386 resultados para B and T Lymphocyte Attenuator


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A series of bile acid-based crown ethers (7a-c,12 and 13) were easily constructed from readily available precursors. Measurement of association constants (K-a) with alkali metal picrates in CHCl3 showed that azacrown ethers 7a-c and Chola-Cuowns 12 and 13 show greater binding towards Rb+ and K+. The presence of the aromatic moieties showed subtle changes in the binding properties. Insight II minimized structures show very different conformations of aromatic units in 7a-b and 13.


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Properties of cast aluminium matrix composites are greatly influenced by the nature of distribution of reinforcing phase in the matrix and matrix microstructural length scales, such as grain size, dendrite arm spacing, size and morphology of secondary matrix phases, etc. Earlier workers have shown that SIC reinforcements can act as heterogeneous nucleation sites for Si during solidification of Al-Si-SiC composites. The present study aims at a quantitative understanding of the effect of SiC reinforcements on secondary matrix phases, namely eutectic Si, during solidification of A356 Al-SiC composites. Effect of volume fraction of SiC particulate on size and shape of eutectic Si has been studied at different cooling rates. Results indicate that an increase in SiC volume fraction leads to a reduction in the size of eutectic Si and also changes its morphology from needle-like to equiaxed. This is attributed to the heterogeneous nucleation of eutectic Si on SiC particles. However, SiC particles are found to have negligible influence on DAS. Under all the solidification conditions studied in the present investigation, SiC particles are found to be rejected by the growing dendrites. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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ASTM D2303 standard provides a method for evaluating the tracking and erosion resistance of polymeric insulators under ac voltages. In this paper, the above method has been extended for evaluating the performance of the insulators under dc stresses. Tests were conducted on polymeric silicone rubber (SR) insulators under positive and negative dc stresses. Micron sized Alumina trihydrate (uATH) and nano sized Alumina (nALU) were used as fillers in SR matrix to improve the resistance to tracking and erosion. Results suggest that SR composites perform better under negative dc than under positive dc voltages. Eroded mass and leakage current data support the above result. Samples with low concentration of nano alumina fillers performed on par with the samples with large loadings of uATH.


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Receive antenna selection (AS) provides many benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In it, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas, which are required to determine the best subset for data reception, are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence. Consequently, they are outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is necessary and optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N , we highlight a new issue of ``training voids'', in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We then present new ``void-filling'' methods that exploit these voids and greatly improve the performance of AS. The optimal subset selection rules with void-filling, in which different antennas turn out to have different numbers of estimates, are also explicitly characterized. Closed-form equations for the symbol error probability with and without void-filling are also developed.


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The Walker sequence, GXXXXGKT, present in all the six subunits of F-1-ATPase exists in a folded form, known as phosphate-binding loop (P-loop). Analysis of the Ramachandran angles showed only small RMS deviation between the nucleotide-bound and nucleotide-free forms. This indicated a good overlap of the backbone loops. The catalytic beta-subunits (chains D, E and F) showed significant changes in the Ramachandran angles and the side chain torsion angles, but not the structural alpha-subunits (chains A, B and C). Most striking among these are the changes associated with Val160 and Gly161 corresponding to a flip in the peptide unit between them when a nucleotide is bound (chains D or F compared to nucleotide-free chain E). The conformational analysis further revealed a hitherto unnoticed hydrogen bond between amide-N of the flipped Gly161 and terminal phosphate-O of the nucleotide. This assigns a role for this conserved amino acid, otherwise ignored, of making an unusual direct interaction between the peptide backbone of the enzyme protein and the incoming nucleotide substrate. Significance of this interaction is enhanced, as it is limited only to the catalytic subunits, and also likely to involve a mechanical rotation of bonds of the peptide unit. Hopefully this is part of the overall events that link the chemical hydrolysis of ATP with the mechanical rotation of this molecule, now famous as tiny molecular motor.


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Dynamics of I*(P-2(1/2)) formation from CH2ICl dissociation has-been investigated at five different ultraviolet excitation wavelengths, e.g., 222, 236, 266, 280, and similar to304 nm. The quantum yield of I*((2)p(1/2)) production, phi*, has been measured by monitoring nascent I(P-2(3/2)) and I* concentrations using a resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization detection scheme. The measured quantum yield as a function of excitation energy follows the same trend as that of methyl iodide except at 236 run. The photodissociation dynamics of CH2ICl also involves three upper states similar to methyl iodide, and a qualitative correlation diagram has been constructed to account for the observed quantum yield. From the difference in behavior at 236 nm, it appears that the crossing region between the two excited states ((3)Q(0) and (1)Q(1)) is located near the exit valley away from the Franck Condon excitation region. The B- and C-band transitions do not participate in the dynamics, and the perturbation of the methyl iodide states due to Cl-I interaction is relatively weak at the photolysis wavelengths employed in this investigation.


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Previous studies have shown predominant association of G10P11 type bovine rotavirus-derived reassortant strains with asymptomatic infections in newborn children in India. To understand the epidemiological and genetic basis for the origin of these strains in humans, the relative frequencies of different serotypes among bovine rotaviruses (BRVs) isolated from southern, western and central regions of the country were determined by subgroup and serotype analysis as well as nucleotide (nt) sequence analysis of the genes encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7. Since the human G10P11 asymptomatic neonatal strain I321 possessed NSP1 from a human rotavirus, to determine its genetic origin in the bovine strains, comparative analysis of partial gene sequences from representative G10P11 strains was also carried out. The following observations were of great epidemiological significance, (i) G10P11 strains predominated in all the three regions with frequencies ranging between 55.6% and 85.2%. In contrast to the high prevalence of G6 strains in other countries, only one G6 strain was detected in this study and G8 strains represented 5.8% of the isolates, (ii) among the G10 strains, in serotyping ELISA, four patterns of reactivity were observed that appeared to correlate with the differences in electropherotypic patterns and amino acid (aa) sequence of the VP7, (iii) surprisingly, strains belonging to serotype G3 were detected more frequently (10.7%) than those of serotypes G6 and G8 combined, while strains representing the new serotype (G15) were observed in a single farm in Bangalore, and (iv) about 3.9% of the isolates were nontypeable as they exhibited high cross-reactivity to the serotyping MAbs used in the study. Comparative analysis of the VP7 gene sequence from the prototype G3 MAb-reactive bovine strain J63 revealed greatest sequence relatedness (87.6% nt and 96.0% aa) with that of serotype G3 rhesus-monkey strain RRV. It also exhibited high sequence homology with the VP7 from several animal and animal rotavirus-related human G3 strains (Simian SA11; equine ERV316 and FI-14. canine CU-1 and K9; porcine 4F; Feline Cat2 and human HCR3, YO and AU1). Partial nucleotide sequence analysis of the NSP1 gene of J63 showed greatest nt sequence homology (95.9%) to the NSP1 gene allele of the Indian G8 strain, isolated from a diarrheic child, which is likely to have been transmitted directly from cattle and 92.6% homology to that of the bovine G8 strain A5-10 suggesting the likely origin of J63 by gene reassortment between a bovine G8 strain and a G3 animal strain. Prevalence of G10P11 strains in cattle and G10P11 or P11 type reassortant strains in asymptomatic neonates as well as detection of G8P[1] strains in diarrheic children support our hypothesis for bidirectional transmission of rotaviruses between humans and cattle and origin of novel strains catalyzed by the age-old traditions and socio-economic conditions in India.


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The results of the studies on the effect of rare earth Nd doping on the phase formation behavior and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Pb-1.05(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) thin films are presented. The perovskite phase is obtained up to 5 at. % doping and beyond that pyrochlore phase was found to coexist with the perovskite phase in all the films. The transition temperature of undoped lead zirconate titanate (PZT) film was found to be reduced with Nd doping. The Nd doped films also exhibited typical relaxor-type behavior and a diffuse phase transition, similar to that observed in relaxor materials. The introduction of Nd into the PZT lattice probably introduces disorder in the B site of ABO(3) lattice, which causes the observed dielectric relaxation. Efforts were made to isolate the irreversible component contributions in low field dielectric and high field polarization switching behavior. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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In the present study, exfoliated graphene oxide (EGO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been used for the adsorption of various charged dyes such as methylene blue, methyl violet, rhodamine B, and orange G from aqueous solutions. EGO consists of single layer of graphite decorated with oxygen containing functional groups such as carboxyl, epoxy, ketone, and hydroxyl groups in its basal and edge planes. Consequently, the large negative charge density available in aqueous solutions helps in the effective adsorption of cationic dyes on EGO while the adsorption is negligible for anionic dyes. On the other hand, rGO that has high surface area does not possess as high a negative charge and is found to be very good adsorbent for anionic dyes. The adsorption process is followed using UV-Visible spectroscopy, while the material before and after adsorption has been characterized using physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques. Various isotherms have been used to fit the data, and kinetic parameters were evaluated. Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic data yield information on the interactions of dyes with the adsorbent. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Thermal decomposition of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) has been studied in the temperature range of 10501175 K behind reflected shock waves in a single pulse shock tube. The unimolecular elimination of HCl is found to be the major channel through which 1,2-DCE decomposes under these conditions. The rate constant for the unimolecular elimination of HCl from 1,2-dichloroethane is found to be 10(13.98+/-0.80) exp(-57.8+/-2.0/RT) s(-1), where the activation energy is given in kcal mol(-1) and is very close to that value for CH3CH2Cl (EC). Ab initio (HF and MP2) and DFT calculations have been carried out to find the activation barrier and the structure of the transition state for this reaction channel from both EC and 1,2-DCE. The preexponential factors calculated at various levels of theory (BF/6-311++G**, MP2/6-311++G**, and B3LYP/6-311++G**) are (approximate to10(15) s(-1)) significantly larger than the experimental results. If the torsional mode in the ground state is treated as free internal rotation the preexponential factors reduce significantly, giving excellent agreement with experimental values. The DFT results are in excellent (fortuitous?) agreement with the experimental value for activation energy for 1,2-DCE while the MP2 and HF results seem to overestimate the barrier. However, DFT results for EC is 4.5 kcal mol(-1) less than the previously reported experimental values. At all levels, theory predicts an increase in HCI elimination barrier on beta-Cl substitution on EC.


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This paper reports ab intio, DFT and transition state theory (TST) calculations on HF, HCI and CIF elimination reactions from CH2Cl-CH2F molecule. Both the ground state and the transition state for HX elimination reactions have been optimized at HF, MP2 and DFT calculations with 6-31G*, 6-31G** and 6-311++G** basis sets. In addition, CCSD(T) single point calculations were carried out with MP2/6-311++G** optimized geometry for more accurate determination of the energies of the minima and transition state, compared to the other methods employed here. Classical barriers are converted to Arrhenius activation energy by TST calculations for comparisons with experimental results. The pre-exponential factors, A, calculated at all levels of theory are significantly larger than the experimental values. For activation energy, E-a DFT gives good results for HF elimination, within 4-8 W mol(-1) from experimental values. None of the methods employed, including CCSD(T), give comparable results for HCI elimination reactions. However, rate constants calculated by CCSD(T) method are in very good agreement with experiment for HCI elimination and they are in reasonable agreement for HF elimination reactions. Due to the strong correlation between A and E., the rate constants could be fit to a lower A and E-a (as given by experimental fitting, corresponding to a tight TS) or to larger A and E-a (as given by high level ab initio calculations, corresponding to a loose TS). The barrier for CIF elimination is determined to be 607 U mol(-1) at HF level and it is unlikely to be important for CH2FCH2Cl. Results for other CH2X-CH2Y (X,Y = F/Cl) are included for comparison.


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In this work, the synthesis of an oligothiophene having a donor acceptor donor (D-A-D) chromophore with hydrogen bonding groups is described. The D-A-D molecule was demonstrated to self-organize via intermolecular H-bonding between barbituric acid units. Interactions between the oligothiophene subunits were also found to be important, affording nanoribbons that could be observed by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy. The applicability of the oligothiophene for organic electronic applications was investigated by fabricating organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) and organic photovoltaic devices. The OFET measurements yielded p-type mobility of 7 x 10(-7) cm(2)/(Vs), and when blended with C(60)-PCBM, the photovoltaic efficiency was observed to be 0.18%.


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Sandalwood is an economically important aromatic tree belonging to the family Santalaceae. The trees are used mainly for their fragrant heartwood and oil that have immense potential for foreign exchange. Very little information is available on the genetic diversity in this species. Hence studies were initiated and genetic diversity estimated using RAPD markers in 51 genotypes of Santalum album procured from different geographcial regions of India and three exotic lines of S. spicatum from Australia. Eleven selected Operon primers (10mer) generated a total of 156 consistent and unambiguous amplification products ranging from 200bp to 4kb. Rare and genotype specific bands were identified which could be effectively used to distinguish the genotypes. Genetic relationships within the genotypes were evaluated by generating a dissimilarity matrix based on Ward's method (Squared Euclidean distance). The phenetic dendrogram and the Principal Component Analysis generated, separated the 51 Indian genotypes from the three Australian lines. The cluster analysis indicated that sandalwood germplasm within India constitutes a broad genetic base with values of genetic dissimilarity ranging from 15 to 91 %. A core collection of 21 selected individuals revealed the same diversity of the entire population. The results show that RAPD analysis is an efficient marker technology for estimating genetic diversity and relatedness, thereby enabling the formulation of appropriate strategies for conservation, germplasm management, and selection of diverse parents for sandalwood improvement programmes.


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Conjugated polymers are intensively pursued as candidate materials for emission and detection devices with the optical range of interest determined by the chemical structure. On the other hand the optical range for emission and detection can also be tuned by size selection in semiconductor nanoclusters. The mechanisms for charge generation and separation upon optical excitation, and light emission are different for these systems. Hybrid systems based on these different class of materials reveal interesting electronic and optical properties and add further insight into the individual characteristics of the different components. Multilayer structures and blends of these materials on different substrates were prepared for absorption, photocurrent (Iph), photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminscence (EL) studies. Polymers chosen were derivatives of polythiophene (PT) and polyparaphenylenevinylene (PPV) along with nanoclusters of cadmium sulphide of average size 4.4 nm (CdS-44). The photocurrent spectral response in these systems followed the absorption response around the band edges for each of the components and revealed additional features, which depended on bias voltage, thickness of the layers and interfacial effects. The current-voltage curves showed multi-component features with emission varying for different regimes of voltage. The emission spectral response revealed additive features and is discussed in terms of excitonic mechanisms.


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In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has developed rapidly over the last decade. In particular, with the inclusion of scanning probes in TEM holders, allows both mechanical and electrical testing to be performed whilst simultaneously imaging the microstructure at high resolution. In-situ TEM nanoindentation and tensile experiments require only an axial displacement perpendicular to the test surface. However, here, through the development of a novel in-situ TEM triboprobe, other surface characterisation experiments are now possible, with the introduction of a fully programmable 3D positioning system. Programmable lateral displacement control allows scratch tests to be performed at high resolution with simultaneous imaging of the changing microstructure. With the addition of repeated cyclic movements, both nanoscale fatigue and friction experiments can also now be performed. We demonstrate a range of movement profiles for a variety of applications, in particular, lateral sliding wear. The developed NanoLAB TEM triboprobe also includes a new closed loop vision control system for intuitive control during positioning and alignment. It includes an automated online calibration to ensure that the fine piezotube is controlled accurately throughout any type of test. Both the 3D programmability and the closed loop vision feedback system are demonstrated here.