197 resultados para Applied Relaxation


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Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements are employed to evaluate the presence of the two magnon scattering contribution in the magnetic relaxation processes of the epitaxial nickel zinc ferrite thin films deposited using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on the (0 0 1) MgAl2O4 substrate. Furthermore, the reciprocal space mapping reveals the presence of microstructural defects which acts as an origin for the two magnon scattering process in this thin film. The relevance of this scattering process is further discussed for understanding the higher FMR linewidth in the in-plane configuration compared to the out-of-plane configuration. FMR measurements also reveal the presence of competing uniaxial and cubic anisotropy in the studied films.


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A linear stability analysis is carried out for the flow through a tube with a soft wall in order to resolve the discrepancy of a factor of 10 for the transition Reynolds number between theoretical predictions in a cylindrical tube and the experiments of Verma and Kumaran J. Fluid Mech. 705, 322 (2012)]. Here the effect of tube deformation (due to the applied pressure difference) on the mean velocity profile and pressure gradient is incorporated in the stability analysis. The tube geometry and dimensions are reconstructed from experimental images, where it is found that there is an expansion and then a contraction of the tube in the streamwise direction. The mean velocity profiles at different downstream locations and the pressure gradient, determined using computational fluid dynamics, are found to be substantially modified by the tube deformation. The velocity profiles are then used in a linear stability analysis, where the growth rates of perturbations are calculated for the flow through a tube with the wall modeled as a neo-Hookean elastic solid. The linear stability analysis is carried out for the mean velocity profiles at different downstream locations using the parallel flow approximation. The analysis indicates that the flow first becomes unstable in the downstream converging section of the tube where the flow profile is more pluglike when compared to the parabolic flow in a cylindrical tube. The flow is stable in the upstream diverging section where the deformation is maximum. The prediction for the transition Reynolds number is in good agreement with experiments, indicating that the downstream tube convergence and the consequent modification in the mean velocity profile and pressure gradient could reduce the transition Reynolds number by an order of magnitude.


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NMR relaxation rates (1/T-1), magnetic susceptibility, and electrical conductivity studies in doped poly-3-methylthiophene are reported in this paper. The magnetic susceptibility data show the contributions from both Pauli and Curie spins, with the size of the Pauli term depending strongly on the doping level. Proton and fluorine NMR relaxation rates have been studied as a function of temperature (3-300 K) and field (for protons at 0.9, 9.0, 16.4, and 23.4 T, and for fluorine at 9.0 T). The temperature dependence of T-1 is classified into three regimes: (a) For T < (g mu(B) B/2k(B)), the relaxation mechanism follows a modified Korringa relation due to electron-electron interactions and disorder. H-1-T-1 is due to the electron-nuclear dipolar interaction in addition to the contact term. (b) For the intermediate temperature range (g mu(B) B/2k(B)) < T < T-BPP (the temperature where the contribution from the reorientation motion to the T-1 is insignificant) the relaxation mechanism is via spin diffusion to the paramagnetic centers. (c) In the high-temperature regime and at low Larmor frequency the relaxation follows the modified Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound model. T-1 data analysis has been carried out in light of these models depending upon the temperature and frequency range of study. Fluorine relaxation data have been analyzed and attributed to the PF6 reorientation. The cross relaxation among the H-1 and F-19 nuclei has been observed in the entire temperature range suggesting the role of magnetic dipolar interaction modulated by the reorientation of the symmetric molecular subgroups. The data analysis shows that the enhancement in the Korringa ratio is greater in a less conducting sample. Intra-and interchain hopping of charge carriers is found to be a dominant relaxation mechanism at low temperature. Frequency dependence of T-1(-1) on temperature shows that at low temperature T < (g mu(B) B/2k(B))] the system shows three dimensions and changes to quasi one dimension at high temperature. Moreover, a good correlation between electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR T-1 data has been observed.


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Nanoparticles of different shapes can induce peculiar morphologies in binary polymer blends depending on their position. It is envisaged that the increased yield stress of the filled phase slows down the relaxation resulting in arresting the peculiar morphologies which otherwise is thermodynamically unfavourable due to the increased interfacial area. This essentially means that the highly irregular structures can be preserved even without altering the interfacial tension between the phases! On the other hand, in the case of interfacially adsorbed particles, the resulting solid-like interface can also preserve the irregular structures. These phenomenal transitions in filled blends are very different from the classical copolymer compatibilized polymer blends. Moreover, these irregular structures can further pave way in designing conducting polymer blends involving conducting nanoparticles and revisiting our understanding of the concept of double percolation!


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This work aims at asymptotically accurate dimensional reduction of non-linear multi-functional film-fabric laminates having specific application in design of envelopes for High Altitude Airships (HAA). The film-fabric laminate for airship envelope consists of a woven fabric core coated with thin films on each face. These films provide UV protection and Helium leakage prevention, while the core provides required structural strength. This problem is both geometrically and materially non-linear. To incorporate the geometric non-linearity, generalized warping functions are used and finite deformations are allowed. The material non-linearity is handled by using hyper-elastic material models for each layer. The development begins with three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear elasticity and mathematically splits the analysis into a one-dimensional through-the-thickness analysis and a two-dimensional (2-D) plate analysis. The through-the-thickness analysis provides the 2-D constitutive law which is then given as an input to the 2-D reference surface analysis. The dimensional reduction is carried out using Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) for moderate strains and very small thickness-to-wavelength ratio. It features the identification and utilization of additional small parameters such as ratio of thicknesses and stiffness coefficients of core and films. Closed form analytical expressions for warping functions and 2-D constitutive law of the film-fabric laminate are obtained.


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Fatigue damage in concrete is characterized by the simultaneous presence of micro and macrocracks. The theory of fracture mechanics conveniently handles the propagation of macrocracks, whereas damage mechanics precisely describes the state of microcracking. This paper provides a platform to correlate fracture mechanics and damage mechanics theories through an energy equivalence within a thermodynamic framework by equating the energy dissipated according to each theory. Through this correlation, damage corresponding to a given crack length could be obtained, and alternatively a discrete crack could be transformed into an equivalent damage zone. The results are validated using available experimental data on concrete fatigue including stiffness degradation and acoustic emission. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fatigue damage in concrete is characterized by the simultaneous presence of micro and macrocracics. The theory of fracture mechanics conveniently handles the propagation of macrocracks, whereas damage mechanics precisely describes the state of microcracking. This paper provides a platform to correlate fracture mechanics and damage mechanics theories through an energy equivalence within a thermodynamic framework by equating the energy dissipated according to each theory. Through this correlation, damage corresponding to a given crack length could be obtained, and alternatively a discrete crack could be transformed into an equivalent damage zone. The results are validated using available experimental data on concrete fatigue including stiffness degradation and acoustic emission. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Naturally formed CdTe/CdS core/shell quantum dot (QD) structures in the presence of surface stabilizing agents have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Size and temperature dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectra have been investigated to understand the exciton-phonon interaction, and radiative and nonradiative relaxation of carriers in these QDs. The PL of these aqueous CdTe QDs (3.0-4.8 nm) has been studied in the temperature range 15-300 K. The strength of the exciton-LO-phonon coupling, as reflected in the Huang-Rhys parameter `S' is found to increase from 1.13 to 1.51 with the QD size varying from 4.8 to 3.0 nm. The PL linewidth (FWHM) increases with increase in temperature and is found to have a maximum in the case of QDs of 3.0 nm in size, where the exciton-acoustic phonon coupling coefficient is enhanced to 51 mu eV K-1, compared to the bulk value of 0.72 mu eV K-1. To understand the nonradiative processes, which affect the relaxation of carriers, the integrated PL intensity is observed as a function of temperature. The integrated PL intensity remains constant until 50 K for relatively large QDs (3.9-4.8 nm) beyond which a thermally activated process takes over. Below 150 K, a small activation energy, 45-19 meV, is found to be responsible for the quenching of the PL. Above 150 K, the thermal escape from the dot assisted by scattering with multiple longitudinal optical (LO) phonons is the main mechanism for the fast quenching of the PL. Besides this high temperature quenching, interestingly for relatively smaller size QDs (3.4-3.0 nm), the PL intensity enhances as the temperature increases up to 90-130 K, which is attributed to the emission of carriers from interface/trap states having an activation energy in the range of 6-13 meV.


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Using density functional theory (DFT) we investigate the changes in electronic and transport properties of graphene bilayer caused by sliding one of the layers. Change in stacking pattern breaks the lattice symmetry, which results in Lifshitz transition together with the modulation of the electronic structure. Going from AA to AB stacking by sliding along armchair direction leads to a drastic transition in electronic structure from linear to parabolic dispersion. Our transport calculations show a significant change in the overall transmission value for large sliding distances along zigzag direction. The increase in interlayer coupling with normal compressive strain increases the overlapping of conduction and valence band, which leads to further shift in the Dirac points and an enhancement in the Lifshitz transition. The ability to tune the topology of band structure by sliding and/or applying normal compressive strain will open doors for controlled tuning of many physical phenomenon such as Landau levels and quantum Hall effect in graphene. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single scan longitudinal relaxation measurement experiments enable rapid estimation of the spin-lattice relaxation time (T-1) as the time series of spin relaxation is encoded spatially in the sample at different slices resulting in an order of magnitude saving in time. We consider here a single scan inversion recovery pulse sequence that incorporates a gradient echo sequence. The proposed pulse sequence provides spectra with significantly enhanced signal to noise ratio leading to an accurate estimation of T-1 values. The method is applicable for measuring a range of T-1 values, thus indicating the possibility of routine use of the method for several systems. A comparative study of different single scan methods currently available is presented, and the advantage of the proposed sequence is highlighted. The possibility of the use of the method for the study of cross-correlation effects for the case of fluorine in a single shot is also demonstrated. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Single scan longitudinal relaxation measurement experiments enable rapid estimation of the spin-lattice relaxation time (T-1) as the time series of spin relaxation is encoded spatially in the sample at different slices resulting in an order of magnitude saving in time. We consider here a single scan inversion recovery pulse sequence that incorporates a gradient echo sequence. The proposed pulse sequence provides spectra with significantly enhanced signal to noise ratio leading to an accurate estimation of T-1 values. The method is applicable for measuring a range of T-1 values, thus indicating the possibility of routine use of the method for several systems. A comparative study of different single scan methods currently available is presented, and the advantage of the proposed sequence is highlighted. The possibility of the use of the method for the study of cross-correlation effects for the case of fluorine in a single shot is also demonstrated. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Temporal relaxation of density fluctuations in supercooled liquids near the glass transition occurs in multiple steps. Using molecular dynamics simulations for three model glass-forming liquids, we show that the short-time beta relaxation is cooperative in nature. Using finite-size scaling analysis, we extract a growing length scale associated with beta relaxation from the observed dependence of the beta relaxation time on the system size. We find, in qualitative agreement with the prediction of the inhomogeneous mode coupling theory, that the temperature dependence of this length scale is the same as that of the length scale that describes the spatial heterogeneity of local dynamics in the long-time alpha-relaxation regime.


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The effect of applied pressure on reactive hot pressing (RHP) of zirconium (Zr):graphite (C) in molar ratios of 1:0.5, 1:0.67, 1:0.8, and 1:1 was studied at 1200 degrees C for 60 min. The relative density achievable increased with increasing pressure and ranged from 99% at 4 MPa for ZrC0.5 to 93% for stoichiometric ZrC at 100 MPa. The diminishing influence of pressure on the final density with increasing stoichiometry is attributed to two causes: the decreasing initial volume fraction of the plastically deforming Zr metal which leads to the earlier formation of a contiguous, stress shielding carbide skeleton and the larger molar volume shrinkage during reaction which leads to pore formation in the final stages. A numerical model of the creep densification of a dynamically evolving microstructure predicts densities that are consistent with observations and confirm that the availability of a soft metal is primarily responsible for the achievement of such elevated densification during RHP. The ability to densify nonstoichiometric compositions like ZrC0.5 at pressures as low as 4 MPa offers an alternate route to fabricating dense nonstoichiometric carbides.