273 resultados para forward simulation


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A hybrid simulation technique for identification and steady state optimization of a tubular reactor used in ammonia synthesis is presented. The parameter identification program finds the catalyst activity factor and certain heat transfer coefficients that minimize the sum of squares of deviation from simulated and actual temperature measurements obtained from an operating plant. The optimization program finds the values of three flows to the reactor to maximize the ammonia yield using the estimated parameter values. Powell's direct method of optimization is used in both cases. The results obtained here are compared with the plant data.


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Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), widely considered as the manufacturing technology of the future, are gaining increasing importance due to the immense advantages they provide in terms of cost, quality and productivity over the conventional manufacturing. An FMS is a complex interconnection of capital intensive resources and high levels of system performance is very crucial for survival in a competing environment.Discrete event simulation is one of the most popular methods for performance evaluation of FMS during planning, design and operation phases. Indeed fast simulators are suggested for selection of optimal strategies for flow control (which part type to enter and at what instant), AGV scheduling (which vehicle to carry which part), routing (which machine to process the part) and part selection (which part for processing next). In this paper we develop a C-net based model for an FMS and use the same for distributed discrete event simulation. We illustrate using examples the efficacy of destributed discrete event simulation for the performance evaluation of FMSs.


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An extension to a formal verification approach of hybrid systems is proposed to verify analog and mixed signal (AMS) designs. AMS designs can be formally modeled as hybrid systems and therefore lend themselves to the formal analysis and verification techniques applied to hybrid systems. The proposed approach employs simulation traces obtained from an actual design implementation of AMS circuit blocks (for example, in the form of SPICE netlists) to carry out formal analysis and verification. This enables the same platform used for formally validating an abstract model of an AMS design, to be also used for validating its different refinements and design implementation; thereby, providing a simple route to formal verification at different levels of implementation. The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a case study based on a tunnel diode oscillator. Since the device characteristic of a tunnel diode is highly non-linear with a negative resistance region, dynamic behavior of circuits in which it is employed as an element is difficult to model, analyze and verify within a general hybrid system formal verification tool. In the case study presented the formal model and the proposed computational techniques have been incorporated into CheckMate, a formal verification tool based on MATLAB and Simulink-Stateflow Framework from MathWorks.


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The compositional evolution in sputter deposited LiCoO2 thin films is influenced by process parameters involved during deposition. The electrochemical performance of these films strongly depends on their microstructure, preferential orientation and stoichiometry. The transport process of sputtered Li and Co atoms from the LiCoO2 target to the substrate, through Ar plasma in a planar magnetron configuration, was investigated based on the Monte Carlo technique. The effect of sputtering gas pressure and the substrate-target distance (dst) on Li/Co ratio, as well as, energy and angular distribution of sputtered atoms on the substrate were examined. Stable Li/Co ratios have been obtained at 5 Pa pressure and dst in the range 5−11 cm. The kinetic energy and incident angular distribution of Li and Co atoms reaching the substrate have been found to be dependent on sputtering pressure. Simulations were extended to predict compositional variations in films prepared at various process conditions. These results were compared with the composition of films determined experimentally using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Li/Co ratio calculated using XPS was in moderate agreement with that of the simulated value. The measured film thickness followed the same trend as predicted by simulation. These studies are shown to be useful in understanding the complexities in multicomponent sputtering.


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Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using near-infrared (NIR) light is a promising tool for noninvasive imaging of deep tissue. This technique is capable of quantitative reconstructions of absorption coefficient inhomogeneities of tissue. The motivation for reconstructing the optical property variation is that it, and, in particular, the absorption coefficient variation, can be used to diagnose different metabolic and disease states of tissue. In DOT, like any other medical imaging modality, the aim is to produce a reconstruction with good spatial resolution and accuracy from noisy measurements. We study the performance of a phase array system for detection of optical inhomogeneities in tissue. The light transport through a tissue is diffusive in nature and can be modeled using diffusion equation if the optical parameters of the inhomogeneity are close to the optical properties of the background. The amplitude cancellation method that uses dual out-of-phase sources (phase array) can detect and locate small objects in turbid medium. The inverse problem is solved using model based iterative image reconstruction. Diffusion equation is solved using finite element method for providing the forward model for photon transport. The solution of the forward problem is used for computing the Jacobian and the simultaneous equation is solved using conjugate gradient search. The simulation studies have been carried out and the results show that a phase array system can resolve inhomogeneities with sizes of 5 mm when the absorption coefficient of the inhomogeneity is twice that of the background tissue. To validate this result, a prototype model for performing a dual-source system has been developed. Experiments are carried out by inserting an inhomogeneity of high optical absorption coefficient in an otherwise homogeneous phantom while keeping the scattering coefficient same. The high frequency (100 MHz) modulated dual out-of-phase laser source light is propagated through the phantom. The interference of these sources creates an amplitude null and a phase shift of 180° along a plane between the two sources with a homogeneous object. A solid resin phantom with inhomogeneities simulating the tumor is used in our experiment. The amplitude and phase changes are found to be disturbed by the presence of the inhomogeneity in the object. The experimental data (amplitude and the phase measured at the detector) are used for reconstruction. The results show that the method is able to detect multiple inhomogeneities with sizes of 4 mm. The localization error for a 5 mm inhomogeneity is found to be approximately 1 mm.


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This paper describes the simulation of a control scheme using the principle of field orientation for the control of a voltage source inverter-fed induction motor. The control principle is explained, followed by an algorithm to simulate various components of the system in the digital computer. The dynamic response of the system for the load disturbance and set-point variations have been studied. Also, the results of the simulation showing the behavior of field coordinates for such disturbances are given.


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Based on the analogy between polytypes and spin-half Ising chains with competing short- and infinite-range interactions, a Monte Carlo simulation of polytypes has been attempted. A general double-layer mechanism connects different states of the polytype chain with about the same probability as the spin-flip mechanism in magnetic Ising chains. It has been possible to simulate various polytypes with periodicities extending up to 12 layers. The Monte Carlo method should be useful in testing different interaction models that may be proposed in the future to describe polytypism.


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In this article we review the current status in the modelling of both thermotropic and lyotropic Liquid crystal. We discuss various coarse-graining schemes as well as simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.In the area of MC simulations we discuss in detail the algorithm for simulating hard objects such as spherocylinders of various aspect ratios where excluded volume interaction enters in the simulation through overlap test. We use this technique to study the phase diagram, of a special class of thermotropic liquid crystals namely banana liquid crystals. Next we discuss a coarse-grain model of surfactant molecules and study the self-assembly of the surfactant oligomers using MD simulations. Finally we discuss an atomistically informed coarse-grained description of the lipid molecules used to study the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition in the lipid bilayer system.


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The current paper suggests a new procedure for designing helmets for head impact protection for users such as motorcycle riders. According to the approach followed here, a helmet is mounted on a featureless Hybrid 3 headform that is used in assessing vehicles for compliance to the FMVSS 201 regulation in the USA for upper interior head impact safety. The requirement adopted in the latter standard, i.e. not exceeding a threshold HIC(d) limit of 1000, is applied in the present study as a likely criterion for adjudging the efficacy of helmets. An impact velocity of 6 m/s (13.5 mph) for the helmet-headform system striking a rigid target can probably be acceptable for ascertaining a helmet's effectiveness as a countermeasure for minimizing the risk of severe head injury. The proposed procedure is demonstrated with the help of a validated LS-DYNA model of a featureless Hybrid 3 headform in conjunction with a helmet model comprising an outer polypropylene shell to the inner surface of which is bonded a protective polyurethane foam padding of a given thickness. Based on simulation results of impact on a rigid surface, it appears that a minimum foam padding thickness of 40 mm is necessary for obtaining an acceptable value of HIC(d).


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Nano-indentation is a technique used to measure various mechanical properties like hardness, Young's modulus and the adherence of thin films and surface layers. It can be used as a quality control tool for various surface modification techniques like ion-implantation, film deposition processes etc. It is important to characterise the increasing scatter in the data measured at lower penetration depths observed in the nano-indentation, for the technique to be effectively applied. Surface roughness is one of the parameters contributing for the scatter. This paper is aimed at quantifying the nature and the amount of scatter that will be introduced in the measurement due to the roughness of the surface on which the indentation is carried out. For this the surface is simulated using the Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function which gives a self-affine fractal. The contact area of this surface with a conical indenter with a spherical cap at the tip is measured numerically. The indentation process is simulated using the spherical cavity model. This eliminates the indentation size effect observed at the micron and sub-micron scales. It has been observed that there exists a definite penetration depth in relation to the surface roughness beyond which the scatter is reduced such that reliable data could be obtained.


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We propose an iterative algorithm to simulate the dynamics generated by any n-qubit Hamiltonian. The simulation entails decomposing the unitary time evolution operator U (unitary) into a product of different time-step unitaries. The algorithm product-decomposes U in a chosen operator basis by identifying a certain symmetry of U that is intimately related to the number of gates in the decomposition. We illustrate the algorithm by first obtaining a polynomial decomposition in the Pauli basis of the n-qubit quantum state transfer unitary by Di Franco et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 230502 (2008)] that transports quantum information from one end of a spin chain to the other, and then implement it in nuclear magnetic resonance to demonstrate that the decomposition is experimentally viable. We further experimentally test the resilience of the state transfer to static errors in the coupling parameters of the simulated Hamiltonian. This is done by decomposing and simulating the corresponding imperfect unitaries.


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This paper presents an artificial feed forward neural network (FFNN) approach for the assessment of power system voltage stability. A novel approach based on the input-output relation between real and reactive power, as well as voltage vectors for generators and load buses is used to train the neural net (NN). The input properties of the feed forward network are generated from offline training data with various simulated loading conditions using a conventional voltage stability algorithm based on the L-index. The neural network is trained for the L-index output as the target vector for each of the system loads. Two separate trained NN, corresponding to normal loading and contingency, are investigated on the 367 node practical power system network. The performance of the trained artificial neural network (ANN) is also investigated on the system under various voltage stability assessment conditions. As compared to the computationally intensive benchmark conventional software, near accurate results in the value of L-index and thus the voltage profile were obtained. Proposed algorithm is fast, robust and accurate and can be used online for predicting the L-indices of all the power system buses. The proposed ANN approach is also shown to be effective and computationally feasible in voltage stability assessment as well as potential enhancements within an overall energy management system in order to determining local and global stability indices


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Since the end of second world war, extra high voltage ac transmission has seen its development. The distances between generating and load centres as well as the amount of power to be handled increased tremendously for last 50 years. The highest commercial voltage has increased to 765 kV in India and 1,200 kV in many other countries. The bulk power transmission has been mostly performed by overhead transmission lines. The dual task of mechanically supporting and electrically isolating the live phase conductors from the support tower is performed by string insulators. Whether in clean condition or under polluted conditions, the electrical stress distribution along the insulators governs the possible flashover, which is quite detrimental to the system. Hence the present investigation aims to study accurately, the field distribution for various types of porcelain/ceramic insulators (Normal and Antifog discs) used for high-voltage transmission. The surface charge simulation method is employed for the field computation. A comparison on normalised surface resistance, which is an indicator for the stress concentration under polluted condition, is also attempted.


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The bulk of power transmission from the generating stations to the load centres is carried through overhead lines. The distances involved could span several hundreds of kilometres. To minimize line losses, power transmission over such long distances is carried out at high voltages (several hundreds of kV). A network of outdoor lines operating at different voltages has been found to be the most economical method of power delivery. The disc insulators perform dual task of mechanically supporting and electrically isolating the live phase conductors from the support tower. These insulators have to perform under various environmental conditions; hence the electrical stress distribution along the insulators governs the possible flashover, which is quite detrimental to the system. In view of this the present investigation aims to simulate the surface electric field stress on different types of porcelain/ceramic insulators; both normal and anti-fog type discs which are used for high voltage transmission/distribution systems are considered. The surface charge simulation method is employed for the field computation to simulate potential, electric field, surface and bulk/volume stress.