163 resultados para nuclear magnetic resonance


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The standard method of quantum state tomography (QST) relies on the measurement of a set of noncommuting observables, realized in a series of independent experiments. Ancilla-assisted QST (AAQST) proposed by Nieuwenhuizen and co-workers Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 120402 (2004)] greatly reduces the number of independent measurements by exploiting an ancilla register in a known initial state. In suitable conditions AAQST allows mapping out density matrix of an input register in a single experiment. Here we describe methods for explicit construction of AAQST experiments in multiqubit registers. We also report nuclear magnetic resonance studies on AAQST of (i) a two-qubit input register using a one-qubit ancilla in an isotropic liquid-state system and (ii) a three-qubit input register using a two-qubit ancilla register in a partially oriented system. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of AAQST in such multiqubit registers.


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We report a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, which simulates the quantum transverse Ising spin system in a triangular configuration, and further demonstrate that multipartite quantum correlations can be used to distinguish between the frustrated and the nonfrustrated regimes in the ground state of this system. Adiabatic state preparation methods are used to prepare the ground states of the spin system. We employ two different multipartite quantum correlation measures to analyze the experimental ground state of the system in both the frustrated and the nonfrustrated regimes. As expected from theoretical predictions, the experimental data confirm that the nonfrustrated regime shows higher multipartite quantum correlations compared to the frustrated one.


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FT-IR (4000-400 cm(-1)) and FT-Raman (4000-200 cm(-1)) spectral measurements on solid 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (2,6-DCBN) have been done. The molecular geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies and bonding features in the ground state have been calculated by density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-311++G (d,p) level. A comparison between the calculated and the experimental results covering the molecular structure has been made. The assignments of the fundamental vibrational modes have been done on the basis of the potential energy distribution (PED). To investigate the influence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding on the geometry, the charge distribution and the vibrational spectrum of 2,6-DCBN; calculations have been done for the monomer as well as the tetramer. The intermolecular interaction energies corrected for basis set superposition error (BSSE) have been calculated using counterpoise method. Based on these results, the correlations between the vibrational modes and the structure of the tetramer have been discussed. Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) contour map has been plotted in order to predict how different geometries could interact. The Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis has been done for the chemical interpretation of hyperconjugative interactions and electron density transfer between occupied (bonding or lone pair) orbitals to unoccupied (antibonding or Rydberg) orbitals. UV spectrum was measured in methanol solution. The energies and oscillator strengths were calculated by Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) and matched to the experimental findings. TD-DFT method has also been used for theoretically studying the hydrogen bonding dynamics by monitoring the spectral shifts of some characteristic vibrational modes involved in the formation of hydrogen bonds in the ground and the first excited state. The C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts of the molecule were calculated by the Gauge independent atomic orbital (GIAO) method and compared with experimental results. Standard thermodynamic functions have been obtained and changes in thermodynamic properties on going from monomer to tetramer have been presented. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experimental quantum simulation of a Hamiltonian H requires unitary operator decomposition (UOD) of its evolution unitary U = exp(-iHt) in terms of native unitary operators of the experimental system. Here, using a genetic algorithm, we numerically evaluate the most generic UOD (valid over a continuous range of Hamiltonian parameters) of the unitary operator U, termed fidelity-profile optimization. The optimization is obtained by systematically evaluating the functional dependence of experimental unitary operators (such as single-qubit rotations and time-evolution unitaries of the system interactions) to the Hamiltonian (H) parameters. Using this technique, we have solved the experimental unitary decomposition of a controlled-phase gate (for any phase value), the evolution unitary of the Heisenberg XY interaction, and simulation of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction in the presence of the Heisenberg XY interaction. Using these decompositions, we studied the entanglement dynamics of a Bell state in the DM interaction and experimentally verified the entanglement preservation procedure of Hou et al. Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 327, 292 (2012)] in a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor.


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Objectives Based on previous screening results, the cytotoxic effect of the hexane (JDH) and ethyl acetate extracts (JDE) of the marine sponge Jaspis diastra were evaluated on HeLa cells and the present study aimed at determining their possible mechanism of cell death. Methods Nuclear staining, membrane potential change, flow cytometry analysis of cell cycle distribution and annexin V staining were undertaken to investigate the effects of JDE and JDH. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance were used to characterize an isolated bioactive molecule. Key findings JDE displayed an IC50 25 times more significant than the JDH. Flow cytometry analysis revealed JDE induced apoptosis in HeLa cells accompanied by the collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential. Fractionation of JDE resulted in the isolation of the known cytotoxic cyclodepsipeptide, Jaspamide. Conclusions Taking our results together suggest that JDE can be valuable for the development of anticancer drugs, especially for cervical cancer. Further investigations are currently in progress with the aim to determine and isolate other bioactive compounds from this extract.


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Inference of molecular function of proteins is the fundamental task in the quest for understanding cellular processes. The task is getting increasingly difficult with thousands of new proteins discovered each day. The difficulty arises primarily due to lack of high-throughput experimental technique for assessing protein molecular function, a lacunae that computational approaches are trying hard to fill. The latter too faces a major bottleneck in absence of clear evidence based on evolutionary information. Here we propose a de novo approach to annotate protein molecular function through structural dynamics match for a pair of segments from two dissimilar proteins, which may share even <10% sequence identity. To screen these matches, corresponding 1 mu s coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics trajectories were used to compute normalized root-mean-square-fluctuation graphs and select mobile segments, which were, thereafter, matched for all pairs using unweighted three-dimensional autocorrelation vectors. Our in-house custom-built forcefield (FF), extensively validated against dynamics information obtained from experimental nuclear magnetic resonance data, was specifically used to generate the CG dynamics trajectories. The test for correspondence of dynamics-signature of protein segments and function revealed 87% true positive rate and 93.5% true negative rate, on a dataset of 60 experimentally validated proteins, including moonlighting proteins and those with novel functional motifs. A random test against 315 unique fold/function proteins for a negative test gave >99% true recall. A blind prediction on a novel protein appears consistent with additional evidences retrieved therein. This is the first proof-of-principle of generalized use of structural dynamics for inferring protein molecular function leveraging our custom-made CG FF, useful to all. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with average sizes of 14, 9 and 6 nm were synthesised by the chemical co-precipitation technique. Average particle sizes were varied by changing the chitosan surfactant to precursor molar ratio in the reaction mixture. Transmission electron microscopy images revealed a faceted and irregular morphology for the as-synthesised nanoparticles. Magnetic measurements revealed a ferromagnetic nature for the 14 and 9 nm particles and a superparamagnetic nature for the 6 nm particles. An increase in saturation magnetisation with increasing particle size was noted. Relaxivity measurements were carried out to determine T-2 value as a function of particle size using nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. The relaxivity coefficient increased with decrease in particle size and decrease in the saturation magnetisation value. The observed trend in the change of relaxivity value with particle size was attributed to the faceted nature of as-synthesised nanoparticles. Faceted morphology results in the creation of high gradient of magnetic field in the regions adjacent to the facet edges increasing the relaxivity value. The effect of edges in increasing the relaxivity value increases with decrease in the particle size because of an increase in the total number of edges per particle dispersion.


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We report a direct correlation between dissimilar ion pair formation and alkali ion transport in soda-lime silicate glasses established via broad band conductivity spectroscopy and local structural probe techniques. The combined Raman and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques on these glasses reveal the coexistence of different anionic species and the prevalence of Na+-Ca2+ dissimilar pairs as well as their distributions. The spectroscopic results further confirm the formation of dissimilar pairs atomistically, where it increases with increasing alkaline-earth oxide content These results, are the manifestation of local structural changes in the silicate network with composition which give rise to different environments into which the alkali ions hop. The Na+ ion mobility varies inversely with dissimilar pair formation, i.e. it decreases with increase of non-random formation of dissimilar pairs. Remarkably, we found that increased degree of non-randomness leads to temperature dependent variation in number density of sodium ions. Furthermore, the present study provides the strong link between the dynamics of the alkali ions and different sites associated with it in soda-lime silicate glasses. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydroxyl terminated azide binders can undergo a spurious reaction with diisocyanates to form tetrazoline-5-one via an inter molecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction apart from urethane/allophanate groups which has been overlooked. This has serious implications on solid propellants. The computed activation barrier using density functional theory (DFT) for urethane formation reaction is 28.4 kJ mol(-1) and that for tetrazoline-5-one formation reaction is 108.0 kJ mol(-1). DFT studies reveal that the rate limiting step of the reaction is 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azide and isocyanate. A dual cure was observed in the temperature ranges 42-77 degrees C and 78-146 degrees C by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rheological studies, confirming multiple reactions. Tetrazoline-5-one formation was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).


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The genome of Leishmania major encodes a type II fatty acid biosynthesis pathway for which no structural or biochemical information exists. Here, for the first time, we have characterized the central player of the pathway, the acyl carrier protein (LmACP), using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Structurally, the LmACP molecule is similar to other type II ACPs, comprising a four-helix bundle, enclosing a hydrophobic core. Dissimilarities in sequence, however, exist in helix II (recognition helix) of the protein. The enzymatic conversion of apo-LmACP into the holo form using type I (Escherichia coli AcpS) and type II (Sfp type) phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTs) is relatively slow. Mutagenesis studies underscore the importance of the residues present at the protein protein interaction interface of LmACP in modulating the activity of PPTs. Interestingly, the cognate PPT for this ACP, the L. major 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase (LmPPT), does not show any enzymatic activity toward it, though it readily converts other type I and type II ACPs into their holo forms. NMR chemical shift perturbation studies suggest a moderately tight complex between LmACP and its cognate PPT, suggesting inhibition. We surmise that the unique surface of LmACP might have evolved to complement its cognate enzyme (LmPPT), possibly for the purpose of regulation.


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Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are related to different aspects of diseases like pathogenesis, diagnosis and even prognosis. While in some diseases, levels of all the BCAAs are perturbed; in some cases, perturbation occurs in one or two while the rest remain unaltered. In case of ischemic heart disease, there is an enhanced level of plasma leucine and isoleucine but valine level remains unaltered. In `Hypervalinemia', valine is elevated in serum and urine, but not leucine and isoleucine. Therefore, identification of these metabolites and profiling of individual BCAA in a quantitative manner in body-fluid like blood plasma/serum have long been in demand. H-1 NMR resonances of the BCAAs overlap with each other which complicates quantification of individual BCAAs. Further, the situation is limited by the overlap of broad resonances of lipoprotein with the resonances of BCAAs. The widely used commercially available kits cannot differentially estimate the BCAAs. Here, we have achieved proper identification and characterization of these BCAAs in serum in a quantitative manner employing a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-based technique namely T-2-edited Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY). This approach can easily be extended to other body fluids like bile, follicular fluids, saliva, etc.


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Andrographis lineata is an herbal medicinal plant used in traditional medicine as a substitute for Andrographis paniculata. Here, using mature leaf explants of A. lineata we demonstrate for the first time the callus induction established on MS medium containing 1.0 mg l(-1) IAA. Dried callus was subjected to solvent extraction with acetone. Further the acetone residue was separated by silica gel column chromatography, crystallized and characterized on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (proton and c13) and liquid chromatographic mass spectroscopy. This analysis revealed the occurrence of two known flavones namely, 7-O-methylwogonin (MW) and Echioidinin (ED). Furthermore, these compounds were tested for their cytotoxicity against leukemic cell line, CEM. We identify that ED and MW induced cytotoxicity in a time-and concentration-dependent manner. Further increase in the LDH release upon treatment with ED and MW further confirmed our cytotoxicity results against leukemic cell line. Strikingly, MW was more potent than ED when compared by trypan blue and MTT assays. Our results recapitulate the utility of callus cultures for the production of plant specific bioactive secondary metabolites instead of using wild plants. Together, our in vitro studies provide new insights of A. lineata callus cultures serving as a source for cancer chemotherapeutic agents.


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Quantum ensembles form easily accessible architectures for studying various phenomena in quantum physics, quantum information science and spectroscopy. Here we review some recent protocols for measurements in quantum ensembles by utilizing ancillary systems. We also illustrate these protocols experimentally via nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. In particular, we shall review noninvasive measurements, extracting expectation values of various operators, characterizations of quantum states and quantum processes, and finally quantum noise engineering.