332 resultados para Gaussian Relay Channel`


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In this paper, we study the Foschini Miljanic algorithm, which was originally proposed in a static channel environment. We investigate the algorithm in a random channel environment, study its convergence properties and apply the Gerschgorin theorem to derive sufficient conditions for the convergence of the algorithm. We apply the Foschini and Miljanic algorithm to cellular networks and derive sufficient conditions for the convergence of the algorithm in distribution and validate the results with simulations. In cellular networks, the conditions which ensure convergence in distribution can be easily verified.


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Frequency-domain scheduling and rate adaptation have helped next generation orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based wireless cellular systems such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) achieve significantly higher spectral efficiencies. To overcome the severe uplink feedback bandwidth constraints, LTE uses several techniques to reduce the feedback required by a frequency-domain scheduler about the channel state information of all subcarriers of all users. In this paper, we analyze the throughput achieved by the User Selected Subband feedback scheme of LTE. In it, a user feeds back only the indices of the best M subbands and a single 4-bit estimate of the average rate achievable over all selected M subbands. In addition, we compare the performance with the subband-level feedback scheme of LTE, and highlight the role of the scheduler by comparing the performances of the unfair greedy scheduler and the proportional fair (PF) scheduler. Our analysis sheds several insights into the working of the feedback reduction techniques used in LTE.


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The impulse response of a typical wireless multipath channel can be modeled as a tapped delay line filter whose non-zero components are sparse relative to the channel delay spread. In this paper, a novel method of estimating such sparse multipath fading channels for OFDM systems is explored. In particular, Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) techniques are applied to jointly estimate the sparse channel and its second order statistics, and a new Bayesian Cramer-Rao bound is derived for the SBL algorithm. Further, in the context of OFDM channel estimation, an enhancement to the SBL algorithm is proposed, which uses an Expectation Maximization (EM) framework to jointly estimate the sparse channel, unknown data symbols and the second order statistics of the channel. The EM-SBL algorithm is able to recover the support as well as the channel taps more efficiently, and/or using fewer pilot symbols, than the SBL algorithm. To further improve the performance of the EM-SBL, a threshold-based pruning of the estimated second order statistics that are input to the algorithm is proposed, and its mean square error and symbol error rate performance is illustrated through Monte-Carlo simulations. Thus, the algorithms proposed in this paper are capable of obtaining efficient sparse channel estimates even in the presence of a small number of pilots.


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The Ca2+-activated K+ channel in endocrine cells is responsible for membrane hyperpolarization and rhythmic firing of action potentials. The probability of opening of this channel is sensitive to intracellular-free Ca2+ concentration. In this study we have identified one such large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel in alpha T3-1 pituitary gonadotroph cell. This channel is ohmic with a unit conductance of 170 pS in symmetrical KCl (135 mM) and its current reverses near zero millivolts. When more than one channel is present in the patch membrane they open and close independent of each other, exhibiting no cooperativity between them as expected of a binomial distribution. The regulatory mechanism of this channel in modulating hormone secretion from alpha T3-1 gonadotroph cells is indicated.


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In this letter, we propose a method for blind separation of d co-channel BPSK signals arriving at an antenna array. Our method involves two steps. In the first step, the received data vectors at the output of the array is grouped into 2d clusters. In the second step, we assign the 2d d-tuples with ±1 elements to these clusters in a consistent fashion. From the knowledge of the cluster to which a data vector belongs, we estimate the bits transmitted at that instant. Computer simulations are used to study the performance of our method


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We present a complete solution to the problem of coherent-mode decomposition of the most general anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model (AGSM) beams, which constitute a ten-parameter family. Our approach is based on symmetry considerations. Concepts and techniques familiar from the context of quantum mechanics in the two-dimensional plane are used to exploit the Sp(4, R) dynamical symmetry underlying the AGSM problem. We take advantage of the fact that the symplectic group of first-order optical system acts unitarily through the metaplectic operators on the Hilbert space of wave amplitudes over the transverse plane, and, using the Iwasawa decomposition for the metaplectic operator and the classic theorem of Williamson on the normal forms of positive definite symmetric matrices under linear canonical transformations, we demonstrate the unitary equivalence of the AGSM problem to a separable problem earlier studied by Li and Wolf [Opt. Lett. 7, 256 (1982)] and Gori and Guattari [Opt. Commun. 48, 7 (1983)]. This conn ction enables one to write down, almost by inspection, the coherent-mode decomposition of the general AGSM beam. A universal feature of the eigenvalue spectrum of the AGSM family is noted.


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An analytical expression for the LL(T) decomposition for the Gaussian Toeplitz matrix with elements T(ij) = [1/(2-pi)1/2-sigma] exp[-(i - j)2/2-sigma-2] is derived. An exact expression for the determinant and bounds on the eigenvalues follows. An analytical expression for the inverse T-1 is also derived.


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The source localization in shallow water is beset with problems arising from the presence of a large number of correlated multipaths. Nevertheless, given a complete knowledge of the water channel it is definitely possible to localize a source. A complete knowledge of the channel, however, is rarely available under most practical conditions. A new approach is proposed wherein the bottom reflection coefficients are not required; hence the bottom conditions need not be known. Further, because of the use of signal subspace for localization, the proposed approach is robust against the background noise (-20 dB) and channel depth uncertainty (10 lambda). All these nice features of the proposed approach are possible only when the array size is large (>40 sensors). (C) 1995 Acoustical Society of America.


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We study the distribution of residence time or equivalently that of "mean magnetization" for a family of Gaussian Markov processes indexed by a positive parameter alpha. The persistence exponent for these processes is simply given by theta=alpha but the residence time distribution is nontrivial. The shape of this distribution undergoes a qualitative change as theta increases, indicating a sharp change in the ergodic properties of the process. We develop two alternate methods to calculate exactly but recursively the moments of the distribution for arbitrary alpha. For some special values of alpha, we obtain closed form expressions of the distribution function. [S1063-651X(99)03306-1].


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A chimeric channel, 4N/1, was generated from two outwardly rectifying K+ channels by linking the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of hKv1.4 (N terminus ball and chain of hKv1.4) with the transmembrane body of hKvl.l (Delta 78N1 construct of hKvl.l). The recombinant channel has properties similar to the six transmembrane inward rectifiers and opens on hyperpolarization with a threshold of activation at -90 mV. Outward currents are seen on depolarization provided the channel is first exposed to a hyperpolarizing pulse of -100mV or more. Hyperpolarization at and beyond -130mV provides evidence of channel deactivation. Delta 78N1 does not show inward currents on hyperpolarization but does open on depolarizing from -80mV with characteristics similar to native hKvl.l. The outward currents seen in both Delta 78N1 and 4N/1 inactivate slowly at rates consistent with C-type inactivation. The inward rectification of the 4N/1 chimera is consistent with the inactivation gating mechanism. This implies that the addition of the N-terminus from hKv1.4 to hKvl.l shifts channel activation to hyperpolarizing potentials. These results suggest a mechanism involving the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain for conversion of outward rectifiers to inward rectifiers. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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In this paper, we study the problem of wireless sensor network design by deploying a minimum number of additional relay nodes (to minimize network design cost) at a subset of given potential relay locationsin order to convey the data from already existing sensor nodes (hereafter called source nodes) to a Base Station within a certain specified mean delay bound. We formulate this problem in two different ways, and show that the problem is NP-Hard. For a problem in which the number of existing sensor nodes and potential relay locations is n, we propose an O(n) approximation algorithm of polynomial time complexity. Results show that the algorithm performs efficiently (in over 90% of the tested scenarios, it gave solutions that were either optimal or exceeding optimal just by one relay) in various randomly generated network scenarios.


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We consider Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels with discrete input alphabets. We propose a non-diagonal precoder based on X-Codes in to increase the mutual information. The MIMO channel is transformed into a set of parallel subchannels using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and X-codes are then used to pair the subchannels. X-Codes are fully characterized by the pairings and the 2 × 2 real rotation matrices for each pair (parameterized with a single angle). This precoding structure enables to express the total mutual information as a sum of the mutual information of all the pairs. The problem of finding the optimal precoder with the above structure, which maximizes the total mutual information, is equivalent to i) optimizing the rotation angle and the power allocation within each pair and ii) finding the optimal pairing and power allocation among the pairs. It is shown that the mutual information achieved with the proposed pairing scheme is very close to that achieved with the optimal precoder by Cruz et al., and significantly better than mercury/waterfilling strategy by Lozano et al.. Our approach greatly simplifies both the precoder optimization and the detection complexity, making it suitable for practical applications.


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Relay selection combined with buffering of packets of relays can substantially increase the throughput of a cooperative network that uses rateless codes. However, buffering also increases the end-to-end delays due to the additional queuing delays at the relay nodes. In this paper we propose a novel method that exploits a unique property of rateless codes that enables a receiver to decode a packet from non-contiguous and unordered portions of the received signal. In it, each relay, depending on its queue length, ignores its received coded bits with a given probability. We show that this substantially reduces the end-to-end delays while retaining almost all of the throughput gain achieved by buffering. In effect, the method increases the odds that the packet is first decoded by a relay with a smaller queue. Thus, the queuing load is balanced across the relays and traded off with transmission times. We derive explicit necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of this system when the various channels undergo fading. Despite encountering analytically intractable G/GI/1 queues in our system, we also gain insights about the method by analyzing a similar system with a simpler model for the relay-to-destination transmission times.


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Recently, a special class of complex designs called Training-Embedded Complex Orthogonal Designs (TE-CODs) has been introduced to construct single-symbol Maximum Likelihood decodable (SSD) distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) for two-hop wireless relay networks using the amplify and forward protocol. However, to implement DSTBCs from square TE-CODs, the overhead due to the transmission of training symbols becomes prohibitively large as the number of relays increase. In this paper, we propose TE-Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (TE-CIODs) to construct SSD DSTBCs. Exploiting the block diagonal structure of TE-CIODs, we show that the overhead due to the transmission of training symbols to implement DSTBCs from TE-CIODs is smaller than that for TE-CODs. We also show that DSTBCs from TE-CIODs offer higher rate than those from TE-CODs for identical number of relays while maintaining the SSD and full-diversity properties.


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This paper is on the design and performance analysis of practical distributed space-time codes for wireless relay networks with multiple antennas terminals. The amplify-andforward scheme is used in a way that each relay transmits a scaled version of the linear combination of the received symbols. We propose distributed generalized quasi-orthogonal space-time codes which are distributed among the source antennas and relays, and valid for any number of relays. Assuming M-PSK and M-QAM signals, we derive a formula for the symbol error probability of the investigated scheme over Rayleigh fading channels. For sufficiently large SNR, this paper derives closed-form average SER expression. The simplicity of the asymptotic results provides valuable insights into the performance of cooperative networks and suggests means of optimizing them. Our analytical results have been confirmed by simulation results, using full-rate full-diversity distributed codes.