172 resultados para Lattice QCD


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Reaction of bismuth metal with WO$_3$ in the absence of oxygen yields interesting bronze-like phases. From analytical electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the product phases are found to have the general composition Bi$_x$ WO$_3$ with bismuth in the 3+ state. Structural investigations made with high resolution electron micrscopy and cognate techniques reveal that when x < 0.02, a perovskite bronze is formed. When x $\geqslant$ 0.02, however, intergrowth tungsten bronzes (i.t.b.) containing varying widths of the WO$_3$ slab are formed, the lattice periodicity being in the range 2.3-5.1 nm in a direction perpendicular to the WO$_3$ slabs. Image-matching studies indicate that the bismuth atoms are in the tunnels of the hexagonal tungsten bronze (h.t.b.) strips and the h.t.b. strips always remain one-tunnel wide. Annealed samples show a satellite structure around the superlattice spots in the electron diffraction patterns, possibly owing to ordering of the bismuth atoms in the tunnels. The i.t.b. phases show recurrent intergrowths extending up to 100 nm in several crystals. The periodicity varies considerably within the same crystal wherever there is disordered intergrowth, but unit cell dimensions can be assigned from X-ray and electron diffraction patterns. The maximum value of x in the i.t.b. phases is ca. 0.07 and there is no evidence for the i.t.b. phase progressively giving way to the h.t.b. phase with increase in x. Hexagonal tungsten bronzes that contain bismuth with x up to 0.02 can be formed by starting from hexagonal WO$_3$, but the h.t.b. phase seems to be metastable. Optical, magnetic and electron transport properties of the i.t.b. phases have been measured and it appears that the electrons become itinerant when x > 0.05.


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We show that the large anomalous Hall constants of mixed-valence and Kondo-lattice systems can be understood in terms of a simple resonant-level Fermi-liquid model. Splitting of a narrow, orbitally unquenched, spin-orbit split, f resonance in a magnetic field leads to strong skew scattering of band electrons. We interpret both the anomalous signs and the strong temperature dependence of Hall mobilities in CeCu2Si2, SmB6, and CePd3 in terms of this theory.


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The attenuation of long-wavelength phonons due to their interaction with electronic excitations in disordered systems is investigated here. Lattice strain couples to electronic stress, and thus ultrasonic attenuation measures electronic viscosity. The enhancement and critical divergence of electronic viscosity due to localization effects is calculated for the first time. Experimental consequences for the anomalous increase of ultrasonic attenuation in disordered metals close to the metal-insulator transition are discussed. In the localized regime, the appropriate model is one of electronic two-level systems (TLS’s) coupled to phonons. The TLS consists of a pair of states with one localized state occupied and the other unoccupied. The density of such low-excitation-energy TLS’s is nonzero due to long-range Coulomb interactions. The question of whether these could be significant low-energy excitations in glasses is touched upon.


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Proton magnetic resonance and spin-lattice relaxation studies have been carried out on (NH4)2CdI4 as a function of temperature (77–400 K) and Larmor frequency (10, 20 and 30 MHz). The T1 data indicate isotropic tumbling of ammonium ions at equivalent sites till 160 K. There is an indication of a phase transition at 265 K, the activation energy for molecular reorientation increases from 2.8 kcal/mole to 4.6 kcal/mole. The relaxation results and the linewidth data support the presence of two inequivalent sites at low temperatures, one having an environment corresponding to near-rigid-lattice limit and the other undergoing fast reorientations. The behaviour of the free induction decay with temperature below 120 K suggests a coherent motion for the faster species.


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This paper considers the applicability of the least mean fourth (LM F) power gradient adaptation criteria with 'advantage' for signals associated with gaussian noise, the associated noise power estimate not being known. The proposed method, as an adaptive spectral estimator, is found to provide superior performance than the least mean square (LMS) adaptation for the same (or even lower) speed of convergence for signals having sufficiently high signal-to-gaussian noise ratio. The results include comparison of the performance of the LMS-tapped delay line, LMF-tapped delay line, LMS-lattice and LMF-lattice algorithms, with the Burg's block data method as reference. The signals, like sinusoids with noise and stochastic signals like EEG, are considered in this study.


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Tie-lines between the corundum and spinel solid solutions have been determined experimentally at 1823 K. Next, activities of FeCr2O4 and FeAl2O4 in the spinel solid solution were determined by combining the tie-line data with literature values for the activities of Cr2O3 and Al2O3 in the corundum phase. Activities and the Gibbs energy of mixing for the spinel solid solution were also obtained from a model based on cation distribution between nonequivalent crystallographic sites in the oxide lattice. The difference between the Gibbs energy of mixing obtained experimentally and from the model has been attributed to a strain enthalpy term which is relatively unchanged in magnitude from the reported at 1373 K. The integral enthalpy of mixing obtained from experimental data at 1373 and 1823 K using the second law is compared with the model result.


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The electrical and optical properties of the thermally induced quenched-in levels in p-silicon which have heen attributed to iron are studied. The two levels, HI and H2, are located at Ev + 0.42 eV and Ev + 0.52 eV, respectively, as determined by TSCAP, DLTS, and transient photocapacitance methods. The photoionization cross sections are well described by Lucovsky's model. The hole capture by H1 is temperature dependent; a barrier of 40 meV is measured. However, multiphonon emission mechanism cannot be invoked to explain this temperature dependence due to the inferred zero lattice relaxation. The source of iron contamination is found to be the ambient conditions, in particular the quartz tube. The conflicting reports regarding the stability and the variation in the reported capture cross section values suggests that the observed Ev + 0.4 eV level must be a complex centre. The inferred near zero lattice relaxation during the electron transition implies weak coupling to the host lattice.


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Ultrafine powders of SrTiO3 are prepared at 100–150°C by the hydrothermal method, starting from TiO2·xH2O gel and Sr(OH)2 and H2O-isopropanol mixed solvent as the medium, The X-ray diffractograms of the powder show line broadening. The minimum crystallite size obtained ranges from 5 to 20nm with 20% H2O-80% C3H7OH as the reaction medium, as estimated from X-ray half-peak widths and TEM studies. The electron diffraction results indicate high concentration of lattice defects in these crystallites. The optical spectra of the particle suspensions in water show that the absorption around the band gap is considerably broadened, together with the appearance of maxima in the far ultraviolet. Aqueous suspensions of SrTiO3 powders, as such, do not produce H2 or O2 on UV irradiation. After coating with rhodium, H2 and O2 are evolved on illumination. However, the turn over number of O2 is lower than the stoichiometrically expected values from the corresponding values of H2. No correlation of the photocatalytic activity with surface area is observed. The activity of Rh-SrTiO3 slowly deteriorates with extended period of irradiation.


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Because of growing environmental concerns and increasingly stringent regulations governing auto emissions, new more efficient exhaust catalysts are needed to reduce the amount of pollutants released from internal combustion engines. To accomplish this goal, the major pollutants in exhaust-CO, NOx, and unburned hydrocarbons-need to be fully converted to CO2, N-2, and H2O. Most exhaust catalysts contain nanocrystalline noble metals (Pt, Pd, Rh) dispersed on oxide supports such as Al2O3 or SiO2 promoted by CeO2. However, in conventional catalysts, only the surface atoms of the noble metal particles serve as adsorption sites, and even in 4-6 nm metal particles, only 1/4 to 1/5 of the total noble metal atoms are utilized for catalytic conversion. The complete dispersion of noble metals can be achieved only as ions within an oxide support. In this Account, we describe a novel solution to this dispersion problem: a new solution combustion method for synthesizing dispersed noble metal ionic catalysts. We have synthesized nanocrystalline, single-phase Ce1-xMxO2-delta and Ce1-x-yTiyMxO2-delta (M = Pt, Pd, Rh; x = 0,01-0.02, delta approximate to x, y = 0.15-0.25) oxides in fluorite structure, In these oxide catalysts, pt(2+), Pd2+, or Rh3+ ions are substituted only to the extent of 1-2% of Ce4+ ion. Lower-valent noble metal ion substitution in CeO2 creates oxygen vacancies. Reducing molecules (CO, H-2, NH3) are adsorbed onto electron-deficient noble metal ions, while oxidizing (02, NO) molecules are absorbed onto electron-rich oxide ion vacancy sites. The rates of CO and hydrocarbon oxidation and NOx reduction (with >80% N-2 selectivity) are 15-30 times higher in the presence of these ionic catalysts than when the same amount of noble metal loaded on an oxide support is used. Catalysts with palladium ion dispersed in CeO2 or Ce1-xTixO2 were far superior to Pt or Rh ionic catalysts. Therefore, we have demonstrated that the more expensive Pt and Rh metals are not necessary in exhaust catalysts. We have also grown these nanocrystalline ionic catalysts on ceramic cordierite and have reproduced the results we observed in powder material on the honeycomb catalytic converter. Oxygen in a CeO2 lattice is activated by the substitution of Ti ion, as well as noble metal ions. Because this substitution creates longer Ti-O and M-O bonds relative to the average Ce-O bond within the lattice, the materials facilitate high oxygen storage and release. The interaction among M-0/Mn+, Ce4+/Ce3+, and Ti4+/Ti3+ redox couples leads to the promoting action of CeO2, activation of lattice oxygen and high oxygen storage capacity, metal support interaction, and high rates of catalytic activity in exhaust catalysis.


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Functional dependencies in relational databases are investigated. Eight binary relations, viz., (1) dependency relation, (2) equipotence relation, (3) dissidence relation, (4) completion relation, and dual relations of each of them are described. Any one of these eight relations can be used to represent the functional dependencies in a database. Results from linear graph theory are found helpful in obtaining these representations. The dependency relation directly gives the functional dependencies. The equipotence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of attribute sets which functionally determine each other. The dissidence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of saturated sets in a very indirect way. Completion relation represents the functional dependencies as a function, the range of which turns out to be a lattice. Depletion relation which is the dual of the completion relation can also represent functional dependencies and similarly can the duals of dependency, equipotence, and dissidence relations. The class of depleted sets, which is the dual of saturated sets, is defined and used in the study of depletion relations.


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Proton spin lattice relaxation (T1) in (CH3)4NCdBr3 at different Larmor frequencies (10, 20 and 30 MHz) has been studied in the temperature range 77 to 400 K. The variations in T1 at high temperature are independent of frequency and show a maximum due to spin rotation- interaction. The other features are interpreted as being due to isotropic tumbling of the tetramethylammonium ion and random reorientation of the CH3 group. The CW spectrum remained narrow up to 77 K and develops a wing structure at low temperatures. This observation is attributed to a possible tunnelling motion of the CH3 group, which has rather low activation energy as demonstrated by the study of T1.


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We study the constraints arising on the expansion parameters c and d of the pion electromagnetic form factor from the inclusion of pure spacelike data and the phase of timelike data along with one spacelike datum, using as input the first derivative of the QCD polarization amplitude Pi'(-Q(2)). These constraints when combined with other analyses, provide a valuable check on a determination of c due to Guo et al. and on our previous work where pionic contribution to the (g - 2) of the muon was used as the input. This work further illustrates the power of analyticity techniques in form factor analysis.


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After briefly discussing the question of a distinct mixed valent state and theoretical models for it, the area of greatest theoretical success, namely the mixed valent impurity, is reviewed. Applications to spectroscopy, energetics and Hall effect are then putlined. The independent impurity approximation is inadequate for many properties of the bulk system, which depend on lattice coherence. A recent auxiliary or slave boson approach with a simple mean field limit and fluctuation corrections is summarized. Finally the mixed valent semiconductor is discussed as an outstanding problem.


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X-ray crystal structure analysis of 7-methoxycoumarin reveals that the reactive double bonds are rotated by about 65° with respect to each other, the centre-to-centre distance between the double bonds being 3.83 Å. In spite of this unfavourable arrangement, photodimerization occurs in the crystalline state yielding the syn-head-tail dimer as the only product. Lattice energy calculations on ground-state molecules in crystals throw light on the mechanism of the reaction.


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Experimental evidence suggests that high strain rates, stresses, strains and temperatures are experienced near sliding interfaces. The associated microstructural changes are due to several dynamic an interacting phenomena. 3D non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of sliding were conducted with the aim of understanding the dynamic processes taking place in crystalline tribopairs, with a focus on plastic deformation and microstructural evolution. Embedded atom potentials were employed for simulating sliding of an Fe-Cu tribopair. Sliding velocity, crystal orientation and presence of lattice defects were some of the variables in these simulations. Extensive plastic deformation involving dislocation and twin activity, dynamic recrystallization, amorphization and/or nanocrystallization, mechanical mixing and material transfer were observed. Mechanical mixing in the vicinity of the sliding interface was observed even in the Fe-Cu system, which would cluster under equilibrium conditions, hinting at the ballistic nature of the process. Flow localization was observed at high velocities implying the possible role of adiabatic heating. The presence of preexisting defects (such as dislocations and interfaces) played a pivotal role in determining friction and microstructural evolution. The study also shed light on the relationship between adhesion and plastic deformation, and friction. Comparisons with experiments suggest that such simulations can indeed provide valuable insights that are difficult to obtain from experiments.