350 resultados para ELECTRICAL MACHINES


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This paper presents the design and development of a comprehensive digital protection scheme for applications in 25 KV a.c railway traction system. The scheme provides distance protection, detection of wrong phase coupling both in the lagging and leading directions, high set instantaneous trip and PT fuse failure. Provision is also made to include fault location and disturbance recording. The digital relaying scheme has been tried on two types of hardware platforms, one with PC/AT based hardware and the other with a custom designed standalone 16-bit microcontroller based card. Compared to the existing scheme, the operating time is around one cycle and the relaying algorithm has been optimised to minimise the number of computations. The prototype has been rigorously tested in the laboratory using a specially designed PC based relay test bench and the results are highly satisfactory.


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Transport properties of quasicrystals in rapidly solidified as well as heat-treated Al65CU20Cr15 alloys were studied over a wide temperature range as a function of structure and microstructure. The characterization was done using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Particular attention was paid to primitive to face-centered quasicrystalline transformation which occurs on annealing and the effect of microstructures on the transport behavior. The temperature dependence of resistivity is found to depend crucially on the microstructure of the alloy. Further, ordering enhances the negative temperature coefficient of resistivity. The low-temperature (T less than or equal to 25 K) resistivity of Al65Cu20Cr15 has been compared with that of Al63.5Cu24.5Fe12 alloy. In this region p(T) can be well described by a root T contribution arising from electron-electron interaction. We discuss our results in view of current theories.


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The ability of Static Var Compensators (SVCs) to rapidly and continuously control reactive power in response to changing system conditions can result in the improvement of system stability and also increase the power transfer in the transmission system. This paper concerns the application of strategically located SVCs to enhance the transient stability limits and the direct evaluation of the effect of these SVCs on transient stability using a Structure Preserving Energy Function (SPEF). The SVC control system can be modelled from the steady- state control characteristic to accurately simulate its effect on transient stability. Treating the SVC as a voltage-dependent reactive power load leads to the derivation of a path-independent SPEF for the SVC. Case studies on a 10-machine test system using multiple SVCs illustrate the effects of SVCs on transient stability and its accurate prediction.


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Hollandite oxides of the type Bi1.7-xPbxV8O16 have been synthesized. The electrical resistivity studies show that the conductivity improves upon Pb substitution. The feasibility of Li intercalation in the system has been established. Magnetic susceptibility studies on the pure and Li intercalated phases show that except for pure Bi1.7V8O16, all phases exhibit Pauli paramagnetism. No superconductivity is encountered down to 12 K in any of the phases. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new approach to the power flow analysis in steady state for multiterminal DC-AC systems. A flexible and practical choice of per unit system is used to formulate the DC network and converter equations. A converter is represented by Norton's equivalent of a current source in parallel with the commutation resistance. Unlike in previous literature, the DC network equations are used to derive the controller equations for the DC system using a subset of specifications. The specifications considered are current or power at all terminals except the slack terminal where the DC voltage is specified. The control equations are solved by Newton's method, using the current injections at the converter terminals as state variables. Further, a systematic approach to the handling of constraints is proposed by identifying the priorities in rescheduling of the specified variables. The methodology is illustrated by example of a 5 terminal DC system.


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Two donor acceptor diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based copolymers (PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT) have been synthesized for their application in organic devices such as metal-insulator semiconductor (MIS) diodes and field-effect transistors (FETs). The semiconductor-dielectric interface was characterized by capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage methods. These measurements yield an interface trap density of 4.2 x 10(12) eV(-1) cm(-2) in TDPP-BBT and 3.5 x 10(12) eV(-1) cm(-2) in PDPP-BBT at the flat-band voltage. The FETs based on these spincoated DPP copolymers display p-channel behavior with hole mobilities of the order 10(-3) cm(2)/(V s). Light scattering studies from PDPP-BBT FETs show almost no change in the Raman spectrum after the devices are allowed to operate at a gate voltage, indicating that the FETs suffer minimal damage due to the metal-polymer contact or the application of an electric field. As a comparison Raman intensity profile from the channel-Au contact layer in pentacene FETs are presented, which show a distinct change before and after biasing.


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A long-standing and important problem in glass science has been carrier-type reversal (CTR) in semiconducting glasses. This phenomenon is exhibited by Pb-Ge-Se glasses also. It has been addressed here by carrying out detailed electrical, thermal, and spectroscopic investigations. PbxGe42-xSe58 (x = 0-20) glasses were prepared by a two stage melt-quenching process and characterized using x-ray diffraction, high-resolution electron microscropy, and energy dispersive analysis of x-rays. Thermoelectric power and high-pressure electrical resistivity have been measured. IR, Raman, and X-ray adsorption near edge structure spectroscopies have been used for examining the glass structures as well as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for studying the thermal properties. A structural model based on the chemical nature of the constituents has been proposed to account for the observed properties of these glasses. Effect of Pb incorporation on local structures and qualitative consequences on the energy band structures of Ge-Se glasses has been considered. The p -->n transition has been attributed to the energetic disposition of the sp(3)d(2) band of Pb atoms, which is located closely above the lone pair band of selenium. This feature makes Pb unique in the context of p -->n transition of chalcogenide glasses. The model can be extended successfully to account for the CTR behavior observed in Bi containing chalcogenide glasses also.


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Geophysical methods are becoming more popular nowadays in the field of hydrology due to their time and space efficiency. So an attempt has been made here to relate electrical resistivity with soil moisture content in the field. The experiments were carried out in an experimental watershed `Mulehole' in southern India, which is a forested watershed with approximately 80% red soil. Five auger holes were drilled to perform the soil moisture and electrical resistivity measurements in a toposequence having red and black soils, with sandy weathered soil at the bottom. Soil moisture was measured using neutron probe and electrical resistivity was measured using electrical logging tool. The results indicate that electrical resistivity measurements can be used to measure soil moisture content for red soils only.


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Thin films of barium strontium titanate (BST) including BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 end members were deposited using the metallo-organic decomposition (MOD) technique. Processing parameters such as nonstoichiometry, annealing temperature and time, film thickness and doping concentration were correlated with the structural and electrical properties of the films. A random polycrystalline structure was observed for all MOD films under the processing conditions in this study. The microstructures of the films showed multi-grains structure through the film thickness. A dielectric constant of 563 was observed for (Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 films rapid thermal annealed at 750 degrees C for 60 s. The dielectric constant increased with annealing temperature and film thickness, while the dielectric constant could reach the bulk values for thicknesses as thin as similar to 0.3 mu m. Nonstoichiometry and doping in the films resulted in a lowering of the dielectric constant. For near-stoichiometric films, a small dielectric dispersion obeying the Curie-von Schweidler type dielectric response was observed. This behavior may be attributed to the presence of the high density of disordered grain boundaries. All MOD processed films showed trap-distributed space-charge limited conduction (SCLC) behavior with slope of similar to 7.5-10 regardless of the chemistry and processing parameter due to the presence of main boundaries through the film thickness. The grain boundaries masked the effect of donor-doping, so that all films showed distributed-trap SCLC behavior without discrete-traps. Donor-doping could significantly improve the time-dependent dielectric breakdown behavior of BST thin films, mostly likely due to the lower oxygen vacancy concentration resulted from donor-doping. From the results of charge storage density, leakage current and time-dependent dielectric breakdown behavior, BST thin films are found to be promising candidates for 64 and 256Mb ULSI DRAM applications. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Measurements of the dc transport properties and the low-frequency conductivity noise in films of charge-ordered Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 grown on Si substrate reveal the existence of a threshold field in the charge-ordered regime beyond which strong nonlinear conduction sets in along with a large broad band conductivity noise. Threshold-dependent conduction disappears as T --> T-CO, the charge-ordering temperature. This observation suggests that the charge-ordered state gets depinned at the onset of the nonlinear conduction. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)05247-X].


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Poly(o-toluidine) (POT) and poly(m-toluidine) (PMT) blends with polyvinylchloride (PVC) of five different compositions have been prepared by solution blending. The POT-PVC and PMT-PVC blends were prepared using THF as a solvent in which POT-HNO3, PMT-HNO3 bases and PVC are soluble. The blends have been characterized by spectral, thermal and electrical measurements. The results indicate the formation of blends at all the compositions presently studied. The thermal stability of the POT-PVC and PMT-PVC blends is higher than that of POT-HNO3 and PMT-HNO3 salts, respectively. Using the present method, POT/PMT can conveniently be blended with 30% wt/wt of PVC without significant loss in its conductivity. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The laser ablated barium strontium titanate (BST) thin films were characterized in terms of composition, structure, microstructure and electrical properties. Films deposited at 300 degrees C under 50 mTorr oxygen pressure and 3 J cm(-2) laser fluence and further annealed at 600 degrees C in flowing oxygen showed a dielectric constant of 467 and a dissipation factor of 0.02. The room-temperature current-voltage characteristics revealed a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism, though at low fields the effect of the electrodes was predominant. The conduction mechanism was thoroughly-investigated in terms of Schottky emission at low fields, and bulk-limited SCLC at high fields. The change over to the bulk-limited conduction process from the electrode-limited Schottky emission was, attributed to the process of tunneling through the electrode interface at high fields resulting into the lowering of the electrode contact resistance and consequently giving rise to a bulk limited conduction process. The predominance of SCLC mechanism in the films suggests that the bulk properties are only revealed if the depletion width at the electrode interface is thin enough to allow the tunneling process to take place. This condition is only favorable if the him thickness is high or if the doping concentration is high enough. In the present case the film thickness ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 mu m which was suitable to show the transition mentioned above. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Treeing in polyethylene based nanocomposite samples as well as unfilled polyethylene samples were studied using 50Hz ac voltage. The tree inception voltage was observed for different types of samples. The tree initiation time as well as the tree growth patterns at a fixed ac voltage have also been studied. The results show that there is an improvement in tree inception voltage with nano filler loading in polyethylene. Different tree growth patterns for both the unfilled polyethylene and the polyethylene nanocomposites have been observed. A slower tree growth was observed in polyethylene nanocomposites. The partial discharge characteristics of unfilled and nano filled polyethylene samples during the electrical tree growth period was also studied. Decrease in PD magnitude as well as in the number of pd pulses with electrical tree growth duration in polyethylene nanocomposites has also been observed. The possible reasons for the improvement in electrical tree growth and PD resistance with the addition of nano fillers are discussed.


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The crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of strontium-doped neodymium ferrite (Nd1-xSrxFeO3-delta where 0less than or equal toxless than or equal to0.4) were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeO3-type orthorhombic perovskite structure. The lattice parameters were determined at room temperature by X-ray powder diffraction. The orthorhombic distortion decreases with increasing Sr substitution. The pseudocubic lattice parameter shows a minimum at x=0.3. The thermal expansion curves for x=0.2-0.4 displayed rapid increase in slope at higher temperatures. The electrical conductivity increased with Sr content and temperature. The calculated activation energies for electrical conduction decreased with increasing x. The electrical conductivity can be described by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The charge compensation for divalent ion on the A-site is provided by the formation of Fe4+ ions on the B site and vacancies on the oxygen sublattice. The results indicate two defect domains: for low values of x, the predominant defect is Fe4+ ions, whereas for higher values of x, oxygen vacancies dominate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of the solid solution Nd0.7Sr0.3Fe1-xCoxO3 for 0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.8 were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeO3-type orthorhombic perovskite structure. The lattice parameters were determined at room temperature by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The pseudo-cubic lattice constant decreased continuously with x. The average linear thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) in the temperature range from 573 to 973 K was found to increase with x. The thermal expansion curves for all values of x displayed rapid increase in slope at high temperatures. The electrical conductivity increased with x for the entire temperature range of measurement. The calculated activation energy values indicate that electrical conduction takes place primarily by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The charge compensation for the divalent ion on the A-site is provided by the formation of Fe4+ ions on the B-site (in preference to Co4+ ions) and vacancies on the oxygen sublattice for low values of x. The large increase in the conductivity with x in the range from 0.6 to 0.8 is attributed to the substitution of Fe4+ ions by Co4+ ions. The Fe site has a lower small polaron site energy than Co and hence behaves like a carrier trap, thereby drastically reducing the conductivity. The non-linear behaviour in the dependence of log sigmaT with reciprocal temperature can be attributed to the generation of additional charge carriers with increasing temperature by the charge disproportionation of Co3+ ions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.