223 resultados para Orbital resonances


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Three-dimensional (3D) structure of a hairpin DNA d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (22mer; abbreviated as U4-hairpin), which has a uracil nucleotide unit at the fourth position from the 5' end of the tetra-loop has been solved by NMR spectroscopy. The H-1 resonances of this hairpin have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimisation procedures have been used to describe the 3D structure of the U4 hairpin. This study establishes that the stem of the hairpin adopts a right handed B-DNA conformation while the T-12 and U-15 nucleotide stack upon 3' and 5' ends of the stem, respectively. Further, T-14 stacks upon both T-12 and U-15 while T-13 partially stacks upon T-14. Very weak stacking interaction is observed between T-13 and T-12. All the individual nucleotide bases adopt 'anti' conformation with respect to their sugar moiety. The turning phosphate in the loop is located between T-13 and T-14. The stereochemistry of U-15 mimics the situation where uracil would stack in a B-DNA conformation. This could be the reason as to why the U4-hairpin is found to be the best substrate for its interaction with uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) compared to the other substrates in which the uracil is at the first, second and third positions of the tetra-loop from its 5' end, as reported previously.


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Systematic ab initio molecular orbital studies of the conformational equilibria and vibrational spectra of dipropionamide using the basis sets 6-31g(d) and 6-31++G(d,p) have been carried out. The vibrational spectra of dipropionamide have been satisfactorily interpreted taking into account the agreement between the calculated frequencies, infrared and Raman band intensities and the shifts in the spectra of deuterated molecules with those observed. The previous assignments of most of the vibrational bands are well confirmed, a few bands need reassignment, however. The solvent effects were investigated by self-consistent reaction field theory using dipole and self-consistent isodensity polarized continuum model methods. The introduction of a dielectric medium has only a marginal effect on the conformational equilibria and vibrational spectra. However, the calculated changes in geometry and vibrational spectra on going from the gas phase to the solution phase are in accord with the increasing weight of the dipolar resonance structure in polar solvents. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microwave (MW) thawing of 2D frozen cylinders exposed to uniform plane waves from one face, is modeled using the effective heat capacity formulation with the MW power obtained from the electric field equations. Computations are illustrated for tylose (23% methyl cellulose gel) which melts over a range of temperatures giving rise to a mushy zone. Within the mushy region the dielectric properties are functions of the liquid volume fraction. The resulting coupled, time dependent non-linear equations are solved using the Galerkin finite element method with a fixed mesh. Our method efficiently captures the multiple connected thawed domains that arise due to the penetration of MWs in the sample. For a cylinder of diameter D, the two length scales that control the thawing dynamics are D/D-p and D/lambda(m), where D-p and lambda(m) are the penetration depth and wavelength of radiation in the sample respectively. For D/D-p, D/lambda(m) much less than 1 power absorption is uniform and thawing occurs almost simultaneously across the sample (Regime I). For D/D-p much greater than 1 thawing is seen to occur from the incident face, since the power decays exponentially into the sample (Regime III). At intermediate values, 0.2 < D/D-p, D/lambda(m) < 2.0 (Regime II) thawing occurs from the unexposed face at smaller diameters, from both faces at intermediate diameters and from the exposed and central regions at larger diameters. Average power absorption during thawing indicates a monotonic rise in Regime I and a monotonic decrease in Regime III. Local maxima in the average power observed for samples in Regime II are due to internal resonances within the sample. Thawing time increases monotonically with sample diameter and temperature gradients in the sample generally increase from Regime I to Regime III. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two-dimensional NMR and molecular dynamics simulations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structures of two hairpin DNA structures: d-CTAGAG GATCCUTTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U1-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTUTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U3-hairpin). The (1) H resonances of both of these hairpin structures have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimization procedures have been used to describe the three-dimensional structures of these hairpins. This study and concurrent NMR structural studies on two other d-CTAGAGGA TCCTUTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U2-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (abbreviated as U4-hairpin) have shed light upon various interactions reported between Echerichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) and uracil-containing DNA. The backbone torsion angles, which partially influence the local conformation of U12 and U14 in U1 and U3-hairpins, respectively, are probably locked in the trans conformation as in the case of U-13 in the U2-hairpin. Such a stretched-out backbone conformation in the vicinity of U-12 and U-14 is thought to be the reason why the K-m value is poor for U1- and U3-hairpins as it is for the U2-hairpin. Furthermore, the bases U-12 and U-14 in both U1- and U3-hairpins adopt an anti conformation, in contrast with the base conformation of U-13 in the U2-hairpin, which adopts a syn conformation. The clear discrepancy observed in the U-base orientation with respect to the sugar moieties could explain why the V-max value is 10- to 20-fold higher for the U1- and U3-hairpins compared with the U2-hairpin. Taken together, these observations support our interpretation that the unfavourable backbone results in a poor K-m value, whereas the unfavourable nucleotide conformation results in a poor V-max value. These two parameters therefore make the U1- and U3-hairpins better substrates for UDG compared with the U2-hairpin, as reported earlier [Kumar, N. V. & Varshney, U. (1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 2336-2343.].


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LixCoOy films with x < 1 and y > 2 have been prepared by radio-frequency (rf) sputtering from high temperature (HT) LiCoO2 targets. Their structures have been examined with high resolution electron microscopy. Conductivities have been studied between 77 and 400 K. The electrochemical behaviour of film electrodes have been investigated with Li/LiClO4-PC/LixCoOy cells. The annealed films consist of nanocrystalline domains with amorphous boundaries. Electrical conductivities appear to arise from variable-range hopping (VRH) of holes. The films form good electrodes with operating potentials between 2.7 and 3.8 V. The observations have been discussed on the basis of a tentative and heuristic molecular orbital based energy band diagram. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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We study odd-membered chains of spin-1/2 impurities, with each end connected to its own metallic lead. For antiferromagnetic exchange coupling, universal two-channel Kondo (2CK) physics is shown to arise at low energies. Two overscreening mechanisms are found to occur depending on coupling strength, with distinct signatures in physical properties. For strong interimpurity coupling, a residual chain spin-1/2 moment experiences a renormalized effective coupling to the leads, while in the weak-coupling regime, Kondo coupling is mediated via incipient single-channel Kondo singlet formation. We also investigate models in which the leads are tunnel-coupled to the impurity chain, permitting variable dot filling under applied gate voltages. Effective low-energy models for each regime of filling are derived, and for even fillings where the chain ground state is a spin singlet, an orbital 2CK effect is found to be operative. Provided mirror symmetry is preserved, 2CK physics is shown to be wholly robust to variable dot filling; in particular, the single-particle spectrum at the Fermi level, and hence the low-temperature zero-bias conductance, is always pinned to half-unitarity. We derive a Friedel-Luttinger sum rule and from it show that, in contrast to a Fermi liquid, the Luttinger integral is nonzero and determined solely by the ``excess'' dot charge as controlled by gate voltage. The relevance of the work to real quantum dot devices, where interlead charge-transfer processes fatal to 2CK physics are present, is also discussed. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization-group techniques are used to obtain a detailed understanding of these problems.


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In this paper, we compare the electronic structure of the hafnacycloallene complex Cp(2)HfC(4)Rr'(2)R `' (5Hf), which was previously described by Erker et al., with those of the titanium, zirconium, and hafnium complexes Cp(2)M(eta(4)-RHC(4)HR) (3M; i.e. metallacyclopent-2,3,4-trienes, metallacyclocumulenes) and Cp(2)M(eta(2)-R(2)C(4)R(2)) (4M; i.e. 1-metallacyclopent-3-ynes) using density functional theory (BP86/LANL2DZ) calculations. Moreover, the eta(3)-phenylallenyl zirconocene complex 7Zr, which was synthesized by Wojcicki et al., is included for the comparison. These calculations and extended Huckel calculations show that the bonding in complex 5Hf is remarkably similar to that of complexes 4M and 7Zr. An analysis of the structural parameters and bonding reveals that the unique interaction of the internal carbon atoms along with the terminal carbon atoms with the bent-metallocene moiety is the reason for the unusual stability of these metallacycles. The molecular orbital analysis further suggests that complex 5Hf can react with another metal fragment to give the bimetallic complexes 9 and 10. The electronic structures of complexes 3M, 4M, 5Hf, and 7Zr have been comparatively studied to get a general understanding of the bonding in these metallacycles.


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[(eta(6)-C(10)H(14))RuCl(mu-Cl)](2) (eta(6)-C(10)H(14) = eta(6)-p-cymene) was subjected to a bridge-splitting reaction with N,N',N `'-triarylguanidines, (ArNH)(2)C=NAr, in toluene at ambient temperature to afford [(eta(6)-C(10)H(14))RuCl{kappa(2)(N,N')((ArN)(2)C-N(H)Ar)}] (Ar = C(6)H(4)Me-4 (1), C(6)H(4)(OMe)-2 (2), C(6)H(4)Me-2 (3), and C(6)H(3)Me(2)-2,4 (4)) in high yield with a view aimed at understanding the influence of substituent(s) on the aryl rings of the guanidine upon the solid-state structure, solution behavior, and reactivity pattern of the products. Complexes 1-3 upon reaction with NaN(3) in ethanol at ambient temperature afforded [(eta(6)-C(10)H(14))RuN(3){kappa(2)(N,N')((ArN)(2)C-N(H)Ar)}] (Ar = C(6)H(4)Me-4 (5), C(6)H(4)(OMe)-2 (6), and C(6)H(4)Me-2 (7)) in high yield. [3 + 2] cycloaddition reaction of 5-7 with RO(O)C-C C-C(O)OR (R = Et (DEAD) and Me (DMAD)) (diethylacetylenedicarboxylate, DEAD; dimethylacetylenedicarboxylate, DMAD) in CH(2)Cl(2) at ambient temperature afforded [(eta(6)-C(10)H(14))Ru{N(3)C(2)(C(O)OR)(2)}{kappa(2)(N,N')((ArN)(2) C-N(H)Ar)}center dot xH(2)O (x = 1, R = Et, Ar = C(6)H(4)Me-4 (8 center dot H(2)O); x = 0, R = Me, Ar = C(6)H(4)(OMe)-2 (9), and C(6)H(4)Me-2 (10)) in moderate yield. The molecular structures of 1-6, 8 center dot H(2)O, and 10 were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The ruthenium atom in the aforementioned complexes revealed pseudo octahedral ``three legged piano stool'' geometry. The guanidinate ligand in 2, 3, and 6 revealed syn-syn conformation and that in 4, and 10 revealed syn-anti conformation, and the conformational difference was rationalized on the basis of subtle differences in the stereochemistry of the coordinated nitrogen atoms caused by the aryl moiety in 3 and 4 or steric overload caused by the substituents around the ruthenium atom in 10. The bonding pattern of the CN(3) unit of the guanidinate ligand in the new complexes was explained by invoking n-pi conjugation involving the interaction of the NHAr/N(coord)Ar lone pair with C=N pi* orbital of the imine unit. Complexes 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 center dot H(2)O, and 9 were shown to exist as a single isomer in solution as revealed by NMR data, and this was ascribed to a fast C-N(H)Ar bond rotation caused by a less bulky aryl moiety in these complexes. In contrast, 3 and 10 were shown to exist as a mixture of three and five isomers in about 1:1:1 and 1.0:1.2:2:7:3.5:6.9 ratios, respectively in solution as revealed by a VT (1)H NMR, (1)H-(1)H COSY in conjunction with DEPT-90 (13)C NMR data measured at 233 K in the case of 3. The multiple number of isomers in solution was ascribed to the restricted C-N(H)(o-tolyl) bond rotation caused by the bulky o-tolyl substituent in 3 or the aforementioned restricted C-NH(o-tolyl) bond rotation as well as the restricted ruthenium-arene(centroid) bond rotation caused by the substituents around the ruthenium atom in 10.


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By means of N-body simulations we investigate the impact of minor mergers on the angular momentum and dynamical properties of the merger remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics and gas-to-stellar mass fractions (from 0 to 20%), and include star formation and supernova feedback. We confirm and extend previous results by showing that the specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independently of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, and that the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits. However, the decrease affects only the old stellar population, and not the new population formed from gas during the merging process. This means that the merging process induces an increasing difference in the rotational support of the old and young stellar components, with the old one lagging with respect to the new. Even if our models are not intended specifically to reproduce the Milky Way and its accretion history, we find that, under certain conditions, the modeled rotational lag found is compatible with that observed in the Milky Way disk, thus indicating that minor mergers can be a viable way to produce it. The lag can increase with the vertical distance from the disk midplane, but only if the satellite is accreted along a direct orbit, and in all cases the main contribution to the lag comes from stars originally in the primary disk rather than from stars in the satellite galaxy. We also discuss the possibility of creating counter-rotating stars in the remnant disk, their fraction as a function of the vertical distance from the galaxy midplane, and the cumulative effect of multiple mergers on their creation.


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Copper dodecanoate films prepared by emulsion method exhibit superhydrophobic property with water contact angle of 155 degrees and sliding angle of <2 degrees. The films have been characterised by using X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy techniques. Surface microstructure of copper dodecanoate consists of numerous microscale papillas of about 6-12 mu m in length with a diameter in the range of 360-700 nm. The superhydrophobicity of the films is due to their dual micronano surface morphology. The wetting behaviour of the film surface was studied by a simple water immersion test. The results show that copper dodecanoate film retained superhydrophobic property even after immersing in water for about 140 h. The optical absorption spectrum exhibits two broadbands centred at 388 and 630 nm that have been assigned to B-2(1g) -> E-2(g) and B-2(1g) -> B-2(2g) transitions of Cu2+ ions, respectively. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum exhibits two resonance signals with effective g values at g(parallel to)approximate to 2.308 and g(perpendicular to) approximate to 2.071, which suggests that the unpaired electron occupies d(x2-y2) orbital in the ground state. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Two new solution processable, low band gap donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymers (P1 and P2) comprising a cyclopentac] thiophene (CPT) based oligomers as donors and benzoc]1,2,5] selenadiazole (BDS) and 2-dodecyl1,2,3]-benzotriazole (BTAz) as acceptors were synthesized and characterized and their field effect transistor properties were studied. The internal charge transfer interaction between the electron-donating CPT based oligothiophene and the electron-accepting BDS or BTAz unit effectively reduces the band gap in polymers to 1.3 and 1.66 eV with low lying highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). The absorption spectrum of P1 was found to be more red shifted than that of P2 because of incorporation of the more electron-withdrawing BDS unit. The color of neutral P1 was found to be green in both solution and film states with two major bands in the absorption spectra; however, neutral P2 revealed one dominant absorption exhibiting red color in both solution and film state which could be attributed to the less electron-withdrawing effect of the BTAz unit. The polymers were further characterized by GPC, TGA, DSC and cyclic voltammetry. P1 and P2 exhibited charge carrier mobilities as high as 9 x 10(-3) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and 2.56 x 10(-3) cm 2 V-1 s(-1), respectively with the current on/off ratio (I-on/I-off) in the order of 10(2).


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Electrodes and the nature of their contact with organic materials play a crucial role in the realization of efficient optoelectronic components. Whether the injection (organic light-emitting diodes - OLEDs) or collection (organic photovoltaic cells - OPV cells) of carriers, contacts must be as efficient as possible. To do this, it is customary to refer to electrode surface treatment and/or using a buffer layer all things to optimize the contact. Efficiency of organic photovoltaic cells based on organic electron donor/organic electron acceptor junctions can be strongly improved when the transparent conductive anode is coated with a buffer layer (ABL). We show that an ultra-thin gold (0.5 nm) or a thin molybdenum oxide (3-5 nm) can be used as efficient ABL. However, the effects of these ABL depend on the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of different electron donors of the OPV cells. The results indicate that, in the case of metal ABL, a good matching between the work function of the anode and the highest occupied molecular orbital of the donor material is the major factor limiting the hole transfer efficiency. Indeed, gold is efficient as ABL only when the HOMO of the organic donor is close to its work function Phi(Au). MoO3 has a wider field of application as ABL than gold. The role of the oxide is not so clearly understood than that of Au, different models proposed to interpret the experimental results are discussed.


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We show that it is possible to change from a subnatural electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) feature to a subnatural electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) feature in a (degenerate) three-level. system. The change is effected by turning on a second control beam counter-propagating with respect to the first beam. We observe this change in the D-2 line of Rb in a room temperature vapor cell. The observations are supported by density-matrix analysis of the complete sublevel structure including the effect of Doppler averaging, but can be understood qualitatively as arising due to the formation of N-type systems with the two control beams. Since many of the applications of EIT and EIA rely on the anomalous dispersion near the resonances, this introduces a new ability to control the sign of the dispersion. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012


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Experiments have shown strong effects of some substrates on the localized plasmons of metallic nano particles but they are inconclusive on the affecting parameters. Here, we have used discrete dipole approximation in conjunction with Sommerfeld integral relations to explain the effect of the substrates as a function of the parameters of incident radiation. The radiative coupling can both quench and enhance the resonance and its dependence on the angle and polarization of incident radiation with respect to the surface is shown. Non-radiative interaction with the substrate enhances the plasmon resonance of the particles and can shift the resonances from their free-space energies significantly. The non-radiative interaction of the substrate is sensitive to the shape of particles and polarization of incident radiation with respect to substrate. Our results show that the plasmon resonances in coupled and single particles can be significantly altered from their free-space resonances and are quenched or enhanced by the choice of substrate and polarization of incident radiation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4736544]


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High density transparent glasses (7.86 g/cc) were fabricated in the 2Bi(2)O(3)-B2O3 (BBO) system. Optical band gap of the obtained glasses was found to be 2.6eV. The refractive index measured for these glasses was 2.25 +/- 0.05 at lambda=543 nm. Nonlinear refraction and absorption studies were carried out on the BBO glasses using z-scan technique a lambda=532 nm of 10 ns pulse width. The nonlinear refractive index obtained was n(2)=12.1x10(-14) cm(2)/W and nonlinear absorption coefficient was beta=15.2 cm/GW. The n(2) and beta values of the BBO glasses were large compared to the other reported high index bismuth based oxide glass systems in the literature. These were attributed to the high density, high linear refractive index, low band gap and two photon absorption associated with these glasses. The electronic origin of large nonlinearities was discussed based on bond-orbital theory.