183 resultados para Critical phenomena


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The basic framework and - conceptual understanding of the metallurgy of Ti alloys is strong and this has enabled the use of titanium and its alloys in safety-critical structures such as those in aircraft and aircraft engines. Nevertheless, a focus on cost-effectiveness and the compression of product development time by effectively integrating design with manufacturing in these applications, as well as those emerging in bioengineering, has driven research in recent decades towards a greater predictive capability through the use of computational materials engineering tools. Therefore this paper focuses on the complexity and variety of fundamental phenomena in this material system with a focus on phase transformations and mechanical behaviour in order to delineate the challenges that lie ahead in achieving these goals. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For most fluids, there exist a maximum and a minimum in the curvature of the reduced vapor pressure curve, p(r) = p(r)(T-r) (with p(r) = p/p(c) and T-r = T/T-c, p(c) and T-c being the pressure and temperature at the critical point). By analyzing National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) data on the liquid-vapor coexistence curve for 105 fluids, we find that the maximum occurs in the reduced temperature range 0.5 <= T-r <= 0.8 while the minimum occurs in the reduced temperature range 0.980 <= T-r <= 0.995. Vapor pressure equations for which d(2)p(r)/dT(r)(2) diverges at the critical point present a minimum in their curvature. Therefore, the point of minimum curvature can be used as a marker for the critical region. By using the well-known Ambrose-Walton (AW) vapor pressure equation we obtain the reduced temperatures of the maximum and minimum curvature in terms of the Pitzer acentric factor. The AW predictions are checked against those obtained from NIST data. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multiferroic materials are characterized by simultaneous magnetic and ferroelectric ordering making them good candidates for magneto-electrical applications. We conducted thermal expansion and magnetostriction measurements in magnetic fields up to 14 T on perovskitic GdMnO3 by highresolution capacitive dilatometry in an effort to determine all longitudinal and transversal components of the magnetostriction tensor. Below the ordering temperature T (N) = 42 K, i.e., within the different complex (incommensurate or complex) antiferromagnetic phases, lattice distortions of up to 100 ppm have been found. Although no change of the lattice symmetry occurs, the measurements reveal strong magneto-structural phenomena, especially in the incommensurate sinusoidal antiferromagnetic phase. A strong anisotropy of the magnetoelastic properties was found, in good agreement with the type and propagation vector of the magnetic structure. We demonstrate that our capacitive dilatometry can detect lattice expansion effects and changes of the dielectric permittivity simultaneously because the sample is housed inside the capacitor. A separation of both effects is possible by shielding the sample. Dielectric transitions could be detected by this method and compared to the critical values of H and T in the magnetic phase diagram. Dielectric changes measured at 1 kHz excitation frequency are detected in GdMnO3 at about 180 K, and between 10 K and 25 K in the canted antiferromagnetic structure which is characterized by a complex magnetic order on both the Gd- and Mn-sites.


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Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic analysis has been carried out on the hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films deposited by DC, pulsed DC (PDC) and RF sputtering process to get insight regarding the total hydrogen concentration (C-H) in the films, configuration of hydrogen bonding, density of the films (decided by the vacancy and void incorporation) and the microstructure factor (R*) which varies with the type of sputtering carried out at the same processing conditions. The hydrogen incorporation is found to be more in RF sputter deposited films as compared to PDC and DC sputter deposited films. All the films were broadly divided into two regions namely vacancy dominated and void dominated regions. At low hydrogen dilutions the films are vacancy dominated and at high hydrogen dilutions they are void dominated. This demarcation is at C-H = 23 at.% H for RF, C-H = 18 at.% H for PDC and C-H = 14 at.% H for DC sputter deposited films. The microstructure structure factor R* is found to be as low as 0.029 for DC sputter deposited films at low C-H. For a given C-H, DC sputter deposited films have low R* as compared to PDC and RF sputter deposited films. Signature of dihydride incorporation is found to be more in DC sputter deposited films at low C-H.


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The effects of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) on the concentration fluctuations, interfacial driven elasticity, phase morphology, and local segmental dynamics of chains for near-critical compositions of polystyrene/poly(vinyl to methyl ether) (PS/PVME) blends were systematically investigated using dynamic shear rheology and dielectric spectroscopy. The contribution of the correlation length (xi) of the concentration fluctuations to the evolving stresses was monitored in situ to probe the different stages of demixing in the blends. The classical upturn in the dynamic moduli was taken as the rheological demixing temperature (T-rheo), which was also observed to be in close agreement with those obtained using concentration fluctuation variance, <(delta phi)(2)>, versus temperature curves. Further, Fredrickson and Larson's approach involving the mean-field approximation and the double-reptation self-concentration (DRSC) model was employed to evaluate the spinodal decomposition temperature (T-s). Interestingly, the values of both T-rheo and T-s shifted upward in the blends in the presence of MWNTs, manifesting in molecular-level miscibility. These phenomenal changes were further observed to be a function of the concentration of MWNTs. The evolution of morphology as a function of temperature was studied using polarized optical microscopy (POM). It was observed that PVME, which evolved as an interconnected network during the early stages of demixing, coarsened into a matrix-droplet morphology in the late stages. The preferential wetting of PVME onto MWNTs as a result of physicochemical interactions retained the interconnected network of PVME for longer time scales, as supported by POM and atomic force microscopy (AFM) images. Microscopic heterogeneity in macroscopically miscible systems was studied by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. The slowing of segmental relaxations in PVME was observed in the presence of both ``frozen'' PS and MWNTs interestingly at temperatures much below the calorimetric glass transition temperature (T-g). This phenomenon was observed to be local rather than global and was addressed by monitoring the evolution of the relaxation spectra near and above the demixing temperature.


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This report summarizes the presentations and discussions conducted during the symposium, which was held under the aegis of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics during 23-27 January 2012 in Bangalore, India. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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An exciting application of crowdsourcing is to use social networks in complex task execution. In this paper, we address the problem of a planner who needs to incentivize agents within a network in order to seek their help in executing an atomic task as well as in recruiting other agents to execute the task. We study this mechanism design problem under two natural resource optimization settings: (1) cost critical tasks, where the planner's goal is to minimize the total cost, and (2) time critical tasks, where the goal is to minimize the total time elapsed before the task is executed. We identify a set of desirable properties that should ideally be satisfied by a crowdsourcing mechanism. In particular, sybil-proofness and collapse-proofness are two complementary properties in our desiderata. We prove that no mechanism can satisfy all the desirable properties simultaneously. This leads us naturally to explore approximate versions of the critical properties. We focus our attention on approximate sybil-proofness and our exploration leads to a parametrized family of payment mechanisms which satisfy collapse-proofness. We characterize the approximate versions of the desirable properties in cost critical and time critical domain.


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In recent times, crowdsourcing over social networks has emerged as an active tool for complex task execution. In this paper, we address the problem faced by a planner to incen-tivize agents in the network to execute a task and also help in recruiting other agents for this purpose. We study this mecha-nism design problem under two natural resource optimization settings: (1) cost critical tasks, where the planner’s goal is to minimize the total cost, and (2) time critical tasks, where the goal is to minimize the total time elapsed before the task is executed. We define a set of fairness properties that should beideally satisfied by a crowdsourcing mechanism. We prove that no mechanism can satisfy all these properties simultane-ously. We relax some of these properties and define their ap-proximate counterparts. Under appropriate approximate fair-ness criteria, we obtain a non-trivial family of payment mech-anisms. Moreover, we provide precise characterizations of cost critical and time critical mechanisms.


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Among the armoury of photovoltaic materials, thin film heterojunction photovoltaics continue to be a promising candidate for solar energy conversion delivering a vast scope in terms of device design and fabrication. Their production does not require expensive semiconductor substrates and high temperature device processing, which allows reduced cost per unit area while maintaining reasonable efficiency. In this regard, superstrate CdTe/CdS solar cells are extensively investigated because of their suitable bandgap alignments, cost effective methods of production at large scales and stability against proton/electron irradiation. The conversion efficiencies in the range of 6-20% are achieved by structuring the device by varying the absorber/window layer thickness, junction activation/annealing steps, with more suitable front/back contacts, preparation techniques, doping with foreign ions, etc. This review focuses on fundamental and critical aspects like: (a) choice of CdS window layer and CdTe absorber layer; (b) drawbacks associated with the device including environmental problems, optical absorption losses and back contact barriers; (c) structural dynamics at CdS-CdTe interface; (d) influence of junction activation process by CdCl2 or HCF2Cl treatment; (e) interface and grain boundary passivation effects; (f) device degradation due to impurity diffusion and stress; (g) fabrication with suitable front and back contacts; (h) chemical processes occurring at various interfaces; (i) strategies and modifications developed to improve their efficiency. The complexity involved in understanding the multiple aspects of tuning the solar cell efficiency is reviewed in detail by considering the individual contribution from each component of the device. It is expected that this review article will enrich the materials aspects of CdTe/CdS devices for solar energy conversion and stimulate further innovative research interest on this intriguing topic.


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Many meteorological phenomena occur at different locations simultaneously. These phenomena vary temporally and spatially. It is essential to track these multiple phenomena for accurate weather prediction. Efficient analysis require high-resolution simulations which can be conducted by introducing finer resolution nested simulations, nests at the locations of these phenomena. Simultaneous tracking of these multiple weather phenomena requires simultaneous execution of the nests on different subsets of the maximum number of processors for the main weather simulation. Dynamic variation in the number of these nests require efficient processor reallocation strategies. In this paper, we have developed strategies for efficient partitioning and repartitioning of the nests among the processors. As a case study, we consider an application of tracking multiple organized cloud clusters in tropical weather systems. We first present a parallel data analysis algorithm to detect such clouds. We have developed a tree-based hierarchical diffusion method which reallocates processors for the nests such that the redistribution cost is less. We achieve this by a novel tree reorganization approach. We show that our approach exhibits up to 25% lower redistribution cost and 53% lesser hop-bytes than the processor reallocation strategy that does not consider the existing processor allocation.


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Groups exhibit properties that either are not perceived to exist, or perhaps cannot exist, at the individual level. Such `emergent' properties depend on how individuals interact, both among themselves and with their surroundings. The world of everyday objects consists of material entities. These are, ultimately, groups of elementary particles that organize themselves into atoms and molecules, occupy space, and so on. It turns out that an explanation of even the most commonplace features of this world requires relativistic quantum field theory and the fact that Planck's constant is discrete, not zero. Groups of molecules in solution, in particular polymers ('sols'), can form viscous clusters that behave like elastic solids ('gels'). Sol-gel transitions are examples of cooperative phenomena. Their occurrence is explained by modelling the statistics of inter-unit interactions: the likelihood of either state varies sharply as a critical parameter crosses a threshold value. Group behaviour among cells or organisms is often heritable and therefore can evolve. This permits an additional, typically biological, explanation for it in terms of reproductive advantage, whether of the individual or of the group. There is no general agreement on the appropriate explanatory framework for understanding group-level phenomena in biology.


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The localization and dispersion quality of as received NH2 terminated multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNT-I) and ethylene diamine (EDA) functionalized MWNTs in melt mixed blends of polycarbonate ( PC) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN) were assessed in this study using rheo-electrical and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding measurements. In order to improve the dispersion quality and also to selectively localize MWNTs in the PC phase of the blends, EDA was grafted onto MWNTs by two different strategies like diazonium reaction of the para-substituted benzene ring of MWNTs with EDA ( referred to as MWNT-II) and acylation of carboxyl functionalized MWNTs with thionyl chloride ( referred to as MWNT-III). By this approach we could systematically vary the concentration of NH2 functional groups on the surface of MWNTs at a fixed concentration (1 wt%) in PC/SAN blends. XPS was carried to evaluate the % concentration of N in different MWNTs and was observed to be highest for MWNT-III manifesting in a large surface coverage of EDA on the surface of MWNTs. Viscoelastic properties and melt electrical conductivities were measured to assess the dispersion quality of MWNTs using a rheo-electrical set-up both in the quiescent as well as under steady shear conditions. Rheological properties revealed chain scission of PC in the presence of MWNT-III which is due to specific interactions between EDA and PC leading to smaller PC grafts on the surface of MWNTs. The observed viscoelastic properties in the blends were further correlated with the phase morphologies under quiescent and annealed conditions. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness in X and K-u-band frequencies were measured to explore these composites for EMI shielding applications. Interestingly, MWNT-II showed the highest electrical conductivity and EMI shielding in the blends.


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Impaired Akt1 signaling is observed in neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). In PD models oxidative modification of Akt1 leads to its dephosphorylation and consequent loss of its kinase activity. To explore the underlying mechanism we exposed Neuro2A cells to cadmium, a pan inhibitor of protein thiol disulfide oxidoreductases, including glutaredoxin 1 (Grx1), or downregulated Grx1, which led to dephosphorylation of Akt1, loss of its kinase activity, and also decreased Akt1 protein levels. Mutation of cysteines to serines at 296 and 310 in Akt1 did not affect its basal kinase activity but abolished cadmium- and Grx1 downregulation-induced reduction in Akt1 kinase activity, indicating their critical role in redox modulation of Akt1 function and turnover. Cadmium-induced decrease in phosphorylated Akt1 correlated with increased association of wild-type (WT) Akt1 with PP2A, which was absent in the C296-310S Akt1 mutant and was also abolished by N-acetylcysteine treatment. Further, increased proteasomal degradation of Akt1 by cadmium was not seen in the C296-310S Akt1 mutant, indicating that oxidation of cysteine residues facilitates degradation of WT Akt1. Moreover, preventing oxidative modification of Akt1 cysteines 296 and 310 by mutating them to serines increased the cell survival effects of Akt1. Thus, in neurodegenerative states such as PD, maintaining the thiol status of cysteines 296 and 310 in Akt1 would be critical for Akt1 kinase activity and for preventing its degradation by proteasomes. Preventing downregulation of Akt signaling not only has long-range consequences for cell survival but could also affect the multiple roles that Ala plays, including in the Akt-mTOR signaling cascade. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.