189 resultados para Microwave assisted


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This paper presents the first microwave spectroscopic investigation on hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). A pulsed nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer has been used to determine the rotational constants for HFIP as A = 2105.12166(18) MHz, B = 1053.99503(12) MHz, and C = 932.33959(13) MHz. In addition, five isotopologues of HFIP have been observed experimentally to determine the accurate structure of HFIP. The observed spectrum could be assigned to the most stable conformer of HFIP, called antiperiplanar. Available spectroscopic information and ab initio calculations on five prototype molecules helped in exploring the torsional behavior of molecules having a CF3-C-CF3 group. Two-dimensional potential energy surfaces have been analyzed for all molecules, which explained the presence/absence of doubling in the rotational transitions. With the help of natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis, reasons for the conformational preference of HFIP have been explained.


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Lightweight and flexible electromagnetic shielding materials were designed by selectively localizing multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) anchored magnetic nanoparticles in melt mixed co-continuous blends of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN). In order to facilitate better dispersion, the MWNTs were modified using pyrenebutyric acid (PBA) via pi-pi stacking. While one of the two-targeted properties, i.e., high electrical conductivity, was achieved by PBA modified MWNTs, high magnetic loss was accomplished by introducing nickel (NF) or cobalt ferrites (CF). Moreover, the attenuation by absorption can be tuned either by using NF (58% absorption) or CF (64% absorption) in combination with PBA-MWNTs. More interestingly, when CF was anchored on to MWNTs via the pyrene derivative, the minimum reflection loss attained was -55 dB in the Ku band (12-18 GHz) frequency and with a large bandwidth. In addition, the EM waves were blocked mostly by absorption (70%). This study opens new avenues in designing flexible and lightweight microwave absorbers.


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The present study focuses on exploring air-assisted atomization strategies for effective atomization of high-viscosity biofuels, such as pure plant oils (PPOs). The first part of the study concerns application of a novel air-assisted impinging jet atomization for continuous spray applications, and the second part concerns transient spray applications. The particle/droplet imaging analysis (PDIA) technique along with direct imaging methods are used for the purpose of spray characterization. In the first part, effective atomization of Jatropha PPO is demonstrated at gas-to-liquid ratios (GLRs) on the order 0.1. The effect of liquid and gas flow rates on the spray characteristics is evaluated, and results indicate a Sauter mean diameter (SMD) of 50 mu m is achieved with GLRs as low as 0.05. In the second part of the study, a commercially available air-assisted transient atomizer is evaluated using Jatropha PPO. The effect of the pressure difference across the air injector and ambient gas pressure on liquid spray characteristics is studied. The results indicate that it is possible to achieve the same level of atomization of Jatropha as diesel fuel by operating the atomizer at a higher pressure difference. Specifically, a SMD of 44 mu m is obtained for the Jatropha oil using injection pressures of <1 MPa. A further interesting observation associated with this injector is the near constancy of a nondimensional spray penetration rate for the Jatropha oil spray.


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In order to obtain better materials, control over the precise location of nanoparticles is indispensable. It is shown here that ordered arrangements of nanoparticles, possessing different characteristics (electrical/ magnetic dipoles), in the blend structure can result in excellent microwave absorption. This is manifested from a high reflection loss of ca. -67 dB for the best blend structure designed here. To attenuate electromagnetic radiation, the key parameters of high electrical conductivity and large dielectric/magnetic loss are targeted here by including a conductive material multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs], ferroelectric nanostructured material with associated relaxations in the GHz frequency barium titanate, BT] and lossy ferromagnetic nanoparticles nickel ferrite, NF]. In this study, bi-continuous structures were designed using 50/50 (by wt) blends of polycarbonate (PC) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The MWNTs were modified using an electron acceptor molecule, a derivative of perylenediimide, which facilitates p-p stacking with the nanotubes and stimulates efficient charge transport in the blends. The nanoscopic materials have specific affinity towards the PVDF phase. Hence, by introducing surface-active groups, an ordered arrangement can be tailored. To accomplish this, both BT and NF were first hydroxylated followed by the introduction of amine-terminal groups on the surface. The latter facilitated nucleophilic substitution reactions with PC and resulted in their precise location. In this study, we have shown for the first time that by a compartmentalized approach, superior EM attenuation can be achieved. For instance, when the nanoparticles were localized exclusively in the PVDF phase or in both the phases, the minimum reflection losses were ca. -18 dB (for the MWNT/BT mixture) and -29 dB (for the MWNT/NF mixture), and the shielding occurred primarily through reflection. Interestingly, by adopting the compartmentalized approach wherein the lossy materials were in the PC phase and the conductive materials (MWNT) were in the PVDF phase, outstanding reflection losses of ca. -57 dB (for the BT and MWNT combination) and -67 dB (for the NF and MWNT combination) were noted and the shielding occurred primarily through absorption. Thus, the approach demonstrates that nanoscopic structuring in the blends can be achieved under macroscopic processing conditions and this strategy can further be explored to design microwave absorbers.


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The fluctuations exhibited by the cross sections generated in a compound-nucleus reaction or, more generally, in a quantum-chaotic scattering process, when varying the excitation energy or another external parameter, are characterized by the width Gamma(corr) of the cross-section correlation function. Brink and Stephen Phys. Lett. 5, 77 (1963)] proposed a method for its determination by simply counting the number of maxima featured by the cross sections as a function of the parameter under consideration. They stated that the product of the average number of maxima per unit energy range and Gamma(corr) is constant in the Ercison region of strongly overlapping resonances. We use the analogy between the scattering formalism for compound-nucleus reactions and for microwave resonators to test this method experimentally with unprecedented accuracy using large data sets and propose an analytical description for the regions of isolated and overlapping resonances.


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Conductivity measurements have been made on x V O-2(5) - (100-x) 0.5 Na2O + 0.5 B2O3] (where 10 a parts per thousand currency sign x a parts per thousand currency sign 50) glasses prepared by using microwave method. DC conductivity (sigma) measurements exhibit temperature-and compositional-dependent trends. It has been found that conductivity in these glasses changes from the predominantly `ionic' to predominantly `electronic' depending upon the chemical composition. The dc conductivity passes through a deep minimum, which is attributed to network disruption. Also, this nonlinear variation in sigma (dc) and activation energy can be interpreted using ion-polaron correlation effect. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and impedance spectroscopic techniques have been used to elucidate the nature of conduction mechanism. The EPR spectra reveals, in least modified (25 Na2O mol%) glasses, conduction is due to the transfer of electrons via aliovalent vanadium sites, while in highly modified (45 Na2O mol%) glasses Na+ ion transport dominates the electrical conduction. For highly modified glasses, frequency-dependent conductivity has been analysed using electrical modulus formalism and the observations have been discussed.


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A new, phenoxo-bridged Cu-II dinuclear complex Cu-2(L)(2)(DMF)(2)] (1) has been obtained by employing the coumarin-assisted tridentate precursor, H2L, benzoic acid(7-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-2H-chromen-8-ylmethylene)-hydrazide]. Complex 1 has been systematically characterized by FTIR, UV-Vis, fluorescence and PR spectrometry. The single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of 1 shows that the geometry around each copper ion is square pyramidal, comprising two enolato oxygen atoms belonging to different ligands (which assemble the dimer bridging the two metal centers), one imine-N and one phenolic-O atoms of the Schiff base and one oxygen atom from the DMF molecule. The temperature dependent magnetic interpretation agrees with the existence of weak ferromagnetic interactions between the bridging dinuclear Cu(II) ions. Both the ligand and complex 1 exhibit anti-mycobacterial activity and considerable efficacy towards M. tuberculosis H37Rv ATCC 27294 and M. tuberculosis H37Ra ATCC 25177 strains. The cytotoxicity study on human adenocarcinoma cell lines (MCF7) suggests that the ligand and complex 1 have potential anticancer properties. Molecular docking of H2L with the enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase of M. tuberculosis H37R(v) (PDB ID: 4U0K) is examined and the best docked pose of H2L shows one hydrogen bond with Thr196 (1.99 angstrom).


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Impedance spectroscopic studies on modified phospho-vanadate glasses containing SO42- ions have been carried out over wide range of frequency. Modulated DSC studies suggest that the addition of alkali salt makes the glass less rigid and more fragile. The frequency dependent impedance data has been used to calculate d.c conductivity and activation energies. These values are comparable with the other ionic liquids. The conductivity and relaxation phenomenon was rationalized using universal a.c conductivity power law and modulus formalism. The activation energies for relaxation mechanism was also determined using imaginary parts of electrical modulus peaks which were close to those of the d.c conductivity implying the involvement of similar energy barriers in both the processes. Kohlrausch-William-Watts (KWW) stretched exponent beta, is temperature insensitive and power law (s) exponent is temperature dependent. The enhanced conductivity in these glasses is attributed to the depolymerised structure in which migration of Na+ ions proceeds in an expanded network comprising SO42- ions in the interstitials. The effect of structure on activation energy is well supported by abinitio DFT computations. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports microwave spectroscopic and theoretical investigations on the interaction of water with hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). The HFIP monomer can exist in two conformations, antiperiplanar (AP) and synclinical (SC). The former is about 5 kJ mol(-1) more stable than the latter. Theoretical calculations predicted three potential minima for the complex, two having AP and one having SC conformations. Though, the binding energy for the HFIP(SC)...H2O turned out to be larger than that for the other two conformers having HFIP in the AP form, the global minimum for the complex in the potential energy hypersurface had HFIP in the AP form. Experimental rotational constants for four isotopologues measured using a pulsed nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer, correspond to the global minimum in the potential energy hypersurface. The structural parameters and the internal dynamics of the complex could be determined from the rotational spectra of the four isotopologues. The global minimum has the HFIP(AP) as a hydrogen bond donor forming a strong hydrogen bond with H2O. To characterize the strength of the bonding and to probe the other interactions within the complex, atoms in molecules, non-covalent interaction index and natural bond orbital theoretical analyses have been performed.


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We report synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and thermal analysis of zinc acetylacetonate complex adducted by nitrogen donor ligands, such as pyridine, bipyridine, and phenanthroline. The pyridine adducted complex crystallizes to monoclinic crystal structure, whereas other two adducted complexes have orthorhombic structure. Addition of nitrogen donor ligands enhances the thermal property of these complexes as that with parent metal-organic complex. Zinc acetylacetonate adducted with pyridine shows much higher volatility (106 degrees C), decomposition temperature (202 degrees C) as that with zinc acetylacetonate (136 degrees C, 220 degrees C), and other adducted complexes. All the adducted complexes are thermally stable, highly volatile and are considered to be suitable precursors for metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The formation of these complexes is confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. The complexes are widely used as starting precursor materials for the synthesis of ZnO nanostructures by microwave irradiation assisted coating process. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanoscale ordering in a polymer blend structure is indispensable to obtain materials with tailored properties. It was established here that controlling the arrangement of nanoparticles, with different characteristics, in co-continuous PC/PVDF (polycarbonate/poly(vinylidene fluoride)) blends can result in outstanding microwave absorption (ca. 90%). An excellent reflection loss (RL) of ca. -71 dB was obtained for a model blend structure wherein the conducting (multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs) and the magnetic inclusions (Fe3O4) are localized in PVDF and the dielectric inclusion (barium titanate, BT) is in PC. The MWNTs were modified using polyaniline, which facilitates better charge transport in the blends. Furthermore, by introducing surface active groups on BT nanoparticles and changing the macroscopic processing conditions, the localization of BT nanoparticles can be tailored, otherwise BT nanoparticles would localize in the preferred phase (PVDF). In this study, we have shown that by ordered arrangement of nanoparticles, the incoming EM radiation can be attenuated. For instance, when PANI-MWNTs were localized in PVDF, the shielding was mainly through reflection. Now by localizing the conducting inclusion and the magnetic lossy materials in PVDF and the dielectric materials in PC, an outstanding shielding effectiveness of ca. -37 dB was achieved where shielding was mainly through absorption (ca. 90%). Thus, this study clearly demonstrates that lightweight microwave absorbers can be designed using polymer blends as a tool.


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In spite of intense research on ZnO over the past decade, the detailed investigation about the crystallographic texture of as obtained ZnO thin films/coatings, and its deviation with growth surface is scarce. We report a systematic study about the orientation distribution of nanostructured ZnO thin films fabricated by microwave irradiation with the variation of substrates and surfactants. The nanostructured films comprising of ZnO nanorods are grown on semiconductor substrates such as Si(100), Ge(100)], conducting substrates (ITO-coated glass, Cr coated Si), and polymer coated Si (PMMA/Si) to examine the respective development of crystallographic texture. The ZnO deposited on semiconductor substrates yieldsmixed texture, whereas c-axis oriented ZnO nanostructured films are obtained by conducting substrate, and PMMA coated Si substrates. Among all the surfactants, nanostructured film produced by using the lower molecular weight of polymeric surfactants (polyvinylpyrrolidone) shows a stronger (0002) texture, and that can be tuned to (10 - 10) by increasing the molecular weight of the surfactant. The strongest basal pole is achieved for the ZnO deposited on PMMA coated Si as substrate, and cetyl-trimethyl ammonium bromide as cationic surfactant. The texture analysis is carried out by X-ray pole figure analysis using the Schultz reflection method. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.