390 resultados para liquid nitrogen(LN2)


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The proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectra of mixtures of liquid crystals with opposite diamagnetic anisotropies have been studied in the natural abundance of 13C. A new method to assign the spectral lines to specific carbons in the liquid crystalline phase has been developed. For this purpose, the assignments of lines in the isotropic media are required, and they were obtained from two-dimensional hetero-COSY experiments. From the spectra in the �critical� mixtures where both the orientations of the liquid crystal directors, with the alignments along and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, �coexist,� the 13C chemical-shift anisotropies have been determined, assuming uniaxial symmetry.


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We study the elasticity, topological defects, and hydrodynamics of the recently discovered incommensurate smectic (AIC) phase, characterized by two collinear mass density waves of incommensurate spatial frequency. The low-energy long-wavelength excitations of the system can be described by a displacement field u(x) and a ��phason�� field w(x) associated, respectively, with collective and relative motion of the two constituent density waves. We formulate the elastic free energy in terms of these two variables and find that when w=0, its functional dependence on u is identical to that of a conventional smectic liquid crystal, while when u=0, its functional dependence on w is the same as that for the angle variable in a slightly anisotropic XY model. An arbitrariness in the definition of u and w allows a choice that eliminates all relevant couplings between them in the long-wavelength elastic energy. The topological defects of the system are dislocations with nonzero u and w components. We introduce a two-dimensional Burgers lattice for these dislocations, and compute the interaction between them. This has two parts: one arising from the u field that is short ranged and identical to the interaction between dislocations in an ordinary smectic liquid crystal, and one arising from the w field that is long ranged and identical to the logarithmic interaction between vortices in an XY model. The hydrodynamic modes of the AIC include first- and second-sound modes whose direction-dependent velocities are identical to those in ordinary smectics. The sound attenuations have a different direction dependence, however. The breakdown of hydrodynamics found in conventional smectic liquid crystals, with three of the five viscosities diverging as 1/? at small frequencies ?, occurs in these systems as well and is identical in all its details. In addition, there is a diffusive phason mode, not found in ordinary smectic liquid crystals, that leads to anomalously slow mechanical response analogous to that predicted in quasicrystals, but on a far more experimentally accessible time scale.


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The behavior of electrical resistivity in the critical region of three polar + nonpolar binary liquid systems CS2 +(CH3CO)2O, C6H12+(CH3CO)2O, and n‐C7H16+(CH3CO)2O is studied. For the mixtures with critical composition, the two phase region shows a conductivity behavior with σ1−σ2∼ (−ϵ)β with β?0.35. In the one phase region dR/dT has a singularity ϵ−b with b?0.35. A possible theory of the impurity conduction is given, which broadly explains these results. The possibility of dR/dT being positive or negative is also discussed.


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The regular associated solution model for binary systems has been modified by incorporating the size of the complex as an explicit variable. The thermodynamic properties of the liquid alloy and the interactions between theA ?B type of complex and the unassociated atoms in anA-B binary have been evaluated as a function of relative size of the complex using the activity coefficients at infinite dilution and activity data at one other composition in the binary. The computational procedure adopted for determining the concentration of clusters and interaction energies in the associated liquid is similar to that proposed by Lele and Rao. The analysis has been applied to the thermodynamic mixing functions of liquid Al-Ca alloys believed to contain Al2Ca associates. It is found that the size of the cluster significantly affects the interaction energies between the complex and the unassociated atoms, while the equilibrium constant and enthalpy change for the association reaction exhibit only minor variation, when the equations are fitted to experimental data. The interaction energy between unassociated free atoms remains virtually unaltered as the size of the complex is varied between extreme values. Accurate data on free energy, enthalpy, and volume of mixing at the same temperature on alloy systems with compound forming tendency would permit a rigorous test of the proposed model.


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The critical resistivity in the binary liquid systems n-C7H16 + CH3OH and CS2 + CH3NO2 is measured from 10 Hz to 100 kHz. There is no noticeable effect of the frequency on the resistivity singularities. Thus any contribution from dielectric dispersion is not appreciable.


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A microscopic expression for the frequency and wave vector dependent dielectric constant of a dense dipolar liquid is derived starting from the linear response theory. The new expression properly takes into account the effects of the translational modes in the polarization relaxation. The longitudinal and the transverse components of the dielectric constant show vastly different behavior at the intermediate values of the wave vector k. We find that the microscopic structure of the dense liquid plays an important role at intermediate wave vectors. The continuum model description of the dielectric constant, although appropriate at very small values of wave vector, breaks down completely at the intermediate values of k. Numerical results for the longitudinal and the transverse dielectric constants are obtained by using the direct correlation function from the mean‐spherical approximation for dipolar hard spheres. We show that our results are consistent with all the limiting expressions known for the dielectric function of matter.


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Preparation of semisolid slurry using a cooling slope is increasingly becoming popular, primarily because of the simplicity in design and ease control of the process. In this process, liquid alloy is poured down an inclined surface which is cooled from underneath. The cooling enables partial solidification and the incline provides the necessary shear for producing semisolid slurry. However, the final microstructure of the ingot depends on several process parameters such as cooling rate, incline angle of the cooling slope, length of the slope and initial melt superheat. In this work, a CFD model using volume of fluid (VOF) method for simulating flow along the cooling slope was presented. Equations for conservation of mass, momentum, energy and species were solved to predict hydrodynamic and thermal behavior, in addition to predicting solid fraction distribution and macrosegregation. Solidification was modeled using an enthalpy approach and a volume averaged technique for the different phases. The mushy region was modeled as a multi-layered porous medium consisting of fixed columnar dendrites and mobile equiaxed/fragmented grains. The alloy chosen for the study was aluminum alloy A356, for which adequate experimental data were available in the literature. The effects of two key process parameters, namely the slope angle and the pouring temperature, on temperature distribution, velocity distribution and macrosegregation were also studied.


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The polarization properties of a twisted nematic liquid crystal display (TNLCD) are studied experimentally with the aim of using it as a wavelength selector. The output of a white LED is split into its constituent wavelengths with a resolution of 2-5 nm in proportion to a voltage applied to the TNLCD. The feasibility of employing the display as a wavelength selector in visible spectrometers is demonstrated. A simple inexpensive design of a spectrometer built around an LED and a TNLCD is suggested.


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In the present work the integral diffusion coefficients are estimated by using the diaphragm cell technique. The diffusion coefficients are measured at various compositions for two sets binary systems: one of cyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols and the other of methylcyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols. The alcohols used are seven members of homologous series of n-paraffinic alcohols from ethanol to octanol. The maximum possible error in the experimental diffusion coefficient could be 8% for both the cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system. A correlation for each of the two sets of binary systems is given. The maximum deviation in the correlations was less than 6.5 and 3.5% for cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols, respectively.


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On the basis of N(1s) core-level spectroscopic studies, it is found that nitrogen interacts with multimolecular films of C60. More interestingly, mass spectrometric studies show that contact-arc vaporization of graphite in a partial atmosphere of N2 or NH3 yields nitrogenous products tentatively assigned to species such as C70N2, C59N6, C59N4, and C59N2 involving addition of or substitution by nitrogen along with the species due to C2 and C4 losses.


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A molecular theory of dielectric relaxation in a dense binary dipolar liquid is presented. The theory takes into account the effects of intra- and interspecies intermolecular interactions. It is shown that the relaxation is, in general, nonexponential. In certain limits, we recover the biexponential form traditionally used to analyze the experimental data of dielectric relaxation in a binary mixture. However, the relaxation times are widely different from the prediction of the noninteracting rotational diffusion model of Debye for a binary system. Detailed numerical evaluation of the frequency-dependent dielectric function epsilon-(omega) is carried out by using the known analytic solution of the mean spherical approximation (MSA) model for the two-particle direct correlation function for a polar mixture. A microscopic expression for both wave vector (k) and frequency (omega) dependent dielectric function, epsilon-(k,omega), of a binary mixture is also presented. The theoretical predictions on epsilon-(omega) (= epsilon-(k = 0, omega)) have been compared with the available experimental results. In particular, the present theory offers a molecular explanation of the phenomenon of fusing of the two relaxation channels of the neat liquids, observed by Schallamach many years ago.


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The mutual diffusion coefficients for binary liquid systems of benzene-n-alkyl alcohol at various compositions have been determined by the diaphragm cell method at 28-degrees-C. The alcohols used were the members of n-paraffinic alcohols ranging from C1 to C8. The maximum possible experimental error is 14%. The data were fitted with a generalized correlation, giving the deviation from the experimental data to within 2.75%, on average.


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The nature of the chemisorbed states of nitrogen on various transition metal surfaces is discussed comprehensively on the basis of the results of electron spectroscopic investigations augmented by those from other techniques such as LEED and thermal desorption. A brief discussion of the photoemission spectra of free N2, a comparison of adsorbed N2 and CO as well as of physisorption of N2 on metal surfaces is also presented. We discuss the chemisorption of N2 on the surfaces of certain metals (e.g. Ni, Fe, Ru and W) in some detail, paying considerable attention to the effect of electropositive and electronegative surface modifiers. Features of the various chemisorbed states (one or more weakly chemisorbed gamma-states, strongly chemisorbed alpha-states with bond orders between 1 and 2. and dissociative chemisorbed beta-states) on different surfaces are described and relations between them indicated. While the gamma-state could be a precursor of the alpha-state, the alpha-state could be the precursor of the beta-state and this kind of information is of direct relevance to ammonia synthesis. The nature of adsorption of N2 on the surfaces of some metals (e.g. Cr, Co) deserves further study and such investigations might as well suggest alternative catalysts for ammonia synthesis.


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Reaction of 6-quinolinol with formaldehyde and sodium sulphite gives the bisquinolinol (1b). Similar reaction of 6-quinolinol with sodium 2-hydroxy1-naphthylmethanesulphonate gives 1c. Oxidation of 1b with K3Fe(CN)6 or KOBr gives the spiroquinolinone 2b, while oxidation of 1c with K3Fe(CN)6 results in the formation of spirodienones 2c and 2d, and the dispiroketones 7b and 7c. Oxidation of 1c with DDQ, however, results in only the spirodienones 2c and 2d. The spirodienone 2d and the bromospiroquinolinone 2e are formed in the reaction of 1c with KOBr.