166 resultados para fault-tolerant scheduling


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We consider the problem of ``fair'' scheduling the resources to one of the many mobile stations by a centrally controlled base station (BS). The BS is the only entity taking decisions in this framework based on truthful information from the mobiles on their radio channel. We study the well-known family of parametric alpha-fair scheduling problems from a game-theoretic perspective in which some of the mobiles may be noncooperative. We first show that if the BS is unaware of the noncooperative behavior from the mobiles, the noncooperative mobiles become successful in snatching the resources from the other cooperative mobiles, resulting in unfair allocations. If the BS is aware of the noncooperative mobiles, a new game arises with BS as an additional player. It can then do better by neglecting the signals from the noncooperative mobiles. The BS, however, becomes successful in eliciting the truthful signals from the mobiles only when it uses additional information (signal statistics). This new policy along with the truthful signals from mobiles forms a Nash equilibrium (NE) that we call a Truth Revealing Equilibrium. Finally, we propose new iterative algorithms to implement fair scheduling policies that robustify the otherwise nonrobust (in presence of noncooperation) alpha-fair scheduling algorithms.


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The evolution of deformation texture in a Ni-60Co alloy with low stacking fault energy and a grain size in the nanometre range has been investigated. The analyses of texture and microstructure suggest different mechanisms of deformation in nanocrystalline as compared to microcrystalline Ni-60Co alloy. In nanocrystalline material, the mechanism responsible for texture formation has been identified as partial slip, whereas in microcrystalline material, a characteristic texture forms due to twinning and shear banding.


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In this paper, we consider an intrusion detection application for Wireless Sensor Networks. We study the problem of scheduling the sleep times of the individual sensors, where the objective is to maximize the network lifetime while keeping the tracking error to a minimum. We formulate this problem as a partially-observable Markov decision process (POMDP) with continuous stateaction spaces, in a manner similar to Fuemmeler and Veeravalli (IEEE Trans Signal Process 56(5), 2091-2101, 2008). However, unlike their formulation, we consider infinite horizon discounted and average cost objectives as performance criteria. For each criterion, we propose a convergent on-policy Q-learning algorithm that operates on two timescales, while employing function approximation. Feature-based representations and function approximation is necessary to handle the curse of dimensionality associated with the underlying POMDP. Our proposed algorithm incorporates a policy gradient update using a one-simulation simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation estimate on the faster timescale, while the Q-value parameter (arising from a linear function approximation architecture for the Q-values) is updated in an on-policy temporal difference algorithm-like fashion on the slower timescale. The feature selection scheme employed in each of our algorithms manages the energy and tracking components in a manner that assists the search for the optimal sleep-scheduling policy. For the sake of comparison, in both discounted and average settings, we also develop a function approximation analogue of the Q-learning algorithm. This algorithm, unlike the two-timescale variant, does not possess theoretical convergence guarantees. Finally, we also adapt our algorithms to include a stochastic iterative estimation scheme for the intruder's mobility model and this is useful in settings where the latter is not known. Our simulation results on a synthetic 2-dimensional network setting suggest that our algorithms result in better tracking accuracy at the cost of only a few additional sensors, in comparison to a recent prior work.


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In WSNs the communication traffic is often time and space correlated, where multiple nodes in a proximity start transmitting simultaneously. Such a situation is known as spatially correlated contention. The random access method to resolve such contention suffers from high collision rate, whereas the traditional distributed TDMA scheduling techniques primarily try to improve the network capacity by reducing the schedule length. Usually, the situation of spatially correlated contention persists only for a short duration, and therefore generating an optimal or suboptimal schedule is not very useful. Additionally, if an algorithm takes very long time to schedule, it will not only introduce additional delay in the data transfer but also consume more energy. In this paper, we present a distributed TDMA slot scheduling (DTSS) algorithm, which considerably reduces the time required to perform scheduling, while restricting the schedule length to the maximum degree of interference graph. The DTSS algorithm supports unicast, multicast, and broadcast scheduling, simultaneously without any modification in the protocol. We have analyzed the protocol for average case performance and also simulated it using Castalia simulator to evaluate its runtime performance. Both analytical and simulation results show that our protocol is able to considerably reduce the time required for scheduling.


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We consider optimal power allocation policies for a single server, multiuser system. The power is consumed in transmission of data only. The transmission channel may experience multipath fading. We obtain very efficient, low computational complexity algorithms which minimize power and ensure stability of the data queues. We also obtain policies when the users may have mean delay constraints. If the power required is a linear function of rate then we exploit linearity and obtain linear programs with low complexity.


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Contemporary cellular standards, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced, employ orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) and use frequency-domain scheduling and rate adaptation. In conjunction with feedback reduction schemes, high downlink spectral efficiencies are achieved while limiting the uplink feedback overhead. One such important scheme that has been adopted by these standards is best-m feedback, in which every user feeds back its m largest subchannel (SC) power gains and their corresponding indices. We analyze the single cell average throughput of an OFDM system with uniformly correlated SC gains that employs best-m feedback and discrete rate adaptation. Our model incorporates three schedulers that cover a wide range of the throughput versus fairness tradeoff and feedback delay. We show that, for small m, correlation significantly reduces average throughput with best-m feedback. This result is pertinent as even in typical dispersive channels, correlation is high. We observe that the schedulers exhibit varied sensitivities to correlation and feedback delay. The analysis also leads to insightful expressions for the average throughput in the asymptotic regime of a large number of users.


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The correctness of a hard real-time system depends its ability to meet all its deadlines. Existing real-time systems use either a pure real-time scheduler or a real-time scheduler embedded as a real-time scheduling class in the scheduler of an operating system (OS). Existing implementations of schedulers in multicore systems that support real-time and non-real-time tasks, permit the execution of non-real-time tasks in all the cores with priorities lower than those of real-time tasks, but interrupts and softirqs associated with these non-real-time tasks can execute in any core with priorities higher than those of real-time tasks. As a result, the execution overhead of real-time tasks is quite large in these systems, which, in turn, affects their runtime. In order that the hard real-time tasks can be executed in such systems with minimal interference from other Linux tasks, we propose, in this paper, an integrated scheduler architecture, called SchedISA, which aims to considerably reduce the execution overhead of real-time tasks in these systems. In order to test the efficacy of the proposed scheduler, we implemented partitioned earliest deadline first (P-EDF) scheduling algorithm in SchedISA on Linux kernel, version 3.8, and conducted experiments on Intel core i7 processor with eight logical cores. We compared the execution overhead of real-time tasks in the above implementation of SchedISA with that in SCHED_DEADLINE's P-EDF implementation, which concurrently executes real-time and non-real-time tasks in Linux OS in all the cores. The experimental results show that the execution overhead of real-time tasks in the above implementation of SchedISA is considerably less than that in SCHED_DEADLINE. We believe that, with further refinement of SchedISA, the execution overhead of real-time tasks in SchedISA can be reduced to a predictable maximum, making it suitable for scheduling hard real-time tasks without affecting the CPU share of Linux tasks.


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In many applications, the training data, from which one needs to learn a classifier, is corrupted with label noise. Many standard algorithms such as SVM perform poorly in the presence of label noise. In this paper we investigate the robustness of risk minimization to label noise. We prove a sufficient condition on a loss function for the risk minimization under that loss to be tolerant to uniform label noise. We show that the 0-1 loss, sigmoid loss, ramp loss and probit loss satisfy this condition though none of the standard convex loss functions satisfy it. We also prove that, by choosing a sufficiently large value of a parameter in the loss function, the sigmoid loss, ramp loss and probit loss can be made tolerant to nonuniform label noise also if we can assume the classes to be separable under noise-free data distribution. Through extensive empirical studies, we show that risk minimization under the 0-1 loss, the sigmoid loss and the ramp loss has much better robustness to label noise when compared to the SVM algorithm. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several papers have studied fault attacks on computing a pairing value e(P, Q), where P is a public point and Q is a secret point. In this paper, we observe that these attacks are in fact effective only on a small number of pairing-based protocols, and that too only when the protocols are implemented with specific symmetric pairings. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the fault attacks on a public-key encryption scheme, an identity-based encryption scheme, and an oblivious transfer protocol when implemented with a symmetric pairing derived from a supersingular elliptic curve with embedding degree 2.


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Three materials, pure aluminium, Al-4 wt.% Mg, alpha-brass have been chosen to understand the evolution of texture and microstructure during rolling. Pure Al develops a strong copper-type rolling texture and the deformation is entirely slip dominated. In Al-4Mg alloy, texture is copper-type throughout the deformation. The advent of Cu-type shear bands in the later stages of deformation has a negligible effect on the final texture. alpha-brass shows a characteristic brass-type texture from the early stages of rolling. Extensive twinning in the intermediate stages of deformation (epsilon(t) similar to 0.5) causes significant texture reorientation towards alpha-fiber. Beyond 40% reduction, deformation is dominated by Bs-type shear bands, and the banding coincides with the evolution of <111>parallel to ND components. The crystallites within the bands preferentially show <110>parallel to ND components. The absence of the Cu component throughout the deformation process indicates that, for the evolution of brass-type texture, the presence of Cu component is not a necessary condition. The final rolling texture is a synergistic effect of deformation twinning and shear banding.


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Exascale systems of the future are predicted to have mean time between failures (MTBF) of less than one hour. At such low MTBFs, employing periodic checkpointing alone will result in low efficiency because of the high number of application failures resulting in large amount of lost work due to rollbacks. In such scenarios, it is highly necessary to have proactive fault tolerance mechanisms that can help avoid significant number of failures. In this work, we have developed a mechanism for proactive fault tolerance using partial replication of a set of application processes. Our fault tolerance framework adaptively changes the set of replicated processes periodically based on failure predictions to avoid failures. We have developed an MPI prototype implementation, PAREP-MPI that allows changing the replica set. We have shown that our strategy involving adaptive process replication significantly outperforms existing mechanisms providing up to 20 percent improvement in application efficiency even for exascale systems.


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We consider a server serving a time-slotted queued system of multiple packet-based flows, where not more than one flow can be serviced in a single time slot. The flows have exogenous packet arrivals and time-varying service rates. At each time, the server can observe instantaneous service rates for only a subset of flows ( selected from a fixed collection of observable subsets) before scheduling a flow in the subset for service. We are interested in queue length aware scheduling to keep the queues short. The limited availability of instantaneous service rate information requires the scheduler to make a careful choice of which subset of service rates to sample. We develop scheduling algorithms that use only partial service rate information from subsets of channels, and that minimize the likelihood of queue overflow in the system. Specifically, we present a new joint subset-sampling and scheduling algorithm called Max-Exp that uses only the current queue lengths to pick a subset of flows, and subsequently schedules a flow using the Exponential rule. When the collection of observable subsets is disjoint, we show that Max-Exp achieves the best exponential decay rate, among all scheduling algorithms that base their decision on the current ( or any finite past history of) system state, of the tail of the longest queue. To accomplish this, we employ novel analytical techniques for studying the performance of scheduling algorithms using partial state, which may be of independent interest. These include new sample-path large deviations results for processes obtained by non-random, predictable sampling of sequences of independent and identically distributed random variables. A consequence of these results is that scheduling with partial state information yields a rate function significantly different from scheduling with full channel information. In the special case when the observable subsets are singleton flows, i.e., when there is effectively no a priori channel state information, Max-Exp reduces to simply serving the flow with the longest queue; thus, our results show that to always serve the longest queue in the absence of any channel state information is large deviations optimal.


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In this paper, we design a new dynamic packet scheduling scheme suitable for differentiated service (DiffServ) network. Designed dynamic benefit weighted scheduling (DBWS) uses a dynamic weighted computation scheme loosely based on weighted round robin (WRR) policy. It predicts the weight required by expedited forwarding (EF) service for the current time slot (t) based on two criteria; (i) previous weight allocated to it at time (t-1), and (ii) the average increase in the queue length of EF buffer. This prediction provides smooth bandwidth allocation to all the services by avoiding overbooking of resources for EF service and still providing guaranteed services for it. The performance is analyzed for various scenarios at high, medium and low traffic conditions. The results show that packet loss is minimized, end to end delay is minimized and jitter is reduced and therefore meet quality of service (QoS) requirement of a network.


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Scalable stream processing and continuous dataflow systems are gaining traction with the rise of big data due to the need for processing high velocity data in near real time. Unlike batch processing systems such as MapReduce and workflows, static scheduling strategies fall short for continuous dataflows due to the variations in the input data rates and the need for sustained throughput. The elastic resource provisioning of cloud infrastructure is valuable to meet the changing resource needs of such continuous applications. However, multi-tenant cloud resources introduce yet another dimension of performance variability that impacts the application's throughput. In this paper we propose PLAStiCC, an adaptive scheduling algorithm that balances resource cost and application throughput using a prediction-based lookahead approach. It not only addresses variations in the input data rates but also the underlying cloud infrastructure. In addition, we also propose several simpler static scheduling heuristics that operate in the absence of accurate performance prediction model. These static and adaptive heuristics are evaluated through extensive simulations using performance traces obtained from Amazon AWS IaaS public cloud. Our results show an improvement of up to 20% in the overall profit as compared to the reactive adaptation algorithm.


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This paper proposes a probabilistic prediction based approach for providing Quality of Service (QoS) to delay sensitive traffic for Internet of Things (IoT). A joint packet scheduling and dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme is proposed to provide service differentiation and preferential treatment to delay sensitive traffic. The scheduler focuses on reducing the waiting time of high priority delay sensitive services in the queue and simultaneously keeping the waiting time of other services within tolerable limits. The scheme uses the difference in probability of average queue length of high priority packets at previous cycle and current cycle to determine the probability of average weight required in the current cycle. This offers optimized bandwidth allocation to all the services by avoiding distribution of excess resources for high priority services and yet guaranteeing the services for it. The performance of the algorithm is investigated using MPEG-4 traffic traces under different system loading. The results show the improved performance with respect to waiting time for scheduling high priority packets and simultaneously keeping tolerable limits for waiting time and packet loss for other services. Crown Copyright (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.