172 resultados para Spatial Rainfall


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Several statistical downscaling models have been developed in the past couple of decades to assess the hydrologic impacts of climate change by projecting the station-scale hydrological variables from large-scale atmospheric variables simulated by general circulation models (GCMs). This paper presents and compares different statistical downscaling models that use multiple linear regression (MLR), positive coefficient regression (PCR), stepwise regression (SR), and support vector machine (SVM) techniques for estimating monthly rainfall amounts in the state of Florida. Mean sea level pressure, air temperature, geopotential height, specific humidity, U wind, and V wind are used as the explanatory variables/predictors in the downscaling models. Data for these variables are obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis dataset and the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) Coupled Global Climate Model, version 3 (CGCM3) GCM simulations. The principal component analysis (PCA) and fuzzy c-means clustering method (FCM) are used as part of downscaling model to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset and identify the clusters in the data, respectively. Evaluation of the performances of the models using different error and statistical measures indicates that the SVM-based model performed better than all the other models in reproducing most monthly rainfall statistics at 18 sites. Output from the third-generation CGCM3 GCM for the A1B scenario was used for future projections. For the projection period 2001-10, MLR was used to relate variables at the GCM and NCEP grid scales. Use of MLR in linking the predictor variables at the GCM and NCEP grid scales yielded better reproduction of monthly rainfall statistics at most of the stations (12 out of 18) compared to those by spatial interpolation technique used in earlier studies.


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Advances in forest carbon mapping have the potential to greatly reduce uncertainties in the global carbon budget and to facilitate effective emissions mitigation strategies such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). Though broad-scale mapping is based primarily on remote sensing data, the accuracy of resulting forest carbon stock estimates depends critically on the quality of field measurements and calibration procedures. The mismatch in spatial scales between field inventory plots and larger pixels of current and planned remote sensing products for forest biomass mapping is of particular concern, as it has the potential to introduce errors, especially if forest biomass shows strong local spatial variation. Here, we used 30 large (8-50 ha) globally distributed permanent forest plots to quantify the spatial variability in aboveground biomass density (AGBD in Mgha(-1)) at spatial scales ranging from 5 to 250m (0.025-6.25 ha), and to evaluate the implications of this variability for calibrating remote sensing products using simulated remote sensing footprints. We found that local spatial variability in AGBD is large for standard plot sizes, averaging 46.3% for replicate 0.1 ha subplots within a single large plot, and 16.6% for 1 ha subplots. AGBD showed weak spatial autocorrelation at distances of 20-400 m, with autocorrelation higher in sites with higher topographic variability and statistically significant in half of the sites. We further show that when field calibration plots are smaller than the remote sensing pixels, the high local spatial variability in AGBD leads to a substantial ``dilution'' bias in calibration parameters, a bias that cannot be removed with standard statistical methods. Our results suggest that topography should be explicitly accounted for in future sampling strategies and that much care must be taken in designing calibration schemes if remote sensing of forest carbon is to achieve its promise.


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Large-scale estimates of the area of terrestrial surface waters have greatly improved over time, in particular through the development of multi-satellite methodologies, but the generally coarse spatial resolution (tens of kms) of global observations is still inadequate for many ecological applications. The goal of this study is to introduce a new, globally applicable downscaling method and to demonstrate its applicability to derive fine resolution results from coarse global inundation estimates. The downscaling procedure predicts the location of surface water cover with an inundation probability map that was generated by bagged derision trees using globally available topographic and hydrographic information from the SRTM-derived HydroSHEDS database and trained on the wetland extent of the GLC2000 global land cover map. We applied the downscaling technique to the Global Inundation Extent from Multi-Satellites (GIEMS) dataset to produce a new high-resolution inundation map at a pixel size of 15 arc-seconds, termed GIEMS-D15. GIEMS-D15 represents three states of land surface inundation extents: mean annual minimum (total area, 6.5 x 10(6) km(2)), mean annual maximum (12.1 x 10(6) km(2)), and long-term maximum (173 x 10(6) km(2)); the latter depicts the largest surface water area of any global map to date. While the accuracy of GIEMS-D15 reflects distribution errors introduced by the downscaling process as well as errors from the original satellite estimates, overall accuracy is good yet spatially variable. A comparison against regional wetland cover maps generated by independent observations shows that the results adequately represent large floodplains and wetlands. GIEMS-D15 offers a higher resolution delineation of inundated areas than previously available for the assessment of global freshwater resources and the study of large floodplain and wetland ecosystems. The technique of applying inundation probabilities also allows for coupling with coarse-scale hydro-climatological model simulations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.


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Using the spatial modulation approach, where only one transmit antenna is active at a time, we propose two transmission schemes for two-way relay channel using physical layer network coding with space time coding using coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs). It is shown that using two uncorrelated transmit antennas at the nodes, but using only one RF transmit chain and space-time coding across these antennas can give a better performance without using any extra resources and without increasing the hardware implementation cost and complexity. In the first transmission scheme, two antennas are used only at the relay, adaptive network coding (ANC) is employed at the relay and the relay transmits a CIOD space time block code (STBC). This gives a better performance compared to an existing ANC scheme for two-way relay channel which uses one antenna each at all the three nodes. It is shown that for this scheme at high SNR the average end-to-end symbol error probability (SEP) is upper bounded by twice the SEP of a point-to-point fading channel. In the second transmission scheme, two transmit antennas are used at all the three nodes, CIOD STBCs are transmitted in multiple access and broadcast phases. This scheme provides a diversity order of two for the average end-to-end SEP with an increased decoding complexity of O(M-3) for an arbitrary signal set and O(M-2 root M) for square QAM signal set. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes performs better than the existing ANC schemes under perfect and imperfect channel state information.


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We propose a laser interference technique for the fabrication of 3D nano-structures. This is possible with the introduction of specialized spatial filter in a 2 pi cylindrical lens system (consists of two opposing cylindrical lens sharing a common geometrical focus). The spatial filter at the back-aperture of a cylindrical lens gives rise to multiple light-sheet patterns. Two such interfering counter-propagating light-sheet pattern result in periodic 3D nano-pillar structure. This technique overcomes the existing slow point-by-point scanning, and has the ability to pattern selectively over a large volume. The proposed technique allows large-scale fabrication of periodic structures. Computational study shows a field-of-view (patterning volume) of approximately 12: 2mm(3) with the pillar-size of 80 nm and inter-pillar separation of 180 nm. Applications are in nano-waveguides, 3D nano-electronics, photonic crystals, and optical microscopy. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Gamma-band (25-140 Hz) oscillations are ubiquitous in mammalian forebrain structures involved in sensory processing, attention, learning and memory. The optic tectum (01) is the central structure in a midbrain network that participates critically in controlling spatial attention. In this review, we summarize recent advances in characterizing a neural circuit in this midbrain network that generates large amplitude, space-specific, gamma oscillations in the avian OT, both in vivo and in vitro. We describe key physiological and pharmacological mechanisms that produce and regulate the structure of these oscillations. The extensive similarities between midbrain gamma oscillations in birds and those in the neocortex and hippocampus of mammals, offer important insights into the functional significance of a midbrain gamma oscillatory code.


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Regionalization of extreme rainfall is useful for various applications in hydro-meteorology. There is dearth of regionalization studies on extreme rainfall in India. In this perspective, a set of 25 regions that are homogeneous in 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-day extreme rainfall is delineated based on seasonality measure of extreme rainfall and location indicators (latitude, longitude and altitude) by using global fuzzy c-means (GFCM) cluster analysis. The regions are validated for homogeneity in L-moment framework. One of the applications of the regions is in arriving at quantile estimates of extreme rainfall at sparsely gauged/ungauged locations using options such as regional frequency analysis (RFA). The RFA involves use of rainfall-related information from gauged sites in a region as the basis to estimate quantiles of extreme rainfall for target locations that resemble the region in terms of rainfall characteristics. A procedure for RFA based on GFCM-delineated regions is presented and its effectiveness is evaluated by leave-one-out cross validation. Error in quantile estimates for ungauged sites is compared with that resulting from the use of region-of-influence (ROI) approach that forms site-specific regions exclusively for quantile estimation. Results indicate that error in quantile estimates based on GFCM regions and ROI are fairly close, and neither of them is consistent in yielding the least error over all the sites. The cluster analysis approach was effective in reducing the number of regions to be delineated for RFA.


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Precise information on streamflows is of major importance for planning and monitoring of water resources schemes related to hydro power, water supply, irrigation, flood control, and for maintaining ecosystem. Engineers encounter challenges when streamflow data are either unavailable or inadequate at target locations. To address these challenges, there have been efforts to develop methodologies that facilitate prediction of streamflow at ungauged sites. Conventionally, time intensive and data exhaustive rainfall-runoff models are used to arrive at streamflow at ungauged sites. Most recent studies show improved methods based on regionalization using Flow Duration Curves (FDCs). A FDC is a graphical representation of streamflow variability, which is a plot between streamflow values and their corresponding exceedance probabilities that are determined using a plotting position formula. It provides information on the percentage of time any specified magnitude of streamflow is equaled or exceeded. The present study assesses the effectiveness of two methods to predict streamflow at ungauged sites by application to catchments in Mahanadi river basin, India. The methods considered are (i) Regional flow duration curve method, and (ii) Area Ratio method. The first method involves (a) the development of regression relationships between percentile flows and attributes of catchments in the study area, (b) use of the relationships to construct regional FDC for the ungauged site, and (c) use of a spatial interpolation technique to decode information in FDC to construct streamflow time series for the ungauged site. Area ratio method is conventionally used to transfer streamflow related information from gauged sites to ungauged sites. Attributes that have been considered for the analysis include variables representing hydrology, climatology, topography, land-use/land- cover and soil properties corresponding to catchments in the study area. Effectiveness of the presented methods is assessed using jack knife cross-validation. Conclusions based on the study are presented and discussed. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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When a binary liquid is confined by a strongly repulsive wall, the local density is depleted near the wall and an interface similar to that between the liquid and its vapor is formed. This analogy suggests that the composition of the binary liquid near this interface should exhibit spatial modulation similar to that near a liquid-vapor interface even if the interactions of the wall with the two components of the liquid are the same. The Guggenheim adsorption relation quantifies the concentrations of two components of a binary mixture near a liquid-vapor interface and qualitatively states that the majority (minority) component enriches the interface for negative (positive) mixing energy if the surface tensions of the two components are not very different. From molecular dynamics simulations of binary mixtures with different compositions and interactions we find that the Guggenheim relation is qualitatively satisfied at wall-induced interfaces for systems with negative mixing energy at all state points considered. For systems with positive mixing energy, this relation is found to be qualitatively valid at low densities, while it is violated at state points with high density where correlations in the liquid are strong. This observation is validated by a calculation of the density profiles of the two components of the mixture using density functional theory with the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free-energy functional. Possible reasons for the violation of the Guggenheim relation are discussed.


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Generalized spatial modulation (GSM) uses n(t) transmit antenna elements but fewer transmit radio frequency (RF) chains, n(rf). Spatial modulation (SM) and spatial multiplexing are special cases of GSM with n(rf) = 1 and n(rf) = n(t), respectively. In GSM, in addition to conveying information bits through n(rf) conventional modulation symbols (for example, QAM), the indices of the n(rf) active transmit antennas also convey information bits. In this paper, we investigate GSM for large-scale multiuser MIMO communications on the uplink. Our contributions in this paper include: 1) an average bit error probability (ABEP) analysis for maximum-likelihood detection in multiuser GSM-MIMO on the uplink, where we derive an upper bound on the ABEP, and 2) low-complexity algorithms for GSM-MIMO signal detection and channel estimation at the base station receiver based on message passing. The analytical upper bounds on the ABEP are found to be tight at moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). The proposed receiver algorithms are found to scale very well in complexity while achieving near-optimal performance in large dimensions. Simulation results show that, for the same spectral efficiency, multiuser GSM-MIMO can outperform multiuser SM-MIMO as well as conventional multiuser MIMO, by about 2 to 9 dB at a bit error rate of 10(-3). Such SNR gains in GSM-MIMO compared to SM-MIMO and conventional MIMO can be attributed to the fact that, because of a larger number of spatial index bits, GSM-MIMO can use a lower-order QAM alphabet which is more power efficient.


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Wrist pulse signal contains more important information about the health status of a person and pulse signal diagnosis has been employed in oriental medicine since very long time. In this paper we have used signal processing techniques to extract information from wrist pulse signals. For this purpose we have acquired radial artery pulse signals at wrist position noninvasively for different cases of interest. The wrist pulse waveforms have been analyzed using spatial features. Results have been obtained for the case of wrist pulse signals recorded for several subjects before exercise and after exercise. It is shown that the spatial features show statistically significant changes for the two cases and hence they are effective in distinguishing the changes taking place due to exercise. Support vector machine classifier is used to classify between the groups, and a high classification accuracy of 99.71% is achieved. Thus this paper demonstrates the utility of the spatial features in studying wrist pulse signals obtained under various recording conditions. The ability of the model to distinguish changes occurring under two different recording conditions can be potentially used for health care applications.


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In this paper, we consider spatial modulation (SM) operating in a frequency-selective single-carrier (SC) communication scenario and propose zero-padding instead of the cyclic-prefix considered in the existing literature. We show that the zero-padded single-carrier (ZP-SC) SM system offers full multipath diversity under maximum-likelihood (ML) detection, unlike the cyclic-prefix based SM system. Furthermore, we show that the order of ML detection complexity in our proposed ZP-SC SM system is independent of the frame length and depends only on the number of multipath links between the transmitter and the receiver. Thus, we show that the zero-padding applied in the SC SM system has two advantages over the cyclic prefix: 1) achieves full multipath diversity, and 2) imposes a relatively low ML detection complexity. Furthermore, we extend the partial interference cancellation receiver (PIC-R) proposed by Guo and Xia for the detection of space-time block codes (STBCs) in order to convert the ZP-SC system into a set of narrowband subsystems experiencing flat-fading. We show that full rank STBC transmissions over these subsystems achieves full transmit, receive as well as multipath diversity for the PIC-R. Furthermore, we show that the ZP-SC SM system achieves receive and multipath diversity for the PIC-R at a detection complexity order which is the same as that of the SM system in flat-fading scenario. Our simulation results demonstrate that the symbol error ratio performance of the proposed linear receiver for the ZP-SC SM system is significantly better than that of the SM in cyclic prefix based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing as well as of the SM in the cyclic-prefixed and zero-padded single carrier systems relying on zero-forcing/minimum mean-squared error equalizer based receivers.


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In this letter, we quantify the transmit diversity order of the SM system operating in a closed-loop scenario. Specifically, the SM system relying on Euclidean distance based antenna subset selection (EDAS) is considered and the achievable diversity gain is evaluated. Furthermore, the resultant trade-off between the achievable diversity gain and switching gain is studied. Simulation results confirm our theoretical results. Specifically, at a symbol error rate of about 10(-4) the signal-to-noise ratio gain achieved by EDAS is about 7 dB in case of 16-QAM and about 5 dB in case of 64-QAM.


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The spatial error structure of daily precipitation derived from the latest version 7 (v7) tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) level 2 data products are studied through comparison with the Asian precipitation highly resolved observational data integration toward evaluation of the water resources (APHRODITE) data over a subtropical region of the Indian subcontinent for the seasonal rainfall over 6 years from June 2002 to September 2007. The data products examined include v7 data from the TRMM radiometer Microwave Imager (TMI) and radar precipitation radar (PR), namely, 2A12, 2A25, and 2B31 (combined data from PR and TMI). The spatial distribution of uncertainty from these data products were quantified based on performance metrics derived from the contingency table. For the seasonal daily precipitation over a subtropical basin in India, the data product of 2A12 showed greater skill in detecting and quantifying the volume of rainfall when compared with the 2A25 and 2B31 data products. Error characterization using various error models revealed that random errors from multiplicative error models were homoscedastic and that they better represented rainfall estimates from 2A12 algorithm. Error decomposition techniques performed to disentangle systematic and random errors verify that the multiplicative error model representing rainfall from 2A12 algorithm successfully estimated a greater percentage of systematic error than 2A25 or 2B31 algorithms. Results verify that although the radiometer derived 2A12 rainfall data is known to suffer from many sources of uncertainties, spatial analysis over the case study region of India testifies that the 2A12 rainfall estimates are in a very good agreement with the reference estimates for the data period considered.


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Blood travels throughout the body and thus its flow is modulated by changes in body condition. As a consequence, the wrist pulse signal contains important information about the status of the human body. In this work we have employed signal processing techniques to extract important information from these signals. Radial artery pulse pressure signals are acquired at wrist position noninvasively for several subjects for two cases of interest, viz. before and after exercise, and before and after lunch. Further analysis is performed by fitting a bi-modal Gaussian model to the data and extracting spatial features from the fit. The spatial features show statistically significant (p < 0.001) changes between the groups for both the cases, which indicates that they are effective in distinguishing the changes taking place due to exercise or food intake. Recursive cluster elimination based support vector machine classifier is used to classify between the groups. A high classification accuracy of 99.71% is achieved for the exercise case and 99.94% is achieved for the lunch case. This paper demonstrates the utility of certain spatial features in studying wrist pulse signals obtained under various experimental conditions. The ability of the spatial features in distinguishing changing body conditions can be potentially used for various healthcare applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.