390 resultados para liquid nitrogen(LN2)


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Silver nitrate-acetonitrile and π iodine-benzene complexes in thermotropic liquid crystals have been studied by 1H, 2H, and 13C NMR spectroscopy and by optical microscopy. Evidence for at least two silver complexes in each liquid crystal is presented.


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Many process-control systems are air-operated. In such an environment, it would be desirable and economical to use pneumatic sensors. Bubble-back pressure sensors perform quite satisfactorily, but in case of viscous inflammable and slurry-like liquids with a tendency to froth, this level sensor is inadequate. The method suggested in this paper utilizes a pneumatic capacitor, one boundary of which is formed by the liquid level, to modulate a fluid amplifier feedback oscillator. The absence of moving parts and economy obtained makes this method attractive for process-control applications. The system has been mathematically modeled and simulated on an IBM 360/44 digital computer. Experimental values compare fairly well with the theoretical results. For the range tested, the sensor is found to have a linear frequency variation with the liquid level Extended running in the laboratory shows that the system is very reliable. This system has been found insensitive to temperature variations of up to 15ðC.


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The electrical resistance of the binary liquid system cyclohexane + acetic anhydride is measured, in the critical region, both in the pure mixture and when the mixture is doped with small amounts (≈ 100 ppm) of H2O/D2O impurities.T c was approached to aboutt=3×10−6 wheret=(T −T c )/T c . The critical exponentb ≈ 0.35 in the fit of the resistance data to the equationdR/dT ∼t −b does not seem to be affected appreciably by the impurities. There is a sign reversal ofdR/dt in the non-critical region. Binary liquid systems seem to violate the universality of the critical resistivity.


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The electrical resistance of the critical binary liquid system C6H12+(CH3CO)2O is measured both in the pure form and when the system is doped with small amounts (≈ 100 ppm) of H2O impurities. Near Tc, the resistance varies as dR/dT = A1+A2 (T-Tc)-b with b ≈ 0.35. Neither the critical exponent b nor the amplitude ratio A1/A2 are affected by the impurities. A sign reversal of dR/dT is noticed at high temperatures T much greater-than Tc.


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Vapor-liquid equilibrium data have been measured for the binary systems methyl ethyl ketone-p-xylene and chlorobenzene-p-xylene, at 685 mmHg pressure. The activity coefficients have been evaluated taking Into consideration the vapor-phase nonideallty. The f-x-y data have been subjected to a thermodynamic consistency test and the activity coefficients have been correlated by the Wilson equation.


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The pressure dependence of critical parameters xc, Tc, and β have been analysed in four systems namely cyclohexane + acetic anhydride, n-heptane + acetic anhydride, methanol + n-heptane, and carbon disulphide + acetonitrile. The separation temperature was found to increase linearly with pressure the value of dTc/dP being 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK, and 25 mK respectively. These are in fair agreement with earlier measurements available for two systems. For the methanol + n-heptane system dTc/dP is apparently not consistent with the value predicted from the specific heat and thermal expansion data.Die Druckabhängigkeit der kritischen Parameter xc, Tc und β ist in den vier Systemen Cyclohexan + Essigsäureanhydrid, n-Heptan + Essigsäureanhydrid, Methanol + n-Heptan und Schwefelkohlenstoff + Acetonitril analysiert worden. Es wurde gefunden, daß die kritische Temperatur linear mit dem Druck ansteigt. Die Werte für dTc/dP betragen 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK und 25 mK. Sie sind in guter überein-stimmung mit früheren Messungen an zweien dieser Systeme. Für Methanol + n-Heptan stimmt der Wert für dT/dP offensichtlich nicht mit Werten, die mit Hilfe von Daten für die spezifische Wärme und die thermische Ausdehnung vorhergesagt wurden, überein.


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Nitrogen is dissociatively adsorbed on an annealed Ni/TiO2 surface just as on a Ti–Ni alloy surface while it is molecularly adsorbed on a Ni/Al2O3 surface.


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Evidence is presented for the strong interaction of oxygen and nitrogen with solid films of buckminsterfullerene based on core-level spectroscopic studies. Cr, Ni and Cu deposited on C60 films interact strongly giving rise to large changes in the C(Is) and C(2p) binding energies as well as the (2p) binding energies of the transition metals.


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We consider a model system of two interacting Fermi-liquids, one of which is light and the other much heavier. In the normal state the lighter component provides a quantum mechanical bath coupled 'ohmically' to the heavier component in the sense of Caldeira and Leggett, suppressing thereby the band (tunnelling) matrix elements of the heavier component. Thus we lose the energy of delocalization. On the other hand, a superconducting ordering stiffens the bath spectral function at low energies and so restores the tunnelling. The resulting regain of the delocalization energy bootstraps so as to stabilize the superconducting order that caused it. It is conceivable that the motions parallel to the easy ab-plane and along the hard c-axis may also effectively correspond to the light and the heavy Fermi-liquids, respectively.


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A microscopic theory of the statics and the dynamics of solvation of an ion in a binary dipolar liquid is presented. The theory properly includes the different intermolecular correlations that are present in a binary mixture. As a result, the theory can explain several important aspects of both the statics and the dynamics of solvation that are observed in experiments. It provides a microscopic explanation of the preferential solvation of the more polar species by the solute ion. The dynamics of solvation is predicted to be highly non-exponential, in general. The average relaxation time is found to change nonlinearly with the composition of the mixture. These predictions are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results.


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A new class of photo-cross-linkable main-chain liquid crystalline polymers (PMCLCPs) containing bis(benzylidene)cycloallranone groups have been synthesized and studied for their liquid crystalline and photochemical properties. The bis(benzylidene)cycloalkanone group in the chain functions both as a mesogen and as a photoreactive center. All of the polymers exhibit a nematic mesophase. Two kinds of photoreactions, namely, photoisomerization and photo-cross-linking, operate in these polymers. Above Tu at the initial stages of irradiation, photoisomerization predominates the cross-linking, which resulta in the disruption of the chromophore aggregates. Below T8, because of the restricted mobility of the chains, only cross-linking takes place. Studies on the model compound, bis(benzylidene)cyclopentanone, confii the above observations and demonstrate further that the cross-linking proceeds by the 2r + 2r cycloaddition reaction of the bis(benzylidene)cycloallranone moieties. The cross-linking rate decreases with increase in the size of the cycloalkanone ring. Heating the solution cast polymer fii results in the ordered aggregation of the chromophores just above TI and also at the crystal to crystal transition temperature, which facilitates the phobcross-linking reactions. In the isotropic phase, the random orientation of the chromophores drastically curtails the cross-linking rata


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The liquid and the glassy phases of 2,2-dimethylbutane have been investigated by isothermal isobaric ensemble Monte Carlo simulation. Thermodynamic Properties and radial distribution functions for both the liquid and the glass have been obtained. The radial distribution functions have been classified into three types based on the accessibility of the group. It has been shown that the structure of the Iiquid and the glass can be understood in terms of the above classification of the radial distribution functions. Molecular reorientation plays an important role in the structural rearrangement accompanying glass formation. As much as 35% of the contribution to the increase in the intermolecular interaction energy on vitrification is due to the reorientation of the neighbouring pairs of molecules. The observed changes in the dimerisation energy and the bonding energy distribution function are consistent with the observed structural changes.