222 resultados para Thermohidraulic circuit


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The performance parameters e.g. non-linear coefficient (α) and breakdown electric field (Eb1mA/cm2) of ZnO based ceramic varistors were found to improve after the addition of 10 mol% MgO. The improvement in the varistor properties is examined by ac impedance spectroscopy technique in the frequency range (1 Hz–10 MHz) between temperature 25–250°C and understood in terms of differing contributions from the equivalent electrical circuit elements.


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A technique for fabrication of thin-film circuits for microwave integrated circuit (MIC) application is presented. This low-cost fabrication technique utilizes laser direct write of copper patterns on alumina substrates. The method obviates the need for photomasks and photolithography. The film deposition mechanism, deposit film analysis, and MIC fabrication sequence are presented. Performance evaluation of MICs fabricated using this technique is also included


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The increasing variability in device leakage has made the design of keepers for wide OR structures a challenging task. The conventional feedback keepers (CONV) can no longer improve the performance of wide dynamic gates for the future technologies. In this paper, we propose an adaptive keeper technique called rate sensing keeper (RSK) that enables faster switching and tracks the variation across different process corners. It can switch upto 1.9x faster (for 20 legs) than CONV and can scale upto 32 legs as against 20 legs for CONV in a 130-nm 1.2-V process. The delay tracking is within 8% across the different process corners. We demonstrate the circuit operation of RSK using a 32 x 8 register file implemented in an industrial 130-nm 1.2-V CMOS process. The performance of individual dynamic logic gates are also evaluated on chip for various keeper techniques. We show that the RSK technique gives superior performance compared to the other alternatives such as Conditional Keeper (CKP) and current mirror-based keeper (LCR).


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Neutral point clamped (NPC), three level converters with insulated gate bipolar transistor devices are very popular in medium voltage, high power applications. DC bus short circuit protection is usually done, using the sensed voltage across collector and emitter (i.e., V-CE sensing), of all the devices in a leg. This feature is accommodated with the conventional gate drive circuits used in the two level converters. The similar gate drive circuit, when adopted for NPC three level converter protection, leads to false V-CE fault signals for inner devices of the leg. The paper explains the detailed circuit behavior and reasons, which result in the occurrence of such false V-CE fault signals. This paper also illustrates that such a phenomenon shows dependence on the power factor of the supplied three-phase load. Finally, experimental results are presented to support the analysis. It is shown that the problem can be avoided by blocking out the V-CE sense fault signals of the inner devices of the leg.


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This paper presents the analysis and study of voltage collapse at any converter bus in an AC system interconnected by multiterminal DC (MTDC) links. The analysis is based on the use of the voltage sensitivity factor (VSF) as a voltage collapse proximity indicator (VCPI). In this paper the VSF is defined as a matrix which is applicable to MTDC systems. The VSF matrix is derived from the basic steady state equations of the converter, control, DC and AC networks. The structure of the matrix enables the derivation of some of the basic properties which are generally applicable. A detailed case study of a four-terminal MTDC system is presented to illustrate the effects of control strategies at the voltage setting terminal (VST) and other terminals. The controls considered are either constant angle, DC voltage, AC voltage, reactive current and reactive power at the VST and constant power or current at the other terminals. The effect of the strength of the AC system (measured by short circuit ratio) on the VSF is investigated. Several interesting and new results are presented. An analytical expression for the self VSF at VST is also derived for some specific cases which help to explain the number of transitions in VSF around the critical values of SCR.


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High power converters are used in variable speed induction motor drive applications. Riding through a short term power supply glitch is becoming an important requirement in these power converters. The power converter uses a large number of control circuit boards for its operation. The control power supply need to ensure that any glitch in the grid side does not affect any of these control circuit boards. A power supply failure of these control cards results in shut down of the entire system. The paper discusses the ride through system developed to overcome voltage sags and short duration outages at the power supply terminals of the control cards in these converters. A 240VA non-isolated, bi-directional buck-boost converter has been designed to be used along with a stack of ultracapacitors to achieve the same. A micro-controller based digital control platform made use of to achieve the control objective. The design of the ultracapacitor stack and the bidirectional converter is described the performance of the experimental set-up is evaluated.


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The equivalent circuit parameters for a pentacene organic field-effect transistor are determined from low frequency impedance measurements in the dark as well as under light illumination. The source-drain channel impedance parameters are obtained from Bode plot analysis and the deviations at low frequency are mainly due to the contact impedance. The charge accumulation at organic semiconductor-metal interface and dielectric-semiconductor interface is monitored from the response to light as an additional parameter to find out the contributions arising from photovoltaic and photoconductive effects. The shift in threshold voltage is due to the accumulation of photogenerated carriers under source-drain electrodes and at dielectric-semiconductor interface, and also this dominates the carrier transport. The charge carrier trapping at various interfaces and in the semiconductor is estimated from the dc and ac impedance measurements under illumination. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3517085]


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MEMS systems are technologically developed from integrated circuit industry to create miniature sensors and actuators. Originally these semiconductor processes and materials were used to build electrical and mechanical systems, but expanded to include biological, optical fluidic magnetic and other systems 12]. Here a novel approach is suggested where in two different fields are integrated via moems, micro fluidics and ring resonators. It is well known at any preliminary stage of disease onset, many physiological changes occur in the body fluids like saliva, blood, urine etc. The drawback till now was that current calibrations are not sensitive enough to detect the minor physiological changes. This is overcome using optical detector techniques 1]. The basic concepts of ring resonators, with slight variations can be used for optical detection of these minute disease markers. A well known fact of ring resonators is that a change in refractive index will trigger a shift in the resonant wavelength 5]. The trigger for the wavelength shift in the case discussed will be the presence of disease agents. To trap the disease agents specific antibody has to be used (e. g. BSA).


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Elliptical conformal transformation was used to derive closed form expressions for the equivalent circuit series inductance and shunt capacitance per period of a serpentine folded-waveguide slow-wave structure including the effects of the beam-hole. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was benchmarked for two typical millimeter-wave structures operating in Ka- and W-bands, against measurement, 3D electromagnetic modeling using CST Microwave Studio, parametric analysis and equivalent circuit analysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a physically based analytical quantum linear threshold voltage model for short channel quad gate MOSFETs is developed. The proposed model, which is suitable for circuit simulation, is based on the analytical solution of 3-D Poisson and 2-D Schrodinger equation. Proposed model is fully validated against the professional numerical device simulator for a wide range of device geometries and also used to analyze the effect of geometry variation on the threshold voltage.


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Design, fabrication and preliminary testing of a flat pump with millimetre thickness are described in this paper. The pump is entirely made of polymer materials barring the magnet and copper coils used for electromagnetic actuation. The fabrication is carried out using widely available microelectronic packaging machinery and techniques. Therefore, the fabrication of the pump is straightforward and inexpensive. Two types of prototypes are designed and built. One consists of copper coils that are etched on an epoxy plate and the other has wound insulated wire of 90 mu m diameter to serve as a coil. The overall size of the first pump is 25 mm x 25 mm x 3.6 mm including the 3.1 mm-thick NdFeB magnet of diameter 12 mm. It consists of a pump chamber of 20 mm x 20 mm x 0.8 mm with copper coils etched from a copper-clad epoxy plate using dry-film lithography and milled using a CNC milling machine, two passive valves and the pump-diaphragm made of Kapton film of 0.089 mm thickness. The second pump has an overall size of 35 mm x 35 mm x 4.4 mm including the magnet and the windings. A breadboard circuit and DC power supply are used to test the pump by applying an alternating square-wave voltage pulse. A water slug in a tube attached to the inlet is used to observe and measure the air-flow induced by the pump against atmospheric pressure. The maximum flow rate was found to be 15 ml/min for a voltage of 2.5 V and a current of 19 mA at 68 Hz.


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Among various MEMS sensors, a rate gyroscope is one of the most complex sensors from the design point of view. The gyro normally consists of a proof mass suspended by an elaborate assembly of beams that allow the system to vibrate in two transverse modes. The structure is normally analysed and designed using commercial FEM packages such as ANSYS or MEMS specific commercial tools such as Coventor or Intellisuite. In either case, the complexity in analysis rises manyfolds when one considers the etch hole topography and the associated fluid flow calculation for damping. In most cases, the FEM analysis becomes prohibitive and one resorts to equivalent electrical circuit simulations using tools like SABER in Coventor. Here, we present a simplified lumped parameter model of the tuning fork gyro and show how easily it can be implemented using a generic tool like SIMULINK. The results obtained are compared with those obtained from more elaborate and intense simulations in Coventor. The comparison shows that lumped parameter SIMULINK model gives equally good results with fractional effort in modelling and computation. Next, the performance of a symmetric and decoupled vibratory gyroscope structure is also evaluated using this approach and a few modifications are made in this design to enhance the sensitivity of the device.


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Random Access Scan, which addresses individual flip-flops in a design using a memory array like row and column decoder architecture, has recently attracted widespread attention, due to its potential for lower test application time, test data volume and test power dissipation when compared to traditional Serial Scan. This is because typically only a very limited number of random ``care'' bits in a test response need be modified to create the next test vector. Unlike traditional scan, most flip-flops need not be updated. Test application efficiency can be further improved by organizing the access by word instead of by bit. In this paper we present a new decoder structure that takes advantage of basis vectors and linear algebra to further significantly optimize test application in RAS by performing the write operations on multiple bits consecutively. Simulations performed on benchmark circuits show an average of 2-3 times speed up in test write time compared to conventional RAS.


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Electro-oxidation of methanol was studied on carbon-supported Pt---Sn/C electrodes in silcotungstic acid (SiWA) at various concentrations. The porous-carbon electrodes employing Pt---Sn/C catalyst have been characterized using chemical analyses, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with electrochemistry. The presence of Pt---Sn and Pt3Sn alloys along with Pt and SnO2 phases in the catalyst were identified by XRD. XPS analysis showed a lower amount of PtO species in the Pt---Sn/C catalyst with respect to the corresponding Pt/C sample. From the steady-state galvanostatic polarization data on Pt---Sn/C electrodes in SiWA, it is inferred that a one-electron process is the rate determining step. The performance of the electrodes in 0.084 M SiWA was better than in 2.5 M H2SO4 under similar conditions up to load currents of about 100 mA cm−2 indicating the promoting behaviour of the electrolyte. At currents larger than 100 mA cm−2, the performance of the electrodes in 0.084 SiWA was poorer than that in 2.5 M H2SO4 mainly due to the dominance of mass polarization in the former owing to the large size of keggin units associated with the structure of SiWA. This aspect was supported by cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance studies on Pt---Sn/C electrodes. Simulation of the electrochemical impedance response for the oxidation of methanol in SiWA was carried out using the equivalent electrical circuit model.


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This paper proposes a method of sharing power/energy between multiple sources and multiple loads using an integrated magnetic circuit as a junction between sources and sinks. It also presents a particular use of the magnetic circuit as an ac power supply, delivering sinusoidal voltage to load irrespective of the presence of the grid, taking only active power from the grid. The proposed magnetic circuit is a three-energy-port unit, viz.: 1) power/energy from grid; 2) power energy from battery-inverter unit; and 3) power/energy delivery to the load in its particular application as quality ac power supply (QPS). The product provides sinusoidal regulated output voltage, input power-factor correction, electrical isolation between the sources and loads, low battery voltage, and control simplicity. Unlike conventional series-shunt-compensated uninterruptible power supply topologies with low battery voltage, the isolation is provided using a single magnetic circuit that results in a smaller size and lower cost. The circuit operating principles and analysis, as well as simulation and experimental results, are presented for this QPS.