229 resultados para Narcotic mixtures


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While the adsorption of dioxygen at a clean Ni(110) surface gives rise to two O(1s) features at 531 and 530 eV assigned to O-(a) and O2-(a) type species respectively, coadsorption of dioxygen and water mixtures result in the additional formation of hydroxyl species characterized by an O(1s) peak at 532.3 eV. The latter is attributed to the oxygen induced dissociation of water via a low energy pathway involving the O-(a)-type species. The proportions of the O-(a) and the hydroxyl species are greater for small O-2/H2O ratios and lower temperatures (120 K). With increase in temperature, the relative surface concentrations of the O-(a) and the hydroxyl species decrease while there is an increase in the concentration of the oxidic O2-(a) species. Thus, the surface concentrations of both the hydroxyl and the O2-(a) species depend critically on the presence of O- type species. Above 300K the surface chemistry in the main involves the conversion of O- to O2- species via the hydroxyl species.


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The carbon potentials corresponding to the two-phase mixtures Cr + Cr23C6, Cr23C6 + Cr7C3, and Cr7C3 + Cr3C2 in the binary system Cr-C were measured in the temperature range 973 to 1173 K by using the methane-hydrogen gas equilibration technique. Special precautions were taken to prevent oxidation of the samples and to minimize thermal segregation in the gas phase. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of Cr23C6, Cr7C3, and Cr3C2 were derived from the measured carbon potentials. These values are compared with those reported in the literature. The Gibbs energies obtained in this study agree well with those obtained from solid-state cells incorporating CaF2 and ThO2(Y2O3) as solid electrolytes and sealed capsule isopiestic measurements reported in the literature.


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The fine-particle NASICON family of materials, MZr2P3O12(where M = Na, K, ½Ca and ¼Zr) and NbZrP3O12, have been prepared by the combustion of aqueous heterogeneous mixtures of stoichiometric amounts of metal nitrate, zirconyl nitrate, niobium phosphate, diammonium hydrogen phosphate, ammonium perchlorate and carbohydrazide (CH) at 400 °C. The formation of NASICON materials was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), IR, solid-state (31P) NMR spectroscopy and thermal expansion coefficient measurements. The combustion-synthesized NASICON powders have an average agglomerate size of 9�13 µm with a specific surface area varying from 8 to 28 m2 g�1. The powders pelletized and sintered in the range 1100�1200 °C for 5 h achieved 95�97% theoretical density and showed fine-grain microstructure. The coefficient of thermal expansion of a sintered compact was measured up to 500 °C and ranged from �1.5 × 10�6°C�1 to 1.0 × 10�6°C�1 depending on the composition.


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Fine-particle, sinter-active yttria has been prepared by combustion of a redox compound, Y(N2H3COO)3·3H2O and mixtures of Y(N2H3COO)3·3H2O�NH4NO3 or NH4ClO4 as well as yttrium nitrate and hydrazine-based fuels. The fineparticle nature of the combustion-derived yttria has been investigated using powder density, particle size and BET surface area measurements. The uniaxially, cold-pressed fine-particle yttria when sintered at 1450�1500 °C achieved 98% theoretical density and showed a fine-grain (1�2 µm) microstructure.


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Using intensity autocorrelation of multiply scattered light, we show that the increase in interparticle interaction in dense, binary colloidal fluid mixtures of particle diameters 0.115µm and 0.089µm results in freezing into a crystalline phase at volume fraction? of 0.1 and into a glassy state at?=0.2. The functional form of the field autocorrelation functiong (1)(t) for the binary fluid phase is fitted to exp[??(6k 0 2 D eff t)1/2] wherek 0 is the magnitude of the incident light wavevector and? is a parameter inversely proportional to the photon transport mean free pathl*. TheD eff is thel* weighted average of the individual diffusion coefficients of the pure species. Thel* used in calculatingD eff was computed using the Mie theory. In the solid (crystal or glass) phase, theg (1)(t) is fitted (only with a moderate success) to exp[??(6k 0 2 W(t))1/2] where the mean-squared displacementW(t) is evaluated for a harmonically bound overdamped Brownian oscillator. It is found that the fitted parameter? for both the binary and monodisperse suspensions decreases significantly with the increase of interparticle interactions. This has been justified by showing that the calculated values ofl* in a monodisperse suspension using Mie theory increase very significantly with the interactions incorporated inl* via the static structure factor.


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The use of silica from rice-husk for the production of various materials, including rice-husk ash-lime binder, has gained significance. In this context, the decomposition of husk, the properties of the silica ash, including its crystallization and the ash-lime reaction, are reviewed. The mechanism of ash-lime reaction is controlled mostly by the development of osmotic pressure. For lime-deficient ash-lime mixtures the reaction is complete in the initial few days and therefore no strength development is observed for such mortars in the later ages. The use of optimum ash/lime ratio is recommended for obtaining consistently good performance for the mortar. A method for the determination of this ratio is also discussed.


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Red, blue and green emitting lamp phosphors such as EU(3+) doped Y2O3 (red phosphor), EU(2+) doped Ba0.64Al12O18.64, BaMgAl10O17 and BaMg2Al16O27 (blue phosphors) and Ce0.67Tb0.33MgAl11O19 and Eu2+, Mn2+ doped BaMgAl10O17 (green phosphors) have been prepared by the combustion of the corresponding metal nitrates (oxidizer) and oxalyl dihydrazide/urea/carbohydrazide (fuel) mixtures at 400 degrees-500 degrees C within 5 min. The formation of these phosphors has been confirmed by their characteristic powder X-ray diffraction patterns and fluorescence spectra. The phosphors showed characteristic emission bands at 611 nm (red emission), 430-450 nm (blue emission) and 515-540 nm (green emission). The fine-particle nature of the combustion derived phosphors has been investigated using powder density, particle size and BET surface area measurements.


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Weak molecular interactions such as those in pyridine-iodine, benzene-iodine and benzene-chloroform systems oriented in thermotropic liquid crystals have been studied from the changes of the order parameters as a result of complex formation. The results indicate the formation of at least two types of charge transfer complexes in pyridine-iodine solutions. The pi-complexes in benzene-chloroform and benzene-iodine mixtures have also been detected. No detectable changes in the inter-proton distances in these systems were observed.


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Coarse BO2·xH2O (2 < x < 80) gels, free of anion contaminants react with A(OH)2 under refluxing conditions at 70�100°C giving rise to crystallites of single phased, nanometer size powders of ABO3 perovskites (A = Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Pb; B = Zr, Ti, Sn). Solid solutions of perovskites could be prepared from compositionally modified gels or mixtures of A(OH)2. Donor doped perovskites could also be prepared from the same method so that the products after processing are often semiconducting. Faster interfacial diffusion of A2+ ions into the gel generates the crystalline regions whose composition is controllable by the A/B ratio as well as the A(OH)2 concentration.


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The presence of allophane minerals imparts special engineering features to the volcanic ash soils. This study examines the reasons for the allophanic soils exhibiting unusual shear strength properties in comparison to sedimentary clays. The theories of residual shear strength developed for natural soils and artificial soil mixtures and the unusual surface charge properties of the allophane particle are invoked to explain the high shear strength values of these residual soils. The lack of any reasonable correlation between phi' (effective stress-strength parameter) and plasticity index values for allophanic soils is explained on the basis of the unusual structure of the allophane particle. The reasons as to why natural soil slopes in allophanic soil areas (example, Dominica, West Indies) are stable at much steeper angles than natural slopes in sedimentary clay deposits (London clay areas) are explained in light of the hypothesis developed in this study.


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Nanoparticles of Ag-Pd and Gu-Pd alloys with diameters in the 5-40 nm range have been prepared over the entire range of compositions, by employing the heterogeneous reaction of dry methanol or ethanol with intimate mixtures of AgNO3+PdOx and CuOx+PdOx, respectively. The nanoscale alloys have been characterized by energy-dispersive Xray (EDX) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). All the alloy particles possess the fee structure and can be obtained in bulk quantities.


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An account is given of the research that has been carried out on mechanical alloying/milling (MA/MM) during the past 25 years. Mechanical alloying, a high energy ball milling process, has established itself as a viable solid state processing route for the synthesis of a variety of equilibrium and non-equilibrium phases and phase mixtures. The process was initially invented for the production of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Ni-base superalloys and later extended to other ODS alloys. The success of MA in producing ODS alloys with better high temperature capabilities in comparison with other processing routes is highlighted. Mechanical alloying has also been successfully used for extending terminal solid solubilities in many commercially important metallic systems. Many high melting intermetallics that are difficult to prepare by conventional processing techniques could be easily synthesised with homogeneous structure and composition by MA. It has also, over the years, proved itself to be superior to rapid solidification processing as a non-equilibrium processing tool. The considerable literature on the synthesis of amorphous, quasicrystalline, and nanocrystalline materials by MA is critically reviewed. The possibility of achieving solid solubility in liquid immiscible systems has made MA a unique process. Reactive milling has opened new avenues for the solid state metallothermic reduction and for the synthesis of nanocrystalline intermetallics and intermetallic matrix composites. Despite numerous efforts, understanding of the process of MA, being far from equilibrium, is far from complete, leaving large scope for further research in this exciting field.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of lanthanum orthoferrite (LaFeO3-delta) and hexaferrite (LaFe12O19)were determined using solid-state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at ambient pressure as the reference electrode. From emf of the solid-state cell, the Gibbs energy of formation of nonstoichiometric orthoferrite (LaFeO3-delta) is obtained. To derive values for the stoichiometric phase, variation of the oxygen nonstoichiometric parameter with oxygen partial pressure was measured using thermogravimetry under controlled gas mixtures. The results obtained for LaFeO3 and LaFe12O19 can be summarized by the following equations, which represent the formation of ternary oxides from their component binary oxides: 1/2 La2O3 + 1/2 Fe2O3 -> LaFeO3: Delta G degrees (LaFeO3) (+/- 450) (J mol(-1)) = -62920 - 2.12T (K), and 1/2 La2O3 + 9/2Fe(2)O(3) + Fe3O4 -> LaFe12O19; Delta G degrees (LaFe12O19) (+/- 200) (J mol(-1)) = -103900 + 21.25T (K). These data are discussed critically in comparison with thermodynamic values reported in the literature from a variety of measurements. The values obtained in this study are consistent with calorimetric entropy and enthalpy of formation of the perovskite phase and with some of the Gibbs energy measurements reported in the literature. For the lanthanum hexaferrite (LaFe12O19) there are no prior thermodynamic measurements for comparison. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Earlier work has reported the existence of a diffusion anomaly in porous solids at dilute sorbate concentrations. In this work we have carried out molecular dynamics simulations at higher sorbate concetrations. Results indicate the persistence of a diffusion anomaly even at significantly higher sorbate concentrations, which means that this anomaly can be used for separation of mixtures under conditions prevailing in industries.


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Controlled pyrolysis of Al(OBus)(3), Zr(OPrn)(4) and their mixtures in ethyl acetate induced using microwaves of 2.45 GHz frequency has been carried out. Microwave irradiation yields second-stage precursors for the preparation of respective oxides and their composites. It is observed that the microwave irradiation has a directive influence on the morphology of the ultimate oxide products. Al2O3, ZrO2 and the two composites 90% Al2O3-10% ZrO2 and 90% ZrO2-10% Al2O3 are also found to be sintered to very high densities within 35 min of microwave irradiation by the use of beta-SiC as a secondary susceptor.