157 resultados para TOPOLOGICAL INDEXES


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Background: Computational protein design is a rapidly maturing field within structural biology, with the goal of designing proteins with custom structures and functions. Such proteins could find widespread medical and industrial applications. Here, we have adapted algorithms from the Rosetta software suite to design much larger proteins, based on ideal geometric and topological criteria. Furthermore, we have developed techniques to incorporate symmetry into designed structures. For our first design attempt, we targeted the (alpha/beta)(8) TIM barrel scaffold. We gained novel insights into TIM barrel folding mechanisms from studying natural TIM barrel structures, and from analyzing previous TIM barrel design attempts. Methods: Computational protein design and analysis was performed using the Rosetta software suite and custom scripts. Genes encoding all designed proteins were synthesized and cloned on the pET20-b vector. Standard circular dichroism and gel chromatographic experiments were performed to determine protein biophysical characteristics. 1D NMR and 2D HSQC experiments were performed to determine protein structural characteristics. Results: Extensive protein design simulations coupled with ab initio modeling yielded several all-atom models of ideal, 4-fold symmetric TIM barrels. Four such models were experimentally characterized. The best designed structure (Symmetrin-1) contained a polar, histidine-rich pore, forming an extensive hydrogen bonding network. Symmetrin-1 was easily expressed and readily soluble. It showed circular dichroism spectra characteristic of well-folded alpha/beta proteins. Temperature melting experiments revealed cooperative and reversible unfolding, with a T-m of 44 degrees C and a Gibbs free energy of unfolding (Delta G degrees) of 8.0 kJ/mol. Urea denaturing experiments confirmed these observations, revealing a C-m of 1.6 M and a Delta G degrees of 8.3 kJ/mol. Symmetrin-1 adopted a monomeric conformation, with an apparent molecular weight of 32.12 kDa, and displayed well resolved 1D-NMR spectra. However, the HSQC spectrum revealed somewhat molten characteristics. Conclusions: Despite the detection of molten characteristics, the creation of a soluble, cooperatively folding protein represents an advancement over previous attempts at TIM barrel design. Strategies to further improve Symmetrin-1 are elaborated. Our techniques may be used to create other large, internally symmetric proteins.


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An organic solid, 4,7-dibromo-5,6-dinitro-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole, has been designed to serve as an illustrative example to quantitatively evaluate the relative merits of halogen and chalcogen bonding in terms of charge density features. The compound displays two polymorphic modifications, one crystallizing in a non-centrosymmetric space group (Z' = 1) and the other in a centrosymmetric space group with two molecules in the asymmetric unit (Z' = 2). Topological analysis based on QTAIM clearly brings out the dominance of the chalcogen bond over the halogen bond along with an indication that halogen bonds are more directional compared to chalcogen bonds. The cohesive energies calculated with the absence of both strong and weak hydrogen bonds as well as stacking interaction are indicative of the stabilities associated with the polymorphic forms.


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Fermi gases with generalized Rashba spin-orbit coupling induced by a synthetic gauge field have the potential of realizing many interesting states, such as rashbon condensates and topological phases. Here, we address the key open problem of the fluctuation theory of such systems and demonstrate that beyond-Gaussian effects are essential to capture the finite temperature physics of such systems. We obtain their phase diagram by constructing an approximate non-Gaussian theory. We conclusively establish that spin-orbit coupling can enhance the exponentially small transition temperature (T-c) of a weakly attracting superfluid to the order of the Fermi temperature, paving a pathway towards high T-c superfluids.


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In the context of wireless sensor networks, we are motivated by the design of a tree network spanning a set of source nodes that generate packets, a set of additional relay nodes that only forward packets from the sources, and a data sink. We assume that the paths from the sources to the sink have bounded hop count, that the nodes use the IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA/CA for medium access control, and that there are no hidden terminals. In this setting, starting with a set of simple fixed point equations, we derive explicit conditions on the packet generation rates at the sources, so that the tree network approximately provides certain quality of service (QoS) such as end-to-end delivery probability and mean delay. The structures of our conditions provide insight on the dependence of the network performance on the arrival rate vector, and the topological properties of the tree network. Our numerical experiments suggest that our approximations are able to capture a significant part of the QoS aware throughput region (of a tree network), that is adequate for many sensor network applications. Furthermore, for the special case of equal arrival rates, default backoff parameters, and for a range of values of target QoS, we show that among all path-length-bounded trees (spanning a given set of sources and the data sink) that meet the conditions derived in the paper, a shortest path tree achieves the maximum throughput. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The relative energies of triangular face sharing condensed macro polyhedral carboranes: CB20H18 and C2B19H18+ derived from mono- and di-substitution of carbons in (4) B21H18- is calculated at B3LYP/6-31G* level. The relative energies, H center dot center dot center dot H non-bonding distances, NICS values, topological charge analysis and orbital overlap compatibility connotes the face sharing condensed macro polyhedral mono-carboranes, 8 (4-CB20H18) to be the lowest energy isomer. The di-carba- derivative, (36) 4,4'a-C2B19H18+ with carbons substituted in a different B-12 cage in (4) B21H18- in anti-fashion is the most stable isomer among 28 possibilities. This structure has less non-bonding H center dot center dot center dot H interaction and is in agreement with orbital-overlap compatibility, and these two have the pivotal role in deciding the stability of these clusters. An estimate of the inherent stability of these carboranes is made using near-isodesmic equations which show that CB20H18 (8) is in the realm of the possible. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Minimal crystallizations of simply connected PL 4-manifolds are very natural objects. Many of their topological features are reflected in their combinatorial structure which, in addition, is preserved under the connected sum operation. We present a minimal crystallization of the standard PL K3 surface. In combination with known results this yields minimal crystallizations of all simply connected PL 4-manifolds of ``standard'' type, that is, all connected sums of CP2, S-2 x S-2, and the K3 surface. In particular, we obtain minimal crystallizations of a pair of homeomorphic but non-PL-homeomorphic 4-manifolds. In addition, we give an elementary proof that the minimal 8-vertex crystallization of CP2 is unique and its associated pseudotriangulation is related to the 9-vertex combinatorial triangulation of CP2 by the minimum of four edge contractions.


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We study a positivity condition for the curvature of oriented Riemannian 4-manifolds: the half-PIC condition. It is a slight weakening of the positive isotropic curvature (PIC) condition introduced by M. Micallef and J. Moore. We observe that the half-PIC condition is preserved by the Ricci flow and satisfies a maximality property among all Ricci flow invariant positivity conditions on the curvature of oriented 4-manifolds. We also study some geometric and topological aspects of half-PIC manifolds.