191 resultados para protein analysis


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Drought is the most crucial environmental factor that limits productivity of many crop plants. Exploring novel genes and gene combinations is of primary importance in plant drought tolerance research. Stress tolerant genotypes/species are known to express novel stress responsive genes with unique functional significance. Hence, identification and characterization of stress responsive genes from these tolerant species might be a reliable option to engineer the drought tolerance. Safflower has been found to be a relatively drought tolerant crop and thus, it has been the choice of study to characterize the genes expressed under drought stress. In the present study, we have evaluated differential drought tolerance of two cultivars of safflower namely, A1 and Nira using selective physiological marker traits and we have identified cultivar A1 as relatively drought tolerant. To identify the drought responsive genes, we have constructed a stress subtracted cDNA library from cultivar A1 following subtractive hybridization. Analysis of similar to 1,300 cDNA clones resulted in the identification of 667 unique drought responsive ESTs. Protein homology search revealed that 521 (78 %) out of 667 ESTs showed significant similarity to known sequences in the database and majority of them previously identified as drought stress-related genes and were found to be involved in a variety of cellular functions ranging from stress perception to cellular protection. Remaining 146 (22 %) ESTs were not homologous to known sequences in the database and therefore, they were considered to be unique and novel drought responsive genes of safflower. Since safflower is a stress-adapted oil-seed crop this observation has great relevance. In addition, to validate the differential expression of the identified genes, expression profiles of selected clones were analyzed using dot blot (reverse northern), and northern blot analysis. We showed that these clones were differentially expressed under different abiotic stress conditions. The implications of the analyzed genes in abiotic stress tolerance are discussed in our study.


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Background: Interaction of non-structural protein 5A (NS5A) of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) with human kinases namely, casein kinase 1 alpha (ck1 alpha) and protein kinase R (PKR) have different functional implications such as regulation of viral replication and evasion of interferon induced immune response respectively. Understanding the structural and molecular basis of interactions of the viral protein with two different human kinases can be useful in developing strategies for treatment against HCV. Results: Serine 232 of NS5A is known to be phosphorylated by human ck1 alpha. A structural model of NS5A peptide containing phosphoacceptor residue Serine 232 bound to ck1 alpha has been generated using the known 3-D structures of kinase-peptide complexes. The substrate interacting residues in ck1 alpha has been identified from the model and these are found to be conserved well in the ck1 family. ck1 alpha - substrate peptide complex has also been used to understand the structural basis of association between ck1 alpha and its other viral stress induced substrate, tumour suppressor p53 transactivation domain which has a crystal structure available. Interaction of NS5A with another human kinase PKR is primarily genotype specific. NS5A from genotype 1b has been shown to interact and inhibit PKR whereas NS5A from genotype 2a/3a are unable to bind and inhibit PKR efficiently. This is one of the main reasons for the varied response to interferon therapy in HCV patients across different genotypes. Using PKR crystal structure, sequence alignment and evolutionary trace analysis some of the critical residues responsible for the interaction of NS5A 1b with PKR have been identified. Conclusions: The substrate interacting residues in ck1 alpha have been identified using the structural model of kinase substrate peptide. The PKR interacting NS5A 1b residues have also been predicted using PKR crystal structure, NS5A sequence analysis along with known experimental results. Functional significance and nature of interaction of interferon sensitivity determining region and variable region 3 of NS5A in different genotypes with PKR which was experimentally shown are also supported by the findings of evolutionary trace analysis. Designing inhibitors to prevent this interaction could enable the HCV genotype 1 infected patients respond well to interferon therapy.


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Escherichia coli-mycobacterium shuttle vectors are important tools for gene expression and gene replacement in mycobacteria. However, most of the currently available vectors are limited in their use because of the lack of extended multiple cloning sites (MCSs) and convenience of appending an epitope tag(s) to the cloned open reading frames (ORFs). Here we report a new series of vectors that allow for the constitutive and regulatable expression of proteins, appended with peptide tag sequences at their N and C termini, respectively. The applicability of these vectors is demonstrated by the constitutive and induced expression of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis pknK gene, coding for protein kinase K, a serine-threonine protein kinase. Furthermore, a suicide plasmid with expanded MCS for creating gene replacements, a plasmid for chromosomal integrations at the commonly used L5 attB site, and a hypoxia-responsive vector, for expression of a gene(s) under hypoxic conditions that mimic latency, have also been created. Additionally, we have created a vector for the coexpression of two proteins controlled by two independent promoters, with each protein being in fusion with a different tag. The shuttle vectors developed in the present study are excellent tools for the analysis of gene function in mycobacteria and are a valuable addition to the existing repertoire of vectors for mycobacterial research.


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Background: Cotton leaf curl Kokhran Virus-Dabawali (CLCuKV-Dab) is a monopartite begomovirus encoding two proteins V1 and V2 in the virion sense and four proteins Cl, C2, C3 and C4 in the complementary sense. The C4 protein of monopartite begomoviruses has been implicated to play a role in symptom determination and virus movement. The present work aims at the biochemical characterization of this protein. Methods: The C4 protein of CLCuKV-Dab was purified in fusion with GST and tested for the ability to hydrolyze ATP and other phosphate containing compounds. ATPase activity was assayed by using radiolabeled gamma-32P]-ATP and separating the product of reaction by thin layer chromatography. The hydrolysis of other compounds was monitored by the formation of a blue colored phosphomolybdate complex which was estimated by measuring the absorbance at 655 nm. Results: The purified GST-C4 protein exhibited metal ion dependent ATPase and inorganic pyrophosphatase activities. Deletion of a sequence resembling the catalytic motif present in phosphotyrosine phosphatases resulted in 70% reduction in both the activities. Mutational analysis suggested arginine 13 to be catalytically important for the ATPase and cysteine 8 for the pyrophosphatase activity of GST-C4. Interaction of V2 with GST-C4 resulted in an increase in both the enzymatic activities of GST-C4. Conclusions: The residues important for the enzymatic activities of GST-C4 are present in a motif different from the classical Walker motifs and the non-classical ATP binding motifs reported so far. General significance: The C4 protein of CLCuKV-Dab, a putative natively unfolded protein, exhibits enzymatic activities.


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This research paper presents the first results on the protein adsorption and release kinetics and in vitro biodegradability of cryogenically cured hydroxyapatite-gelatin based micro/macroporous scaffolds (CHAMPS). While the adsorption and release of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein exhibits steady state behavior over an incubation period of up to 10 days, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis importantly confirms the absence of any change in the secondary structure of BSA proteins due to interaction with the CHAMPS scaffold. The compression properties of the CHAMPS scaffold with interconnected porosity (pore size similar to 50-200 mm) is characterized by a non-linear stress-strain response with a strength close to 5 MPa and a maximum strain of up to 24%. The slow but systematic increase in weight loss over a period of 7 days as well as apatite layer formation indicates its good bioactivity. The extensive micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) analysis establishes cancellous bone-like highly interconnected and complex porous architecture of the CHAMPS scaffold. Importantly, the excellent adsorption (up to 50%) and release (up to 60% of adsorbed protein) of BSA has been uniquely attributed to the inherent porous microstructure of the CHAMPS scaffold. Overall, the present study provides an assessment of the interaction of protein with the gelatin-hydroxyapatite macroporous scaffold in vitro, as well as reporting for the first time the efficacy of such scaffolds to release 60% of BSA loaded onto the scaffold in vitro, which is significantly higher than earlier literature reports.


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The cytological architecture of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a meiosis-specific proteinaceous structure, is evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes. However, little is known about the biochemical properties of SC components or the mechanisms underlying their roles in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination. Functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hop1, a key structural component of SC, has begun to reveal important insights into its function in interhomolog recombination. Previously, we showed that Hop1 is a structure-specific DNA-binding protein, exhibits higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction, and induces structural distortion at the core of the junction. Furthermore, Hop1 promotes DNA condensation and intra- and intermolecular synapsis between duplex DNA molecules. Here, we show that Hop1 possesses a modular domain organization, consisting of an intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain and a protease-resistant C-terminal domain (Hop1CTD). Furthermore, we found that Hop1CTD exhibits strong homotypic as well as heterotypic protein protein interactions, and its biochemical activities were similar to those of the full-length Hop1 protein. However, Hop1CTD failed to complement the meiotic recombination defects of the Delta hop1 strain, indicating that both N- and C-terminal domains of Hop1 are essential for meiosis and spore formation. Altogether, our findings reveal novel insights into the structure-function relationships of Hop1 and help to further our understanding of its role in meiotic chromosome synapsis and recombination.


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Network theory applied to protein structures provides insights into numerous problems of biological relevance. The explosion in structural data available from PDB and simulations establishes a need to introduce a standalone-efficient program that assembles network concepts/parameters under one hood in an automated manner. Herein, we discuss the development/application of an exhaustive, user-friendly, standalone program package named PSN-Ensemble, which can handle structural ensembles generated through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation/NMR studies or from multiple X-ray structures. The novelty in network construction lies in the explicit consideration of side-chain interactions among amino acids. The program evaluates network parameters dealing with topological organization and long-range allosteric communication. The introduction of a flexible weighing scheme in terms of residue pairwise cross-correlation/interaction energy in PSN-Ensemble brings in dynamical/chemical knowledge into the network representation. Also, the results are mapped on a graphical display of the structure, allowing an easy access of network analysis to a general biological community. The potential of PSN-Ensemble toward examining structural ensemble is exemplified using MD trajectories of an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UbcH5b). Furthermore, insights derived from network parameters evaluated using PSN-Ensemble for single-static structures of active/inactive states of 2-adrenergic receptor and the ternary tRNA complexes of tyrosyl tRNA synthetases (from organisms across kingdoms) are discussed. PSN-Ensemble is freely available from http://vishgraph.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/PSN-Ensemble/psn_index.html.


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The increasing number of available protein structures requires efficient tools for multiple structure comparison. Indeed, multiple structural alignments are essential for the analysis of function, evolution and architecture of protein structures. For this purpose, we proposed a new web server called multiple Protein Block Alignment (mulPBA). This server implements a method based on a structural alphabet to describe the backbone conformation of a protein chain in terms of dihedral angles. This sequence-like' representation enables the use of powerful sequence alignment methods for primary structure comparison, followed by an iterative refinement of the structural superposition. This approach yields alignments superior to most of the rigid-body alignment methods and highly comparable with the flexible structure comparison approaches. We implement this method in a web server designed to do multiple structure superimpositions from a set of structures given by the user. Outputs are given as both sequence alignment and superposed 3D structures visualized directly by static images generated by PyMol or through a Jmol applet allowing dynamic interaction. Multiple global quality measures are given. Relatedness between structures is indicated by a distance dendogram. Superimposed structures in PDB format can be also downloaded, and the results are quickly obtained. mulPBA server can be accessed at www.dsimb.inserm.fr/dsimb_tools/mulpba/.


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Insulin like growth factor binding protein 4 (IGFBP4) regulates growth and development of tissues and organs by negatively regulating IGF signaling. Among most cancers, IGFBP4 has growth inhibitory role and reported as a down-regulated gene, except for renal cell carcinoma, wherein IGFBP4 promotes tumor progression. IGFBP4 expression has been shown to be higher in increasing grades of astrocytoma. However, the functional role of IGFBP4 in gliomas has not been explored. Surgical biopsies of 20 normal brain and 198 astrocytoma samples were analyzed for IGFBP4 expression by qRT-PCR. Highest expression of IGFBP4 mRNA was seen in GBM tumors compared to control brain tissues (median log2 of 2.035, p < 0.0001). Immunohistochemical analysis of 53 tissue samples revealed predominant nuclear staining of IGFBP4, seen maximally in GBMs when compared to DA and AA tumors (median LI = 29.12 +/- A 16.943, p < 0.001). Over expression of IGFBP4 in U343 glioma cells resulted in up-regulation of molecules involved in tumor growth, EMT and invasion such as pAkt, pErk, Vimentin, and N-cadherin and down-regulation of E-cadherin. Functionally, IGFBP4 over expression in these cells resulted in increased proliferation, migration and invasion as assessed by MTT, transwell migration, and Matrigel invasion assays. These findings were confirmed upon IGFBP4 knockdown in U251 glioma cells. Our data suggest a pro-tumorigenic role for IGFBP4 in glioma.


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The Wilms tumor 1 gene (WT1) can either repress or induce the expression of genes. Inconsistent with its tumor suppressor role, elevated WT1 levels have been observed in leukemia and solid tumors. WT1 has also been suggested to act as an oncogene by inducing the expression of MYC and BCL-2. However, these are only the correlational studies, and no functional study has been performed to date. Consistent with its tumor suppressor role, CDC73 binds to RNA polymerase II as part of a PAF1 transcriptional regulatory complex and causes transcriptional repression of oncogenes MYC and CCND1. It also represses beta-catenin-mediated transcription. Based on the reduced level of CDC73 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) samples in the absence of loss-of-heterozygosity, promoter methylation, and mutations, we speculated that an inhibitory transcription factor is regulating its expression. The bioinformatics analysis predicted WT1 as an inhibitory transcription factor to regulate the CDC73 level. Our results showed that overexpression of WT1 decreased CDC73 levels and promoted proliferation of OSCC cells. ChIP and EMSA results demonstrated binding of WT1 to the CDC73 promoter. The 5-azacytidine treatment of OSCC cells led to an up-regulation of WT1 with a concomitant down-regulation of CDC73, further suggesting regulation of CDC73 by WT1. Exogenous CDC73 attenuated the protumorigenic activity of WT1 by apoptosis induction. An inverse correlation between expression levels of CDC73 and WT1 was observed in OSCC samples. These observations indicated that WT1 functions as an oncogene by repressing the expression of CDC73 in OSCC. We suggest that targeting WT1 could be a therapeutic strategy for cancer, including OSCC.


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Tobacco streak virus (TSV), a member of the genus Ilarvirus (family Bromoviridae), has a tripartite genome and forms quasi-isometric virions. All three viral capsids, encapsidating RNA 1, RNA 2 or RNA 3 and subgenomic RNA 4, are constituted of a single species of coat protein (CP). Formation of virus-like particles (VLPs) could be observed when the TSV CP gene was cloned and the recombinant CP (rCP) was expressed in E. coli. TSV VLPs were found to be stabilized by Zn2+ ions and could be disassembled in the presence of 500 mM CaCl2. Mutational analysis corroborated previous studies that showed that an N-terminal arginine-rich motif was crucial for RNA binding; however, the results presented here demonstrate that the presence of RNA is not a prerequisite for assembly of TSV VLPs. Instead, the N-terminal region containing the zinc finger domain preceding the arginine-rich motif is essential for assembly of these VLPs.


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Mitochondria have a central role in the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis and involve activation of several transmembrane channels leading to release of death factors. Reduced expression of a mitochondrial J-protein DnaJC15 was associated with the development of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer cells. DnaJC15 was found to be a part of mitochondrial protein-transport machinery, though its connection with cell death mechanisms is still unclear. In the present study, we have provided evidence towards a novel function of DnaJC15 in regulation of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) complex in normal and cancer cells. Overexpression of DnaJC15 resulted in MPTP opening and induction of apoptosis, whereas reduced amount of protein suppressed MPTP activation, upon cisplatin treatment. DnaJC15 was found to exert its proapoptotic function through the essential component of MPTP, cyclophilin D (CypD). Our results reveal a specific role of DnaJC15 in recruitment and coupling of CypD with mitochondrial permeability transition. In summary, our analysis provides first-time insights on the functional connection between mitochondrial inner membrane protein translocation machinery-associated J-protein DnaJC15 and regulation of cell death pathways.


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Background: Heat shock factor binding protein (HSBP) was originally discovered in a yeast two-hybrid screen as an interacting partner of heat shock factor (HSF). It appears to be conserved in all eukaryotes studied so far, with yeast being the only exception. Cell biological analysis of HSBP in mammals suggests its role as a negative regulator of heat shock response as it appears to interact with HSF only during the recovery phase following exposure to heat stress. While the identification of HSF in the malaria parasite is still eluding biologists, this study for the first time, reports the presence of a homologue of HSBP in Plasmodium falciparum. Methods: PfHSBP was cloned and purified as his-tag fusion protein. CD (Circular dichroism) spectroscopy was performed to predict the secondary structure. Immunoblots and immunofluorescence approaches were used to study expression and localization of HSBP in P. falciparum. Cellular fractionation was performed to examine subcellular distribution of PfHSBP. Immunoprecipitation was carried out to identify HSBP interacting partner in P. falciparum. Results: PfHSBP is a conserved protein with a high helical content and has a propensity to form homo-oligomers. PfHSBP was cloned, expressed and purified. The in vivo protein expression profile shows maximal expression in trophozoites. The protein was found to exist in oligomeric form as trimer and hexamer. PfHSBP is predominantly localized in the parasite cytosol, however, upon heat shock, it translocates to the nucleus. This study also reports the interaction of PfHSBP with PfHSP70-1 in the cytoplasm of the parasite. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the structural and biochemical conservation of PfHSBP with its mammalian counterpart and highlights its potential role in regulation of heat shock response in the malaria parasite. Analysis of HSBP may be an important step towards identification of the transcription factor regulating the heat shock response in P. falciparum.


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Knowledge of protein-ligand interactions is essential to understand several biological processes and important for applications ranging from understanding protein function to drug discovery and protein engineering. Here, we describe an algorithm for the comparison of three-dimensional ligand-binding sites in protein structures. A previously described algorithm, PocketMatch (version 1.0) is optimised, expanded, and MPI-enabled for parallel execution. PocketMatch (version 2.0) rapidly quantifies binding-site similarity based on structural descriptors such as residue nature and interatomic distances. Atomic-scale alignments may also be obtained from amino acid residue pairings generated. It allows an end-user to compute database-wide, all-to-all comparisons in a matter of hours. The use of our algorithm on a sample dataset, performance-analysis, and annotated source code is also included.


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High conservation of glycyl residues in homologous proteins is fairly frequent. It is commonly understood that glycine tends to be highly conserved either because of its unique Ramachandran angles or to avoid steric clash that would arise with a larger side chain. Using a database of aligned 3D structures of homologous proteins we identified conserved Gly in 288 alignment positions from 85 families. Ninety-six of these alignment positions correspond to conserved Gly residue with (phi, ) values allowed for non-glycyl residues. Reasons for this observation were investigated by in-silico mutation of these glycyl residues to Ala. We found in 94% of the cases a short contact exists between the C atom of the introduced Ala with the atoms which are often distant in the primary structure. This suggests the lack of space even for a short side chain thereby explaining high conservation of glycyl residues even when they adopt (phi, ) values allowed for Ala. In 189 alignment positions, the conserved glycyl residues adopt (phi, ) values which are disallowed for Ala. In-silico mutation of these Gly residues to Ala almost always results in steric hindrance involving C atom of Ala as one would expect by comparing Ramachandran maps for Ala and Gly. Rare occurrence of the disallowed glycyl conformations even in ultrahigh resolution protein structures are accompanied by short contacts in the crystal structures and such disallowed conformations are not conserved in the homologues. These observations raise the doubt on the accuracy of such glycyl conformations in proteins.