165 resultados para Quantum mechanical model


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Gribov's observation that global gauge fixing is impossible has led to suggestions that there may be a deep connection between gauge fixing and confinement. We find an unexpected relation between the topological nontriviality of the gauge bundle and colored states in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory, and show that such states are necessarily impure. We approximate QCD by a rectangular matrix model that captures the essential topological features of the gauge bundle, and demonstrate the impure nature of colored states explicitly. Our matrix model also allows the inclusion of the QCD theta-term, as well as to perform explicit computations of low-lying glueball masses. This mass spectrum is gapped. Since an impure state cannot evolve to a pure one by a unitary transformation, our result shows that the solution to the confinement problem in pure QCD is fundamentally quantum information-theoretic.


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We study the phase diagram of the ionic Hubbard model (IHM) at half filling on a Bethe lattice of infinite connectivity using dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), with two impurity solvers, namely, iterated perturbation theory (IPT) and continuous time quantum Monte Carlo (CTQMC). The physics of the IHM is governed by the competition between the staggered ionic potential Delta and the on-site Hubbard U. We find that for a finite Delta and at zero temperature, long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order sets in beyond a threshold U = U-AF via a first-order phase transition. For U smaller than U-AF the system is a correlated band insulator. Both methods show a clear evidence for a quantum transition to a half-metal (HM) phase just after the AFM order is turned on, followed by the formation of an AFM insulator on further increasing U. We show that the results obtained within both methods have good qualitative and quantitative consistency in the intermediate-to-strong-coupling regime at zero temperature as well as at finite temperature. On increasing the temperature, the AFM order is lost via a first-order phase transition at a transition temperature T-AF(U,Delta) or, equivalently, on decreasing U below U-AF(T,Delta)], within both methods, for weak to intermediate values of U/t. In the strongly correlated regime, where the effective low-energy Hamiltonian is the Heisenberg model, IPT is unable to capture the thermal (Neel) transition from the AFM phase to the paramagnetic phase, but the CTQMC does. At a finite temperature T, DMFT + CTQMC shows a second phase transition (not seen within DMFT + IPT) on increasing U beyond U-AF. At U-N > U-AF, when the Neel temperature T-N for the effective Heisenberg model becomes lower than T, the AFM order is lost via a second-order transition. For U >> Delta, T-N similar to t(2)/U(1 - x(2)), where x = 2 Delta/U and thus T-N increases with increase in Delta/U. In the three-dimensional parameter space of (U/t, T/t, and Delta/t), as T increases, the surface of first-order transition at U-AF(T,Delta) and that of the second-order transition at U-N(T,Delta) approach each other, shrinking the range over which the AFM order is stable. There is a line of tricritical points that separates the surfaces of first- and second-order phase transitions.


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The issue of growth rate reduction of high speed mixing layer with convective Mach number is examined for similar and dissimilar gases using Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methodology with k- turbulence model. It is observed that the growth rate predicted using RANS simulations closely matches with that predicted using model free simulations. Velocity profiles do not depend on the modelled value of Pr-t and Sc-t; while the temperature and species mass fraction distributions depend heavily on them. Although basic k- turbulence model could not capture the reduced growth rate for the mixing layer formed between similar gases, it predicts very well the reduced growth rate for the mixing layer for the dissimilar gases. It appears that density ratio changes caused by temperature changes for the dissimilar gases have profound effect on the growth rate reduction.


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We consider a quantum particle, moving on a lattice with a tight-binding Hamiltonian, which is subjected to measurements to detect its arrival at a particular chosen set of sites. The projective measurements are made at regular time intervals tau, and we consider the evolution of the wave function until the time a detection occurs. We study the probabilities of its first detection at some time and, conversely, the probability of it not being detected (i.e., surviving) up to that time. We propose a general perturbative approach for understanding the dynamics which maps the evolution operator, which consists of unitary transformations followed by projections, to one described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. For some examples of a particle moving on one-and two-dimensional lattices with one or more detection sites, we use this approach to find exact expressions for the survival probability and find excellent agreement with direct numerical results. A mean-field model with hopping between all pairs of sites and detection at one site is solved exactly. For the one-and two-dimensional systems, the survival probability is shown to have a power-law decay with time, where the power depends on the initial position of the particle. Finally, we show an interesting and nontrivial connection between the dynamics of the particle in our model and the evolution of a particle under a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with a large absorbing potential at some sites.


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Molecular mechanics based finite element analysis is adopted in the current work to evaluate the mechanical properties of Zigzag, Armchair and Chiral Single wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) of different diameters and chiralities. Three different types of atomic bonds, that is Carbon Carbon covalent bond and two types of Carbon Carbon van der Waals bonds are considered in the carbon nanotube system. The stiffness values of these bonds are calculated using the molecular potentials, namely Morse potential function and Lennard-Jones interaction potential function respectively and these stiffness's are assigned to spring elements in the finite element model of the CNT. The geometry of CNT is built using a macro that is developed for the finite element analysis software. The finite element model of the CNT is constructed, appropriate boundary conditions are applied and the behavior of mechanical properties of CNT is studied.


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Understanding of nanoparticle-membrane interactions is useful for various applications of nanoparticles like drug delivery and imaging. Here we report on the studies of interaction between hydrophilic charged polymer coated semiconductor quantum dot nanoparticles with model lipid membranes. Atomic force microscopy and X-ray reflectivity measurements suggest that cationic nanoparticles bind and penetrate bilayers of zwitterionic lipids. Penetration and binding depend on the extent of lipid packing and result in the disruption of the lipid bilayer accompanied by enhanced lipid diffusion. On the other hand, anionic nanoparticles show minimal membrane binding although, curiously, their interaction leads to reduction in lipid diffusivity. It is suggested that the enhanced binding of cationic QDs at higher lipid packing can be understood in terms of the effective surface potential of the bilayers which is tunable through membrane lipid packing. Our results bring forth the subtle interplay of membrane lipid packing and electrostatics which determine nanoparticle binding and penetration of model membranes with further implications for real cell membranes.


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In this paper, we integrate two or more compliant mechanisms to get enhanced functionality for manipulating and mechanically characterizing the grasped objects of varied size (cm to sub-mm), stiffness (1e5 to 10 N/m), and materials (cement to biological cells). The concepts of spring-lever (SL) model, stiffness maps, and non-dimensional kinetoelastostatic maps are used to design composite and multi-scale compliant mechanisms. Composite compliant mechanisms comprise two or more different mechanisms within a single elastic continuum while multi-scale ones possess the additional feature of substantial difference in the sizes of the mechanisms that are combined into one. We present three applications: (i) a composite compliant device to measure the failure load of the cement samples; (ii) a composite multi-scale compliant gripper to measure the bulk stiffness of zebrafish embryos; and (iii) a compliant gripper combined with a negative-stiffness element to reduce the overall stiffness. The prototypes of all three devices are made and tested. The cement sample needed a breaking force of 22.5 N; the zebrafish embryo is found to have bulk stiffness of about 10 N/m; and the stiffness of a compliant gripper was reduced by 99.8 % to 0.2 N/m.


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Despite significant improvements in their properties as emitters, colloidal quantum dots have not had much success in emerging as suitable materials for laser applications. Gain in most colloidal systems is short lived, and needs to compete with biexcitonic decay. This has necessitated the use of short pulsed lasers to pump quantum dots to thresholds needed for amplified spontaneous emission or lasing. Continuous wave pumping of gain that is possible in some inorganic phosphors has therefore remained a very distant possibility for quantum dots. Here, we demonstrate that trilayer heterostructures could provide optimal conditions for demonstration of continuous wave lasing in colloidal materials. The design considerations for these materials are discussed in terms of a kinetic model. The electronic structure of the proposed dot architectures is modeled within effective mass theory.


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The calculation of First Passage Time (moreover, even its probability density in time) has so far been generally viewed as an ill-posed problem in the domain of quantum mechanics. The reasons can be summarily seen in the fact that the quantum probabilities in general do not satisfy the Kolmogorov sum rule: the probabilities for entering and non-entering of Feynman paths into a given region of space-time do not in general add up to unity, much owing to the interference of alternative paths. In the present work, it is pointed out that a special case exists (within quantum framework), in which, by design, there exists one and only one available path (i.e., door-way) to mediate the (first) passage -no alternative path to interfere with. Further, it is identified that a popular family of quantum systems - namely the 1d tight binding Hamiltonian systems - falls under this special category. For these model quantum systems, the first passage time distributions are obtained analytically by suitably applying a method originally devised for classical (stochastic) mechanics (by Schroedinger in 1915). This result is interesting especially given the fact that the tight binding models are extensively used in describing everyday phenomena in condense matter physics.


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We present experimental and theoretical results on monolayer colloidal cadmium selenide quantum dot films embedded with tiny gold nanoparticles. By varying the density of the embedded gold nanoparticles, we were able to engineer a plasmon-mediated crossover from emission quenching to enhancement regime at interparticle distances for which only quenching of emission is expected. This crossover and a nonmonotonic variation of photoluminescence intensity and decay rate, in experiments, is explained in terms of a model for plasmon-mediated collective emission of quantum emitters which points to the emergence of a new regime in plasmon-exciton interactions. The presented methodology to achieve enhancement in optical quantum efficiency for optimal doping of gold nanoparticles in such ultrathin high-density quantum dot films can be beneficial for new-generation displays and photodetectors.


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We report a theoretical prediction of a new class of bulk and intrinsic quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulators LaX (X=Br, Cl, and I) via relativistic first-principles calculations. We find that these systems are innate long-ranged ferromagnets which, with the help of intrinsic spin-orbit coupling, become QAH insulators. A low-energy multiband tight-binding model is developed to understand the origin of the QAH effect. Finally, integer Chern number is obtained via Berry phase computation for each two-dimensional plane. These materials have the added benefit of a sizable band gap of as large as similar to 25 meV, with the flexibility of enhancing it to above 75 meV via strain engineering. The synthesis of LaX materials will provide the impurity-free single crystals and thin-film QAH insulators for versatile experiments and functionalities.


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Diffusion-a measure of dynamics, and entropy-a measure of disorder in the system are found to be intimately correlated in many systems, and the correlation is often strongly non-linear. We explore the origin of this complex dependence by studying diffusion of a point Brownian particle on a model potential energy surface characterized by ruggedness. If we assume that the ruggedness has a Gaussian distribution, then for this model, one can obtain the excess entropy exactly for any dimension. By using the expression for the mean first passage time, we present a statistical mechanical derivation of the well-known and well-tested scaling relation proposed by Rosenfeld between diffusion and excess entropy. In anticipation that Rosenfeld diffusion-entropy scaling (RDES) relation may continue to be valid in higher dimensions (where the mean first passage time approach is not available), we carry out an effective medium approximation (EMA) based analysis of the effective transition rate and hence of the effective diffusion coefficient. We show that the EMA expression can be used to derive the RDES scaling relation for any dimension higher than unity. However, RDES is shown to break down in the presence of spatial correlation among the energy landscape values. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Metastasis is clinically the most challenging and lethal aspect of breast cancer. While animal-based xenograft models are expensive and time-consuming, conventional two-dimensional (2D) cell culture systems fail to mimic in vivo signaling. In this study we have developed a three-dimensional (3D) scaffold system that better mimics the topography and mechanical properties of the breast tumor, thus recreating the tumor microenvironment in vitro to study breast cancer metastasis. Porous poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds of modulus 7.0 +/- 0.5 kPa, comparable to that of breast tumor tissue were fabricated, on which MDA-MB-231 cells proliferated forming tumoroids. A comparative gene expression analysis revealed that cells growing in the scaffolds expressed increased levels of genes implicated in the three major events of metastasis, viz., initiation, progression, and the site-specific colonization compared to cells grown in conventional 2D tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS) dishes. The cells cultured in scaffolds showed increased invasiveness and sphere efficiency in vitro and increased lung metastasis in vivo. A global gene expression analysis revealed a significant increase in the expression of genes involved in cell cell and cell matrix interactions and tissue remodeling, cancer inflammation, and the PI3K/Akt, Wnt, NF-kappaB, and HIFI signaling pathways all of which are implicated in metastasis. Thus, culturing breast cancer cells in 3D scaffolds that mimic the in vivo tumor-like microenvironment enhances their metastatic potential. This system could serve as a comprehensive in vitro model to investigate the manifold mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis.


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Quantifying and characterising atomic defects in nanocrystals is difficult and low-throughput using the existing methods such as high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). In this article, using a defocused wide-field optical imaging technique, we demonstrate that a single ultrahigh-piezoelectric ZnO nanorod contains a single defect site. We model the observed dipole-emission patterns from optical imaging with a multi-dimensional dipole and find that the experimentally observed dipole pattern and model-calculated patterns are in excellent agreement. This agreement suggests the presence of vertically oriented degenerate-transition-dipoles in vertically aligned ZnO nanorods. The HRTEM of the ZnO nanorod shows the presence of a stacking fault, which generates a localised quantum well induced degenerate-transition-dipole. Finally, we elucidate that defocused wide-field imaging can be widely used to characterise defects in nanomaterials to answer many difficult questions concerning the performance of low-dimensional devices, such as in energy harvesting, advanced metal-oxide-semiconductor storage, and nanoelectromechanical and nanophotonic devices.


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Restricted area heterojunctions, an array of lead sulfide colloidal quantum dots (PbS-CQDs) and crystalline silicon, are studied with a non-destructive remote contact light beam induced current (RC-LBIC) technique. As well as getting good quality active area images we observed an anomalous unipolar signal response for the PbS-CQD/n-Si devices and a conventionally expected bipolar signal profile for the PbS-CQD/p-Si devices. Interestingly, our simulation results consistently yielded a unipolar and bipolar nature in the signals related to the PbSCQD/n-Si and PbS-CQD/p-Si heterostructures, respectively. In order to explain the physical mechanism involved in the unipolar signal response of the PbS-CQD/n-Si devices, we propose a model based on the band alignment in the heterojunctions, in addition to the distribution of photo-induced excess majority carriers across the junction. Given that the RC-LBIC technique is well suited to this context, the presence of these two distinct mechanisms (the bipolar and unipolar nature of the signals) needs to be considered in order to have a better interpretation of the data in the characterization of an array of homo/heterojunctions.