377 resultados para domain size


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In this paper a new parallel algorithm for nonlinear transient dynamic analysis of large structures has been presented. An unconditionally stable Newmark-beta method (constant average acceleration technique) has been employed for time integration. The proposed parallel algorithm has been devised within the broad framework of domain decomposition techniques. However, unlike most of the existing parallel algorithms (devised for structural dynamic applications) which are basically derived using nonoverlapped domains, the proposed algorithm uses overlapped domains. The parallel overlapped domain decomposition algorithm proposed in this paper has been formulated by splitting the mass, damping and stiffness matrices arises out of finite element discretisation of a given structure. A predictor-corrector scheme has been formulated for iteratively improving the solution in each step. A computer program based on the proposed algorithm has been developed and implemented with message passing interface as software development environment. PARAM-10000 MIMD parallel computer has been used to evaluate the performances. Numerical experiments have been conducted to validate as well as to evaluate the performance of the proposed parallel algorithm. Comparisons have been made with the conventional nonoverlapped domain decomposition algorithms. Numerical studies indicate that the proposed algorithm is superior in performance to the conventional domain decomposition algorithms. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A transmission electron microscopy study has been carried out on the domain structures of SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) ferroelectric ceramics which belong to the Aurivillius family of bismuth layered perovskite oxides. SBN is a potential candidate for Ferroelectric Random access memory (FeRAM) applications. The 90° ferroelectric domains and antiphase boundaries (APBs) were identified with dark field imaging techniques using different superlattice reflections which arise as a consequence of octahedral rotations and cationic shifts. The 90° domain walls are irregular in shape without any faceting. The antiphase boundaries are less dense compared to that of SrBi2Ta2O9(SBT). The electron microscopy observations are correlated with the polarization fatigue nature of the ceramic where the domain structures possibly play a key role in the fatigue- free behavior of the Aurivillius family of ferroelectric oxides.


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The absorption and index of refraction of polypyrrole (PPy) and poly-3-methylthiophene (PMeT), from low frequencies up to 4 THz, have been measured by tera-Herz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy. The complex conductance was obtained over this range of frequency. Highly conducting metallic samples follow the Drude model, whereas less conducting ones fit the localization-modified Drude model. The carrier scattering time and mobility in conducting polymers can be directly determined from these measurements.


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It is well know that grain boundaries enhance strength at low temperatures by acting as obstacles to dislocation motion, and they retard strength at higher temperatures by processes involving grain boundary sliding. The available data on the influence of grain boundaries on deformation in copper is summarized. Equi-channel angular extrusion offers a convenient means for imposing severe plastic deformation to refine the grain size in bulk materials. Experimental data on fine grained copper produced by equi-channel angular extrusion will be described, and the implications of the data for diffusion creep and superplasticity will be discussed.


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Fe-Cr/Al2O3 metal-ceramic composites prepared by hydrogen reduction at different temperatures and for different periods have been investigated by a combined use of Mössbauer spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy in order to obtain information on the nature of the metallic species formed. Total reduction of Fe3+ does not occur by increasing the reduction time at 1320 K from 1 to 30 h, and the amount of superparamagnetic metallic species is essentially constant (about 10%). Temperatures higher than 1470 K are needed to achieve nearly total reduction of substitutional Fe3+. Interestingly, iron favors the reduction of chromium. The composition of the Fe-Cr particles is strongly dependent on their size, the Cr content being higher in particles smaller than 10 nm.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Prp17p is required for the efficient completion of the second step of pre-mRNA splicing. The function and interacting factors for this protein have not been elucidated. We have performed a mutational analysis of yPrp17p to identify protein domains critical for function. A series of deletions were made throughout the region spanning the N-terminal 158 amino acids of the protein, which do not contain any identified structural motifs. The C-terminal portion (amino acids 160–455) contains a WD domain containing seven WD repeats. We determined that a minimal functional Prp17p consists of the WD domain and 40 amino acids N-terminal to it. We generated a three-dimensional model of the WD repeats in Prp17p based on the crystal structure of the [beta]-transducin WD domain. This model was used to identify potentially important amino acids for in vivo functional characterization. Through analysis of mutations in four different loops of Prp17p that lie between [beta] strands in the WD repeats, we have identified four amino acids, 235TETG238, that are critical for function. These amino acids are predicted to be surface exposed and may be involved in interactions that are important for splicing. Temperature-sensitive prp17 alleles with mutations of these four amino acids are defective for the second step of splicing and are synthetically lethal with a U5 snRNA loop I mutation, which is also required for the second step of splicing. These data reinforce the functional significance of this region within the WD domain of Prp17p in the second step of splicing.


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Protein folding and unfolding are complex phenomena, and it is accepted that multidomain proteins generally follow multiple pathways. Maltose-binding protein (MBP) is a large (a two-domain, 370-amino acid residue) bacterial periplasmic protein involved in maltose uptake. Despite the large size, it has been shown to exhibit an apparent two-state equilibrium unfolding in bulk experiments. Single-molecule studies can uncover rare events that are masked by averaging in bulk studies. Here, we use single-molecule force spectroscopy to study the mechanical unfolding pathways of MBP and its precursor protein (preMBP) in the presence and absence of ligands. Our results show that MBP exhibits kinetic partitioning on mechanical stretching and unfolds via two parallel pathways: one of them involves a mechanically stable intermediate (path I) whereas the other is devoid of it (path II). The apoMBP unfolds via path I in 62% of the mechanical unfolding events, and the remaining 38% follow path II. In the case of maltose-bound MBP, the protein unfolds via the intermediate in 79% of the cases, the remaining 21% via path II. Similarly, on binding to maltotriose, a ligand whose binding strength with the polyprotein is similar to that of maltose, the occurrence of the intermediate is comparable (82% via path I) with that of maltose. The precursor protein preMBP also shows a similar behavior upon mechanical unfolding. The percentages of molecules unfolding via path I are 53% in the apo form and 68% and 72% upon binding to maltose and maltotriose, respectively, for preMBP. These observations demonstrate that ligand binding can modulate the mechanical unfolding pathways of proteins by a kinetic partitioning mechanism. This could be a general mechanism in the unfolding of other large two-domain ligand-binding proteins of the bacterial periplasmic space.


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Plant organs are initiated as primordial outgrowths, and require controlled cell division and differentiation to achieve their final size and shape. Superimposed on this is another developmental program that orchestrates the switch from vegetative to reproductive to senescence stages in the life cycle. These require sequential function of heterochronic regulators. Little is known regarding the coordination between organ and organismal growth in plants. The TCP gene family encodes transcription factors that control diverse developmental traits, and a subgroup of class II TCP genes regulate leaf morphogenesis. Absence of these genes results in large, crinkly leaves due to excess division, mainly at margins. It has been suggested that these class II TCPs modulate the spatio-temporal control of differentiation in a growing leaf, rather than regulating cell proliferation per se. However, the link between class II TCP action and cell growth has not been established. As loss-of-function mutants of individual TCP genes in Arabidopsis are not very informative due to gene redundancy, we generated a transgenic line that expressed a hyper-activated form of TCP4 in its endogenous expression domain. This resulted in premature onset of maturation and decreased cell proliferation, leading to much smaller leaves, with cup-shaped lamina in extreme cases. Further, the transgenic line initiated leaves faster than wild-type and underwent precocious reproductive maturation due to a shortened adult vegetative phase. Early senescence and severe fertility defects were also observed. Thus, hyper-activation of TCP4 revealed its role in determining the timing of crucial developmental events, both at the organ and organism level.


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We have explored the mechanism of spin-torque-driven domain-wall (DW) depinning in cylindrical nanowires of nickel using noise in electrical resistance. We find that the spectral slope of noise is a sensitive probe to the DW kinetics that reveals a creeplike behavior of the DWs at the depinning threshold, and diffusive DW motion at higher spin-torque drive. Different regimes of DW kinetics were characterized by universal kinetic exponents.


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All most all theoretical models assume spherical nanoparticles. However, thermodynamic properties of non-spherical nanoparticles are the subject of recent interests. In this article, we have discussed the size-dependent cohesive energy and melting of non-spherical nanoparticles based on liquid-drop model. The surface to volume ratio is different for different shapes of nanoparticles and as a consequence, the variation of cohesive energy and melting of non-spherical nanoparticles is different from that of spherical case. By analyzing the reported experimental results, it has been observed that liquid-drop model can be used to understand the size-dependent cohesive energy and melting of non-spherical nanoparticles.


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In this paper, we present a new speech enhancement approach, that is based on exploiting the intra-frame dependency of discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain coefficients. It can be noted that the existing enhancement techniques treat the transformdomain coefficients independently. Instead of this traditional approach of independently processing the scalars, we split the DCT domain noisy speech vector into sub-vectors and each sub-vector is enhanced independently. Through this sub-vector based approach, the higher dimensional enhancement advantage, viz. non-linear dependency, is exploited. In the developed method, each clean speech sub-vector is modeled using a Gaussian mixture (GM) density. We show that the proposed Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based DCT domain method, using sub-vector processing approach, provides better performance than the conventional approach of enhancing the transform domain scalar components independently. Performance improvement over the recently proposed GMM based time domain approach is also shown.


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In this paper, expressions for convolution multiplication properties of MDCT are derived starting from the equivalent DFT representations. Using these expressions, methods for implementing linear filtering through block convolution in the MDCT domain are presented. The implementation is exact for symmetric filters and approximate for non-symmetric filters in the case of rectangular window based MDCT. For a general MDCT window function, the filtering is done on the windowed segments and hence the convolution is approximate for symmetric as well as non-symmetric filters. This approximation error is shown to be perceptually insignificant for symmetric impulse response filters. Moreover, the inherent $50 \%$ overlap between adjacent frames used in MDCT computation does reduce this approximation error similar to smoothing of other block processing errors. The presented techniques are useful for compressed domain processing of audio signals.


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Considering a general linear model of signal degradation, by modeling the probability density function (PDF) of the clean signal using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and additive noise by a Gaussian PDF, we derive the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator.The derived MMSE estimator is non-linear and the linear MMSE estimator is shown to be a special case. For speech signal corrupted by independent additive noise, by modeling the joint PDF of time-domain speech samples of a speech frame using a GMM, we propose a speech enhancement method based on the derived MMSE estimator. We also show that the same estimator can be used for transform-domain speech enhancement.