171 resultados para Thermodynamic consistency


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We show that the operation and the output power of a quantum heat engine that converts incoherent thermal energy into coherent cavity photons can be optimized by manipulating quantum coherences. The gain or loss in the efficiency at maximum power depends on the details of the output power optimization. Quantum effects tend to enhance the output power and the efficiency as the photon occupation in the cavity is decreased.


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Ampcalculator (AMPC) is a Mathematica (c) based program that was made publicly available some time ago by Unterdorfer and Ecker. It enables the user to compute several processes at one loop (upto O(p(4))) in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory. They include computing matrix elements and form factors for strong and non-leptonic weak processes with at most six external states. It was used to compute some novel processes and was tested against well-known results by the original authors. Here we present the results of several thorough checks of the package. Exhaustive checks performed by the original authors are not publicly available, and hence the present effort. Some new results are obtained from the software especially in the kaon odd-intrinsic parity non-leptonic decay sector involving the coupling G(27). Another illustrative set of amplitudes at tree level we provide is in the context of tau-decays with several mesons including quark mass effects, of use to the BELLE experiment. All eight meson-meson scattering amplitudes have been checked. The Kaon-Compton amplitude has been checked and a minor error in the published results has been pointed out. This exercise is a tutorial-based one, wherein several input and output notebooks are also being made available as ancillary files on the arXiv. Some of the additional notebooks we provide contain explicit expressions that we have used for comparison with established results. The purpose is to encourage users to apply the software to suit their specific needs. An automatic amplitude generator of this type can provide error-free outputs that could be used as inputs for further simplification, and in varied scenarios such as applications of chiral perturbation theory at finite temperature, density and volume. This can also be used by students as a learning aid in low-energy hadron dynamics.


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Thermodynamic properties of Dysprosium rhodite (DyRhO3) are measured in the temperature range from 900 to 1,300 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of DyRhO3 with O-type perovskite structure from its components binary oxides, Dysprosia with C-rare earth structure and beta-Rh2O3 with orthorhombic structure, can be represented by the equation: Delta G(f(OX))(O) (+/- 182)/J mol(-1) = -52710+3.821(T/K). By using the thermodynamic data for DyRhO3 from experiment and auxiliary data for other phases from the literature, the phase relations in the system Dy-Rh-O are computed. Thermodynamic data for intermetallic phases in the binary system Dy-Rh, required for constructing the chemical potential diagrams, are evaluated using calorimetric data available in the literature for three intermetallics and Miedema's model, consistent with the phase diagram. The results are presented in the form of Gibbs triangle, oxygen potential-composition diagram, and three-dimensional chemical potential diagram at 1,273 K. Temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen partial pressures are also developed. The decomposition temperature of DyRhO3 is 1,732 (+/- 2.5) K in pure oxygen and 1,624 (+/- 2.5) K and in air at standard pressure.


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The phenomenon of fatigue is commonly observed in majority of concrete structures and it is important to mathematically model it in order to predict their remaining life. An energy approach is adopted in this research by using the framework of thermodynamics wherein the dissipative phenomenon is described by a dissipation potential. An analytical expression is derived for the dissipation potential using the concepts of dimensional analysis and self-similarity to describe a fatigue crack propagation model for concrete. This is validated using available experimental results. Through a sensitivity analysis, the hierarchy of importance of different parameters is highlighted.


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In the system La-Cr-O, there are three ternary oxides (LaCrO4, La2Cr3O12, and La2CrO6) that contain Cr in higher valence states (V or VI). On heating, LaCrO4 decomposes to LaCrO3, La2Cr3O12 to a mixture of LaCrO4 and Cr2O3, and La2CrO6 to LaCrO3 and La2O3 with loss of oxygen. The oxygen potentials corresponding to these decomposition reactions are determined as a function of temperature using solid-state cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. Measurements are made from 840K to the decomposition temperature of the ternary oxides in pure oxygen. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of the three ternary oxides are derived from the reversible electromotive force (EMF) of the three cells. The standard enthalpy of formation and standard entropy of the three ternary oxides at 298.15K are estimated. Subsolidus phase relations in the system La-Cr-O are computed from thermodynamic data and displayed as isothermal sections at several temperature intervals. The decomposition temperatures in air are 880 (+/- 3)K for La2Cr3O12, 936 (+/- 3)K for LaCrO4, and 1056 (+/- 4)K for La2CrO6.


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Using isothermal equilibration, phase relations are established in the system Sm-Rh-O at 1273 K. SmRhO3 with GdFeO3-type perovskite structure is found to be the only ternary phase. Solid-state electrochemical cells, containing calcia-stabilized zirconia as an electrolyte, are used to measure the thermodynamic properties of SmRhO3 formed from their binary component oxides Rh2O3 (ortho) and Sm2O3 (C-type and B-type) in two different temperature ranges. Results suggest that C-type Sm2O3 with cubic structure transforms to B-type Sm2O3 with monoclinic structure at 1110 K. The standard Gibbs energy of transformation is . Standard Gibbs energy of formation of SmRhO3 from binary component oxides Rh2O3 and Sm2O3 with B-type rare earth oxide structure can be expressed as . The decomposition temperature of SmRhO3 estimated from the extrapolation of electrochemical data is 1665 (+/- 2) K in air and 1773 (+/- 3) K in pure oxygen. Temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen pressures are constructed for the system Sm-Rh-O. Employing the thermodynamic data for SmRhO3 from emf measurement and auxiliary data for other phases from the literature, oxygen potential-composition phase diagram and 3-D chemical potential diagram for the system Sm-Rh-O at 1273 K are developed.


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The parent compound of iron chalcogenide superconductors, Fe1+yTe, with a range of excess Fe concentrations exhibits intriguing structural and magnetic properties. Here, the interplay of magnetic and structural properties of Fe1.12Te single crystals have been probed by low-temperature synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, magnetization, and specific heat measurements. Thermodynamic measurements reveal two distinct phase transitions, considered unique to samples possessing excess Fe content in the range of 0.11 <= y <= 0.13. On cooling, an antiferromagnetic transition, T-N approximate to 57K is observed. A closer examination of powder diffraction data suggests that the transition at TN is not purely magnetic, but accompanied by the commencement of a structural phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic symmetry. This is followed by a second prominent first-order structural transition at T-S with T-S < T-N, where an onset of monoclinic distortion is observed. The results point to a strong magneto-structural coupling in this material. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The current work addresses the use of producer gas, a bio-derived gaseous alternative fuel, in engines designed for natural gas, derived from diesel engine frames. Impact of the use of producer gas on the general engine performance with specific focus on turbo-charging is addressed. The operation of a particular engine frame with diesel, natural gas and producer gas indicates that the peak load achieved is highest with diesel fuel (in compression ignition mode) followed by natural gas and producer gas (both in spark ignite mode). Detailed analysis of the engine power de-rating on fuelling with natural gas and producer gas indicates that the change in compression ratio (migration from compression to spark ignited mode), difference in mixture calorific value and turbocharger mismatch are the primary contributing factors. The largest de-rating occurs due to turbocharger mismatch. Turbocharger selection and optimization is identified as the strategy to recover the non-thermodynamic power loss, identified as the recovery potential (the loss due to mixture calorific value and turbocharger mismatch) on operating the engine with a fuel different from the base fuel. A turbocharged after-cooled six cylinder, 5.9 l, 90 kWe (diesel rating) engine (12.2 bar BMEP) is available commercially as a naturally aspirated natural gas engine delivering a peak load of 44.0 kWe (6.0 bar BMEP). The engine delivers a load of 27.3 kWe with producer gas under naturally aspirated mode. On charge boosting the engine with a turbocharger similar in configuration to the diesel engine turbocharger, the peak load delivered with producer gas is 36 kWe (4.8 bar BMEP) indicating a de-rating of about 60% over the baseline diesel mode. Estimation of knock limited peak load for producer gas-fuelled operation on the engine frame using a Wiebe function-based zero-dimensional code indicates a knock limited peak load of 76 kWe, indicating the potential to recover about 40 kWe. As a part of the recovery strategy, optimizing the ignition timing for maximum brake torque based on both spark sweep tests and established combustion descriptors and engine-turbocharger matching for producer gas-fuelled operation resulted in a knock limited peak load of 72.8 kWe (9.9 bar BMEP) at a compressor pressure ratio of 2.30. The de-rating of about 17.0 kWe compared to diesel rating is attributed to the reduction in compression ratio. With load recovery, the specific biomass consumption reduces from 1.2 kg/kWh to 1.0 kg/kWh, an improvement of over 16% while the engine thermal efficiency increases from 28% to 32%. The thermodynamic analysis of the compressor and the turbine indicates an isentropic efficiency of 74.5% and 73%, respectively.


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The well-known classical nucleation theory (CNT) for the free energy barrier towards formation of a nucleus of critical size of the new stable phase within the parent metastable phase fails to take into account the influence of other metastable phases having density/order intermediate between the parent metastable phase and the final stable phase. This lacuna can be more serious than capillary approximation or spherical shape assumption made in CNT. This issue is particularly significant in ice nucleation because liquid water shows rich phase diagram consisting of two (high and low density) liquid phases in supercooled state. The explanations of thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies of supercooled water often invoke the possible influence of a liquid-liquid transition between two metastable liquid phases. To investigate both the role of thermodynamic anomalies and presence of distinct metastable liquid phases in supercooled water on ice nucleation, we employ density functional theoretical approach to find nucleation free energy barrier in different regions of phase diagram. The theory makes a number of striking predictions, such as a dramatic lowering of nucleation barrier due to presence of a metastable intermediate phase and crossover in the dependence of free energy barrier on temperature near liquid-liquid critical point. These predictions can be tested by computer simulations as well as by controlled experiments. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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To understand Cr emissions from slag melts to a vapor phase, an assessment of the stabilities of the chromium oxides at high temperatures has been carried out. The objective of the present study is to present a set of consistent data corresponding to the thermodynamic properties of the oxides of chromium, with special reference to the emission of hexavalent chromium from slags. In the current work, critical analysis of the experimental data available and a third analysis in the case of Cr2O3 have been carried out. Commercial databases, Fact Sage and ThermoCalc along with NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables, have been used for the analysis and comparisons of the results that are presented. The significant discrepancies in the available data have been pointed out. The data from NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables have been found to provide a set of consistent data for the various chromium oxides. An Ellingham diagram and the equations for the Delta G degrees (standard Gibbs free energy change) of formation of CrOx have been proposed. The present analysis shows that CrO3(g) is likely to be emitted from slag melts at high oxygen partial pressures. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2014


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Innovative bi-electrolyte solid-state cells incorporating single crystal CaF2 and composition-graded solid electrolyte (LaF3) y (CaF2) 1-y (y = 0 to 0.32) were used for measurement of the standard Gibbs energy of formation of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and cubic LaAlO3 from component binary oxides La2O3 and alpha-Al2O3 in the temperature range from 875 to 1175 K. The cells were designed based on experimentally verified relevant phase relations in the systems La2O3-Al2O3LaF3 and CaF2-LaF3. The results can be summarized as: 5.891 alpha-Al2O3 + 0.4425 La2O3 (A-rare earth)-> La0.885Al11.782O19 (hex), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2005)/Jmol(-1) = -80982 + 7.313(T/K); 1/2 La2O3 (A-rare earth) + 1/2 a-Al2O3 -> LaAlO3 (cubic), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2100)/Jmol(-1) = -59810 + 4.51(T/K). Electron probe microanalysis was used to ascertain the non-stoichiometric range of the hexaaluminate phase. The results are critically analyzed in the light of earlier electrochemical measurements. Several imperfections in the electrochemical cells used by former investigators are identified. Data obtained in the study for LaAlO3 are consistent with calorimetric enthalpy of formation and entropy derived from heat capacity data. Estimated are the standard entropy and the standard enthalpy of formation from elements of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and rhombohedral LaAlO3 at 298.15 K. c 2014 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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Gasification is an energy transformation process in which solid fuel undergoes thermochemical conversion to produce gaseous fuel, and the two most important criteria involved in such process to evaluate the performance, economics and sustainability of the technology are: the total available energy (exergy) and the energy conserved (energy efficiency). Current study focuses on the energy and exergy analysis of the oxy-steam gasification and comparing with air gasification to optimize the H-2 yield, efficiency and syngas energy density. Casuarina wood is used as a fuel, and mixture of oxygen and steam in different proportion and amount is used as a gasifying media. The results are analysed with respect to varying equivalence ratio and steam to biomass ratio (SBR). Elemental mass balance technique is employed to ensure the validity of results. First and second law thermodynamic analysis is used towards time evaluation of energy and exergy analysis. Different component of energy input and output has been studied carefully to understand the influence of varying SBR on the availability of energy and irreversibility in the system to minimize the losses with change in input parameters for optimum performance. The energy and exergy losses (irreversibility) for oxy-steam gasification system are compared with the results of air gasification, and losses are found to be lower in oxy-steam thermal conversion; which has been argued and reasoned due to the presence of N-2 in the air-gasification. The maximum exergy efficiency of 85% with energy efficiency of 82% is achieved at SBR of 0.75 on the molar basis. It has been observed that increase in SBR results in lower exergy and energy efficiency, and it is argued to be due to the high energy input in steam generation and subsequent losses in the form of physical exergy of steam in the product gas, which alone accounts for over 18% in exergy input and 8.5% in exergy of product gas at SBR of 2.7. Carbon boundary point (CBP), is identified at the SBR of 1.5, and water gas shift (WGS) reaction plays a crucial role in H-2 enrichment after carbon boundary point (CBP) is reached. Effects of SBR and CBP on the H-2/CO ratio is analysed and discussed from the perspective of energy as well as the reaction chemistry. Energy density of syngas and energy efficiency is favoured at lower SBR but higher SBR favours H-2 rich gas at the expense of efficiency. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The demixing in an LCST mixture of PS/PVME (polystyrene/poly(vinyl methyl ether)) was probed here by melt rheology in the presence of gold nanoparticles which were densely coated with varying graft lengths of PS. The graft density for the gold nanoparticles coated with 3 kDa PS was ca. Sigma = 1.7 chains/nm(2), and that for 53 kDa PS was ca. Sigma = 1.2 chains/nm(2). The evolution of morphology, as the blends transit through the metastable and the unstable envelopes of the phase diagram, and the localization of the gold nanoparticles upon demixing were monitored using in situ hot-stage AFM and confocal Raman imaging. Interestingly, gold nanoparticles coated with 3 kDa polystyrene (PS(3 kDa)-g-nAu) were localized in the PVME phase, whereas gold nanoparticles coated with 53 kDa polystyrene (PS(53 kDa)-g-nAu) were localized in the PS phase of the blend. While the localization of PS(3 kDa)-g-nAu in the PVME phase can be expected to be of entropic origin due to expulsion from the PS phase as R-g,R-matrix chains > R-g,R-grafted chains (where R-g is the radius of gyration of the polymer chain), the localization of PS(53 kDa)-g-nAu in the PS phase is believed to be facilitated by favorable melt/graft interactions. The latter nanoparticles also delayed the demixing by 12 degrees C with respect to the neat mixture. The observed changes were addressed in context to enthalpic interactions between the grafted PS and the free PS, the entropic losses (deformational entropic losses on blending, translational entropic loss of the free PS, and the conformational entropic loss of the grafted PS), and the interface of the grafted and the free chains.


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Oxygen potentials established by the equilibrium between three condensed phases, CaOss+CoOss+ Ca3Co2O6 and CoOss+Ca3Co2O6+Ca3CO3.93+O-alpha(9.36-delta), are measured as a function of temperature using solid-state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and pure oxygen as the reference electrode. Cation non-stoichiometry and oxygen non-stoichiometry in Ca3Co3.93+alpha O9.36-delta are determined using different techniques under defined conditions. Decomposition temperatures and thermodynamic properties of Ca3Co2O6 and Ca3Co4O9.163 are calculated from the results. The standard entropy and enthalpy of formation of Ca3Co2O6 at 298.15 K are evaluated. Using thermodynamic data from this study and auxiliary information from the literature, phase diagram for the ternary system Ca-Co-O is computed. Isothermal sections at representative temperatures are displayed to demonstrate the evolution of phase relations with temperature. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.