224 resultados para MAGNETIZATION


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BiEuO3 (BE) and BiGdO3 (BG) are synthesized by the solid-state reaction technique. Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction data shows that the samples are crystallized in cubic phase at room temperature having Fm3m symmetry with the lattice parameters of 5.4925(2) and 5.4712(2) A for BE and BG, respectively. Raman spectra of the samples are investigated to obtain the phonon modes of the samples. The dielectric properties of the samples are investigated in the frequency range from 42 Hz to 1.1 MHz and in the temperature range from 303 K to 673 K. An analysis of the real and imaginary parts of impedance is performed assuming a distribution of relaxation times as confirmed by the Cole-Cole plots. The frequency-dependent maxima in the loss tangent are found to obey an Arrhenius law with activation energy similar to 1 eV for both the samples. The frequency-dependent electrical data are also analyzed in the framework of conductivity formalism. Magnetization of the samples are measured under the field cooled (EC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) modes in the temperature range from 5 K to 300 K applying a magnetic Field of 500 Oe. The FC and ZFC susceptibilities show that BE is a Van Vleck paramagnetic material with antiferromagnetic coupling at low temperature whereas BG is an anti-ferromagnetic system. The results are substantiated by the M-11 loops of the materials taken at 5 K in the ZFC mode. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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The parent compound of iron chalcogenide superconductors, Fe1+yTe, with a range of excess Fe concentrations exhibits intriguing structural and magnetic properties. Here, the interplay of magnetic and structural properties of Fe1.12Te single crystals have been probed by low-temperature synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, magnetization, and specific heat measurements. Thermodynamic measurements reveal two distinct phase transitions, considered unique to samples possessing excess Fe content in the range of 0.11 <= y <= 0.13. On cooling, an antiferromagnetic transition, T-N approximate to 57K is observed. A closer examination of powder diffraction data suggests that the transition at TN is not purely magnetic, but accompanied by the commencement of a structural phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic symmetry. This is followed by a second prominent first-order structural transition at T-S with T-S < T-N, where an onset of monoclinic distortion is observed. The results point to a strong magneto-structural coupling in this material. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We investigate the dynamics of a sinusoidally driven ferromagnetic martensitic ribbon by adopting a recently introduced model that involves strain and magnetization as order parameters. Retaining only the dominant mode of excitation we reduce the coupled set of partial differential equations for strain and magnetization to a set of coupled ordinary nonlinear equations for the strain and magnetization amplitudes. The equation for the strain amplitude takes the form of parametrically driven oscillator. Finite strain amplitude can only be induced beyond a critical value of the strength of the magnetic field. Chaotic response is seen for a range of values of all the physically interesting parameters. The nature of the bifurcations depends on the choice of temperature relative to the ordering of the Curie and the martensite transformation temperatures. We have studied the nature of response as a function of the strength and frequency of the magnetic field, and magneto-elastic coupling. In general, the bifurcation diagrams with respect to these parameters do not follow any standard route. The rich dynamics exhibited by the model is further illustrated by the presence of mixed mode oscillations seen for low frequencies. The geometric structure of the mixed mode oscillations in the phase space has an unusual deep crater structure with an outer and inner cone on which the orbits circulate. We suggest that these features should be seen in experiments on driven magneto-martensitic ribbons. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We report here the growth of epitaxial Co metal thin film on c-plane sapphire by pulsed laser deposition (RD) using Co:ZnO target utilizing the composition inhomogeneity of the corresponding plasma. Two distinct plasma composition regions have been observed using heavily alloyed Co0.6Zn0.4O target. The central and intense region of the plasma grows Co:ZnO film; the extreme tail grows only Co metal with no trace of either ZnO or Co oxide In between the two extremes, mixed phases (Co +Co-oxides +Co:ZnO) were observed. The Co metal thin film grown in this way shows room temperature ferromagnetism with large in plane magnetization similar to 1288 emu cm(-3) and a coerciviLy of similar to 230 Oe with applied field parallel to the film-substrate interface. Carrier density of the film is similar to 10(22) cm(-3). The film is epiLaxial single phase Co metal which is confirmed by both X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy characierizaLions. Planar Hall Effect (PHE) and Magneto Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) measurements confirm that the film possesses similar attributes of Co metal. The result shows that the epiLaxial Co metal thin film can be grown from its oxides in the PLD. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural and magnetic study of the pseudo-binary multiferroic (1 x)BiFeO3 (x)SrTiO3 has been investigated as a function of composition and temperature. In contrary to the previous studies, detailed examination revealed that the reported anomaly in the magnetization at x-0.30 does not occur at the composition induced rhombohedral-cubic phase boundary, but within the rhombohedral phase itself. The rhombohedral to cubic transition occurs at x > 0.4. Evidence of magneto-elastic coupling near the Neel temperature and nucleation-growth mode of the rhombohedral-cubic transformation, with both the phases coexisting over a range of temperature was found. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of ferrite samples with the compositional formula, Ni0.5Co0.5-xZnxFe2O4 (0 <= x <= 0.5), was prepared using the citrate based sol gel method for the better understanding of zinc doping on the structural and magnetic properties. The Rietveld-refined X-ray diffraction data revealed that the samples are having cubic structure with the Fd-3m space group. The lattice parameter increased linearly with increasing Zn content. The surface morphology and stoichiometric ratio of the compositional elements were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). EDS showed that the elemental ratios were stoichiometric. An examination of the magnetic properties revealed an increase in saturation magnetization with increasing Zn concentration up to x=0.3 and a decrease thereafter. These results could be explained using Neel's collinear two-sub-lattice model and three-sub-lattice non-collinear model suggested by Yafet and Kittel. The magnetic cubic anisotropy constant determined by the law of approach to saturation decreased with increasing Zn content. The underlying mechanism behind observed behavior was discussed qualitatively. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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The authors prepared (1 - x) BiFeO3 - (x)Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 for x <= 0.30 by sol-gel method and investigated the material's structures, magnetic and electrical properties. Detailed Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction data revealed that the system retains distorted rhombohedral R3c structure for x <= 0.10 but transforms to monoclinic (Cc) structure for x > 0.10. Disappearance of some Raman modes corresponding to A1 modes and the decrease in the intensities of the remaining A1 modes with increasing x in the Raman spectra, which is a clear indication of structural modification and symmetry changes brought about by PZT doping. Enhanced magnetization with PZT doping content may be attributed to the gradual change and destruction in the spin cycloid structure of BiFeO3. The leakage current density at 3.5 kV/cm was reduced by approximately three orders of magnitude by doping PZT (x = 0.30), compared with BFO ceramics. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We study Heisenberg spin-1/2 and spin-1 chains with alternating ferromagnetic (J(1)(F)) and antiferromagnetic (J(1)(A)) nearest-neighbor interactions and a ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor interaction (J(2)(F)). In this model frustration is present due to the non-zero J(2)(F). The model with site spin s behaves like a Haldane spin chain, with site spin 2s in the limit of vanishing J(2)(F) and large J(1)(F)/J(1)(A). We show that the exact ground state of the model can be found along a line in the parameter space. For fixed J(1)(F), the phase diagram in the space of J(1)(A)-J(2)(F) is determined using numerical techniques complemented by analytical calculations. A number of quantities, including the structure factor, energy gap, entanglement entropy and zero temperature magnetization, are studied to understand the complete phase diagram. An interesting and potentially important feature of this model is that it can exhibit a macroscopic magnetization jump in the presence of a magnetic field; we study this using an effective Hamiltonian.


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A correlation between gas sensing properties and defect induced Room Temperature Ferromagnetism (RTFM) is demonstrated in non-stoichiometric SnO2 prepared by solution combustion method. The presence of oxygen vacancies (V-O), confirmed by RTFM is identified as the primary factor for enhanced gas sensing effect. The as-prepared SnO2 shows high saturation magnetization of similar to 0.018 emu/g as compared to similar to 0.002 and similar to 0.0005 emu/g in annealed samples and SnO2 prepared by precipitation respectively. The SnO2 prepared by precipitation which is an equilibrium method of synthesis shows lesser defects compared to the combustion product and hence exhibits lesser sensitivity in spite of smaller crystallite size. The study utilizes RTFM as a potential tool to characterize metal oxide gas sensors and recognizes the significance of oxygen vacancies in sensing mechanism over the microstructure. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Cobalt copper ferrite nanopowders with composition Co1-xCu5Fe2O4 (0.0 <= x <= 0.5) was synthesized by solution combustion method. The powder X-ray diffraction studies reveal the formation of single ferrite phase with particle size of similar to 11-35 nm. Due to increase in electron density with in a material, X-ray density increase with increase of Cu2+ ions concentration. As Cu2+ ions concentration increases, saturation magnetization decreases from 38.5 to 26.7 emu g(-1). Further, the squareness ratio was found to be similar to 0.31-0.46 which was well below the typical value 1, which indicates the existence of single domain isolated ferrimagnetic samples. The dielectric and electrical modulus was studied over a frequency range of 1 Hz to 1 MHz at room temperature using the complex impedance spectroscopy technique. Impedance plots showed only one semi-circle which corresponds to the contributions of grain boundaries. The lower values of dielectric loss at higher frequency region may be quite useful for high frequency applications such as microwave devices. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single crystals of LaMn0.5Co0.5O3 belonging to the ferromagnetic-insulator and distorted perovskite class were grown using a four-mirror optical float zone furnace. The as-grown crystal crystallizes into an orthorhombic Pbnm structure. The spatially resolved 2D Raman scan reveals a strain-induced distribution of transition metal (TM)-oxygen (O) octahedral deformation in the as-grown crystal. A rigorous annealing process releases the strain, thereby generating homogeneous octahedral distortion. The octahedra tilt by reducing the bond angle TM-O-TM, resulting in a decline of the exchange energy in the annealed crystal. The critical behavior is investigated from the bulk magnetization. It is found that the ground state magnetic behavior assigned to the strain-free LaMn0.5Co0.5O3 crystal is of the 3D Heisenberg kind. Strain induces mean field-like interaction in some sites, and consequently, the critical exponents deviate from the 3D Heisenberg class in the as-grown crystal. The temperature-dependent Raman scattering study reveals strong spin-phonon coupling and the existence of two magnetic ground states in the same crystal. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Compositions with x <= 0.30 in the system (1- x)Pb(Zro(0.52)Ti(0.48))O-3-(x)BiFeO3 were synthesized by sol-gel method. Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction data reveals tetragonal structure (P4mm) for x <= 0.05 and monoclinic (Cm) phase along with the existence of tetragonal phase for 0.10 <= x <= 0.25 and monoclinic phase for x = 0.30. Transformation of E(2TO) and E + B1 vibrational modes in the range 210-250 cm(-1) (present for x <= 0.25) into A' + A `' modes at similar to 236 cm(-1) for x = 0.30, and occurrence of new vibrational modes A' and A `' in Raman spectra for x >= 0.10 unambiguously support the presence of monoclinic phase. Occurrence of remnant polarisation and enhanced magnetization with concentration of BiFeO3 indicates superior multiferroic properties. Variation of magneto-capacitance with applied magnetic field is a strong evidence of magneto-electric multiferroic coupling in these materials. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aiming to develop high mechanical strength and toughness by tuning ultrafine lamellar spacing of magnetic eutectic alloys, we report the mechanical and magnetic properties of the binary eutectic alloys Co90.5Zr9.5 and Fe90.2Zr9.8, as well as the pseudo-binary eutectic alloys Co82.4Fe8Zr9.6, Co78Fe12.4Zr9.6 and Co49.2Fe49.2Zr9.6 developed by suction-casting. The lower lamellar spacing around 100 nm of the eutectics Co49.2Fe49.2Zr9.6 yields a high hardness of 713(+/- 20) VHN. Magnetic measurements reveal high magnetic moment of 1.92 mu B (at 5 K) and 1.82 mu B (at 300 K) per formula unit for this composition. The magnetization vs. applied field data at 5 K show a directional preference to some extent and therefore smaller non-collinear magnetization behavior compared to Co11Zr2 reported in the literature due to exchange frustration and transverse spin freezing owing to the presence of smaller Zr content. The decay of magnetization as a function of temperature along the easy axis of magnetization of all the eutectic compositions can be described fairly well by the spin wave excitation equation Delta M/M(0) = BT3/2 + CT5/2. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Sm3+ doped Y3-xSmxFe5O12 (x = 0-3) nanopowders were prepared using modified sol-gel route. The crystalline structure and morphology was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. The nanopowders were sintered at 950 degrees C/90 min using microwave sintering method. The lattice parameters and density of the samples were increased with an increase of Sm3+ concentration. The room temperature dielectric (epsilon' and epsilon `') and magnetic (mu' and mu `') properties were measured in the frequency range up to 20 GHz. The room temperature magnetization studies were carried out using Vibrating sample magnetometer using filed of 1.5 T. Results of VSM show that the saturation and remnant magnetization of Y3-xSmxFe5O12 (0-3) decreases on increasing the Sm concentration (x). The low values of magnetic (mu' and mu `') properties makes them a good candidates for microwave devices, which can be operated in the high frequency range.


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Bi1-xCaxMnO3 (BCMO) thin films with x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 are successfully deposited on the n-type Si (100) substrate at two different temperatures of 400 degrees C and 800 degrees C using RF magnetron sputtering. The stoichiometry of the films and oxidation state of the elements have been described by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. Dielectric measurement depicts the insulating property of BCMO films. Magnetic and ferroelectric studies confirm the significant enhancement in spin orientation as well as electric polarization at room temperature due to incorporation of Ca2+ ions into BiMnO3 films. The BCMO (x = 0.2) film grown at 400 degrees C shows better magnetization (M-sat) and polarization (P-s) with the measured values of 869 emu / cc and 6.6 mu(C)/cm(2) respectively than the values of the other prepared films. Thus the realization of room temperature ferromagnetic and ferroelectric ordering in Ca2+ ions substituted BMO films makes potentially interesting for spintronic device applications. (C) 2014 Author(s).