In systems accreting at well below the Eddington rate, such as the central black hole in the Milky Way (Sgr A*), the plasma in the disk is essentially collisionless. We present a nonlinear study of the collisionless MRI using first-principles particle-in-cell plasma simulations. We focus on local two-dimensional (axisymmetric) simulations, deferring more realistic three-dimensional simulations to future work. For simulations with net vertical magnetic flux, the MRI continuously amplifies the magnetic field, B, until the Alfven velocity, v(A), is comparable to the speed of light, c (independent of the initial value of v(A)/c). This is consistent with the lack of saturation of MRI channel modes in analogous axisymmetric MHD simulations. The amplification of the magnetic field by the MRI generates a significant pressure anisotropy in the plasma (with the pressure perpendicular to B being larger than the parallel pressure). We find that this pressure anisotropy in turn excites mirror modes and that the volume-averaged pressure anisotropy remains near the threshold for mirror mode excitation. Particle energization is due to both reconnection and viscous heating associated with the pressure anisotropy. Reconnection produces a distinctive power-law component in the energy distribution function of the particles, indicating the likelihood of non-thermal ion and electron acceleration in collisionless accretion disks. This has important implications for interpreting the observed emission-from the radio to the gamma-rays-of systems such as Sgr A*.


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Pre-starvation amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum exhibit random movements. Starved cells aggregate by directed movements (chemotaxis) towards cyclic AMP and differentiate into live spores or dead stalk cells. Many differences between presumptive spore and stalk cells precede differentiation. We have examined whether cell motility-related factors are also among them. Cell speeds and localisation of motility-related signalling molecules were monitored by live cell imaging and immunostaining (a) in nutrient medium during growth, (b) immediately following transfer to starvation medium and (c) in nutrient medium that was re-introduced after a brief period of starvation. Cells moved randomly under all three conditions but mean speeds increased following transfer from nutrient medium to starvation medium; the transition occurred within 15 min. The distribution of speeds in starvation medium was bimodal: about 20% of the cells moved significantly faster than the remaining 80%. The motility-related molecules F-actin, PTEN and PI3 kinase were distributed differently in slow and fast cells. Among starved cells, the calcium content of slower cells was lower than that of the faster cells. All differences reverted within 15 min after restoration of the nutrient medium. The slow/fast distinction was missing in Polysphondylium pallidum, a cellular slime mould that lacks the presumptive stalk and spore cell classes, and in the trishanku (triA(center dot)) mutant of D. discoideum, in which the classes exist but are unstable. The transition from growth to starvation triggers a spontaneous and reversible switch in the distribution of D. discoideum cell speeds. Cells whose calcium content is relatively low (known to be presumptive spore cells) move slower than those whose calcium levels are higher (known to be presumptive stalk cells). Slow and fast cells show different distributions of motility-related proteins. The switch is indicative of a bistable mechanism underlying cell motility.


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The first organocatalytic enantioselective direct vinylogous Michael reaction of alpha,beta-unsaturated gamma-butyrolactam to nitroolefins is developed using cinchona alkaloids as the catalysts. Both product enantiomers are accessible with moderate to good enantioselectivity.


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Thyroxine is a naturally occurring human hormone produced by the thyroid gland. Clinical applications of thyroxine to treat several chronic disorders are limited by poor water solubility and instability under physiological conditions. An inclusion complex of levo-thyroxine (l-thyroxine), the active form of the hormone with gamma cyclodextrin (gamma-CD) has been obtained and studied with the aim of improving oral delivery rather than the injection formulation of the sodium salt. In addition to greater patient acceptability, inclusion complexes often improve aqueous solubility and bioavailability, stability, and reduce toxicity of drugs, thus providing enhanced pharmaceutical formulations. Physicochemical characterization of the inclusion complex was carried out using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Intermolecular dipolar interactions for the inclusion complex were also studied using 2 dimensional ROESY experiments. Formation of the inclusion complex between the protons H3 and H5 of cyclodextrin with aromatic protons of thyroxine was confirmed by their dipolar interaction. Molecular modelling was used to understand the basis for the complex formation and predict the formation of other complexes. Interestingly, we found that l-thyroxine forms an inclusion complex only with the larger gamma-CD and not with other available alpha and beta forms.


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Purinergic signaling plays a key role in a variety of physiological functions, including regulation of immune responses. Conventional alpha beta T cells release ATP upon TCR cross-linking; ATP binds to purinergic receptors expressed by these cells and triggers T cell activation in an autocrine and paracrine manner. Here, we studied whether similar purinergic signaling pathways also operate in the ``unconventional'' gamma delta T lymphocytes. We observed that gamma delta T cells purified from peripheral human blood rapidly release ATP upon in vitro stimulation with anti-CD3/CD28-coated beads or IPP. Pretreatment of gamma delta T cells with (10)panx-1, CBX, or Bf A reversed the stimulation-induced increase in extracellular ATP concentration, indicating that panx-1, connexin hemichannels, and vesicular exocytosis contribute to the controlled release of cellular ATP. Blockade of ATP release with (10)panx-1 inhibited Ca2+ signaling in response to TCR stimulation. qPCR revealed that gamma delta T cells predominantly express purinergic receptor subtypes A2a, P2X1, P2X4, P2X7, and P2Y11. We found that pharmacological inhibition of P2X4 receptors with TNP-ATP inhibited transcriptional up-regulation of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in gamma delta T cells stimulated with anti-CD3/CD28-coated beads or IPP. Our data thus indicate that purinergic signaling via P2X4 receptors plays an important role in orchestrating the functional response of circulating human gamma delta T cells. J. Leukoc. Biol. 92: 787-794; 2012.


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We address the problem of robust formant tracking in continuous speech in the presence of additive noise. We propose a new approach based on mixture modeling of the formant contours. Our approach consists of two main steps: (i) Computation of a pyknogram based on multiband amplitude-modulation/frequency-modulation (AM/FM) decomposition of the input speech; and (ii) Statistical modeling of the pyknogram using mixture models. We experiment with both Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and Student's-t mixture model (tMM) and show that the latter is robust with respect to handling outliers in the pyknogram data, parameter selection, accuracy, and smoothness of the estimated formant contours. Experimental results on simulated data as well as noisy speech data show that the proposed tMM-based approach is also robust to additive noise. We present performance comparisons with a recently developed adaptive filterbank technique proposed in the literature and the classical Burg's spectral estimator technique, which show that the proposed technique is more robust to noise.


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We demonstrate here that mesoporous tin dioxide (abbreviated M-SnO2) with a broad pore size distribution can be a prospective anode in lithium-ion batteries. M-SnO2 with pore size ranging between 2 and 7.5 nm was synthesized using a hydrothermal procedure involving two different surfactants of slightly different sizes, and characterized. The irreversible capacity loss that occurs during the first discharge and charge cycle is 890 mAh g(-1), which is smaller than the 1,010-mAh g(-1) loss recorded for mesoporous SnO2 (abbreviated S-SnO2) synthesized using a single surfactant. After 50 cycles, the discharge capacity of M-SnO2 (504 mAh g(-1)) is higher than that of S-SnO2 (401 mAh g(-1)) and solid nanoparticles of SnO2 (abbreviated nano-SnO2 < 4 mAh g(-1)) and nano-SnO2. Transmission electron microscopy revealed higher disorder in the pore arrangement in M-SnO2. This, in turn imparts lower stiffness to M-SnO2 (elastic modulus, E (R) a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 14.5 GPa) vis-a-vis S-SnO2 (E (R) a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 20.5 GPa), as obtained using the nanoindentation technique. Thus, the superior battery performance of M-SnO2 is attributed to its intrinsic material mechanical property. The fluidity of the internal microstructure of M-SnO2 resulted in a lower degree of aggregation of Sn particles compared to S-SnO2 and nano-SnO2 structural stabilization and long-term cyclability.


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Ceramic/Porcelain suspension disc insulators are widely used in power systems to provide electrical insulation and mechanically support for high-voltage transmission lines. These insulators are subjected to a variety of stresses, including mechanical, electrical and environmental. These stresses act in unison. The exact nature and magnitude of these stresses vary significantly and depends on insulator design, application and its location. Due to various reasons the insulator disc can lose its electrical insulation properties without any noticeable mechanical failure. Such a condition while difficult to recognize, can enhance the stress on remaining healthy insulator discs in the string further may lead to a flashover. To understand the stress enhancement due to faulty discs in a string, attempt has been made to simulate the potential and electric field profiles for various disc insulators presently used in the country. The results of potential and electric filed stress obtained for normal and strings with faulty insulator discs are presented.


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Resin impregnated paper (RIP) is a relatively new insulation system recommended for the use in transformer bushings. In the recent past, RIP has acquired prominence as insulation in bushings, over conventional oil impregnated paper (OIP), in view of its overwhelming advantages the more important among them being low dielectric loss and possibility for positioning the bushing at any desired angle over the transformer. In addition, the fact that such systems do not pose problems of fire hazard is counted as a very important consideration. The disadvantage of RIP compared to OIP, however, is its much higher cost and involved manufacturing process. The temperature rise in RIP bushings under normal operating conditions is seen to be a difficult parameter to control in view of the limited options for effective cooling. It is therefore essential to take serious note of this aspect, to arrest rapid deterioration of bushing. The degradation of dry-type insulation such as RIP is often due to thermal stress. The long time performance thereof, depends strongly, on the maximum operating temperature. With this in view, the Authors have developed a theoretical model and computational method to study the temperature distribution in the body of insulation. The Authors consider that the basis for the model as being the temperature and electric stress aided AC conductivity. The ensuing heat balance (continuity) equations in 2-D cylindrical geometry are treated as a Dirichelet-Neumann boundary value problem.


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We consider the problem of secure communication in mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Achieving security in WSNs requires robust encryption and authentication standards among the sensor nodes. Severe resources constraints in typical Wireless Sensor nodes hinder them in achieving key agreements. It is proved from past studies that many notable key management schemes do not work well in sensor networks due to their limited capacities. The idea of key predistribution is not feasible considering the fact that the network could scale to millions. We prove a novel algorithm that provides robust and secure communication channel in WSNs. Our Double Encryption with Validation Time (DEV) using Key Management Protocol algorithm works on the basis of timed sessions within which a secure secret key remains valid. A mobile node is used to bootstrap and exchange secure keys among communicating pairs of nodes. Analysis and simulation results show that the performance of the DEV using Key Management Protocol Algorithm is better than the SEV scheme and other related work.


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Accurate supersymmetric spectra are required to confront data from direct and indirect searches of supersymmetry. SuSeFLAV is a numerical tool capable of computing supersymmetric spectra precisely for various supersymmetric breaking scenarios applicable even in the presence of flavor violation. The program solves MSSM RGEs with complete 3 x 3 flavor mixing at 2-loop level and one loop finite threshold corrections to all MSSM parameters by incorporating radiative electroweak symmetry breaking conditions. The program also incorporates the Type-I seesaw mechanism with three massive right handed neutrinos at user defined mass scales and mixing. It also computes branching ratios of flavor violating processes such as l(j) -> l(i)gamma, l(j) -> 3 l(i), b -> s gamma and supersymmetric contributions to flavor conserving quantities such as (g(mu) - 2). A large choice of executables suitable for various operations of the program are provided. Program summary Program title: SuSeFLAV Catalogue identifier: AEOD_v1_0 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEOD_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 76552 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 582787 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Fortran 95. Computer: Personal Computer, Work-Station. Operating system: Linux, Unix. Classification: 11.6. Nature of problem: Determination of masses and mixing of supersymmetric particles within the context of MSSM with conserved R-parity with and without the presence of Type-I seesaw. Inter-generational mixing is considered while calculating the mass spectrum. Supersymmetry breaking parameters are taken as inputs at a high scale specified by the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. RG equations including full inter-generational mixing are then used to evolve these parameters up to the electroweak breaking scale. The low energy supersymmetric spectrum is calculated at the scale where successful radiative electroweak symmetry breaking occurs. At weak scale standard model fermion masses, gauge couplings are determined including the supersymmetric radiative corrections. Once the spectrum is computed, the program proceeds to various lepton flavor violating observables (e.g., BR(mu -> e gamma), BR(tau -> mu gamma) etc.) at the weak scale. Solution method: Two loop RGEs with full 3 x 3 flavor mixing for all supersymmetry breaking parameters are used to compute the low energy supersymmetric mass spectrum. An adaptive step size Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the RGEs numerically between the high scale and the electroweak breaking scale. Iterative procedure is employed to get the consistent radiative electroweak symmetry breaking condition. The masses of the supersymmetric particles are computed at 1-loop order. The third generation SM particles and the gauge couplings are evaluated at the 1-loop order including supersymmetric corrections. A further iteration of the full program is employed such that the SM masses and couplings are consistent with the supersymmetric particle spectrum. Additional comments: Several executables are presented for the user. Running time: 0.2 s on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 with 3.20 GHz. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neuronal assemblies often exhibit stimulus-induced rhythmic activity in the gamma range (30-80 Hz), whose magnitude depends on the attentional load. This has led to the suggestion that gamma rhythms form dynamic communication channels across cortical areas processing the features of behaviorally relevant stimuli. Recently, attention has been linked to a normalization mechanism, in which the response of a neuron is suppressed (normalized) by the overall activity of a large pool of neighboring neurons. In this model, attention increases the excitatory drive received by the neuron, which in turn also increases the strength of normalization, thereby changing the balance of excitation and inhibition. Recent studies have shown that gamma power also depends on such excitatory-inhibitory interactions. Could modulation in gamma power during an attention task be a reflection of the changes in the underlying excitation-inhibition interactions? By manipulating the normalization strength independent of attentional load in macaque monkeys, we show that gamma power increases with increasing normalization, even when the attentional load is fixed. Further, manipulations of attention that increase normalization increase gamma power, even when they decrease the firing rate. Thus, gamma rhythms could be a reflection of changes in the relative strengths of excitation and normalization rather than playing a functional role in communication or control.


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Thymic atrophy is known to occur during infections; however, there is limited understanding of its causes and of the cross-talk between different pathways. This study investigates mechanisms involved in thymic atrophy during a model of oral infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S.typhimurium). Significant death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, but not of single-positive thymocytes or peripheral lymphocytes, is observed at later stages during infection with live, but not heat-killed, bacteria. The death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is Fas-independent as shown by infection studies with lpr mice. However, apoptosis occurs with lowering of mitochondrial potential and higher caspase-3 activity. The amounts of cortisol, a glucocorticoid, and interferon- (IFN-), an inflammatory cytokine, increase upon infection. To investigate the functional roles of these molecules, studies were performed using Ifn/ mice together with RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. Treatment of C57BL/6 mice with RU486 does not affect colony-forming units (CFU), amounts of IFN- and mouse survival; however, there is partial rescue in thymocyte death. Upon infection, Ifn/ mice display higher CFU and lower survival but more surviving thymocytes are recovered. However, there is no difference in cortisol amounts in C57BL/6 and Ifn/ mice. Importantly, the number of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is significantly higher in Ifn/ mice treated with RU486 along with lower caspase-3 activity and mitochondrial damage. Hence, endogenous glucocorticoid and IFN--mediated pathways are parallel but synergize in an additive manner to induce death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes during S.typhimurium infection. The implications of this study for host responses during infection are discussed.