207 resultados para Exponential Sorting


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Unprecedented self-sorting of three-dimensional purely organic cages driven by dynamic covalent bonds is described. Four different cages were first synthesized by condensation of two triamines and two dialdehydes separately. When a mixture of all the components was allowed to react, only two cages were formed, which suggests a high-fidelity self-recognition. The issue of the preference of one triamine for a particular dialdehyde was further probed by transforming a non-preferred combination to either of the two preferred combinations by reacting it with the appropriate triamine or dialdehyde.


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We consider a complex, additive, white Gaussian noise channel with flat fading. We study its diversity order vs transmission rate for some known power allocation schemes. The capacity region is divided into three regions. For one power allocation scheme, the diversity order is exponential throughout the capacity region. For selective channel inversion (SCI) scheme, the diversity order is exponential in low and high rate region but polynomial in mid rate region. For fast fading case we also provide a new upper bound on block error probability and a power allocation scheme that minimizes it. The diversity order behaviour of this scheme is same as for SCI but provides lower BER than the other policies.


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Decoherence as an obstacle in quantum computation is viewed as a struggle between two forces [1]: the computation which uses the exponential dimension of Hilbert space, and decoherence which destroys this entanglement by collapse. In this model of decohered quantum computation, a sequential quantum computer loses the battle, because at each time step, only a local operation is carried out but g*(t) number of gates collapse. With quantum circuits computing in parallel way the situation is different- g(t) number of gates can be applied at each time step and number gates collapse because of decoherence. As g(t) ≈ g*(t) competition here is even [1]. Our paper improves on this model by slowing down g*(t) by encoding the circuit in parallel computing architectures and running it in Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) paradigm. We have proposed a parallel ion trap architecture for single-bit rotation of a qubit.


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We study the tradeoff between the average error probability and the average queueing delay of messages which randomly arrive to the transmitter of a point-to-point discrete memoryless channel that uses variable rate fixed codeword length random coding. Bounds to the exponential decay rate of the average error probability with average queueing delay in the regime of large average delay are obtained. Upper and lower bounds to the optimal average delay for a given average error probability constraint are presented. We then formulate a constrained Markov decision problem for characterizing the rate of transmission as a function of queue size given an average error probability constraint. Using a Lagrange multiplier the constrained Markov decision problem is then converted to a problem of minimizing the average cost for a Markov decision problem. A simple heuristic policy is proposed which approximately achieves the optimal average cost.


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This paper considers a firm real-time M/M/1 system, where jobs have stochastic deadlines till the end of service. A method for approximately specifying the loss ratio of the earliest-deadline-first scheduling policy along with exit control through the early discarding technique is presented. This approximation uses the arrival rate and the mean relative deadline, normalized with respect to the mean service time, for exponential and uniform distributions of relative deadlines. Simulations show that the maximum approximation error is less than 4% and 2% for the two distributions, respectively, for a wide range of arrival rates and mean relative deadlines. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The predictability of a chaotic series is limited to a few future time steps due to its sensitivity to initial conditions and the exponential divergence of the trajectories. Over the years, streamflow has been considered as a stochastic system in many approaches. In this study, the chaotic nature of daily streamflow is investigated using autocorrelation function, Fourier spectrum, correlation dimension method (Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm) and false nearest neighbor method. Embedding dimensions of 6-7 obtained indicates the possible presence of low-dimensional chaotic behavior. The predictability of the system is estimated by calculating the system’s Lyapunov exponent. A positive maximum Lyapunov exponent of 0.167 indicates that the system is chaotic and unstable with a maximum predictability of only 6 days. These results give a positive indication towards considering streamflow as a low dimensional chaotic system than as a stochastic system.


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We address the problem of speech enhancement using a risk- estimation approach. In particular, we propose the use the Stein’s unbiased risk estimator (SURE) for solving the problem. The need for a suitable finite-sample risk estimator arises because the actual risks invariably depend on the unknown ground truth. We consider the popular mean-squared error (MSE) criterion first, and then compare it against the perceptually-motivated Itakura-Saito (IS) distortion, by deriving unbiased estimators of the corresponding risks. We use a generalized SURE (GSURE) development, recently proposed by Eldar for MSE. We consider dependent observation models from the exponential family with an additive noise model,and derive an unbiased estimator for the risk corresponding to the IS distortion, which is non-quadratic. This serves to address the speech enhancement problem in a more general setting. Experimental results illustrate that the IS metric is efficient in suppressing musical noise, which affects the MSE-enhanced speech. However, in terms of global signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the minimum MSE solution gives better results.


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We address the problem of sampling and reconstruction of two-dimensional (2-D) finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signals. We propose a three-channel sampling method for efficiently solving the problem. We consider the sampling of a stream of 2-D Dirac impulses and a sum of 2-D unit-step functions. We propose a 2-D causal exponential function as the sampling kernel. By causality in 2-D, we mean that the function has its support restricted to the first quadrant. The advantage of using a multichannel sampling method with causal exponential sampling kernel is that standard annihilating filter or root-finding algorithms are not required. Further, the proposed method has inexpensive hardware implementation and is numerically stable as the number of Dirac impulses increases.


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Using a Girsanov change of measures, we propose novel variations within a particle-filtering algorithm, as applied to the inverse problem of state and parameter estimations of nonlinear dynamical systems of engineering interest, toward weakly correcting for the linearization or integration errors that almost invariably occur whilst numerically propagating the process dynamics, typically governed by nonlinear stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Specifically, the correction for linearization, provided by the likelihood or the Radon-Nikodym derivative, is incorporated within the evolving flow in two steps. Once the likelihood, an exponential martingale, is split into a product of two factors, correction owing to the first factor is implemented via rejection sampling in the first step. The second factor, which is directly computable, is accounted for via two different schemes, one employing resampling and the other using a gain-weighted innovation term added to the drift field of the process dynamics thereby overcoming the problem of sample dispersion posed by resampling. The proposed strategies, employed as add-ons to existing particle filters, the bootstrap and auxiliary SIR filters in this work, are found to non-trivially improve the convergence and accuracy of the estimates and also yield reduced mean square errors of such estimates vis-a-vis those obtained through the parent-filtering schemes.


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Ion conducting glasses in xLiCl-20Li(2)O-(80-x) 0.80P(2)O(5)-0.20MoO(3)] glass system have been prepared over a wide range of composition (X = 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mol%). The electrical conductivity and dielectric relaxation of these glasses were analyzed using impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range of 10 Hz-10 MHz and in the temperature range of 313-353 K. D.c. activation energies extracted from Arrhenius plots using regression analysis, decreases with increasing LiCl mol%. A.c. conductivity data has been fitted to both single and double power law equation with both fixed and variable parameters. The increased conductivity in the present glass system has been correlated with the volume increasing effect and the coordination changes that occur due to structural modification resulting in the creation of non-bridging oxygens (NBO's) of the type O-Mo-O- bonds in the glass network. Dielectric relaxation mechanism in these glasses is analyzed using Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW) stretched exponential function and stretched exponent (beta) is found to be insensitive to temperature.


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Experimental and simulation studies have uncovered at least two anomalous concentration regimes in water-dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) binary mixture whose precise origin has remained a subject of debate. In order to facilitate time domain experimental investigation of the dynamics of such binary mixtures, we explore strength or extent of influence of these anomalies in dipolar solvation dynamics by carrying out long molecular dynamics simulations over a wide range of DMSO concentration. The solvation time correlation function so calculated indeed displays strong composition dependent anomalies, reflected in pronounced non-exponential kinetics and non-monotonous composition dependence of the average solvation time constant. In particular, we find remarkable slow-down in the solvation dynamics around 10%-20% and 35%-50% mole percentage. We investigate microscopic origin of these two anomalies. The population distribution analyses of different structural morphology elucidate that these two slowing down are reflections of intriguing structural transformations in water-DMSO mixture. The structural transformations themselves can be explained in terms of a change in the relative coordination number of DMSO and water molecules, from 1DMSO:2H(2)O to 1H(2)O:1DMSO and 1H(2)O:2DMSO complex formation. Thus, while the emergence of first slow down (at 15% DMSO mole percentage) is due to the percolation among DMSO molecules supported by the water molecules (whose percolating network remains largely unaffected), the 2nd anomaly (centered on 40%-50%) is due to the formation of the network structure where the unit of 1DMSO:1H(2)O and 2DMSO:1H(2)O dominates to give rise to rich dynamical features. Through an analysis of partial solvation dynamics an interesting negative cross-correlation between water and DMSO is observed that makes an important contribution to relaxation at intermediate to longer times.


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In this study, we analyze satellite-based daily rainfall observations to compare and contrast the wet and dry spell characteristics of tropical rainfall. Defining a wet (dry) spell as the number of consecutive rainy (nonrainy) days, we find that the distributions of wet spells appear to exhibit universality in the following sense. While both ocean and land regions with high seasonal rainfall accumulation (humid regions; e. g., India, Amazon, Pacific Ocean) show a predominance of 2-4 day wet spells, those regions with low seasonal rainfall accumulation (arid regions; e. g., South Atlantic, South Australia) exhibit a wet spell duration distribution that is essentially exponential in nature, with a peak at 1 day. The behavior that we observed for wet spells is reversed for the dry spell characteristics. In other words, the main contribution to the dry part of the season, in terms of the number of nonrainy days, appears to come from 3-4 day dry spells in the arid regions, as opposed to 1 day dry spells in the humid regions. The total rainfall accumulated in each wet spell has also been analyzed, and we find that the major contribution to seasonal rainfall for arid regions comes from 1-5 day wet spells; however, for humid regions, this contribution comes from wet spells of duration as long as 30 days. We also explore the role of chance as well as the influence of organized convection in determining some of the observed features.


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The predictability of a chaotic series is limited to a few future time steps due to its sensitivity to initial conditions and the exponential divergence of the trajectories. Over the years, streamflow has been considered as a stochastic system in many approaches. In this study, the chaotic nature of daily streamflow is investigated using autocorrelation function, Fourier spectrum, correlation dimension method (Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm) and false nearest neighbor method. Embedding dimensions of 6-7 obtained indicates the possible presence of low-dimensional chaotic behavior. The predictability of the system is estimated by calculating the system's Lyapunov exponent. A positive maximum Lyapunov exponent of 0.167 indicates that the system is chaotic and unstable with a maximum predictability of only 6 days. These results give a positive indication towards considering streamflow as a low dimensional chaotic system than as a stochastic system.


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In this paper we calculate the potential for a prolate spheroidal distribution as in a dark matter halo with a radially varying eccentricity. This is obtained by summing up the shell-by-shell contributions of isodensity surfaces, which are taken to be concentric and with a common polar axis and with an axis ratio that varies with radius. Interestingly, the constancy of potential inside a shell is shown to be a good approximation even when the isodensity contours are dissimilar spheroids, as long as the radial variation in eccentricity is small as seen in realistic systems. We consider three cases where the isodensity contours are more prolate at large radii, or are less prolate or have a constant eccentricity. Other relevant physical quantities like the rotation velocity, the net orbital and vertical frequency due to the halo and an exponential disc of finite thickness embedded in it are obtained. We apply this to the kinematical origin of Galactic warp, and show that a prolate-shaped halo is not conducive to making long-lived warps - contrary to what has been proposed in the literature. The results for a prolate mass distribution with a variable axis ratio obtained are general, and can be applied to other astrophysical systems, such as prolate bars, for a more realistic treatment.


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Multiobjective fuzzy methodology is applied to a case study of Khadakwasla complex irrigation project located near Pune city of Maharashtra State, India. Three objectives, namely, maximization of net benefits, crop production and labour employment are considered. Effect of reuse of wastewater on the planning scenario is also studied. Three membership functions, namely, nonlinear, hyperbolic and exponential are analyzed for multiobjective fuzzy optimization. In the present study, objective functions are considered as fuzzy in nature whereas inflows are considered as dependable. It is concluded that exponential and hyperbolic membership functions provided similar cropping pattern for most of the situations whereas nonlinear membership functions provided different cropping pattern. However, in all the three cases, irrigation intensities are more than the existing irrigation intensity.