216 resultados para Backward- bending


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In this paper, we report the gas phase infrared spectra of fluorene and its methylated derivatives using a heated multipass cell and argon as a carrier gas. The observed spectra in the 4000-400 cm(-1) range have been fitted using the modified scaled quantum mechanical force field (SQMFF) calculation with the 6-311G** basis. The advantage of using the modified SQMFF method is that it scales the force constants to find the best fit to the observed spectral lines by minimizing the fitting error. In this way we are able to assign all the observed fundamental bands in the spectra. With consecutive methyl substitutions two sets of bands are found to shift in a systematic way. The set of four aromatic C-H stretching vibrations around 3000 cm(-1) shifts toward lower frequencies while the single most intense aromatic C-H out-of-plane bending mode around 750 cm(-1) shifts toward higher frequencies. The reason for shifting of aromatic C-H stretching frequency toward lower wave numbers with gradual methyl substitution has been attributed to the lengthening of the C-H bonds due to the +I effect of the methyl groups to the ring current as revealed from the calculations. While the unexpected shifting of the aromatic C-H out-of-plane bend toward higher wave numbers with increasing methyl substitution is ascribed to the lowering of the number of adjacent aromatic C-H bonds on the plane of the benzene ring with gradual methyl substitutions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new `generalized model predictive static programming (G-MPSP)' technique is presented in this paper in the continuous time framework for rapidly solving a class of finite-horizon nonlinear optimal control problems with hard terminal constraints. A key feature of the technique is backward propagation of a small-dimensional weight matrix dynamics, using which the control history gets updated. This feature, as well as the fact that it leads to a static optimization problem, are the reasons for its high computational efficiency. It has been shown that under Euler integration, it is equivalent to the existing model predictive static programming technique, which operates on a discrete-time approximation of the problem. Performance of the proposed technique is demonstrated by solving a challenging three-dimensional impact angle constrained missile guidance problem. The problem demands that the missile must meet constraints on both azimuth and elevation angles in addition to achieving near zero miss distance, while minimizing the lateral acceleration demand throughout its flight path. Both stationary and maneuvering ground targets are considered in the simulation studies. Effectiveness of the proposed guidance has been verified by considering first order autopilot lag as well as various target maneuvers.


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We use the Bouguer coherence (Morlet isostatic response function) technique to compute the spatial variation of effective elastic thickness (T-e) of the Andaman subduction zone. The recovered T-e map resolves regional-scale features that correlate well with known surface structures of the subducting Indian plate and the overriding Burma plate. The major structure on the India plate, the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER), exhibits a weak mechanical strength, which is consistent with the expected signature of an oceanic ridge of hotspot origin. However, a markedly low strength (0< T-e <3 km) in that region, where the NER is close to the Andaman trench (north of 10 N), receives our main attention in this study. The subduction geometry derived from the Bouguer gravity forward modeling suggests that the NER has indented beneath the Andaman arc. We infer that the bending stresses of the viscous plate, which were reinforced within the subducting oceanic plate as a result of the partial subduction of the NER buoyant load, have reduced the lithospheric strength. The correlation, T-e < T-s (seismogenic thickness) reveals that the upper crust is actively deforming beneath the frontal arc Andaman region. The occurrence of normal-fault earthquakes in the frontal arc, low Te zone, is indicative of structural heterogeneities within the subducting plate. The fact that the NER along with its buoyant root is subducting under the Andaman region is inhibiting the subduction processes, as suggested by the changes in trench line, interrupted back-arc volcanism, variation in seismicity mechanism, slow subduction, etc. The low T-e and thinned crustal structure of the Andaman back-arc basin are attributed to a thermomechanically weakened lithosphere. The present study reveals that the ongoing back-arc spreading and strike-slip motion along the West Andaman Fault coupled with the ridge subduction exerts an important control on the frequency and magnitude of seismicity in the Andaman region. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The curvature (T)(w) of a contraction T in the Cowen-Douglas class B-1() is bounded above by the curvature (S*)(w) of the backward shift operator. However, in general, an operator satisfying the curvature inequality need not be contractive. In this paper, we characterize a slightly smaller class of contractions using a stronger form of the curvature inequality. Along the way, we find conditions on the metric of the holomorphic Hermitian vector bundle E-T corresponding to the operator T in the Cowen-Douglas class B-1() which ensures negative definiteness of the curvature function. We obtain a generalization for commuting tuples of operators in the class B-1() for a bounded domain in C-m.


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We investigate the evolution of polymer structure and its influence on uniaxial anisotropic stress under time-varying uniaxial strain, and the role of external control variables such as temperature, strain rate, chain length, and density, using molecular dynamics simulation. At temperatures higher than glass transition, stress anisotropy in the system is reduced even though the bond stretch is greater at higher temperatures. There is a significant increase in the stress level with increasing density. At higher densities, the uncoiling of the chains is suppressed and the major contribution to the deformation is by internal deformation of the chains. At faster rates of loading stress anisotropy increases. The deformation mechanism is mostly due to bond stretch and bond bending rather than overall shape and size. Stress levels increase with longer chain length. There is a critical value of the functionality of the cross-linkers beyond which the uniaxial stress developed increases caused primarily by bond stretching due to increased constraint on the motion of the monomers. Stacking of the chains in the system also plays a dominant role in the behaviour in terms of excluded volume interactions. Low density, high temperature, low values of functionality of cross-linkers, and short chain length facilitate chain uncoiling and chain slipping in cross-linked polymers.


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Microstructure and texture are known to undergo drastic modifications due to trace hypoeutectic boron addition (similar to 0.1wt.%) for various titanium alloys e.g. Ti-6Al-4V. The deformation behaviour of such an alloy Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B is investigated in the (+) phase field and compared against that of the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V studied under selfsame conditions. The deformation microstructures for the two alloys display bending and kinking of lamellae in near and softening via globularization of lamella in near phase regimes, respectively. The transition temperature at which pure slip based deformation changes to softening is lower for the boron added alloy. The presence of TiB particles is largely held attributable for the early softening of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy. The compression texture of both the alloys carry signature of pure phase defamation at lower temperature and phase transformation near the transus temperature. Texture is influenced by a complex interplay of the deformation and transformation processes in the intermediate temperature range. The contribution from phase transformation is prominent for Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy at comparatively lower temperature.


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Composite T-joints are commonly used in modern composite airframe, pressure vessels and piping structures, mainly to increase the bending strength of the joint and prevents buckling of plates and shells, and in multi-cell thin-walled structures. Here we report a detailed study on the propagation of guided ultrasonic wave modes in a composite T-joint and their interactions with delamination in the co-cured co-bonded flange. A well designed guiding path is employed wherein the waves undergo a two step mode conversion process, one is due to the web and joint filler on the back face of the flange and the other is due to the delamination edges close to underneath the accessible surface of the flange. A 3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer is used to obtain the three components of surface displacements/velocities of the accessible face of the flange of the T-joint. The waves are launched by a piezo ceramic wafer bonded on to the back surface of the flange. What is novel in the proposed method is that the location of any change in material/geometric properties can be traced by computing a frequency domain power flow along a scan line. The scan line can be chosen over a grid either during scan or during post-processing of the scan data off-line. The proposed technique eliminates the necessity of baseline data and disassembly of structure for structural interrogation.


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The present experimental study investigates the influence of post-deposition annealing on the transverse piezoelectric coefficient (d(31)) value of ZnO thin films deposited on a flexible metal alloy substrate, and its relationship with the vibration sensing performance. Highly c-axis oriented and crystalline ZnO thin films were deposited on flexible Phynox alloy substrate via radio frequency (RF) reactive magnetron sputtering. ZnO thin film samples were annealed at different temperatures ranging from 100 degrees C to 500 degrees C, resulting in the temperature of 300 degrees C determined as the optimum annealing temperature. The crystallinity, morphology, microstructure, and rms surface roughness of annealed ZnO thin films were systematically investigated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), respectively. The piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value was measured by 4-point bending method. ZnO thin film annealed at 300 degrees C was highly c-axis oriented, crystalline, possesses fine surface morphology with uniformity in the grain size. This film showed higher d(31) coefficient value of 7.2 pm V-1. A suitable in-house designed and developed experimental set-up, for evaluating the vibration sensing performance of annealed ZnO thin films is discussed. As expected the ZnO thin film annealed at 300 degrees C showed relatively better result for vibration sensing studies. It generates comparatively higher peak output voltage of 147 mV, due to improved structural and morphological properties, and higher piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the governing equations for free vibration of a non-homogeneous rotating Timoshenko beam, having uniform cross-section, is studied using an inverse problem approach, for both cantilever and pinned-free boundary conditions. The bending displacement and the rotation due to bending are assumed to be simple polynomials which satisfy all four boundary conditions. It is found that for certain polynomial variations of the material mass density, elastic modulus and shear modulus, along the length of the beam, the assumed polynomials serve as simple closed form solutions to the coupled second order governing differential equations with variable coefficients. It is found that there are an infinite number of analytical polynomial functions possible for material mass density, shear modulus and elastic modulus distributions, which share the same frequency and mode shape for a particular mode. The derived results are intended to serve as benchmark solutions for testing approximate or numerical methods used for the vibration analysis of rotating non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams.


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This work considers how the properties of hydrogen bonded complexes, X-H center dot center dot center dot Y, are modified by the quantum motion of the shared proton. Using a simple two-diabatic state model Hamiltonian, the analysis of the symmetric case, where the donor (X) and acceptor (Y) have the same proton affinity, is carried out. For quantitative comparisons, a parametrization specific to the O-H center dot center dot center dot O complexes is used. The vibrational energy levels of the one-dimensional ground state adiabatic potential of the model are used to make quantitative comparisons with a vast body of condensed phase data, spanning a donor-acceptor separation (R) range of about 2.4-3.0 angstrom, i.e., from strong to weak hydrogen bonds. The position of the proton (which determines the X-H bond length) and its longitudinal vibrational frequency, along with the isotope effects in both are described quantitatively. An analysis of the secondary geometric isotope effect, using a simple extension of the two-state model, yields an improved agreement of the predicted variation with R of frequency isotope effects. The role of bending modes is also considered: their quantum effects compete with those of the stretching mode for weak to moderate H-bond strengths. In spite of the economy in the parametrization of the model used, it offers key insights into the defining features of H-bonds, and semi-quantitatively captures several trends. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The tunable optical properties of the bulk structure of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were recently revealed as a perfect black body material, optically reflective mirror and solar absorber. The present study demonstrates an enhanced optical reflectance of up to similar to 15% over a broad wavelength range in the near infrared region followed by a mechanical modification of the surface of a bulk CNT structure, which can be accounted for due to the grating-like surface abnormalities. In response to the specific arrangement of the so-formed bent tips of the CNT, a selective reflectance is achieved and results in reflecting only a dominant component of the polarized ight, which has not been realized so far. Modulation of this selective-optical reflectance can be achieved by ontrolling the degree of tip bending of the nanotubes, thus opening up avenues for the construction of novel dynamic light polarizers and absorbers.


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We report on the systematic comparative study of highly c-axis oriented and crystalline piezoelectric ZnO thin films deposited on four different flexible substrates for vibration sensing application. The flexible substrates employed for present experimental study were namely a metal alloy (Phynox), metal (aluminum), polyimide (Kapton), and polyester (Mylar). ZnO thin films were deposited by an RF reactive magnetron sputtering technique. ZnO thin films of similar thicknesses of 700 +/- 30 nm were deposited on four different flexible substrates to have proper comparative studies. The crystallinity, surface morphology, chemical composition, and roughness of ZnO thin films were evaluated by respective material characterization techniques. The transverse piezoelectric coefficient (d(31)) value for assessing the piezoelectric property of ZnO thin films on different flexible substrates was measured by a four-point bending method. ZnO thin films deposited on Phynox alloy substrate showed relatively better material characterization results and a higher piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value as compared to ZnO films on metal and polymer substrates. In order to experimentally verify the above observations, vibration sensing studies were performed. As expected, the ZnO thin film deposited on Phynox alloy substrate showed better vibration sensing performance. It has generated the highest peak to peak output voltage amplitude of 256 mV as compared to that of aluminum (224 mV), Kapton (144 mV), and Mylar (46 mV). Therefore, metal alloy flexible substrate proves to be a more suitable, advantageous, and versatile choice for integrating ZnO thin films as compared to metal and polymer flexible substrates for vibration sensing applications. The present experimental study is extremely important and helpful for the selection of a suitable flexible substrate for various applications in the field of sensor and actuator technology.


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Bending at the valence angle N-C-alpha-C' (tau) is a known control feature for attenuating the stability of the rare intramolecular hydrogen bonded pseudo five-membered ring C-5 structures, the so called 2.0(5) helices, at Aib. The competitive 3(10)-helical structures still predominate over the C5 structures at Aib for most values of tau. However at Aib*, a mimic of Aib where the carbonyl 0 of Aib is replaced with an imidate N (in 5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-oxazine = Oxa), in the peptidomimic Piv-Pro-Aib*-Oxa (1), the C(5)i structure is persistent in both crystals and in solution. Here we show that the i -> i hydrogen bond energy is a more determinant control for the relative stability of the C5 structure and estimate its value to be 18.5 +/- 0.7 kJ/mol at Aib* in 1, through the computational isodesmic reaction approach, using two independent sets of theoretical isodesmic reactions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper discusses the frequency domain based solution for a certain class of wave equations such as: a second order partial differential equation in one variable with constant and varying coefficients (Cantilever beam) and a coupled second order partial differential equation in two variables with constant and varying coefficients (Timoshenko beam). The exact solution of the Cantilever beam with uniform and varying cross-section and the Timoshenko beam with uniform cross-section is available. However, the exact solution for Timoshenko beam with varying cross-section is not available. Laplace spectral methods are used to solve these problems exactly in frequency domain. The numerical solution in frequency domain is done by discretisation in space by approximating the unknown function using spectral functions like Chebyshev polynomials, Legendre polynomials and also Normal polynomials. Different numerical methods such as Galerkin Method, Petrov- Galerkin method, Method of moments and Collocation method or the Pseudo-spectral method in frequency domain are studied and compared with the available exact solution. An approximate solution is also obtained for the Timoshenko beam with varying cross-section using Laplace Spectral Element Method (LSEM). The group speeds are computed exactly for the Cantilever beam and Timoshenko beam with uniform cross-section and is compared with the group speeds obtained numerically. The shear mode and the bending modes of the Timoshenko beam with uniform cross-section are separated numerically by applying a modulated pulse as the shear force and the corresponding group speeds for varying taper parameter in are obtained numerically by varying the frequency of the input pulse. An approximate expression for calculating group speeds corresponding to the shear mode and the bending mode, and also the cut-off frequency is obtained. Finally, we show that the cut-off frequency disappears for large in, for epsilon > 0 and increases for large in, for epsilon < 0.


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We model the spread of information in a homogeneously mixed population using the Maki Thompson rumor model. We formulate an optimal control problem, from the perspective of single campaigner, to maximize the spread of information when the campaign budget is fixed. Control signals, such as advertising in the mass media, attempt to convert ignorants and stiflers into spreaders. We show the existence of a solution to the optimal control problem when the campaigning incurs non-linear costs under the isoperimetric budget constraint. The solution employs Pontryagin's Minimum Principle and a modified version of forward backward sweep technique for numerical computation to accommodate the isoperimetric budget constraint. The techniques developed in this paper are general and can be applied to similar optimal control problems in other areas. We have allowed the spreading rate of the information epidemic to vary over the campaign duration to model practical situations when the interest level of the population in the subject of the campaign changes with time. The shape of the optimal control signal is studied for different model parameters and spreading rate profiles. We have also studied the variation of the optimal campaigning costs with respect to various model parameters. Results indicate that, for some model parameters, significant improvements can be achieved by the optimal strategy compared to the static control strategy. The static strategy respects the same budget constraint as the optimal strategy and has a constant value throughout the campaign horizon. This work finds application in election and social awareness campaigns, product advertising, movie promotion and crowdfunding campaigns. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.