250 resultados para graph matching algorithms


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Frequent episode discovery framework is a popular framework in temporal data mining with many applications. Over the years, many different notions of frequencies of episodes have been proposed along with different algorithms for episode discovery. In this paper, we present a unified view of all the apriori-based discovery methods for serial episodes under these different notions of frequencies. Specifically, we present a unified view of the various frequency counting algorithms. We propose a generic counting algorithm such that all current algorithms are special cases of it. This unified view allows one to gain insights into different frequencies, and we present quantitative relationships among different frequencies. Our unified view also helps in obtaining correctness proofs for various counting algorithms as we show here. It also aids in understanding and obtaining the anti-monotonicity properties satisfied by the various frequencies, the properties exploited by the candidate generation step of any apriori-based method. We also point out how our unified view of counting helps to consider generalization of the algorithm to count episodes with general partial orders.


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In this paper, we propose power management algorithms for maximizing the utility of energy harvesting sensors (EHS) that operate purely on the basis of energy harvested from the environment. In particular, we consider communication (i.e., transmission and reception) power management issues for EHS under an energy neutrality constraint. We also consider the fixed power loss effects of the circuitry, the battery inefficiency and its storage capacity, in the design of the algorithms. We propose a two-stage structure that exploits the inherent difference in the timescales at which the energy harvesting and channel fading processes evolve, without loss of optimality of the resulting solution. The outer stage schedules the power that can be used by an inner stage algorithm, so as to maximize the long term average utility and at the same time maintain energy neutrality. The inner stage optimizes the communication parameters to achieve maximum utility in the short-term, subject to the power constraint imposed by the outer stage. We optimize the algorithms for different transmission schemes such as the truncated channel inversion and retransmission strategies. The performance of the algorithms is illustrated via simulations using solar irradiance data, and for the case of Rayleigh fading channels. The results demonstrate the significant performance benefits that can be obtained using the proposed power management algorithms compared to the energy efficient (optimum when there is no storage) and the uniform power consumption (optimum when the battery has infinite capacity and is perfectly efficient) approaches.


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We present two online algorithms for maintaining a topological order of a directed n-vertex acyclic graph as arcs are added, and detecting a cycle when one is created. Our first algorithm handles m arc additions in O(m(3/2)) time. For sparse graphs (m/n = O(1)), this bound improves the best previous bound by a logarithmic factor, and is tight to within a constant factor among algorithms satisfying a natural locality property. Our second algorithm handles an arbitrary sequence of arc additions in O(n(5/2)) time. For sufficiently dense graphs, this bound improves the best previous bound by a polynomial factor. Our bound may be far from tight: we show that the algorithm can take Omega(n(2)2 root(2lgn)) time by relating its performance to a generalization of the k-levels problem of combinatorial geometry. A completely different algorithm running in Theta (n(2) log n) time was given recently by Bender, Fineman, and Gilbert. We extend both of our algorithms to the maintenance of strong components, without affecting the asymptotic time bounds.


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We have developed an efficient fully three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction algorithm for diffuse optical tomography (DOT). The 3D DOT, a severely ill-posed problem, is tackled through a pseudodynamic (PD) approach wherein an ordinary differential equation representing the evolution of the solution on pseudotime is integrated that bypasses an explicit inversion of the associated, ill-conditioned system matrix. One of the most computationally expensive parts of the iterative DOT algorithm, the reevaluation of the Jacobian in each of the iterations, is avoided by using the adjoint-Broyden update formula to provide low rank updates to the Jacobian. In addition, wherever feasible, we have also made the algorithm efficient by integrating along the quadratic path provided by the perturbation equation containing the Hessian. These algorithms are then proven by reconstruction, using simulated and experimental data and verifying the PD results with those from the popular Gauss-Newton scheme. The major findings of this work are as follows: (i) the PD reconstructions are comparatively artifact free, providing superior absorption coefficient maps in terms of quantitative accuracy and contrast recovery; (ii) the scaling of computation time with the dimension of the measurement set is much less steep with the Jacobian update formula in place than without it; and (iii) an increase in the data dimension, even though it renders the reconstruction problem less ill conditioned and thus provides relatively artifact-free reconstructions, does not necessarily provide better contrast property recovery. For the latter, one should also take care to uniformly distribute the measurement points, avoiding regions close to the source so that the relative strength of the derivatives for measurements away from the source does not become insignificant. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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We propose a novel technique for reducing the power consumed by the on-chip cache in SNUCA chip multicore platform. This is achieved by what we call a "remap table", which maps accesses to the cache banks that are as close as possible to the cores, on which the processes are scheduled. With this technique, instead of using all the available cache, we use a portion of the cache and allocate lesser cache to the application. We formulate the problem as an energy-delay (ED) minimization problem and solve it offline using a scalable genetic algorithm approach. Our experiments show up to 40% of savings in the memory sub-system power consumption and 47% savings in energy-delay product (ED).


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We propose a novel technique for reducing the power consumed by the on-chip cache in SNUCA chip multicore platform. This is achieved by what we call a "remap table", which maps accesses to the cache banks that are as close as possible to the cores, on which the processes are scheduled. With this technique, instead of using all the available cache, we use a portion of the cache and allocate lesser cache to the application. We formulate the problem as an energy-delay (ED) minimization problem and solve it offline using a scalable genetic algorithm approach. Our experiments show up to 40% of savings in the memory sub-system power consumption and 47% savings in energy-delay product (ED).


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The rainbow connection number of a connected graph is the minimum number of colors needed to color its edges, so that every pair of its vertices is connected by at least one path in which no two edges are colored the same. In this article we show that for every connected graph on n vertices with minimum degree delta, the rainbow connection number is upper bounded by 3n/(delta + 1) + 3. This solves an open problem from Schiermeyer (Combinatorial Algorithms, Springer, Berlin/Hiedelberg, 2009, pp. 432437), improving the previously best known bound of 20n/delta (J Graph Theory 63 (2010), 185191). This bound is tight up to additive factors by a construction mentioned in Caro et al. (Electr J Combin 15(R57) (2008), 1). As an intermediate step we obtain an upper bound of 3n/(delta + 1) - 2 on the size of a connected two-step dominating set in a connected graph of order n and minimum degree d. This bound is tight up to an additive constant of 2. This result may be of independent interest. We also show that for every connected graph G with minimum degree at least 2, the rainbow connection number, rc(G), is upper bounded by Gc(G) + 2, where Gc(G) is the connected domination number of G. Bounds of the form diameter(G)?rc(G)?diameter(G) + c, 1?c?4, for many special graph classes follow as easy corollaries from this result. This includes interval graphs, asteroidal triple-free graphs, circular arc graphs, threshold graphs, and chain graphs all with minimum degree delta at least 2 and connected. We also show that every bridge-less chordal graph G has rc(G)?3.radius(G). In most of these cases, we also demonstrate the tightness of the bounds.


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Researchers can use bond graph modeling, a tool that takes into account the energy conservation principle, to accurately assess the dynamic behavior of wireless sensor networks on a continuous basis.


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In recent times computational algorithms inspired by biological processes and evolution are gaining much popularity for solving science and engineering problems. These algorithms are broadly classified into evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence algorithms, which are derived based on the analogy of natural evolution and biological activities. These include genetic algorithms, genetic programming, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, artificial neural networks, etc. The algorithms being random-search techniques, use some heuristics to guide the search towards optimal solution and speed-up the convergence to obtain the global optimal solutions. The bio-inspired methods have several attractive features and advantages compared to conventional optimization solvers. They also facilitate the advantage of simulation and optimization environment simultaneously to solve hard-to-define (in simple expressions), real-world problems. These biologically inspired methods have provided novel ways of problem-solving for practical problems in traffic routing, networking, games, industry, robotics, economics, mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, water resources and others fields. This article discusses the key features and development of bio-inspired computational algorithms, and their scope for application in science and engineering fields.


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For a fixed positive integer k, a k-tuple total dominating set of a graph G = (V. E) is a subset T D-k of V such that every vertex in V is adjacent to at least k vertices of T Dk. In minimum k-tuple total dominating set problem (MIN k-TUPLE TOTAL DOM SET), it is required to find a k-tuple total dominating set of minimum cardinality and DECIDE MIN k-TUPLE TOTAL DOM SET is the decision version of MIN k-TUPLE TOTAL DOM SET problem. In this paper, we show that DECIDE MIN k-TUPLE TOTAL DOM SET is NP-complete for split graphs, doubly chordal graphs and bipartite graphs. For chordal bipartite graphs, we show that MIN k-TUPLE TOTAL DOM SET can be solved in polynomial time. We also propose some hardness results and approximation algorithms for MIN k-TUPLE TOTAL DOM SET problem. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.