183 resultados para ZIRCONIUM OXIDES


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Mechanism of ion transport in glasses continues to be incompletely understood. Several of the theoretical models in vogue fail to rationalize conductivity behaviour when d.c. and a.c. measurements are considered together. While they seem to involve the presence of at least two components in d.c. activation energy, experiments fail to reveal that feature. Further, only minor importance is given to the influence of structure of the glass on the ionic conductivity behaviour. In this paper, we have examined several general aspects of ion transport taking the example of ionically conducting glasses in pseudo binary, yNa(2)B(4)O(7)center dot(1-y) M (a) O (b) (with y = 0 center dot 25-0 center dot 79 and M (a) O (b) = PbO, TeO2 and Bi2O3) system of glasses which have also been recently characterized. Ion transport in them has been studied in detail. We have proposed that non-bridging oxygen (NBO) participation is crucial to the understanding of the observed conductivity behaviour. NBO-BO switching is projected as the first important step in ion transport and alkali ion jump is a subsequent event with a characteristically lower barrier which is, therefore, not observed in any study. All important observations in d.c. and a.c. transport in glasses are found consistent with this model.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structures, and optical absorption spectra of transition metal substituted spiroffite derivatives, Zn2-xMxTe3O8 (M-II = Co, Ni, Cu; 0 < x <= 1.0). The oxides are readily synthesized by solid state reaction of stoichiometric mixtures of the constituent binaries at 620 degrees C. Reitveld refinement of the crystal structures from powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data shows that the Zn/MO6 octahedra are strongly distorted, as in the parent Zn2Te3O8 structure, consisting of five relatively short Zn/M-II-O bonds (1.898-2.236 angstrom) and one longer Zn/M-II-O bond (2.356-2.519 angstrom). We have interpreted the unique colors and the optical absorption/diffuse reflectance spectra of Zn2-xMxTe3O8 in the visible, in terms of the observed/irregular coordination geometry of the Zn/M-II-O chromophores. We could not however prepare the fully substituted M2Te3O8 (M-II = Co, Ni, Cu) by the direct solid state reaction method. Density Functional Theory (DFT) modeling of the electronic structure of both the parent and the transition metal substituted derivatives provides new insights into the bonding and the role of transition metals toward the origin of color in these materials. We believe that transition metal substituted spiroffites Zn2-xMxTe3O8 reported here suggest new directions for the development of colored inorganic materials/pigments featuring irregular/distorted oxygen coordination polyhedra around transition metal ions.


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Composites of graphene involving chemically bonded nano films of metal oxides have been prepared by reacting graphene containing surface oxygen functionalities with metal halide vapours followed by exposure to water vapour. The composites have been characterized by electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and other techniques. Magnetite particles chemically bonded to graphene dispersible in various solvents have been prepared and they exhibit fairly high magnetization.


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We describe the synthesis and crystal structure of Li3MRuO5 (M = Co and Ni), new rock salt related oxides. Both the oxides crystallize in the layered LiCoO2 (alpha-NaFeO2) structure, as revealed by powder XRD data. Magnetic susceptibility data suggest that the oxidation states of transition metals are Li3Co3+(ls)Ru4+(ls) O-5 (ls = low spin) for the M = Co compound and Li3Ni2+Ru5+O5 for the M = Ni compound. Electrochemical investigations of lithium deintercalation-intercalation behaviour reveal that both Co and Ni phases exhibit attractive specific capacities of ca. 200 mA h g(-1) at an average voltage of 4 V that has been interpreted as due to the oxidation of Co3+ and Ru4+ in Li3CoRuO5 and Ni2+ to Ni4+ in the case of Li3NiRuO5. Thus, a different role of Ru ions is played in the isostructural oxides. Finally, in both cases evidence of irreversible behaviour above 4.2 V is observed and interpreted as formation of high valent ions or alternatively oxidation of oxide ions.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and electrochemical characterization of new rock salt-related oxides of formula, Li3M2RuO6 (M=Co, Ni). The M=Co oxide adopts the LiCoO2 (R-3m) structure, where sheets of LiO6 and (Co-2/Ru)O-6 octahedra are alternately stacked along the c-direction. The M=Ni oxide also adopts a similar layered structure related to Li2TiO3, where partial mixing of Li and Ni/Ru atoms lowers the symmetry to monoclinic (C2/c). Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that in Li3Co2RuO6, the oxidation states of transition metal ions are Co3+ (S=0), Co2+ (S=1/2) and Ru4+ (S=1), all of them in low-spin configuration and at 10 K, the material orders antiferromagnetically. Analogous Li3Ni2RuO6 presents a ferrimagnetic behavior with a Curie temperature of 100 K. The differences in the magnetic behavior have been explained in terms of differences in the crystal structure. Electrochemical studies correlate well with both magnetic properties and crystal structure. Li-transition metal intermixing may be at the origin of the more impeded oxidation of Li3Ni2RuO6 when compared to Li3CO2RuO6. Interestingly high first charge capacities (between ca. 160 and 180 mAh g(-1)) corresponding to ca. 2/3 of theoretical capacity are reached albeit, in both cases, capacity retention and cyclability are not satisfactory enough to consider these materials as alternatives to LiCoO2. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The most common valencies associated with K and O atoms are 1+ and 2-. As a result, one expects K2O to be the oxide of potassium which is the most stable with respect to its constituents. Calculating the formation energy within electronic structure calculations using hybrid functionals, one finds that K2O2 has the largest formation energy, implying the largest stability of this oxide of potassium with respect to its constituents. This is traced to the presence of oxygen dimers in the K2O2 structure which interact strongly resulting in a larger formation energy compared to the more ionic K2O.


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Diffusion controlled growth of the phases in Hf-Si and Zr-Si systems are studied by bulk diffusion couple technique. Only two phases grow in the interdiffusion zone, although several phases are present in both the systems. The location of the Kirkendall marker plane, detected based on the grain morphology, indicates that disilicides grow by the diffusion of Si. Diffusion of the metal species in these phases is negligible. This indicates that vacancies are present mainly on the Si sublattice. The activation energies for integrated diffusion coefficients in the HfSi2 and ZrSi2 are estimated as 394 +/- 37 and 346 +/- 34 kJ mol(-1), respectively. The same is calculated for the HfSi phase as 485 +/- 42 kJ mol(-1). The activation energies for Si tracer diffusion in the HfSi2 and ZrSi2 phases are estimated as 430 +/- 36 and 348 +/- 34 kJ mol(-1), respectively. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diffusion controlled growth of the phases in Hf-Si and Zr-Si systems are studied by bulk diffusion couple technique. Only two phases grow in the interdiffusion zone, although several phases are present in both the systems. The location of the Kirkendall marker plane, detected based on the grain morphology, indicates that disilicides grow by the diffusion of Si. Diffusion of the metal species in these phases is negligible. This indicates that vacancies are present mainly on the Si sublattice. The activation energies for integrated diffusion coefficients in the HfSi2 and ZrSi2 are estimated as 394 +/- 37 and 346 +/- 34 kJ mol(-1), respectively. The same is calculated for the HfSi phase as 485 +/- 42 kJ mol(-1). The activation energies for Si tracer diffusion in the HfSi2 and ZrSi2 phases are estimated as 430 +/- 36 and 348 +/- 34 kJ mol(-1), respectively. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report a novel, rapid, and low-temperature method for the synthesis of undoped and Eu-doped GdOOH spherical hierarchical structures, without using any structure-directing agents, through the microwave irradiation route. The as-prepared product consists of nearly monodisperse microspheres measuring about 1.3 mu m in diameter. Electron microscopy reveals that each microsphere is an assembly of two-dimensional nanoflakes (about 30 nm thin) which, in turn, result from the assembly of crystallites measuring about 9 nm in diameter. Thus, a three-level hierarchy can be seen in the formation of the GdOOH microspheres: from nanoparticles to 2D nanoflakes to 3D spherical structures. When doped with Eu3+ ions, the GdOOH microspheres show a strong red emission, making them promising candidates as phosphors. Finally, thermal conversion at modest temperatures leads to the formation of corresponding oxide structures with enhanced luminescence, while retaining the spherical morphology of their oxyhydroxide precursor.


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To understand Cr emissions from slag melts to a vapor phase, an assessment of the stabilities of the chromium oxides at high temperatures has been carried out. The objective of the present study is to present a set of consistent data corresponding to the thermodynamic properties of the oxides of chromium, with special reference to the emission of hexavalent chromium from slags. In the current work, critical analysis of the experimental data available and a third analysis in the case of Cr2O3 have been carried out. Commercial databases, Fact Sage and ThermoCalc along with NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables, have been used for the analysis and comparisons of the results that are presented. The significant discrepancies in the available data have been pointed out. The data from NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables have been found to provide a set of consistent data for the various chromium oxides. An Ellingham diagram and the equations for the Delta G degrees (standard Gibbs free energy change) of formation of CrOx have been proposed. The present analysis shows that CrO3(g) is likely to be emitted from slag melts at high oxygen partial pressures. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2014


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Densification mechanisms involved during reactive hot pressing (RHP) of zirconium carbide (ZrC) have been studied. RHP has been carried out using zirconium (Zr) and graphite (C) powders in the molar ratios 1:0.5, 1:0.67, 1:0.8, and 1:1 at 40MPa, 800 degrees C-1200 degrees C for different durations. The volume fractions of phases formed, including porosity, are determined from the measured density and from Rietveld analysis. Increased densification with an increasing nonstoichiometry in carbon has been observed. Microstructural and X-ray diffraction observations coupled with the predictions of a model based on the constitutive laws governing plastic flow of zirconium suggest that the better densification of nonstoichiometric compositions arise from the higher amount of starting Zr and also the longer duration of its availability for plastic flow during RHP. Volume shrinkage due to reaction between Zr and C and the gradual elimination of the soft metal phase limit the final density achievable. Based on these observations, a two-step RHP carried out at 800 degrees C and 1200 degrees C leads to a better densification than a single RHP at 1200 degrees C.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structure and lithium deinsertion-insertion electrochemistry of two new lithium-rich layered oxides, Li3MRuO5 (M = Mn, Fe), related to rock salt based Li2MnO3 and LiCoO2. The Li3MnRuO5 oxide adopts a structure related to Li2MnO3 (C2/m) where Li and (Li0.2Mn0.4Ru0.4) layers alternate along the c-axis, while the Li3FeRuO5 oxide adopts a near-perfect LiCoO2 (R (3) over barm) structure where Li and (Li0.2Fe0.4Ru0.4) layers are stacked alternately. Magnetic measurements indicate for Li3MnRuO5 the presence of Mn3+ and low spin configuration for Ru4+ where the itinerant electrons occupy a pi*-band. The onset of a net maximum in the chi vs. T plot at 9.5 K and the negative value of the Weiss constant (theta) of -31.4 K indicate the presence of antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions according to different pathways. Lithium electrochemistry shows a similar behaviour for both oxides and related to the typical behaviour of Li-rich layered oxides where participation of oxide ions in the electrochemical processes is usually found. A long first charge process with capacities of 240 mA h g(-1) (2.3 Li per f.u.) and 144 mA h g(-1) (1.38 Li per f.u.) is observed for Li3MnRuO5 and Li3FeRuO5, respectively. An initial sloping region (OCV to ca. 4.1 V) is followed by a long plateau (ca. 4.3 V). Further discharge-charge cycling points to partial reversibility (ca. 160 mA h g(-1) and 45 mA h g(-1) for Mn and Fe, respectively). Nevertheless, just after a few cycles, cell failure is observed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterisation of both pristine and electrochemically oxidized Li3MRuO5 reveals that in the Li3MnRuO5 oxide, Mn3+ and Ru4+ are partially oxidized to Mn4+ and Ru5+ in the sloping region at low voltage, while in the long plateau, O2- is also oxidized. Oxygen release likely occurs which may be the cause for failure of cells upon cycling. Interestingly, some other Li-rich layered oxides have been reported to cycle acceptably even with the participation of the O2- ligand in the reversible redox processes. In the Li3FeRuO5 oxide, the oxidation process appears to affect only Ru (4+ to 5+ in the sloping region) and O2- (plateau) while Fe seems to retain its 3+ state.


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Monoclinic nanocuboid WO3 enhanced the photocatalyst efficiency of quasi nanobelt zinc oxide for dye degradation in the presence of visible light radiation. Combustion synthesized ZnO resulted in a belt-like morphology through in situ cluster formation of near spherical particles but homogenously disperses and strongly adheres to nanocuboid WO3 during physical mixing. Cationic methylene blue (MB) and anionic orange G (OG) undergo degradation through a charge transfer mechanism in the presence of WO3-ZnO (1 : 9 weight percentage ratio) mixture. The photocatalytic reaction was enhanced due to the reduction in the recombination of photogenerated electron-holes. The high degree of 90% degradation of both dyes is due to the activity of the mixed oxides, which is much higher than that obtained either with WO3 or ZnO individually.


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Monoclinic nanocuboid WO3 enhanced the photocatalyst efficiency of quasi nanobelt zinc oxide for dye degradation in the presence of visible light radiation. Combustion synthesized ZnO resulted in a belt-like morphology through in situ cluster formation of near spherical particles but homogenously disperses and strongly adheres to nanocuboid WO3 during physical mixing. Cationic methylene blue (MB) and anionic orange G (OG) undergo degradation through a charge transfer mechanism in the presence of WO3-ZnO (1 : 9 weight percentage ratio) mixture. The photocatalytic reaction was enhanced due to the reduction in the recombination of photogenerated electron-holes. The high degree of 90% degradation of both dyes is due to the activity of the mixed oxides, which is much higher than that obtained either with WO3 or ZnO individually.


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The objective of the present work is to study the effect of electrical process Parameters (duty cycle and frequency) on morphological, structural, and in-vitro corrosion characteristics of oxide films formed on zirconium by plasma electrolytic oxidation in an electrolyte system consisting of 5 g/L of trisodium orthophosphate. The oxide films fabricated on zirconium by systematically varying the duty cycle and frequency are characterized for its phase composition, surface morphology, chemical composition, roughness, wettability, surface energy, scratch resistance, corrosion resistance, apatite forming ability and osteoblast cell adhesion. X-ray diffraction pattern of all the oxide films showed the predominance of m-ZrO2 phase. Dense and uniform films with thickness varying from 9 to 15 mu m and roughness in the range of 0.62 to 1.03 mu m are formed. Porosity of oxide films is found to be increased with an increase infrequency. The water contact angle results demonstrated that the oxide films exhibited similar hydrophilicity to zirconium substrate. All oxide films showed improved corrosion resistance, as indicated by far lower corrosion current density and passive corrosion potential compared to the zirconium substrate in simulated body fluid environment, and among the four different combinations of duty cycle and frequency employed in the present study, the oxide film formed at 95% duty cycle and 50 Hz frequency (HDLF film) showed superior pitting corrosion resistance, which can be attributed to its pore free morpholOgy. Scratch test results showed that the HDLF oxide film adhered firmly to the substrate by developing a notable scratch resistance at 19.5 +/- 1.2.N. Besides the best corrosion resistance and scratch retistance, the HDLF film also showed good apatite forming ability and osteo sarcoma cell adhesion on its surface. The HDLF oxide film on zirconium with superior surface characteristics is believed to be useful for various types of implants in the dental and orthopedic fields. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.