263 resultados para protein glutamine gamma glutamyltransferase


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Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV), a member of genus Tospovirus in the family Bunyaviridae, infects a large number of leguminosae and solanaceae plants in India. With a view to elucidate the function of nonstructural protein, NSs encoded by the small RNA genome (S RNA), the NSs protein of GBNV-tomato (Karnataka) [1] was over-expressed in E.coli and purified by Ni-NTA chromatography. The purified rNSs protein exhibited an RNA stimulated NTPase activity. Further, this activity was metal ion dependent and was inhibited by adenosine 5' (beta, gamma imido) triphosphate, an ATP analog. The rNSs could also hydrolyze dATP.Interestingly, in addition to the NTPase and dATPase activities, the rNSs exhibited ATP independent 5' RNA/DNA phosphatase activity that was completely inhibited by AMP. The 5' alpha phosphate could be removed from ssDNA, ssRNA, dsDNA and dsRNA thus confirming that rNSs has a novel 5' alpha phosphatase activity. K189A mutation in the Walker motif A (GxxxxGKT) resulted in complete loss of ATPase activity, but the 5'phosphatase activity was unaffected. On the other hand, D159A mutation in the Walker motif B (DExx) resulted in partial loss of both the activities. These results demonstrate for the first time that NSs is a bifunctional enzyme, which could participate in viral movement, replication or in suppression of the host defense mechanism.


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It Is well established that a sequence template along with the database is a powerful tool for identifying the biological function of proteins. Here, we describe a method for predicting the catalytic nature of certain proteins among the several protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) For the present study, we considered a catalytic triad template (Ser-His-Asp) found in serine proteases We found that a geometrically optimized active site template can be used as a highly selective tool for differentiating an active protein among several inactive proteins, based on their Ser-His-Asp interactions. For any protein to be proteolytic in nature, the bond angle between Ser O-gamma-Ser H-gamma His N-epsilon 2 in the catalytic triad needs to be between 115 degrees and 140 degrees The hydrogen bond distance between Ser H-gamma His N-epsilon 2 is more flexible in nature and it varies from 2 0 angstrom to 27 angstrom while in the case of His H-delta 1 Asp O-delta 1, it is from 1.6 angstrom to 2.0 angstrom In terms of solvent accessibility, most of the active proteins lie in the range of 10-16 angstrom(2), which enables easy accessibility to the substrate These observations hold good for most catalytic triads and they can be employed to predict proteolytic nature of these catalytic triads (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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The virus inducible non-coding RNA (VINC) was detected initially in the brain of mice infected with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and rabies virus. VINC is also known as NEAT1 or Men epsilon RNA. It is localized in the nuclear paraspeckles of several murine as well as human cell lines and is essential for paraspeckle formation. We demonstrate that VINC interacts with the paraspeckle protein, P54nrb through three different protein interaction regions (PIRs) one of which (PIR-1) is localized near the 50 end while the other two (PIR-2, PIR-3) are localized near the 30 region of VINC. Our studies suggest that VINC may interact with P54nrb through a novel mechanism which is different from that reported for protein coding RNAs. (C) 2010 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Analysis of the genomic sequences of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium has revealed the presence of several homologues of the well studied citrate synthase (CS). One of these homologues has been shown to code for 2-methylcitrate synthase (2-MCS) activity. 2-MCS catalyzes one of the steps in the 2-methylcitric acid cycle found in these organisms for the degradation of propionate to pyruvate and succinate. In the present work, the gene coding for 2-MCS from S. typhimurium (StPrpC) was cloned in pRSET-C vector and overexpressed in E. coli. The protein was purified to homogeneity using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The purified protein was crystallized using the microbatch-under-oil method. The StPrpC crystals diffracted X-rays to 2.4 A resolution and belonged to the triclinic space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 92.068, b = 118.159, c = 120.659 A, alpha = 60.84, beta = 67.77, gamma = 81.92 degrees. Computation of rotation functions using the X-ray diffraction data shows that the protein is likely to be a decamer of identical subunits, unlike CSs, which are dimers or hexamers.


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An apolar helical decapeptide with different end groups, Boc- or Ac-, crystallizes in a completely parallel fashion for the Boc-analog and in an antiparallel fashion for the Ac-analog. In both crystals, the packing motif consists of rows of parallel molecules. In the Boc-crystals, adjacent rows assemble with the helix axes pointed in the same direction. In the Ac-crystals, adjacent rows assemble with the helix axes pointed in opposite directions. The conformations of the molecules in both crystals are quite similar, predominantly alpha-helical, except for the tryptophanyl side chain where chi 1 congruent to 60 degrees in the Boc- analog and congruent to 180 degrees in the Ac-analog. As a result, there is one lateral hydrogen bond between helices, N(1 epsilon)...O(7), in the Ac-analog. The structures do not provide a ready rationalization of packing preference in terms of side-chain interactions and do not support a major role for helix dipole interactions in determining helix orientation in crystals. The crystal parameters are as follow. Boc-analog: C60H97N11O13.C3H7OH, space group Pl with a = 10.250(3) A, b = 12.451(4) A, c = 15.077(6) A, alpha = 96.55(3) degrees, beta = 92.31(3) degrees, gamma = 106.37(3) degrees, Z = 1, R = 5.5% for 5581 data ([F] greater than 3.0 sigma(F)), resolution 0.89 A. Ac-analog: C57H91N11O12, space group P2(1) with a = 9.965(1) A, b = 19.707(3) A, c = 16.648(3) A, beta = 94.08(1), Z = 2, R = 7.2% for 2530 data ([F] greater than 3.0 sigma(F)), resolution 1.00 A.


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Two IS- and 16-residue peptides containing a-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) have been synthesized, as part of a strategy to construct stereochemically rigid peptide helices, in a modular approach to design of protein mimics. The peptides Boc-(Val-Ala-Leu-Aib),-OMe ( I ) and Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-(Val-Ala-Leu-Aib()11z)- OhaMvee been crystallized.Both crystals are stable only in the presence of mother liquor or water. The crystal data are as follows. I: C78H140N16019~2H20,P2,, a = 16.391 (3) A, b = 16.860 (3) A, c = 18.428 (3) A, p = 103.02 (I)O, Z = 2, R = 9.6% for 3445 data with lFol >30(F), resolution 0.93 A. 11: C7,Hl,,N,S018.7.5H,0, C2221, a = 18.348 ( 5 ) A, b = 47.382 (1 1) A, c = 24.157 ( 5 ) A, Z =8, R = l0,6%, for 3147 data with lFol > 3a(F), resolution 1.00 A. The 15-residue peptide (11) is entirely a helical, while the 16-residue peptide ( I ) has a short segment of 310 helix at the N terminus. The packing of the helices in the crystals is rather incfficicnt with no particular attractions between Leu-Leu side chains, or any other pair. Both crystals have fairly large voids, which are filled with water molecules in a disordered fashion. Water molecule sites near the polar head-to-tail regions are well detcrmined, those closer to the hydrophobic side chains less so and a number of possible water sites in the remaining "empty" space are not determined. No interdigitation of Leu side chains is observed in the crystal as is hypothesized in the "leucine zipper" class of DNA binding proteins.


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Two seven-residue helical segments, Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu, were linked synthetically with an epsilon-aminocaproic acid (Acp) linker with the intention of making a stable antiparallel helix-helix motif. The crystal structure of the linked peptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Acp-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (1) shows the two helices displaced laterally from each other by the linker, but the linker has not folded the molecule into a close-packed antiparallel conformation. Two strong intermolecular NH...O = C hydrogen bonds are formed between the top of the lower helix of one molecule and the bottom of the upper helix in a laterally adjacent molecule to give the appearance of an extended single helix. The composite peptide with Boc and OMe end groups, C76H137N15O18.H2O, crystallize in space group P2(1) with a = 8.802 (1) angstrom, b = 20.409 (4) angstrom, c = 26.315 (3) angstrom, and beta = 90.72 (1)degrees; overall agreement R = 7.86% for 5030 observed reflections (\F(o)\ > 3-sigma(F)); resolution = 0.93 angstrom. Limited evidence for a more compact conformation in solution consistent with an antiparallel helix arrangement is obtained by comparison of the HPLC retention times and CD spectra of peptide 1 with well-characterized continuous helices of similar length and sequence.


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The crystal structure determination of three heptapeptides containing alpha-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) residues as a means of helix stabilization provides a high-resolution characterization of 6-->1 hydrogen-bonded conformations, reminiscent of helix-terminating structural features in proteins. The crystal parameters for the three peptides, Boc-Val-Aib-X-Aib-Ala-Aib-Y-OMe, where X and Y are Phe, Leu (I), Leu, Phe (II) and Leu, Leu (III) are: (I) space group P1, Z = 1, a = 9.903 A, b = 10.709 A, c = 11.969 A, alpha = 102.94 degrees, beta = 103.41 degrees, gamma = 92.72 degrees, R = 4.55%; (II) space group P21, Z = 2, a = 10.052 A, b = 17.653 A, c = 13.510 A, beta = 108.45 degrees, R = 4.49%; (III) space group P1, Z = 2 (two independent molecules IIIa and IIIb in the asymmetric unit), a = 10.833 A, b = 13.850 A, c = 16.928 A, alpha = 99.77 degrees, beta = 105.90 degrees, gamma = 90.64 degrees, R = 8.54%. In all cases the helices form 3(10)/alpha-helical (or 3(10)helical) structures, with helical columns formed by head-to-tail hydrogen bonding. The helices assemble in an all-parallel motif in crystals I and III and in an antiparallel motif in II. In the four crystallographically characterized molecules, I, II, IIIa and IIIb, Aib(6) adopts a left-handed helical (hL) conformation with positive phi, psi values, resulting in 6-->1 hydrogen-bond formation between Aib(2) CO and Leu(7)/Phe(7) NH groups. In addition a 4-->1 hydrogen bond is seen between Aib(3) CO and Aib(6) NH groups. This pattern of hydrogen bonding is often observed at the C-terminus of helices proteins, with the terminal pi-type turn being formed by four residues adopting the hRhRhRhL conformation.


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Crystals of Eu-(Gly-Gly-Gly).(H2O)5.(ClO4)3 are triclinic, spacegroup P1BAR with a = 9.123 (2), b = 11.185 (5), c = 11.426 (2) angstrom; alpha = 90.79 (2), beta = 98.08 (1), gamma = 98.57 (2)-degrees; Z = 2. The europium cation is surrounded by four oxygens from three different peptide units and four oxygens from water molecules. The geometry around the metal is a distorted bi-capped trigonal prism. The peptide backbone conformation in this complex is compared with those in the free peptide and in various metal complexes. Considerable differences are observed between Eu(III) and Ca(II) complexes of triglycine. (C) Munksgaard 1994.


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The dodecapeptide Boc-(Ala-Leu-Aib)(4)-OMe crystallized with two independent helical molecules in a triclinic cell. The two molecules are very similar in conformation, with a 3(10)-helix turn at the N-terminus followed by an alpha-helix, except for an elongated N(7)...O(3) distance in both molecules. All the helices in the crystal pack in a parallel motif. Eleven water sites have been found in the head-to-tail region between the apolar helices that participate in peptide-water hydrogen bonds and a network of water-water hydrogen bonds. The crystal parameters are as follows: 2(C58H104N12O15)+ca. 10H(2)O, space group P1 with a = 12.946(2), b = 17.321(3), c = 20.465(4) Angstrom, alpha = 103.12(2), beta = 105.63(2), gamma = 107.50(2)degrees, Z = 2, R = 10.9% for 5152 data observed > 3 sigma(F), resolution 1.0 Angstrom. In contrast to the shorter sequences [Karle et al. (1988)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 299-303] and Boc-(Ala-Leu-Aib)(2)-OMe [Karle et al. (1989) Biopolymers 28, 773-781], no insertion of a water molecule into the helix is observed. However, the elongated N---O distance between Ala(7) NH and Aib(3) CO in both molecules (molecule A, 3.40 Angstrom; molecule B, 3.42 Angstrom) is indicative of an incipient break in the helices. (C) Munksgaard 1994.


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An analysis of the nature and distribution of disallowed Ramachandran conformations of amino acid residues observed in high resolution protein crystal structures has been carried out. A data set consisting of 110 high resolution, non-homologous, protein crystal structures from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank was examined. The data set consisted of a total of 18,708 non-Gly residues, which were characterized on the basis of their backbone dihedral angles (φ, ψ). Residues falling outside the defined “broad allowed limits” on the Ramachandran map were chosen and the reportedB-factor value of the α-carbon atom was used to further select well defined disallowed conformations. The conformations of the selected 66 disallowed residues clustered in distinct regions of the Ramachandran map indicating that specific φ, ψ angle distortions are preferred under compulsions imposed by local constraints. The distribution of various amino acid residues in the disallowed residue data set showed a predominance of small polar/charged residues, with bulky hydrophobic residues being infrequent. As a further check, for all the 66 cases non-hydrogen van der Waals short contacts in the protein structures were evaluated and compared with the ideal “Ala-dipeptide” constructed using disallowed dihedral angle (φ, ψ) values. The analysis reveals that short contacts are eliminated in most cases by local distortions of bond angles. An analysis of the conformation of the identified disallowed residues in related protein structures reveals instances of conservation of unusual stereochemistry.


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The effects of inserting unsubstituted omega-amino acids into the strand segments of model beta-hairpin peptides was investigated by using four synthetic decapeptides, Boc-Lcu-Val-Xxx-Val-D-Pro-Gly-Leu-Xxx-Val-Val- OMe: pepticle 1 (Xxx=Gly), pepticle 2 (Xxx=beta Gly=beta hGly=homoglycine, beta-glycine), pepticle 3 (Xxx=gamma Abu=gamma-aminobutyric acid), pepticle 4 (Xxx= delta Ava=delta-aminovaleric acid). H-1 NMR studies (500 MHz, methanol) reveal several critical cross-strand NOEs, providing evidence for P-hairpin conformations in peptides 2-4. In peptide 3, the NMR results support the formation of the nucleating turn, however, evidence for cross-strand registry is not detected. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of peptide 3 reveal a beta-hairpin conformation for both molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, stabilized by four cross-strand hydrogen bonds, with the gamma Abu residues accommodated within the strands. The D-Pro-Gly segment in both molecules (A,B) adopts a type II' beta-turn conformation. The circular dichroism spectrum for peptide 3 is characterized by a negative CD band at 229 rim, whereas for peptides 2 and 4, the negative band is centered at 225 nm, suggesting a correlation between the orientation of the amide units in the strand segments and the observed CD pattern.


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The use of stereochemically constrained amino acids permits the design of short peptides as models for protein secondary structures. Amino acid residues that are restrained to a limited range of backbone torsion angles (ϕ-ψ) may be used as folding nuclei in the design of helices and β-hairpins. α-Amino-isobutyric acid (Aib) and related Cαα dialkylated residues are strong promoters of helix formation, as exemplified by a large body of experimentally determined structures of helical peptides. DPro-Xxx sequences strongly favor type II’ turn conformations, which serve to nucleate registered β-hairpin formation. Appropriately positioned DPro-Xxx segments may be used to nucleate the formation of multistranded antiparallel β-sheet structures. Mixed (α/β) secondary structures can be generated by linking rigid modules of helices and β-hairpins. The approach of using stereochemically constrained residues promotes folding by limiting the local structural space at specific residues. Several aspects of secondary structure design are outlined in this chapter, along with commonly used methods of spectroscopic characterization.


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The conformational properties of foldamers generated from alpha gamma hybrid peptide sequences have been probed in the model sequence Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-NHMe. The choice of alpha-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) and gabapentin (Gpn) residues greatly restricts sterically accessible coil formational space. This model sequence was anticipated to be a short segment of the alpha gamma C-12 helix, stabilized by three successive 4 -> 1 hydrogen bonds, corresponding to a backbone-expanded analogue of the alpha polypeptide 3(10)-helix. Unexpectedly, three distinct crystalline polymorphs were characterized in the solid state by X-ray diffraction. In one form, two successive C-12 hydrogen bonds were obtained at the N-terminus, while a novel C-17 hydrogen-bonded gamma alpha gamma turn was observed at the C-terminus. In the other two polymorphs, isolated C-9 and C-7 hydrogen-bonded turns were observed at Gpn (2) and Gpn (4). Isolated C-12 and C-9 turns were also crystallographically established in the peptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-OMe and Boc-Gpn-Aib-NHMe, respectively. Selective line broadening of NH resonances and the observation of medium range NH(i)<-> NH(i+2) NOEs established the presence of conformational heterogeneity for the tetrapeptide in CDCl3 solution. The NMR results are consistent with the limited population of the continuous C-12 helix conformation. Lengthening of the (alpha gamma)(n) sequences in the nonapeptides Boc-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Xxx (Xxx = Aib, Leu) resulted in the observation of all of the sequential NOEs characteristic of an alpha gamma C-12 helix. These results establish that conformational fragility is manifested in short hybrid alpha gamma sequences despite the choice of conformationally constrained residues, while stable helices are formed on chain extension.