207 resultados para Fixed resin bonded partial denture


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The paper presents a rational approach to model the behavior of bonded soils within the frame work of hardening plasticity. The approach is based on the premise that the resistance of bonded materials is a superposition of the two components of cement bond strength and soil frictional strength and that the deformation of the soil is associated with the frictional component of stresses just as in the case of a remoulded soil, the bonds offering additional resistance at any given strain level. This concept is similar to two stiffnesses acting in parallel for the same strain response. The proposed model considers the constitutive laws separately for the two components (bond and frictional) and adds the two to get the overall response. The unbonded soil component is described by the well known 'modified Cam clay' model. The response of the bond component is also described by a strain softening elasto-plastic model, considering the behavior to be elastic up to the yield surface and elasto-plastic beyond yield surface. To illustrate the capability of the proposed, model some laboratory test results of both compression and-extension shear tests are predicted. Despite the model being simple, several typical features of the behavior of bonded materials are well reproduced. The model parameters are well defined and easily determinable.


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Frequent episode discovery is a popular framework for temporal pattern discovery in event streams. An episode is a partially ordered set of nodes with each node associated with an event type. Currently algorithms exist for episode discovery only when the associated partial order is total order (serial episode) or trivial (parallel episode). In this paper, we propose efficient algorithms for discovering frequent episodes with unrestricted partial orders when the associated event-types are unique. These algorithms can be easily specialized to discover only serial or parallel episodes. Also, the algorithms are flexible enough to be specialized for mining in the space of certain interesting subclasses of partial orders. We point out that frequency alone is not a sufficient measure of interestingness in the context of partial order mining. We propose a new interestingness measure for episodes with unrestricted partial orders which, when used along with frequency, results in an efficient scheme of data mining. Simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.


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Short range side chain-backbone hydrogen bonded motifs involving Asn and Gln residues have been identified from a data set of 1370 protein crystal structures (resolution = 1.5 angstrom). Hydrogen bonds involving residues i - 5 to i + 5 have been considered. Out of 12,901 Asn residues, 3403 residues (26.4%) participate in such interactions, while out of 10,934 Gln residues, 1780 Gln residues (16.3%) are involved in these motifs. Hydrogen bonded ring sizes (Cn, where n is the number of atoms involved), directionality and internal torsion angles are used to classify motifs. The occurrence of the various motifs in the contexts of protein structure is illustrated. Distinct differences are established between the nature of motifs formed by Asn and Gln residues. For Asn, the most highly populated motifs are the C10 (COdi .NHi + 2), C13 (COdi .NHi + 3) and C17 (NdHi .COi - 4) structures. In contrast, Gln predominantly forms C16 (COei .NHi - 3), C12 (NeHi .COi - 2), C15 (NeHi .COi - 3) and C18 (NeHi .COi - 4) motifs, with only the C18motif being analogous to the Asn C17structure. Specific conformational types are established for the Asn containing motifs, which mimic backbone beta-turns and a-turns. Histidine residues are shown to serve as a mimic for Asn residues in side chain-backbone hydrogen bonded ring motifs. Illustrative examples from protein structures are considered. Proteins 2012; (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The fatigue de-bond growth studies have been conducted on adhesively bonded lap joint specimens between aluminium and aluminium with Redux-319A adhesive with a pre-defined crack of 3 mm at the bond end. The correlations between fracture parameters and the de-bond growth data are established using both numerical and experimental techniques. In the numerical method, geometrically non-linear finite element analyses were carried out on adhesively bonded joint specimen for various de-bond lengths measured from the lap end along the mid-bond line of the adhesive. The finite element results were post processed to estimate the SERR components G (I) and G (II) using the Modified Virtual Crack Closure Integral (MVCCI) procedure. In experimental work, specimens were fabricated and fatigue de-bond growth tests were conducted at a stress ratio R = -1. The results obtained from both numerical analyses and testing have been used to generate de-bond growth curve and establish de-bond growth law in the Paris regime for such joints. The de-bond growth rate is primarily function of mode-I SERR component G (I) since the rate of growth in shear mode is relatively small. The value of Paris exponent m is found to be 6.55. The high value of de-bond growth exponent in Paris regime is expected, since the adhesive is less ductile than conventional metallic materials. This study is important for estimating the life of adhesively bonded joints under both constant and variable amplitude fatigue loads.


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We revisit the extraction of alpha(s)(M-tau(2)) from the QCD perturbative corrections to the hadronic tau branching ratio, using an improved fixed-order perturbation theory based on the explicit summation of all renormalization-group accessible logarithms, proposed some time ago in the literature. In this approach, the powers of the coupling in the expansion of the QCD Adler function are multiplied by a set of functions D-n, which depend themselves on the coupling and can be written in a closed form by iteratively solving a sequence of differential equations. We find that the new expansion has an improved behavior in the complex energy plane compared to that of the standard fixed-order perturbation theory (FOPT), and is similar but not identical to the contour-improved perturbation theory (CIPT). With five terms in the perturbative expansion we obtain in the (MS) over bar scheme alpha(s)(M-tau(2)) = 0.338 +/- 0.010, using as input a precise value for the perturbative contribution to the hadronic width of the tau lepton reported recently in the literature.


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A method for the estimation of vapour pressure and partial pressure of subliming compounds under reduced pressure, using rising temperature thermogravimetry, is described in this paper. The method is based on our recently developed procedure to estimate the vapour pressure from ambient pressure thermogravimetric data using Langmuir equation. Using benzoic acid as the calibration standard, vapour pressure temperature curves are calculated at 80, 160 and 1000 mbar for salicylic acid and vanadyl bis-2,4-pentanedionate, a precursor used for chemical vapour deposition of vanadium oxides. Using a modification of the Langmuir equation, the partial pressure of these materials at different total pressures is also determined as a function of temperature. Such data can be useful for the deposition of multi-metal oxide thin films or doped thin films by chemical vapour deposition (CVD).


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Organo-clay was prepared by incorporating different amounts (in terms of CEC, ranging from 134-840 mg of quaternary ammonium cation (QACs) such as hexadecytrimethylammonium bromide (C19H42N]Br) into the montmorillonite clay. Prepared organo-clays are characterized by CHN analyser and XRD to measure the amount of elemental content and interlayer spacing of surfactant modified clay. The batch experiments of sorption of permanganate from aqueous media by organo-clays was studied at different acidic strengths (pH 1-7). The experimental results show that the rate and amount of adsorption of permanganate was higher at lower pH compared to raw montmorillonite. Laboratory fixed bed experiments were conducted to evaluate the breakthrough time and nature of breakthrough curves. The shape of the breakthrough curves shows that the initial cationic surfactant loadings at 1.0 CEC of the clay is enough to enter the permanganate ions in to the interlamellar region of the surfactant modified smectile clays. These fixed bed studies were also applied to quantify the effect of bed-depth and breakthrough time during the uptake of permanganate. Calculation of thermodynamic parameters shows that the sorption of permanganate is spontaneous and follows the first order kinetics.


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NMR spectroscopic separation of double bonded cis- and trans-isomers, that have different molecular shapes but identical mass have been carried out using Diffusion Ordered Spectroscopy (DOSY). The mixtures of fumaric acid and maleic acid, that have similar hydrodynamic radii, have resolved been on the basis of their diffusion coefficients arising due to their different tendencies to associate with micelles or reverse micelles. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and Dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt (AOT) have been used as the media to mimic the chromatographic conditions, modify the average mobility and to achieve differential diffusion rates. The best separation of the components has been achieved by Dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt (AOT) in D2O solution. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of microstructure and texture gradient in warm Accumulative Roll Bonded Cu-Cu multilayer has been studied. Grain size distribution is multimodal and exhibits variation from middle to surface layer. Evolution of texture is largely influenced by shear, in addition to rolling deformation. This leads to the formation of a texture comprising of high fraction of Brass and rolling direction-rotated cube components. Partial recrystallization was observed. Deformed and recrystallized grains were separated using a partition scheme based on grain orientation spread and textures were analyzed for both the partition. Retention of deformation texture components in recrystallized grains suggests the mechanism of recrystallization as continuous recrystallization. Shear deformation plays an important role in grain refinement through continuous recrystallization. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A new Cu(II)-picolinate complex was synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The complex crystallizes in the centrosymmetric triclinic space group P (1) over bar (no. 2). Picolinate in the complex extends the neutral unit into a 1-D chain through mu(2)-bridging carboxylate. The complex has a hydrogen bonding acceptor in the second coordination sphere allowing lattice water to assemble neighboring chains. Water self-assembles to form a zig-zag 1-D chain. The adjacent chains are assembled by C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions result in the formation 2-D hydrogen bonded network. The overall hydrogen bonding between water chain and Cu-picolinate network yields a 3-D hydrogen bonded coordination network. X-ray structural analysis, FTIR and thermal analysis have been used to characterize the reported compound in the solid state.


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Resin impregnated paper (RIP) is a relatively new insulation system recommended for the use in transformer bushings. In the recent past, RIP has acquired prominence as insulation in bushings, over conventional oil impregnated paper (OIP), in view of its overwhelming advantages the more important among them being low dielectric loss and possibility for positioning the bushing at any desired angle over the transformer. In addition, the fact that such systems do not pose problems of fire hazard is counted as a very important consideration. The disadvantage of RIP compared to OIP, however, is its much higher cost and involved manufacturing process. The temperature rise in RIP bushings under normal operating conditions is seen to be a difficult parameter to control in view of the limited options for effective cooling. It is therefore essential to take serious note of this aspect, to arrest rapid deterioration of bushing. The degradation of dry-type insulation such as RIP is often due to thermal stress. The long time performance thereof, depends strongly, on the maximum operating temperature. With this in view, the Authors have developed a theoretical model and computational method to study the temperature distribution in the body of insulation. The Authors consider that the basis for the model as being the temperature and electric stress aided AC conductivity. The ensuing heat balance (continuity) equations in 2-D cylindrical geometry are treated as a Dirichelet-Neumann boundary value problem.


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Electrical failure of insulation is known to be an extremal random process wherein nominally identical pro-rated specimens of equipment insulation, at constant stress fail at inordinately different times even under laboratory test conditions. In order to be able to estimate the life of power equipment, it is necessary to run long duration ageing experiments under accelerated stresses, to acquire and analyze insulation specific failure data. In the present work, Resin Impregnated Paper (RIP) a relatively new insulation system of choice used in transformer bushings, is taken as an example. The failure data has been processed using proven statistical methods, both graphical and analytical. The physical model governing insulation failure at constant accelerated stress has been assumed to be based on temperature dependent inverse power law model.


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In a cooperative system with an amplify-and-forward relay, the cascaded channel training protocol enables the destination to estimate the source-destination channel gain and the product of the source-relay (SR) and relay-destination (RD) channel gains using only two pilot transmissions from the source. Notably, the destination does not require a separate estimate of the SR channel. We develop a new expression for the symbol error probability (SEP) of AF relaying when imperfect channel state information (CSI) is acquired using the above training protocol. A tight SEP upper bound is also derived; it shows that full diversity is achieved, albeit at a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Our analysis uses fewer simplifying assumptions, and leads to expressions that are accurate even at low SNRs and are different from those in the literature. For instance, it does not approximate the estimate of the product of SR and RD channel gains by the product of the estimates of the SR and RD channel gains. We show that cascaded channel estimation often outperforms a channel estimation protocol that incurs a greater training overhead by forwarding a quantized estimate of the SR channel gain to the destination. The extent of pilot power boosting, if allowed, that is required to improve performance is also quantified.


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We study the tradeoff between the average error probability and the average queueing delay of messages which randomly arrive to the transmitter of a point-to-point discrete memoryless channel that uses variable rate fixed codeword length random coding. Bounds to the exponential decay rate of the average error probability with average queueing delay in the regime of large average delay are obtained. Upper and lower bounds to the optimal average delay for a given average error probability constraint are presented. We then formulate a constrained Markov decision problem for characterizing the rate of transmission as a function of queue size given an average error probability constraint. Using a Lagrange multiplier the constrained Markov decision problem is then converted to a problem of minimizing the average cost for a Markov decision problem. A simple heuristic policy is proposed which approximately achieves the optimal average cost.